Musical entertainment in the preparatory group “Walking along the stairs in search of a song” methodological development (preparatory group)

Summary of musical entertainment in kindergarten. Senior - preparatory group

Summary of entertainment for older preschoolers: “Musical instruments and Queen Music”
For older preschool children using a presentation with an interactive crossword puzzle Author: Ilyicheva Olga Andreevna, music director of MKDOU No. 18 in the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region. The notes are intended to reinforce the studied material with children aged 5-7 years and will help music directors, educators and other preschool specialists in their work. Equipment: laptop, screen, multimedia projector, Power Point presentation. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about musical instruments in a playful way. Objectives: Educational:
Continue to consolidate and enrich children’s knowledge about musical instruments.
To develop in children curiosity, intelligence, and the ability to solve a crossword puzzle.
To cultivate in children such qualities as kindness and the desire to help in a difficult situation.
Progress of the event: To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children in pairs enter the elegantly decorated music room and sit on chairs. Presenter: Hello, guys! Good afternoon, dear adults! I am glad to welcome you again to our elegant and cozy music room! Children: Hello! Presenter: Guys, today we will go on a journey to the magical land of music and musical instruments. Are you ready to go to this country with me? Children: Yes! Presenter: Then you will need to close your eyes while the music is playing, and as soon as the music stops, this means we have reached the land of musical instruments. Attention, we're leaving! Children close their eyes. Music will be played according to the music director's choice. When the music ends, children open their eyes and see a screen with images of musical instruments in front of them (slide 1)

Presenter: Guys, here we are! What musical instruments live here? List them for me children! Children's answers: drum, guitar, bells, maracas, trumpet, cymbals, tambourine and others. Presenter: Well done guys, you know a lot of musical instruments, but unfortunately a disaster happened in the country of Music and musical instruments - the Queen of Music was bewitched by an evil Wizard, and now all the musical instruments are confused and have forgotten their names! Let's help them remember their correct names and bring back the Queen of Music. Guys, do you want to help them? Children: Yes! (Slide 2 appears)

Presenter: Look, children, on the screen you see a crossword puzzle in which various musical instruments are encrypted in riddles. If you and I can solve it, then the queen and her instruments will be saved. Let's try to guess them. Listen carefully. The presenter asks riddles, revealing new riddles by clicking on the screen and, as you guess them, answers:

Presenter: Wow! What great guys you are. You and I did a great job, and you solved these difficult riddles, and now, thanks to you and your knowledge, Queen Music is saved from the spell of the evil wizard, and gives you this wonderful, solemn music as a gift, let's listen. The music “Seasons” sounds. Spring" by Antonio Vivaldi. Presenter: Guys, what musical instruments play this music? Children: Violin! (Slide 3 appears)

Presenter: That's right, guys - this music is performed by a violin ensemble, and for your ingenuity, for the fact that you answered so correctly today and helped in the musical country, I am treating you to these wonderful and delicious candies. (The presenter hands over candy) Presenter: And now it’s time for us to return to our group. Goodbye, guys! See you again! Children leave the music room to cheerful music.
Presentation on the topic: Crossword puzzle “Musical instruments in riddles”

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