Educational game for National Unity Day “Our strength is in unity”

How can you celebrate a holiday with an adult team and family?

University teams and students can organize concert programs entitled “Russia Unites” or “In Unity is Our Strength” dedicated to National Unity Day, with the main emphasis on the multinationality of staff, teachers, and students.

After all, Russians, Turkmen, Kazakhs, Tajiks, Jews and other representatives of various nationalities and religions study or work in each team. It is advisable to prepare national costumes of each nationality, and after the concert you can take a group photo, capturing a single multinational team.

You can organize illustrated exhibitions of the nationalities of Russia, tasting dishes of national cuisines, and also hold a charity event for good, giving the residents of a city or village flowers made with your own hands from improvised materials. It wouldn't hurt to plant a friendship tree.

In addition to the concert program, other events are planned for Unity Day. Among them, laying flowers at the monument to Minin and Pozharsky

National Unity Day in Russia is a holiday of peace, friendship and goodness. And how great it is when both adults and children prepare for it, uniting their efforts in a single friendly impulse!

What kind of drawings can you draw for National Unity Day?

When preparing for National Unity Day, it is important to explain to schoolchildren and preschool children that only by uniting together and forgetting all differences, the Russian people in ancient times were able to liberate their land from Polish invaders. So that the children can better understand the meaning of the celebration, you can invite them to prepare crafts and drawings of various thematic themes.

We decorate the holiday with light original drawings

Children's drawings can reflect the theme of friendship, because any unity begins with friendly sympathy for each other. Schoolchildren can be asked to depict their vision of the world through their eyes, asking the topic of unity between people of different nationalities.

As a basis, as a visual aid, you can take postcards, collages, pictures that reflect the essence of the holiday, but at the same time can be easily and quickly copied . It is important that every child can show all their imagination and creativity when designing their drawing.

The simplest pencil drawings for children in the garden

The simplest drawing for kids in kindergarten will be multi-colored palms circled on a sheet of paper against the background of the Russian flag.

It won’t be difficult to draw with your kids a globe and many figures of people of different colors holding hands.

Decoration on the occasion of a holiday in educational institutions involves the implementation of various thematic drawings

Kids always love to draw their parents, themselves, and their siblings. Using the topic of family as an example, you can explain to children that our country is a large and friendly family, in which all nationalities are its children.

You can ask the kids to draw children of different ages holding hands together, explaining to the children that friendship unites everyone: both little ones and adults.

The leitmotif of all drawings should be the friendship of peoples, regardless of their nationality and religions

Figures of people united by the Russian flag and a peaceful sky above are a simple plot for children who cannot yet draw well.

What to draw for schoolchildren aged 7-9 years

Schoolchildren aged 7-9 years can be asked to dip their palms in special easily washable water-based paints and leave prints on paper with a pre-drawn sun or a three-color heart-flag. It should be explained to the children that multi-colored palms around the tricolor symbolize the unity of people, regardless of their nationality and skin color.

It is not at all necessary to be a professional artist to cope with the main task. As an option, you can even put on a sheet of paper multi-colored prints of children's hands in paint, symbolizing friendship and peace

A dove of peace with an olive branch in its beak, a rainbow and the sun shining brightly over the globe, decorated in the color of the Russian flag and figures of people holding hands - all this symbolizes the friendship and unity of all the peoples of Russia.

Bright autumn leaves against the blue sky and Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks holding hands with an inscription about the holiday celebrated in Russia on November 4th is a good subject for a drawing symbolizing good neighborly relations.

Alternatively, you can depict people in different national costumes of the former Soviet republics, symbolizing good neighborly relations

All drawn works can be combined into collages and decorated with them in the classroom.

Peace to the world!

In addition to unity and friendship, the event has a second important direction - peace. And peace not only in Russia, but in all countries of the commonwealth. That's what we'll talk about in this part.

  1. For a very young preschooler I suggest this option. I think it's easy to handle it:

    You just need to draw a circle - the Earth, and around it there are palms of different colors.

  2. The traditional symbol of peace is the dove.

    Has your little one ever tried to pretend to be a bird? No problem. I'll tell you how to draw a dove. All you need is for the little one to place his fingers on his hand and circle them. The thumb should point up. This is the head of a bird. The remaining fingers are the body, wings and feathers. Try it yourself, and then explain everything to the little one.

  3. But this version is for children who like to work with templates.

    Will you make these templates yourself, or will your child? It all depends on you. It is worth paying attention to the design, because essentially this picture is a coloring book. After the child circles the little people, you need to explain why these particular colors were chosen for decoration.

  4. What if a child doesn’t like (can’t) draw people? Here's an alternative approach:

    (last photo) Usually babies go to 1st grade and can already write. It's worth taking advantage of this.

  5. The same topic as in paragraph 1. Only played out in this more complex version, which adult toddlers can handle:

    Here you will need to outline the palms. Pay attention to each country (the bracelet displays this) to reflect the holiday. And the last step is to sign your palms.

  6. A simple drawing that even elementary school students can handle.
  7. Doves, hands, globe, ribbon and flag - 5 symbols in one picture!

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