Help method
The first kindergartens in Russia - presentation State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education
Autumn themed crafts: Pexels It's time for colorful and variegated foliage, chestnuts, pine cones and
Before introducing your child to the world of appliqué, he needs to be shown the basic geometric shapes: circle,
Presentation “Getting to know the theater” presentation for a lesson (senior group) on the topic Conversation for a virtual trip
Long-term planning for the application for the first junior group for the first quarter “Autumn” Evgeniya Val
Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old - are they needed and how?
Paper application for Russia Day On the twelfth of June, citizens of our country will celebrate the day
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes This is an art activity - decorative drawing
It is very important to develop a child’s memory always, from birth and so on in stages.
Long-term plan for introducing nature to the first junior group Yulia Kulkova Long-term plan