Entertainment in the second junior group “Birthday Day” methodological development (junior group) on the topic

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

Scenario “Child’s Birthday in Kindergarten” (junior group) preview:
Child’s Birthday in Kindergarten Under cheerful music, children sit on chairs in a semicircle in a group.
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Article “Birthday Day in the second group of early. »

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Birthday in kindergarten - decoration!

It would be nice if parents find the time to show up early at the kindergarten on their birthday and decorate the group (entrance, playground) in honor of their child. There is no need to devote a lot of time, money and effort to this: it is enough to indicate that today is not an ordinary day, but a holiday, and arouse interest in this event. Sometimes it’s enough to inflate a few balloons, hang spiral ribbons or foil stars. It’s very good if you can make the preparations at home together with the birthday boy.

Tip: If you use balloons or other interesting “things” as decoration, don’t leave them hanging and deflating – let the children take them apart and play with them at the end of the day.

Work experience “Celebrating a birthday in kindergarten”

Nadezhda Kovalchuk
Experience “Celebrating a birthday in kindergarten”


Goal : development of active communication and play activities during the celebration of children's birthdays in kindergarten.


• To form children’s ideas about celebrating a birthday in a children’s group, preserving the traditions of their favorite holiday.

• Develop the creative and play abilities of preschoolers; emphasize the importance of each child in the group.

• Cultivate friendly relations between children and their mentors.

Recommendations for preparing for the holiday:

1. At a parent-teacher meeting at the beginning of the school year, parents and teachers discuss and decide what gifts to give to children according to their age, interests, and gender. For example, for older preschoolers: encyclopedias for girls about flowers, cooking, and for boys about ships and military equipment.

2. Agree with parents in advance on the date if the birthday falls on a weekend or vacation.

3. Making paraphernalia together with parents for the holiday:

the birthday symbol is a beautiful number that announces to everyone how old the child is turning;

outfit of the birthday boy or girl;

surprise chest - it contains a gift for the birthday boy, sometimes gifts for guests, for example, coloring books;

pencil winders for competitive play and so on.

4. Decorating the child’s locker with balloons and a postcard.

5. Joint design of a stand in the reception area “Congratulations”, which may include different headings - “Happy anniversary! – 5 years”, “Poems for the birthday boy”, “Our wishes”, “Family congratulates”, “My name”, “Congratulations from friends” and others.

In our group, over the course of 4 years, our own traditions of celebrating the birthday person were born and took root.

• In the junior and middle groups we distinguish autumn, winter, spring and summer birthday boys. Accordingly, we decorate the stand with autumn leaves and photographs of the child, or snowflakes, or spring and summer flowers. The child remembers what time of year his birthday is. In the senior and preparatory groups, we celebrate the name days “Sentyabrinki”, “Oktyabrini”, “Noyabrinki”, “Dekabrinki” and so on, so that the child remembers the month of his birthday. We write the date and month on the postcard.

Birthday in kindergarten - treat!

The kids will undoubtedly be very happy if the birthday boy decides to treat everyone. This could be a treat at a festively set table, or simply the distribution of “sweet bags”. The only point: there is a possibility that you will not be allowed to bring a cake to the kindergarten and pour soda into glasses. Although these holiday “ingredients” can be easily replaced: with juices in small bags, cupcakes and biscuits in individual packages. Fruits or beautifully decorated fruit desserts are irreplaceable on a children's birthday table.

And yet, if you are convinced that a birthday in kindergarten without a cake is not a birthday, go and talk about this topic with the kindergarten kitchen staff. After all, this ban stems solely from reasons of sanitary and hygienic safety. And in the kitchen, your cake will be cut into portions and served to the children, or they will bake your own - by agreement, which will completely save you from the hassle. It's best to avoid cakes with buttercream.

The cake can be decorated with small candles, and the kids will blow them out.

When organizing meals in kindergarten for a birthday, remember that children do not like long feasts. For them, games, music, and other fun attributes are preferable. Therefore, it is better if the dishes are such that they can be eaten “in one sitting” and then come to the table again.


  • Marshmallows, small meringues
  • Curd pudding
  • Candies (preferably not chocolate): marmalade, jelly, waffle, caramels
  • Cookies, drying
  • “Kebabs” from non-allergenic fruits or assorted fruits
  • Sandwiches, canapés, unusually decorated baskets, or small pizzas
  • Natural juices or fruit drinks

In addition to the treats, parents can also organize small, inexpensive gifts from the birthday boy for the kids, because on a birthday in kindergarten, the kids still don’t quite understand why only one person has a holiday, everyone wants attention.

The birthday boy can give the “guests” a coloring book, a notebook, a sheet of paper with stickers, a small toy (he can give away his entire collection of Kinder surprises), a set of wax crayons, and so on, or all the same sweets, only packed in bright bags or - if Don’t be too lazy to glue cardboard boxes with the name of the birthday boy.

Don’t forget to treat the teachers at your kindergarten birthday as well: they won’t take treats from the children’s table. In many kindergartens there is a tradition of giving teachers a cake.

Advice: Try to ensure that it is not the teacher or you who distribute the treats, but that the birthday boy himself takes an active part in this. The same goes for the process of inviting someone to the table.

Birthday in kindergarten - mood!

A birthday in kindergarten is a good reason for games, competitions and even shows. There are two ways to choose here.

THE FIRST OPTION IS TO PREPARATE THE HOLIDAY PROGRAM INDEPENDENTLY (possibly with the participation of a teacher or music director - “by agreement of the parties”). Even if at first it seems scary, there is nothing difficult here: you just need to feel at home, taking the main initiative into your own hands. Remember popular and simple children's games and competitions: riddles, blowing soap bubbles, playing “tails” (catching up with ribbons under your belt), “repeat” (repeat the words named by the leader with movements).

Attracting and holding children's attention is not so difficult: the main thing is to allow yourself to sincerely tune in to the holiday: - Hello, kids! The cats, Mura and Mur-Mur, have come to you (take 2 soft toys). They came to congratulate the boy Pasha on his birthday. But they don’t know anything about Pasha at all... Tell Mura what Pasha looks like... Tell Mur-Mura what kind of friend Pasha is...

The children are captivated, and the birthday boy is the center of attention. And you shouldn’t strive for a program that is too intense: kids get tired quickly. It is best to “balance” the holiday program with dances from 3-4 musical compositions.

THE SECOND OPTION IS TO INVITE PROFESSIONALS TO A BIRTHDAY DAY IN A KINDERGARTEN. Clowns, role-playing dolls, fairies come with their own ready-made program. And perhaps even prizes. And, if they have a wealth of experience, and the program is proven, then a flurry of emotions is guaranteed. Never invite animators from holiday agencies “at random”: if there are no recommendations from friends, then come and study the portfolio, talk about what ideas the professionals have for your particular holiday. Be sure to discuss the duration of the event, the intensity of the games, and the age of the kids in the group. Since not every character can be adequately perceived by the little ones of the younger group: they may be afraid of a noisy company of strange creatures. Some are even afraid of Santa Claus.

Advice: Before making any decision regarding a birthday in kindergarten, be sure to consult with the teachers. Perhaps the garden has its own established traditions that are not customary to break. There may be a strong imbalance between the families' wealth, and the teacher does not want this to be emphasized. Or maybe the teacher himself will be happy to offer some ideas or help: after all, who, if not he, knows all the children in the group better?

By the way, in some kindergartens there is a tradition of holding a “birthday day” - this is a holiday with a “loaf”, music and games, which is held approximately once a month - for all the birthday people of the month. Then the need for individual birthdays “no longer exists.” Perhaps in your garden there is (or may appear at your suggestion) a “birthday boy’s corner” that will have to be filled with: photographs of the baby, his drawing, wishes-designations in the form of pictures. Children love to look at such bright corners.

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