Long-term planning for the application for the first junior group for the first quarter “Autumn”
Evgenia Val
Long-term planning for the application for the first junior group for the first quarter “Autumn”
Long-term planning for the application for the first junior group for the first quarter “Autumn”
applique has become one of the most favorite types of decorative and applied art used in working with children. This is not only exciting and entertaining for the children, but also has a beneficial effect on the development of their mental and creative abilities.
Typically, appliqué classes begin with children aged 3 years and older, but at the request of the children, I began to introduce simple appliqués (smear - stick) with children 2 years of age. The main goal of applique at this age is to teach the child how to stick ready-made blanks onto cardboard; naturally, from the beginning they need help and the work is done together with the teacher. By the end of the school year, children can complete the appliques independently. Here is the result of our joint work.
I present to your attention the drawing lesson plan for the first junior group for the first quarter “Autumn”
"Leaves Are Flying"
Goal: To arouse interest in creating the “Falling Leaves” applique, to teach how to lay out ready-made forms on a sheet and carefully glue them; introduce warm colors of the spectrum. Cultivate interest in bright, beautiful natural phenomena.
"Canning vegetables"
Goal: To introduce children to the beneficial properties of vegetables. Continue learning how to glue ready-made forms onto a given plane. Strengthen the skills of drawing with colored pencils and neat gluing. Develop a sense of composition and fine motor skills.
Goal: To teach children to convey the image of a toy in applications; depict an object consisting of several parts; arrange parts in order of decreasing size. Strengthen knowledge of colors. Develop color perception.
"Colorful lights in the house"
Goal: To teach children to stick pictures of a square shape, specifying the name of the shape. Learn to alternate squares by color. Practice careful gluing. Reinforce knowledge of colors (red, yellow, green, blue).
"Different balls"
Goal: To teach children to choose large and small round objects. Strengthen ideas about round objects and their differences in size. Learn to carefully paste images.
"Air balloons"
Goal: To arouse children's interest in the application. Learn techniques for gluing onto a base, learn how to finish drawing details, and consolidate knowledge about the round shape. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Create an emotionally positive mood.
I hope these materials will be useful to you. Thank you for your attention.
application curriculum for the first junior group
Educational field "Artistic creativity"
We introduce children to the fine arts and develop children's artistic creativity
- Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Early age.- M.: “Karapuz”, 2010.-144p.
- Yanushko E.A. Application for young children (1-3 years old). Methodological manual for educators and parents.
- Malysheva A, N. Application: gifts, cards, souvenirs. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy LLC, 2011. - 128 pp., ill.
- Zaitsev V.B. Crafts from leaves. - M., 2011
- Productive activities with young children. Author: E.V. Polozova. Educational and methodological manual for educators and methodologists. - IP Lakotsenin S.S., Voronezh. - 2009.
- Zaitsev V.B. New Year's toys.
- Zaitsev V.B. Origami.
- Zaitsev V.B. Application.
Topic of classes
Goals and objectives
1. “Shadow, shadow, shadow – these are the pictures we have!”
Introducing silhouette pictures as a type of image of objects. Learn to look at silhouette images, recognize and name them. Develop aesthetic perception. Foster independence, confidence, and activity.
No. 1, p. 23
2. “These are the leaves we have!” (teamwork)
Arouse interest in creating a collective panel of autumn leaves. Learn to lay out leaves on a blue background and glue them. Develop a sense of color and shape. Cultivate interest in bright, beautiful natural phenomena.
No. 1, p. 24
3. “Flowers” (from dry leaves)
Learn to position the blanks correctly when creating a flower; use glue correctly. Develop aesthetic taste. Cultivate an interest in working with natural materials.
No. 4, page 12
4. "Postcards"
Teach children to use blanks correctly and develop an interest in appliqué. Cultivate interest when working with glue, accuracy
No. 2, p. 4
5. “Vegetables and fruits for the winter”
Teach children to stick ready-made shapes and distinguish between red and green colors. Cultivate interest in doing work. Develop a sense of rhythm and eye.
No. 3, p. 4
Topic of classes
Goals and objectives
1. "Caterpillar"
Learn to compose an image of an object from identical shapes (circles). Develop a sense of color and shape. Cultivate an interest in working with glue.
No. 3, p. 8
2. “The leaves are dancing”
Learn to lay out ready-made shapes of different colors and sizes and glue them. Continue familiarization with the gluing technique: learn to distinguish between the front and back sides of the paper, apply glue to the back, apply it to the background and apply it with a napkin.
No. 1, p. 30
3. “Polka Dot Dress”
Teach children how to use stickers correctly; generate interest in the application. Develop a sense of rhythm, color, shape. Cultivate accuracy when working with glue.
No. 2, p. 18
No. 3, p. 64
4. "Magic Bottle"
Introduce children to the properties of paper (sensory development). Learn to crumple paper and form it into lumps.
No. 2, p. 22
5. "Balloons"
Learn to correlate objects by color and shape, to distinguish a certain color from many others.
No. 3, p. 6
Topic of classes
Goals and objectives
1. “Fluffy Cloud”
Involve children in co-creation with the teacher: tear the paper into pieces, crumple it into lumps and glue it to the silhouette of a large cloud. Introduce the elements of paper plastic. Arouse interest in teamwork.
No. 1, p. 35
2. “Box of Candy”
Teach children to stick candy blanks into a box using glue and a brush. Develop attention and accuracy.
No., page
3. “Beautiful bottle”
Learn how to glue blanks onto a three-dimensional object; generate interest in the application. Develop a sense of shape and color. Cultivate accuracy when working with glue.
No. 2, pp. 19-20
4. “Beads for Mommy”
Learn to alternate objects by size, size, and assign the names of blue and red colors. Develop an interest in working with glue. Cultivate accuracy and attention.
No. 3, p. 12
5. “Colorful pebbles”
Continue to introduce children to paper and its properties (sensory development). Learn to crumple paper, roll it into lumps, and glue them to cardboard. Create interest and a positive attitude towards the application.
No. 2, p. 23
Topic of classes
Goals and objectives
1. "Snowflakes"
Teach children to apply glue to the entire surface of the snowflake, carefully sprinkle it with semolina. Develop the ability to draw straight lines with a brush. Cultivate an interest in working with available materials.
No., page
2. "Snowman"
Teach children to create the image of a snowman. Continue teaching the elements of paper plastic art. Vary the gluing technique: dip the crumpled lumps in glue and attach to the background, pressing firmly.
No. 3, p. 32
3. “Holiday Christmas tree”
Teach children to create an image of a Christmas tree based on an unfinished composition (the silhouette of a Christmas tree). Continue teaching the elements of paper plastic art. Learn to glue lumps chaotically - these are lights or in an orderly manner - these are beads. Foster independence and interest in work.
No. 1, page 45
No. 3, p. 14
No. 6, p. 6
4. “Decorate the scarf with a pattern”
Teach children to create an image of a scarf with a pattern of geometric shapes. Fix the names of colors and shapes (circle, square). Cultivate responsiveness in children. Accuracy.
No. 5, p. 65
5. “Multi-colored garland”
Learn to glue finished pieces together using glue. Develop a sense of color and shape. Foster a sense of empathy and mutual support.
No. 7, p. 6
Topic of classes
Goals and objectives
1. “Giant Snowman”
Arouse interest in the image of a giant snowman in collaboration with the teacher and other children. Develop the ability to form white lumps of cotton wool, dip them in glue and apply them to the silhouette of a snowman within the drawn outline.
No. 1, page 47
2. “Let’s decorate the mittens”
Learn to make a pattern on the base, placing it in the middle and along the edge. Develop a sense of color and shape. Cultivate interest in the application.
No. 3, p. 54
3. Frame “Snowflakes”
Teach children to create a frame based on a sample together with the teacher. Arouse interest in working with glue and paper. Learn to correctly place the proposed pictures along the contour of the frame. Cultivate accuracy and cooperation in work.
No. 8, p. 12
4. “Rug for rabbits”
Learn to alternate geometric shapes (circle, triangle), placing them in the middle of the base. To consolidate knowledge of flowers, encourage them to name them.
No. 3, p. 10
No. 5, p. 74
5. “The bun rolled along the forest path”
Learn to create an expressive image of a Kolobok using the paper plastic technique: crumple a paper napkin into a ball and stick it on a path drawn with a felt-tip pen in the form of a curved line. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, consistency in the work of both hands.
No. 1, p. 50
Topic of classes
Goals and objectives
1. "Patchwork Quilt"
Arouse interest in creating the image of a patchwork quilt from beautiful candy wrappers: glue the candy wrappers onto the base and create a collective composition from individual works. Bring to practical mastery of the concepts of “part” and “whole”.
No. 1, p. 56
2. "Hearts"
Learn to create beautiful compositions. Develop the ability to correctly position blanks based on a postcard. Cultivate neatness.
No., page
3. "Boat"
Learn to create an entire composition from individual blanks, and correctly position the blanks on cardboard. Cultivate accuracy when working with glue.
No. 3, page 24
4. "Cars"
Strengthen children's practical appliqué skills. Form spatial representations - learn to correctly place images on a base and glue them.
No. 2, p. 41
Topic of classes
Goals and objectives
1. “Beads for my beloved mother!”
Teach children to create a composition from blanks and designs, alternating them by color and shape.
No. 3, p. 12
2. “Postcard for mom “MIMOSA””
Create a mimosa look using yellow napkins. Learn to create an expressive image of MIMOSA using the paper plastic technique: crumpling paper napkins and gluing them onto a base. Cultivate interest in the application.
No., page
3. “Willow Twig”
Continue to teach children to create an image of an object - a willow - by gluing white balls (cotton wool or polystyrene foam) onto a twig. Develop finger motor skills. Cultivate an interest in working with available materials.
No. 3, p. 106
4. “Elegant dress”
To teach children to convey the shape of a dress, highlighting the characteristic details of the silhouette, to develop the ability to select dress decoration elements that beautifully match each other in color and with the background of the colored base of the dress.
No. 3, p. 64
5. “Birdhouse”
Learn to place appliqué parts based on a sample, practice distinguishing and naming familiar geometric shapes. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.
No. 3, p. 20
Topic of classes
Goals and objectives
1. "Flags"
Teach children to create a linear composition from flags alternating in color (or shape). Arouse interest in decorating flags with decorative elements. Develop a sense of color and shape.
No. 1, p. 74
2. "Rocket"
Learn to create an image of a rocket by gluing a blank. Develop spatial thinking, correct arrangement of parts on the sheet. Cultivate accuracy when working with glue.
No. 3, p.92
3. “Easter egg”
Arouse children's interest in working on creating the Easter composition, teach them to symmetrically distribute the blanks - decorations on the Easter egg.
No., page
4. “The sun will shine brightly”
Learn to create an image of the sun by gluing blanks, repeating the name of the color (yellow) and shape (circle), adding rays with pencils.
No., page
5. “Visiting the hedgehog” (collective work “basket for the hedgehog”)
Learn to create the image of a mushroom by gluing 2 blanks of different shapes. Foster respect for the environment and love for animals.
No., page
Topic of classes
Goals and objectives
1. “Spring Flowers” (“Narcissus”)
Learn to create an image of a spring flower by arranging the composition correctly. Develop the ability to perform consistency in work. Cultivate love for the world around us.
No. 3, p. 103
2. “Colorful fireworks”
Arouse interest in creating fireworks in collaboration with the teacher. Create conditions for experimenting with different materials (cotton swabs, a piece of foam rubber, a brush).
No., page
3. “Fruit bowl”
Learn to compose a still life composition from 3-4 objects by gluing ready-made blanks. Repetition of shapes and colors. Cultivate accuracy when working with glue.
No. 3, p. 46
4. “Balloons, obedient to the breeze...”
Arouse interest in creating applicative pictures from 5-7 balloons of the same shape and size, but different in color. Learn to lay out ready-made forms at a certain distance from each other or with partial overlap, filling the entire space of the sheet. Develop a sense of form and rhythm.
No. 1, p. 80
Author: Kolesnichenko Oksana Anatolyevna.