Fun for February 23 in kindergarten, methodological development (senior group)

It’s not enough to just celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, you also need to convey to children the deep meaning and significance of this national holiday. Useful materials in this thematic section will help you solve this important problem. How to make classes dedicated to February 23 not only educational and valuable from the point of view of moral and patriotic education, but also interesting and exciting for children, the publications of your colleagues on these pages tell. These include notes on thematic conversations about our “indestructible and legendary one, who knew the joy of victory in battles,” and scenarios for particularly successful patriotic education classes dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Let's celebrate February 23rd with joy and benefit for the mind and soul!

Contained in sections:

  • Army. Lesson notes on the topic “Our Army” 481
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day. 23 February 15251
  • Patriotic education. Lesson notes 7687

By groups:

  • Senior group
  • Preparatory group
  • Middle group
  • Junior group

Showing publications 1-10 of 2270. All sections | Defender's Day. Lesson notes for February 23



The best

Summary of the thematic day dedicated to February 2 “Battle of Stalingrad”

Summary of the thematic day February 2 “Battle of Stalingrad” Goal: to educate children’s patriotic feelings, to cultivate love and respect for the people who won Victory for us. Preliminary work: examination of the albums “Mamaev Kurgan”

, Memory Album “Thanks to Grandfather...

Summary of educational activities for patriotic education in the preparatory group "Defenders of the Fatherland" Summary of educational activities for patriotic education in the preparatory group on the topic: " Defenders of the Fatherland "

Goals: to cultivate a sense of patriotism based on the historical events of the Great Patriotic War. Objectives: - introduce children to the historical events of the Great Patriotic War...

Entertainment in a preschool educational institution for children 6-7 years old. “We are the future defenders of the Fatherland.”

Sports festival

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

in the group for 6-7 years.

Conducted by: Rodionova T.P.


to form in children patriotic qualities, pride and respect for the Russian army.



Expand children's horizons through familiarization with military paraphernalia and military professions; activate vocabulary with new adjectives (strong-willed, resourceful, purposeful) Developmental:

Improve coordination of movements, develop dexterity and accuracy in children. Develop children's creativity and performance skills. Educating:

Encourage children, come to the aid of a friend, show support and sympathy.

Equipment (laptop, hoops, balls, skittles, bags, gymnastic sticks, vegetables, fruits). Progress of the event:

The hall is festively decorated.
Children, to the music - “Serve Russia”, enter the hall, performing a ceremonial formation, snake through the center, line up in a semicircle)

Today is the day of our Army, there is no stronger army in the world. Hello defenders of the people! Russian Army... All

Hello! (Children read 3-4 poems prepared in advance.) Presenter
. Today we have gathered to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. Probably, there are defenders in every home, in every family - these are grandfathers, older brothers, uncles, and of course your beloved dads!

I would like to wish them health, success in all their endeavors and pride in their children! Our preschool children give everyone present a song: “Brave Soldiers” - “to the right, sing a song!” children walk towards the chairs

at the end of the song they sit down. 1 child.
Happy birthday, army!
- says the country. Glorious protector, always be strong! 2child
We love our army, it is a great force, fearless in battle, it defeated all its enemies. 3child
And we sing songs about her, about valiant campaigns. She preserves our peaceful home, peace and work of peoples. 4child
The native army is strong and invincible in battles. She stands indestructibly guarding the Motherland. Child.
Boys dream of growing up quickly, becoming adults, and going to work.


And in order to serve with dignity, you need to prepare for this from childhood. After all, a little time will pass, and our boys will grow up and take the place of those who are now guarding our Motherland. And today we will spend this holiday as a war game. All boys and girls, without exception, will participate in it, especially since in our time women also stand guard over the Motherland. So, the military exercises begin!

We will split into two teams,

Our competitions will be judged by a strict but fair jury,


Let the jury follow the entire course of the training without a mistake, Whoever turns out to be more friendly will win today!
Teams, greet each other! Host
: So, we begin! First competition –

relay race “The most accurate shooter”.

Shells are flying, the battle is roaring, and it’s not so easy to hit the target! And only the one who really wants it will bring a point to the Team!


We continue our competitions, the next relay race is “Obstacle Course”.
(Climb under the arc, crawl along the bench, run around the stumps).


"Boat sailing" Each team member takes turns sitting in the basin and, pushing off with his arms and legs, “swims” to the “buoy” and then returns back.

A fighter needs not only fast legs and a clear head, but also strength!
Let's have a strongman competition.
(Tug of war)


Now for a little rest! I suggest you remember what military professions you know!

(Riddles about military professions) The last riddle: They never sleep, At their native border, Our sea, our land, They guard our sky. (border guards)


: To learn even better about the everyday life of border guards, Let's take a closer look at their service..

Game “Border Guards and Violators”
One team stands in a circle, holding hands.
The border is open for the team: Raise your hands, the second team marches to the music in and out of the circle. On the command “Watch”, lower your hands, those remaining in the circle are considered detained and are sent to the commandant’s office, that is, to the chairs. The soldier must be able to move carefully, but at the same time very quickly

in the trench, our guys will now show us how they can do it.

Relay: “Quickly into the trench.”

As the saying goes:

“War is war, but lunch is on schedule.”

Relay race: “Field kitchen”.

One team cooks borscht, and the other compote.

Well, the hostilities are coming to an end and our soldiers are ready to return home.

Relay race: “Fast armored train.”
The whole team needs to run like a train between the pins and return to their place.
The roles of locomotives will be performed by dads. Leading

: Well done! The children turned out to be worthy of praise and congratulations. It remains to wish that you always remain as cheerful and friendly! And now a declaration of love to our dads!




Well, now, it’s time to sum up the results of our military exercises.
And the floor is given to our jury. Summing up the game
, we are grateful to you guys for science, for the game,

Being resilient and agile doesn’t hurt anyone! “By order of February 23, in commemoration of the successful completion of military exercises, all personnel are awarded well-deserved awards.

Gifts are given to the teams for the group.
Taking photos near the central wall

Gift options for boys 3-5 years old

Ages 3-5 years are the junior and middle groups of kindergarten. Moreover, it is the younger group that is considered the most difficult, because it is attended by children aged 3-4 years. By February, most children, of course, will have already gotten used to kindergarten, so both boys and girls will be happy to take part in preparing for the holiday.

Children of this age can already be told that they are future men, and therefore future defenders. This means that boys have the right to expect congratulations and gifts.

Gift options from the parent committee

The most popular gift option for children 3-5 years old is, of course, toys. By the age of three, children begin to actively master story games, but they still do not need to buy complex games or accurate models of military equipment. But when choosing gift options, you should give preference to options that emphasize the masculine nature of the baby’s character. Therefore, you should immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​buying teddy bears or other soft toys.

Boys will love it:

  • Cars . Car models can be anything; children enjoy playing with models of trucks, construction equipment (for example, excavators), racing cars, etc. When choosing a car, be sure to pay attention to the safety of the toy. Three-year-olds are recommended to choose plastic cars with a minimum of parts. Please note that the toy does not have small parts that a child could tear off and put in his mouth or nose.
  • Constructors . A good gift option for a 3-4 year old boy would be a construction set designed for this age group. These should be sets with large parts made of plastic or well-treated wood that are easy to assemble.

  • Educational toys . You can choose various sorters, mosaics with large elements. You can choose refrigerator magnets with a specific theme as a gift. Such magnets are sold in sets; they allow children to be introduced to various animals, technology, professions, etc. A children’s tablet with songs and educational games can be a good gift, but this is a rather expensive gift option, so not all parents may approve of this option.

You can choose creative items as a gift for boys, these could be:

  • Drawing supplies . These can be sets of paints or markers, coloring books, or albums with stickers.

  • Modeling kits . Modeling from plasticine or special dough promotes the development of fine motor skills.
  • Musical toys . In the army you cannot do without music, so toys in the form of drums or pipes can be classified as themed. But before purchasing such a gift, it is worth obtaining the consent of all parents in the group, since the presence of musical toys is not approved by all families.

Books are still the best gift. Today you can choose publications for children of any age. For boys 3-4 years old, you can give collections of children's poems or fairy tales. Books must have bright, beautiful pictures.

You can also choose a toy for physical development. Balls are ideal for boys of this age. A more expensive gift option is jumping toys.

If parents decide to purchase sweet gifts, then it is not at all necessary to purchase standard sets of sweets . You can give your kids a printed gingerbread in the shape of a car or a star. Many young children really like lollipops, as well as shaped marmalade.

If the budget for gifts is very modest, then you can present the boys with a bright balloon and a Kinder surprise.

Gift options for girls

Girls, under the guidance of a teacher, can prepare gifts for their classmates. Of course, you need to take into account that three- to four-year-old children still have few skills, so crafts should be as simple as possible.

Three-year-olds can prepare simple cards as gifts . They should be offered ready-made cut out elements and a base where they can glue the parts. The application should be simple, consisting of a small number of large parts.

Girls in the middle group will be able to prepare more complex gift options. You can teach children to make simple crafts using the origami technique, for example, simply folding a boat. Such a boat can be glued to a sheet of cardboard folded like a postcard. The boat will be located on the lower part, and on the upper part you can make an applique by gluing parts cut out of colored paper - an image of the sun, clouds, seagulls. We have a voluminous postcard.

Four-year-olds can make simple crafts from cardboard and natural materials. As a rule, military-themed toys are planned to be produced by February 23rd. You can glue together a simple model of an airplane or tank.

Basic rules for choosing gifts

Whatever gift options are chosen, you need to take into account a number of important rules, these are:

  • Versatility . Ideally, the gift should appeal to all children in the group. It must be said that choosing a universal option is quite difficult, and if the children themselves are quite loyal and, as a rule, sincerely happy with any gifts, then it is much more difficult to please their parents. Therefore, it is best to discuss the choice with all parents in the group. Now this is much easier to do; you don’t even need to hold a meeting; the parent committee can create a group on social networks. If it is not possible to reach a consensus, then the opinion of the majority must be taken into account.
  • Uniformity . Immediately give up the idea of ​​buying different gifts for your children. Children are still too young, and if you give them different things, then offense will not be avoided. Someone will definitely think that Sasha or Pasha has a better gift, and this will cause tears or even aggression. Therefore, the ideal option is identical gifts.

  • Low price . The financial situation of parents in the group may vary. Someone can easily shell out 5,000 for a gift, but for others, even an amount of 200 rubles may seem excessive. Therefore, general gifts must be budget-friendly, and parents will give expensive gifts to their child themselves.
  • Focus on development . It is advisable to give preference to educational toys and sets; they will bring more benefits than a set of sweets. But this rule is not necessary to follow; if parents decide to give a sweet gift, then there will be nothing wrong with it.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of the holiday dedicated to February 23 for senior groups “Soldiers - Children”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 2 of the municipal formation Kanevsky district, 353730 Krasnodar region, st. Kanevskaya,

Compiled and conducted by: physical education instructor Lopatinskaya Anna Alekseevna music director Petrova Zhanna Anatolyevna senior. Kanevskaya

2015 Explanatory note:

Each competition was held with children and then with parents. To avoid injuries during the games, mixed teams (of adults and children) were not created.


  • promotion of healthy lifestyles
  • development of physical education, health and sports work in organizations of the Krasnogvardeisky district
  • developing a positive attitude of parents towards physical education and sports
  • increasing the emotional mood of children, parents and heads of physical education of preschool educational institutions
  • determination of competition winners.


  • Development of communication skills, ability to play in a team.
  • Consolidating the concept of the Russian army and branches of the military.
  • Development of spatial orientation.
  • Fostering a sense of competition and empathy.
  • Formation of ideas about patriotic music.

Preliminary work:

  • Learning musical material: dance songs and poems.
  • Preliminary conversation about the Russian army.

Introducing new games.

  • Production of attributes for games.
  • Music hall decoration.
  • Familiarization of children and adults with safety rules during the holiday.
  • Notification and conversation with parents regarding their preparation for a competitive sports event.

Participants: Phys. instructor, music leader, teachers of competing groups, children and parents.

The children enter the hall to the music. The girls enter first and greet the boys.


Dear Guys! Here we are again, all gathered together in this hall. Our mood is joyful and upbeat, because today we celebrate the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. All of Russia these days congratulates your fathers and grandfathers, and we congratulate our boys. Everyone gives them flowers, reads poems and sings songs in their honor.

May there be as much joy as possible in our hall on this day.


Every day a valiant soldier comes out to defend the Motherland in rain and snow! We congratulate all the defenders of the country today.


Just listen to these proud words - “Defender of the Fatherland” ! The defenders of our Fatherland - Russia - are our soldiers, officers, pilots and sailors who are ready at any moment to defend you and me. Our boys really want to become like them: strong, courageous and noble.

Very soon our boys will grow up and take the place of those who are now defending the Motherland. They will be real soldiers, warriors. Guys, do you know that there are a lot of military professions? To remember them, we begin our warm-up.

Warm-up “Our warriors are coming.”


Our boys are still in kindergarten, but years will pass, and each of them will choose any military specialty: become a pilot, sailor, infantryman, tank driver... The army will teach them to be hardy and brave.

And now our teams will greet each other. Teams introduce themselves (say their team motto in unison).


For the fact that the sun shines on us, For the fact that there is no war, Thanks to those who protect the Peace of their native country.


Now we will hold a competition and see how clever, courageous and courageous our guys are.


For a soldier, training begins in the morning. Competition for the funny and dexterous! Get ready kids!


A soldier's day begins with getting up. They quickly get up and dress quickly. Let's try to get dressed quickly.

1 competition:



And after joining the army, just like in kindergarten, exercises are required. And our guys will definitely do exercises now too.

Charging "Sailors".

Host: It’s time for us to continue the competition. And the guys will show their speed and agility.

2nd competition:

"Find a match."

Boys and girls take off one shoe and put it in a hoop, then take turns running at speed, putting on their shoes and returning to the team.


We’re a little tired, it’s time to relax and complete an important secret mission, or rather solve riddles.

3 competition:

"Guess it"

Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking the birds in flight. Man controls it. What is this... (Airplane) There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella has opened in the sky. A few minutes later the parachute descended.

Thunder struck, cheerful thunder. Everything around sparkled. Multi-colored fountains burst into the sky tirelessly. Splashes of light are pouring everywhere. This is a festive... (Fireworks) Soars up without accelerating, resembles a dragonfly, Our Russian... (helicopter) takes flight

Child: (from the pilot team)

Wide wings burn in the sun. A squadron is flying - an air detachment. Circles, turns and circles again. The planes fly one after another.

Get back on track as soon as possible

Pilot pilots

We'll see how your planes fly.

4 competition:

"Let's fly."

Teams overcome the tunnel and reach the airplanes and launch them; whose team will fly further, that team wins.

Child: (from the sailor team)

The sea begins with a small river. Are we all boys? - We are all sailors!

We are passing in formation, Everyone is looking at us, The guys have a sailor bearing.


And for the next competition I want to invite team captains here. They will need to swim without running aground or hitting reefs.

5 competition:

"Great Voyage"

(by car to take the boat to the sea overcoming obstacles)


Well done boys. Now let's sing our song about, and about whom everyone will soon hear this song.

Song "Captain".


Well done boys! You can do everything: get dressed quickly, sing, and solve riddles. But I wonder - do you know how to take care of yourself? After all, our boys will go into the army without their mother, and they will have to wash their clothes themselves. But if the washing machine was invented a long time ago, then you will definitely have to hang it yourself. Let's hold a relay race "Who can hang up the laundry faster."

Competition 6: “Washing”.

child: (girl)

This is all, of course, lies, That boys love fights, Hooligans, bullies, They grow up disobedient...

Even adults make faces... Should we be stricter with them? Letting go of everything - they seem to lead to a heart attack?!

But imagine that the boys are in a fight - only by hearsay, They won’t get bumps, Just like that and for no reason!

They won’t pass their roads, rifts and rapids... After all, then in the end they won’t make men!


For the fact that the sun shines on us, For the fact that there is no war, Thanks to those who protect the Peace of their native country.

We congratulate all the defenders of the country today.


All soldiers take care of the Earth, sky, peace and work. So that all children live happily in the world.

Children perform the “Dance of Pilots and Sailors”

Presenter: Our guys are so dexterous, brave and skillful. They also know how to have fun. What do children need to have fun? That's right... Balloons, music and a little pampering.

Competition 7: “Demining”.

(The dads of the two teams pop balloons without hands. The children then collect the ponytails to see who has the most.)


We want to live only in peace. And we dream of those times when there will be no war on earth. And our Russia will always be a beautiful land where the most peaceful and friendly people live. But we will always need strong, courageous, brave and noble men.

Song "Russia".

Announcement of competition results. Presentation of awards and gifts.

The teams leave the hall to the sound of a sports march.

Next >

How to spend February 23 interesting in kindergarten? Methodological development (senior group)

How interesting is it to spend February 23 in kindergarten?

Defender of the Fatherland Day or February 23 in kindergarten is a serious holiday. If earlier we glorified military service, and everyone dreamed of raising a truly defender of the fatherland, now the priorities have changed somewhat. February 23 in kindergarten is a suitable occasion to tell the boys what courage and bravery are, to instill love for their country, and to raise patriots.

Defender of the Fatherland Day should be remembered by all children who go to kindergarten. Therefore, the task of educators is to figure out, together with the girls, how best to congratulate their boys on February 23rd.

The process of preparing for February 23 in kindergarten perfectly unites the group and develops the creative side of children’s character. Don’t miss this opportunity and devote the whole day to this memorable date.

Group decoration for the holiday.

You cannot celebrate February 23 in kindergarten without appropriate military decorations, especially if there are many contests and competitions.

Stars, banners, postcards, the flag of the Russian Federation, balls, ribbons, flags, planes and tanks - hung on the walls. Medals for battalion commanders, arrows with bows as weapons, toy pistols, swords and swords. You can make a tin of “men’s” attire - a helmet, a cap, a cap, a budenovka and a weapon.

“Exhibition of military equipment and parade of troops” - line up all the soldiers, superheroes, equipment (cars, airplanes, rockets and ships) in orderly rows.

All this will help children be transported to a completely different “world” that requires ingenuity, courage and leadership qualities from them.

The first half of the day.

Before February 23, in kindergarten, you can give the children the task of preparing with their parents a story about defenders of the fatherland who perform feats every day: for example, firefighters and military personnel. Let the guys describe examples of their dangerous and difficult service.

You can agree and invite a policeman dad or a military dad. You'll see, the children will have a lot of questions: whether girls are accepted into the army, how to use a gas mask, and what needs to be done to receive a rank. If, for the sake of clarity, all the boys are given the feeling of being a soldier who is looking out for the enemy through binoculars, then the boys will become very proud.

What can you organize with children?

Viewing an exhibition of paintings (“Three Heroes”, “Hussars”, “Knights”, etc.).

Reading fiction - about the defenders of the Fatherland, our Motherland. Russian folk tale “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, A. Tvardovsky “Tankman’s Tale”, K. Selikhov, Y. Deryugin “On Red Square”, T. Belozerov “Eternal Flame”, etc.,

You can listen to musical works with your children about the Motherland, the army, and epics retold for children “Bogatyrs and Knights of the Russian Land.”

Children will be happy to listen to the stories of participants in the Great Patriotic War, and in the future, children can tell themselves about their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers who participated in hostilities, worked on the home front, children of the war, or about their fathers - defenders of the Fatherland.

During classes, make applications and crafts on the topics: “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Our Army”, “My Motherland”, “Victory Day”, “Heroes of the Russian Land”, etc. Then, you can organize exhibitions and competitions of works, mold 3 from plasticine heroes.

You can organize a little themed entertainment:

-Divide the boys into teams and arrange competitions for them to identify the bravest, fastest and most dexterous.

- Borrow gas masks - putting them on will make little children laugh.

— Girls are involved in the judging process; they can also provide the boys with the necessary details for holding the next competition.

- Come up with fictional enemies who have captured girls, whom the boys must free, some can be given the roles of nurses from a military hospital providing assistance to soldiers who, according to the script, were also wounded. Some girls can be hidden anywhere in the kindergarten, and the scout boys can be given routes. To save others, you can ask for a deposit in the form of accurate hits on the target.

— To imitate a victory fireworks display at the end of the day, you can burst balloons, this will surely amaze the children.

“It’s better to change the group commander so that each boy can prove himself as a real captain.”

-After defeating the “invaders”, as gratitude for the rescue, the girls will give their souvenirs to the boys and invite them to sit at the “sweet” table.

- Another option, when the girls will be princesses, and the boys will be knights who free them: either you need to awaken the princess from sleep (sing a song loudly), then cross the gorge (step from chair to chair), or solve an intellectual riddle. All these competitions will help the children feel that they too can perform heroic deeds. The main thing is to start, and then there will be no heroics.

The main thing is to interest the children, involve them as much as possible in the preparation process, and then the teachers will have less work, and the children will look forward to February 23 in kindergarten.


For a walk we dress like a soldier - while the match (flashlight) is burning

We should not forget about sports games and competitions that can be held on the street.

These include competition games: “Battle of Maces”, “Capture of a Fortress”, “Dashing Rider”, “Cockfighting”, “Sharp Shooter”, “Clear the Field”, “Crossing”, “Report”, “Who is Faster/Farther” slide down the hill on sleds, skis, ice skates.

During lunch, you can arrange the tables in an unusual way, for example, in rows and have lunch as in a soldier’s canteen, announcing a competition “Whose plate will be the cleanest.”


When getting up after a nap, you can use a sound signal

“Rota rise!”, or any other of the teacher’s choice.

1. Invite children to watch a cartoon:

2. Sadko the rich” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

3. Cartoons from the series: “Epics. Vasilisa Mikulishna" (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

4. “The Childhood of Ratibor” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1973.

5. “Dobrynya Nikitich” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1965)

6. “Ilya Muromets” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

7. “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1978)

8. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (Kievnauchfilm, 1972)

9. “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”

10. “Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych.”

For free activities of children, you can use board games:

“Who needs what”, “Cut-out pictures”, “Who can assemble a machine gun faster”, “On land, in the air, at sea”, etc.

It has become a good tradition to hold the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday in kindergarten with the participation of parents and children. This phenomenon, of course, strengthens the patriotic education of children, contributes to the formation of moral values ​​in preschoolers, and instills in them the concept of the Motherland, family, and a sense of duty.

Interestingly selected competitions for February 23 in kindergarten will not leave indifferent either the shyest boys or the most serious dads.

What to give to children 5-7 years old?

The senior and preparatory group of kindergarten is aged from 5 to 7 years. Boys of this age are, as a rule, tomboys and fidgets, constantly starting different fun. In addition, children of this age are very inquisitive, they are interested in how this world works, they absorb new knowledge like sponges.

At the age of 5-7 years, children already know quite a lot, but still continue to live in a world of fantasy and retain a touching belief in miracles.

Gift options from the parent committee

Parents can purchase the following gift options for boys by February 23:

  • toys;
  • art supplies
  • cognitive sets;
  • sweet gifts;
  • stationery (this gift option is more suitable for students in the preparatory group, but the senior group of kindergarten is already quite a suitable age for gifts of this kind).

Inexpensive toy options:

  • models of cars and military equipment;
  • wind-up ghosts are small (just over 5 cm in height) plastic toys with a wind-up mechanism. As soon as you turn the lever, the funny monster begins to move along a trajectory that is impossible to predict; it can spin, roll back and forth, and move in a zigzag. Fun in a group with such toys is guaranteed;
  • a small construction kit made from soft polymer parts that allow you to assemble one model (motorcycle, bus, etc.). The elements are easily bent and securely fastened together without the help of glue;

  • flying discs for outdoor games will allow children to have fun while walking. This sports projectile looks like a painted plate, but if launched skillfully, it can fly a long distance;
  • plastic volumetric 3D puzzles , allowing you to assemble figures from plastic parts. You can choose puzzles with dinosaur figures or equipment;
  • a set of balloons depicting the boys’ favorite cartoon characters;

  • various plastic or wooden puzzles.

If your budget allows, you can choose various board games as a gift for children - lotto, strategy, adventure games. Or large sets of constructors.

It is worth paying attention to gifts for active recreation and games. For example, dart sets, children's expanders, balls.

Preschool children are very inquisitive, so it makes sense to support their thirst for knowledge by choosing a small set for conducting experiments. These can be kits for growing crystals, for conducting experiments with water and paper.

You can give future defenders interesting books, for example, encyclopedias for boys 5-7 years old. This publication contains many interesting facts for children. Children will also be interested in fiction. Children of this age enjoy listening to fairy tales and stories of adventure.

Gift options for girls

Students in the senior and preparatory groups already know a lot, so homemade gift options may be more interesting.

You and your girls can make a colorful wall newspaper for the holiday . The main newspaper will be a sheet of Whatman paper, which can be decorated with specks of paint. To do this, you will need an old toothbrush, dip it in liquid paint, and then run your fingers along the bristles so that the flying splashes hit the Whatman paper, creating a chaotic pattern.

Next, we will need images of military equipment - tanks, ships, airplanes. Girls can cut out these pictures themselves and paste them onto the base of the future newspaper. Now all that remains is to select photos of the boys from the group (you can use group photos) and cut them out. All that remains is to “arrange” the photos of the young defenders in the newspaper so that they “turn” into pilots, tank crews and sailors. In the center of the newspaper you need to make the inscription: “From February 23!” Our congratulatory newspaper is ready.

Using the principle described above, you can make cards for each boy. The teacher should ask the children in advance which of them would like to become a pilot and which would be a sailor. Such a funny gift with a photo will definitely delight boys.

You can make quite practical gifts for girls in the senior and preparatory groups. For example, keychains made of salt dough or polymer clay.

DIY craft ideas for February 23rd in kindergarten

At home with his mother, a kindergarten student can make his own crafts for February 23rd and surprise his friends with them. Products do not necessarily have to be complex and labor-intensive.

The postcard for February 23rd, made using the quilling technique, is bright and unusual. The volumetric applique looks impressive. To create it you will need white cardboard, colored paper cut into strips, and glue.

All inscriptions are attached edgewise to the paper.

Colored fireworks can be made from thin colored strips of paper rolled along their entire length.

The next craft for February 23rd is made from CDs, covered with colored paper and painted with felt-tip pens.

Drawings for decoration can be found in old children's magazines and coloring books.

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