Independent activity of children in the 1st junior group of kindergarten: planning, forms, conditions and tasks

In order to achieve the educational goal set for them, teaching teams of kindergartens must use in their work a methodically thought-out combination of two types of children’s activities. One of them is joint. It involves the interaction of each child with the teacher and with their peers. The second type of activity is independent. This direction requires the teacher to pay maximum attention to his students. The adult in this case plays the role of an observer. He is no longer a playmate. And this requires a great concentration of a specialist on issues of methodological feasibility of any step. This is especially true when it comes to the independent activities of children in the 1st junior group, that is, between the ages of 1.5 and 3 years.


There are four forms of independent activity for children. Among them:

  1. Gaming. This type of diabetes, based on the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of younger children, is the most popular. It involves acquiring skills such as the ability to find parts for the simplest puzzles, alternating colors while working with a mosaic, finding the right use for toys (the spinning top spins, cars drive), etc.
  2. Motor. Such classes on organizing independent activities of children in the 1st junior group are associated with physical activity. Pupils learn to catch the ball, hit it, and then direct it into the hands of a partner, as well as run, avoiding obstacles, etc.
  3. Productive. This type of independent activity of children in the kindergarten attending the first junior group involves solving everyday tasks that are feasible for children. This includes, for example, developing hygiene skills. This could be washing your hands or feet yourself, etc. This category of skills also includes the ability to use cutlery correctly, dress when peers are preventing you from doing so, etc. A productive form of independent activity for children in the 1st junior group is the development of the most basic artistic techniques. This could be the ability to hold a brush or pencil correctly, paint the desired area of ​​a picture, etc.
  4. Cognitive and research. This work is aimed at the independent activity of young children in the form of acquaintance with new information and its search. An example of this would be flipping through books in a group to find the desired picture.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 28" TEACHER: Neumyvaka I.A. Birobidzhan, 2015.

Development of artistic and creative abilities of children of the second younger group


The development of children's creativity is an urgent problem of modern pedagogy and sets the main goal for the education system to instill in the younger generation a creative approach to transforming the world around them, activity and independent thinking that contribute to the achievement of positive changes in the life of society.

In the preschool period of childhood, the foundations for personality development are laid and creative abilities are formed. Practicing teachers note that if a child is talented, he is talented in many areas.

E. A. Florina gave the following definition of children’s creativity: “We understand children’s visual creativity as a child’s conscious reflection of the surrounding reality in drawing, modeling, design, a reflection that is built on the work of the imagination, on the display of his observations, as well as the impressions he received through word, picture and other forms of art. The child does not passively copy the environment, but processes it in connection with accumulated experience and attitude towards what is depicted . Further research into children's creativity further clarified this definition.

N.A. Vetlugina defined children’s creativity as “the initial stage in the development of creative activity. At the same time, a child’s creativity can bring pleasure with its spontaneity and freshness of expression. In his artistic creativity, a child discovers something new for himself, and for those around him - something new about himself.”

L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “It is impossible to teach the creative act, but this does not mean at all that the educator cannot contribute to its formation and manifestation . He noted that visual activity is the very first, most accessible and attractive type of creative work for young children. Skillful and tactful management of visual activities will help develop the child’s abilities.

T.S. Komarova studied the component of image ability, such as mastering graphic skills and abilities, including drawing techniques. It defines the content of graphic skills and abilities, identifies a system of these skills and abilities that is accessible to preschool children in general and children of different age groups in particular, and develops a methodology for their formation.

N.P. Sakulina considers the child’s visual activity as the ability to depict, that is, the ability to correctly draw an object, and the ability to create an image that shows the attitude of the person drawing to it. This ability of expression is an indicator of children's creativity.

started. Research by N.P. Sakulina show that training does not hinder the development of creativity. It contributes to its formation and development in the presence of certain conditions.

From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. In this context, the problem of developing the creative abilities of preschool children acquires special significance. Productive activity plays an important role in their development, since, along with play, it is the leading activity in preschool childhood.

The formation of a child’s creative personality is one of the most important tasks of modern pedagogy. The most effective means for this are visual arts, appliqué and modeling. They promote children’s active knowledge of the world around them and develop their ability to creatively reflect their impressions. In addition, creative activity is a source of special joy for children, helps to instill in them a sense of pride and satisfaction with the results of their work, and reinforces a sense of success.

Before starting the experiment, I conducted research on children’s attitudes towards creative activities. At this stage, I observed what type of activity the child preferred in independent activities: experimentation, creative activity, play corner.

Analysis of children’s choice of activity at the beginning of the project, %

The results of observations of children showed that the preferences of children in the group were distributed as follows:

  1. place – play corner (62%)
  2. place – fine arts activities (23%)
  3. place - experimentation (15%)

In the process of observing children's artistic creativity, I noted that often children's works are schematic and monotonous, some children do not choose bright colors and use unsuccessful compositional solutions. I concluded that it is possible to solve these problems only with a new approach to organizing educational activities with children in this area, namely, the inclusion of a variety of productive activities for children when organizing the evening period of time.

I base my work on developing the creative abilities of children of primary preschool age on the following principles:

  • From simple to complex, where a transition from simple to complex activities is provided.
  • The principle of visibility is expressed in the fact that children have a more developed visual-figurative memory than verbal-logical memory, so thinking is based on perception or representation.
  • The principle of individualization ensures the involvement of each child in the educational process.

Goal: Comprehensive development of artistic and creative abilities through productive activities.

To achieve the intended goal, the following tasks were identified:

  1. Conduct a diagnostic examination in order to determine the level of development of the artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age;
  2. To develop long-term thematic planning for the development of artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age through productive activities;
  3. Organize a subject-development environment for the development of artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age;
  4. Develop artistic and creative abilities through sensorimotor activity;
  5. Develop artistic and creative abilities through visual activities (drawing, sculpting, appliqué), including using non-traditional methods;
  6. Introduce parents to methods and techniques for developing artistic abilities.

To implement this experience, long-term planning of work on the development of creative abilities was drawn up. I began to actively introduce drawing, modeling and appliqué into working with children.

The development of creativity largely depends on the organization of the subject-development environment in the group. the “Center for Art and Creativity” appeared with a variety of traditional and non-traditional tools and materials for visual activities and artistic work: brushes, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, plasticine, printing stamps, cocktail tubes, cotton swabs, paper of various qualities, cotton wool, padding polyester, yarn, waste material, etc. The available material is arranged in such a way that children can freely, according to their interests, choose materials and aids for this type of activity, if they wish, not only reproduce, but continue what they did in class, in joint activities, but also to show their creativity, as well as finish the started game, work, and realize their plans.

In the corner there is a stand for an exhibition of children's works. The main goal of this center is to enhance children's artistic creativity and enrich the experience of creative activity. Children were happy to participate in decorating the group with their works; this made it possible to further motivate children to be creative.

Didactic games play a big role in the development of creative abilities. Their main feature is that the task is offered to children in a playful way. Children play without suspecting that they are mastering some knowledge, mastering skills and actions with certain objects, and learning a culture of communication with each other.

In order to introduce children to primary colors, I used board games: “Colorama” (children laid out paths from geometric shapes), Lotto “Rainbow” , “Mosaic” . During these games, children not only became familiar with primary colors, but also developed fine motor skills.

In the process of productive activities, it is not enough for a four-year-old child to understand that he must be attentive; he must be taught this. The basic mechanisms of voluntary attention are laid down precisely at this age.

I played with children such didactic games as “Color, Shape, Size” , “Geometric Lotto” , “Pick by Shape” and others aimed at consolidating sensory standards, developing perception, attention, visual memory, and associative thinking. In children 3-4 years old, the level of artistic abilities depends on the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands. Therefore, to develop it, I actively use sensorimotor activity using various means. So, to develop fine motor skills, I use plastic and wooden clothespins.

After I saw that the children learned to deftly handle clothespins, I suggest they try to make something out of them. Thus, we not only develop fine motor skills, but also develop our creativity. And we got interesting centipedes, prickly hedgehogs, radiant sunshine and much more.

To develop artistic and creative abilities and fine motor skills, I use colored pasta of various shapes. With their help, we consolidate knowledge about the shape and color of objects.

Excellent educational aids are plastic jars, bottles, small cardboard boxes - all with lids, which make wonderful exercise equipment. The children's task was to match each container with a lid. To complicate the task, I added a few extra lids that have nothing to cover. I used bottle caps to secure flowers and develop fine motor skills. To do this, I developed a card index of games with colored lids.

The child also develops precision and coordination of movements while playing with fasteners. To do this, I use a self-made soft educational exercise book.

I started this task with the simplest - unfastening the Velcro, untying the laces. Then they moved on to unfastening buttons, zippers, snaps, and so on. After the child began to complete the task independently, I complicated it, offering not only to unfasten it, but also to fasten it back, selecting the required type of fastener.

In kindergarten, the development of artistic creativity takes place in drawing, modeling, and appliqué classes. Each of these types has its own capabilities in displaying a child’s impressions of the world around him and developing children’s visual creativity.

Drawing is one of children's favorite activities, which provides great scope for the manifestation of their creative activity. The themes of the drawings can be varied. By mastering the techniques of composition, children begin to reflect their ideas in plot works more fully and richly. “There is a significant difference between the way a child draws with a pencil, felt-tip pen, stick, chalk and other graphic materials, and the way he works with paints. In the first case, he is interested in the plot, form, relationships between characters, in the second - the expression of his emotions and attitude to the depicted phenomenon through a combination of colors .

“Drawing,” notes L.S. Vygotsky, is a typical creativity of an early age, especially preschool. At this time, children draw willingly, sometimes without being forced by any adult; Sometimes a slight stimulus is enough for a child to start drawing.” .

In order to develop artistic and creative abilities and instill a love for fine arts, to arouse interest in drawing from early preschool age, I use unconventional methods of depiction. Such unconventional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of well-known objects as artistic materials, and surprises them with their unpredictability.

Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. The result is usually very effective and almost does not depend on skill and ability. Non-traditional methods of depiction are quite simple in technology and resemble a game.

For classes, it is necessary to prepare beautiful and varied materials, to provide children with the opportunity to choose visual media.

An unusual start to work, the use of gaming techniques - all this helps prevent monotony and boredom in children's visual activities, and ensures the liveliness and spontaneity of children's perception and activity.

Working with children of primary preschool age, I play out the plot of the future drawing with the help of various toys and objects, accompanying the drawing with an emotional comment, using the artistic word. This approach allows me to interest children, hold their attention longer, create the necessary emotional mood and a positive motive for activity.

Introducing children to non-traditional drawing techniques, I started with finger painting - this is the easiest way to obtain an image. At an early age, many children are just learning to use artistic instruments, and therefore it is easier for them to control the movements of their own finger than a pencil or pussy. This method of drawing provides the child with freedom of action.

The kid dips his finger into the gouache and puts dots and spots on the paper. I start the work with one color: I give the opportunity to try different movements, leave different prints.

Four-year-old children are not yet ready enough to pick up a brush to paint with strokes. And to master this faster and easier, I pay attention to drawing with cotton swabs. At the same time, the children do not get their hands dirty with paints, they learn to put neat dots and small strokes, which, when visually fused, create the effect of a painting.

Drawing with cotton swabs or pointillism for children has a positive effect on mood and imagination, develops imagination and creativity from an early age.

I taught children of primary preschool age to draw with their palms. They really like this way of drawing. We produced wonderful drawings “Autumn Forest” , “New Year Tree” , “Radiant Sun” .

It should be noted that the fascination of the process for the child is much more important than the final result, so I tried to stop the baby in time and switch his attention to the created image, for example: “What did you draw?” , “Whose tracks are these?” , “Which berry do you like?” , “Who are these berries for?” .

Already from the younger group we draw with corks and stamps made from potatoes. This technique allows you to repeatedly depict the same object, making a variety of compositions from its prints, decorating postcards, napkins, scarves, etc. with them.

The child presses the signet onto a pad of paint and makes an impression on a sheet of paper. To obtain a different color, both the bowl and the signet are changed. We drew: “Berries” , “Apples” , “My favorite cup” , “Radiant sun” , “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” , “Starry sky” , “The flower rejoices in the sun” .

From the age of 4 I introduced the “tamponing” . I make a tampon from foam rubber. The ink pad serves as a palette. To change the color, you need to take different foam rubber and a bowl. Using this technique, it’s good to draw something fluffy, light, airy, and transparent. For example, you get very unusual “Dandelions” , “Balloons” , “Clouds” , “Christmas trees” . Funny “Snowmen” , “Chickens” .

When working with pencils, children enjoy coloring pictures. The first works that the children colored were not very neat, dull, because they held the pencil incorrectly and did not press well. But by the end of the project, I noticed that the children began to color the picture more carefully. We tried not to go beyond the contour, hand movements became much more confident and the work turned out bright.

To develop my creative abilities, I actively use appliqué. Applique is one of the simplest and most effective ways to work with paper. For children 3-4 years old, applique is a new type of visual activity. The process of gluing ready-made forms is difficult for the baby. Therefore, at the beginning, she often showed the gluing sequence. First, the finished forms are laid out on a sheet of paper. This teaches the child to see the image as a whole.

In class, I taught the children to name, arrange, and stick paper figures I had cut out in a certain order. At the same time, they had to combine and alternate them by color, size, compose an object from two or more parts, observing the sequence of gluing on the base. I reinforced the children’s ideas about the shape of a circle, a quadrilateral, about primary colors (red, blue, green, light blue), about size (big - small, tall - short). From the first lessons, she taught the children to follow the rules of accuracy:

  • do not put too much glue on the brush
  • After spreading, place the brush on the stand
  • spread molds only on oilcloth
  • When gluing, press the figure with a cloth

The application involves depicting objects of the surrounding world and creating plot compositions. In the process of practicing appliqué, children become familiar with simple and complex shapes of various objects, parts and silhouettes of which they cut out and paste. Creating silhouette images requires a lot of thought and imagination, since the silhouette lacks details, which are sometimes the main characteristics of the object. Application classes contribute to the development of mathematical concepts. Preschoolers become familiar with the names and characteristics of the simplest geometric shapes, gain an understanding of the spatial position of objects and their parts (left, right, corner, center, etc.) and quantities (more, less). These complex concepts are easily acquired by children in the process of creating a decorative pattern or when depicting an object in parts.

To ensure that the work brought pleasure to the children and had a positive impact on their upbringing and development, I came up with an entertaining form of completing the task and used game techniques: play actions (collect apples in a basket, find a hidden toy, help mom preserve vegetables, etc.).

The content of the application was associated with direct observations, seasonal changes in nature, holidays, and games. For example, in the fall we collected and examined leaves, flowers, vegetables, and fruits.

For applique I use various materials, which significantly expands the child’s capabilities, develops a sense of color, harmony, imagination space, imaginative thinking, and artistic and creative abilities. Creating crafts in integration with non-traditional techniques of paper and other materials gives children great pleasure when they are successful, and great disappointment if the image does not work out.

The basic principle of these techniques is to transfer the drawing onto the base, identify areas of the same color and fill each area separately with the prepared material.

In a joint activity in the evening with children on applique, I used the following non-traditional work technique: applique from cotton pads “Velobochki” .

During the implementation of this project, in order to continue the development of artistic and creative abilities, I used a new creative technique - the technique of plasticineography, during which children learned to create an image by smearing and smearing one element onto another. To develop a creative interest in studying the world around us, I suggested making appliqué using plasticine. To do this, it was necessary to pinch off small pieces of plasticine and roll them into small balls and lay them out along the contour of the design. The children tried to do the work carefully and selected the necessary colors.

Thus, using interesting, accessible and varied content, I consistently and systematically formed in children both the development of ideas about the environment and artistic and creative abilities.

When working with a child, one of the teacher’s tasks is to establish a trusting relationship with the parents. As practice has shown, the closer the relationship between the teacher and parents, the more success the child has. The kindergarten staff and parents must become like-minded people in solving the assigned problems. In order to identify the attitude of parents towards the artistic and creative activities of their children, I conducted a survey. Based on the results of the initial survey, it was concluded that they were interested in this topic because they were happy to fill out the proposed questionnaires.

A qualitative analysis of the responses received showed that parents have a positive attitude towards children's creativity, but not everyone understands its importance in the development of the child and preparing him for school. The greatest difficulty was caused by questions about the organization and management of non-traditional drawing. Parents noted being busy at work and lack of time for creative activities with their children.

Interaction with parents occurs individually and collectively. Consultations were held: “Development of creative abilities at home. Drawing” , “Use of non-traditional drawing techniques to develop children’s creative abilities” , parent meetings “We are young artists” , “The role of the family in developing a child’s interest in artistic and creative activities” , “Creative activities of children of primary preschool age” , “Creative fingers” .

Visual material for parents in the form of booklets plays an important role, for example this one: “How to support a child’s interest in drawing .

Once a quarter I hold an open session for parents, through which parents can learn about the achievements of their children.

When working with parents, I try to find something good in each child and praise him with all my heart. For my part, I take into account the wishes and recommendations of parents, involve them in the creative and educational process, in preparation for creative activities (parents prepare materials, conduct video recordings of classes).

I pay special attention to creating a cognitive and developmental environment in the group with the help of parents. Together with my parents, I made the album “Non-traditional drawing techniques” , didactic games “Talking Colors” , “Colored Couples” , “Tasty Palette” , “An Artist Called Nature” , “Same and Different” , “Select a Palette for a Painting” , “Compose portrait" , "Who is who" .

At the end of the project, parents independently began to bring photographs depicting how they were doing creative work at home, as well as the crafts they made. And we got a wonderful photo exhibition “Our creativity at home.

Work on the experiment took place in 3 stages:

1st preparatory: I set goals and objectives, determined the directions, objects and methods of research, preliminary work with teachers, children and their parents, selection of equipment and materials; an initial diagnosis of children on the development of creative abilities was carried out;

2nd - main: implementation of assigned tasks in accordance with the long-term plan;

3rd - generalizing (final): generalizing the results of the work in a variety of forms, analyzing them, formulating conclusions and, if possible, drawing up recommendations.

The practical significance of this experience lies in the fact that the results obtained made it possible to develop and use in practice a set of measures to develop the creative abilities of children of primary preschool age through productive activities. This complex can be used by a wide range of people: teachers of other groups, parents of children.

The teacher’s work included the following items:

  1. Development of the “Creative Fingers” .
  2. Creating lesson notes to develop creative abilities.
  3. Development of a card index of finger gymnastics, games for speech development.
  4. Selection of materials for creative development: modeling, appliqué, drawing.
  5. Creation of attributes for the development of creative abilities: potato stamps, foam swabs for drawing.

Children's activities:

  1. Art classes, modeling, appliqué and drawing.
  2. Joint activities of the teacher and children (finger, didactic, outdoor games).

Parents' activities:

  1. Questioning parents;
  2. Parent meetings: introduction to the “Creative Fingers” ;
  3. Individual and group consultations “We are young artists” , “The role of the family in developing a child’s interest in artistic and creative activities” , “Creative activities of children of primary preschool age” , “Small steps into a wonderful world”
  4. Recommendations: .
  5. Days of communication (teacher answers to questions of interest to parents).

Expected Result:

  • for the teacher:
  1. increasing the level of pedagogical competence; professional growth;
  2. job satisfaction;
  3. systematization and improvement of the quality of work with children of primary preschool age on the development of artistic, creative and speech abilities through various types of activities.
  • for children:
  1. Development of children's creativity in visual arts; education of aesthetic perception of children;
  2. Introduction to the world of art;
  3. Development of the ability to master and transform the surrounding cultural space;
  4. Improving manual motor skills; nurturing interest and improving sustainable technical skills in drawing, appliqué, and modeling;
  5. Development of a “sense of initiative” ;
  6. Ability to work actively and collaboratively in a group.
  • for parents:
  1. A conscious attitude towards the artistic and creative process of children;
  2. Careful attitude towards children's creative products;
  3. Partnerships between parents and teachers in the joint organization of group life.
  4. We learned how to organize children's creativity;
  5. We equipped mini corners for children's creativity;
  6. Increased the level of pedagogical knowledge.


Summing up the results of the work aimed at developing the artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age when organizing the evening period of time, it can be noted that not only the level of artistic abilities of the children increased, but also the personal growth of each pupil became obvious, which is confirmed by the positive results of the work done:

— children acquired valuable experience in the creative implementation of ideas, experience in partnerships, active interaction based on visual activities, they became liberated, proactive, and learned to express their thoughts more freely.

— the children learned to help each other, build partnerships with the teacher, this gave confidence to even the most “stressed” children.

  • preschoolers used decorative elements in their drawings, both in class and in free activities, tried to give expressiveness to the image using shape, color, composition
  • children have moved away from stereotypical images, their works have become brighter and more diverse, original and interesting in content, made through the prism of their individual vision

— preschoolers got used to terms and concepts and learned to understand their meaning.

At the final stage of the experiment, I conducted another observation of children’s attitudes towards artistic creativity.

Children's preferences were distributed as follows:

  1. place – activity (40%)
  2. place – play corner (23%)
  3. place – experimentation (16%)

I concluded that the key to the successful development of children’s artistic and creative abilities are:

  1. Systematic, comprehensive work using new teaching methods from activities, communication and interaction with the child.
  2. Creating conditions for free independent activity, development of ideas about the diversity of the surrounding world, opportunities for self-expression.
  3. Interaction and cooperation of teachers, educators and parents, a common position in understanding the prospects for the child’s development.
  4. Creative growth of teachers, nurturing their own creativity.

We believe that the widespread inclusion in the pedagogical process of a variety of artistic and creative activities, maximum attention and respect for the products of children's creativity, their widespread use in the lives of preschool children and in the design of the premises of a child care institution fills the lives of children with new meaning, creates for them an environment of emotional well-being, causes a feeling of joy.

In creative activities, we see our task not so much in teaching children the fine arts, but in providing the foundations for the development of each child into a competent person capable of adequately thinking, feeling and acting in a cultural society.

Next >

Work organization

Federal educational standards do not consider organized independent activities of children as a separate area of ​​study. The Federal State Educational Standard pays significant attention to the joint work of teachers with their students. Nevertheless, the target for each of the developing areas of knowledge (physical, cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, social-communicative) is to encourage children to independently choose methods of activity, as well as their implementation.

In modern society, there is a need for people who have a research mindset, who know how to pose problematic questions, and then determine an algorithm for eliminating them. At the same time, creative personality traits are also welcomed, expressed in the ability not to be limited by the framework of social stereotypes and standards. This helps to find the path to the most important discoveries.

Thus, the independent activity of children in the 1st junior group is an indispensable condition for the educational process. This kind of work will allow you to develop a comprehensively developed personality. To properly organize such a pastime for children, the teacher will need to create conditions for independent activity of children. It is important:

  • allocate the optimal amount of time for classes;
  • create space and the right atmosphere for children to be active;
  • sort material that is suitable for various forms of independent activity;
  • choose the optimal arrangement of gaming accessories in the group.

In addition, creating conditions for children’s independent activity also implies active personal communication between the teacher and the child. In this case, the adult needs to choose a method of influencing the baby that will correspond to the characteristics of his development.

One of the conditions for children’s independent activity is also the organization of management of preschoolers’ activities. One of the priority tasks facing the professional is to maintain a calm and balanced state in the child. That is why, in order to conduct the most effective story game, students will need to be provided with special paraphernalia that will allow them to fully reflect their own impressions and experiences.

Organization of a cognitive activity center

In the development of independent activity of children, an important role is assigned to the subject-spatial environment. It includes everything that surrounds the baby and to which he has constant access. In such a subject-spatial environment, the child should be given the opportunity to relax while playing. Here, kids must satisfy their cognitive needs in experimentation and observation.

When planning independent activities for children, it is necessary to organize activity centers for pupils that have different directions. These may include:

  1. Cognitive Research Center. This area for children can be equipped with an experimental workshop, a mini-laboratory, as well as various themed corners (“Age of Dinosaurs”, “Space Station”).
  2. Game Zone. This part of the group room should contain sets of toys, as well as costumes for role-playing games (“Shop”, “Hospital”, “Kitchen”, etc.). A development center can also be equipped here. It is recommended to install shelves with puzzles and educational games on its territory.
  3. Sports section. Physical activity equipment should be placed in this area of ​​the playroom.
  4. Ecological corner. When selecting such a zone, you should place a mini-vegetable garden, winter garden, etc. in it.
  5. Artistic and aesthetic part. It is a theatrical corner (costumes and masks of various characters for children, scenery that allows you to stage fairy tales), a place for productive creativity (there should be materials for drawing, modeling, paper construction, etc.), a musical island with a collection of various audio recordings with holiday songs, sounds of nature and more.
  6. Relaxing area. This includes a relaxation corner, a magic room (tent, tent, sofa for quiet communication). The presence of such a zone is very important in order to maintain the mental health of the child. It is important for children in a group to create conditions so that they can relax, retire, dream and recuperate.

The plan for children’s independent activities, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, should include active games during walks. The space for them should also be organized by the teacher. For children to play independently, a chef's or doctor's corner can be equipped. In winter, kids should actively sculpt snowmen and build snow forts on the site. Activities like this will help develop their creativity and motor skills.

Main goals

Independence is understood as a person’s personal quality, which implies independence, initiative and an adequate assessment of one’s actions. This includes taking responsibility for actions taken.

That is why the main tasks of children’s independent activities are:

  1. Formation of strong-willed qualities in children. They consist in the child’s psychological resistance to the influence of external factors, such as children’s voices, street noise, as well as other people’s opinions. At the same time, it is important for the teacher to teach children to bring the work they start to the final result.
  2. Development of self-regulating processes. This includes the ability to calculate one’s own forces that are needed to carry out planned actions. It is also important for the child to begin to feel his body, identifying those moments when it requires rest or a change of activity.
  3. Formation of the ability to independently build a game plan, research, observation and work activity. In this case, the child should strive to carry out his plans without assistance from adults.

The main goals of organizing independent activities of children in the 1st junior group are to develop their skills:

  • wash your face and hands, and then dry them;
  • eat independently without the help of adults;
  • put on and take off clothes, as well as fold things with minimal assistance from teachers;
  • share art materials, toys, etc. with your peers;
  • joint and individual games.

Involving children in artistic and aesthetic activities. Games and activities for children 1-3 years old

Formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world

The subject of a joint aesthetic experience between an adult and a child can be not only works of art, but also manifestations of beauty in everyday life:

a bright rug on the floor, a vase on the table, colorful cups for tea, elegant clothes (bows, embroidery on the pocket, beautiful buttons). For example, when placing dishes on the table, the teacher can ask the children: “Where are our beautiful cups? We’ll put these yellow ones on the table for Mashenka and Petya, and with red spots for Sasha and Tanyusha.” You can ask the kids to choose a vase for the flowers or leaves they brought from a walk and say: “What a beautiful bouquet it turned out to be!”

When looking at pictures in books with children, it is useful to draw their attention to the clothes of the characters (the beautiful red boots of the cockerel, the bright, cheerful pattern on the sundress of the nesting doll). You should also draw children's attention to the opposite characters: a neat girl and a dirty girl. In order to familiarize children with the standards “beautiful - ugly”, you can select the appropriate pictures in advance and discuss them with the kids. At the same time, the external appearance of children cannot be used as a negative example.

Particular attention should be paid to the interior of the room

, in which there are children. It is known that for a person to develop the ability to perceive and distinguish between the beautiful and the ugly, early experience is extremely important. Group rooms, staircases, and corridors of a child care facility should be decorated beautifully and tastefully. They can be decorated with children's drawings, crafts, reproductions of paintings, exhibitions of folk art, and toys. Exhibits should be changed periodically, drawing children's attention to the new and beautiful things that have appeared in the group room. The subject of joint observation can be a newly bloomed flower on a windowsill or unusual flowers in a vase, dried leaves of various trees (their color, shape), etc.

It is very important to draw children's attention to the beauty of nature.

in all its manifestations (for example, trees and grass in autumn and spring; sparkling snow or frost, a pattern of ice puddles, transparent icicles; a multi-colored rainbow, etc.). You can select in advance appropriate poems or excerpts from them, recordings of musical fragments, pictures that will contribute to the child’s emotional response to the environment and consolidate the impressions he receives. During the walk, children should be encouraged to play with a variety of natural materials: leaves, grass, snow, sand, pebbles, water, etc. So, you can make rugs from twigs and flowers, decorate sand houses with grass and pebbles. It is useful to invite children to compare observed phenomena using artistic images (“the leaves rustle as if they are whispering”; “the pebble is cold as a piece of ice” or “looks like a frog”). Kids learn to feel the uniqueness and unusualness of what is happening in nature (a multi-colored drop of rain on a branch, a blossoming flower, the colors of the sky, the creaking of snow, etc.). Such observations contribute to the accumulation of artistic impressions in children and create the basis for the development of aesthetic activity.

Children are extremely sensitive to the emotional manifestations of an adult: his sincere admiration or surprise when meeting something beautiful always resonates with children. Any attempts by the child to express his aesthetic experiences should find the support and approval of an adult. It should be borne in mind that aesthetic emotions cannot arise in a child on the instructions of a teacher; this requires a special attitude. An adult can only contribute to its occurrence. It is necessary to show sensitivity and delicacy towards the baby’s feelings. Coercion and imposition lead to the emasculation of feelings and the formation of a negative attitude towards artistic and aesthetic activities in the child.

Of particular importance in aesthetic education is the introduction of children to works of art.

. The sooner a child meets the world of art, the better. In this case, it is necessary to observe the measure, based on the individual characteristics of the child, his desires and preferences. If your child doesn’t want to listen to music or a poem (he’s tired, distracted), you shouldn’t insist; you can attract his attention another time or choose another piece to share with him.

To enrich children's stock of artistic impressions, it is useful to listen to fragments of classical poetic and musical works. Kids move with pleasure to emotionally expressive passages of music by M. Glinka, P. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi, J. Bizet, and willingly fantasize, associating musical images with their life impressions. It is important that works of art are included in the context of communication between an adult and a child. When going for a walk with the kids, the teacher can expressively read a suitable poem about nature by A. Pushkin, A. Fet, F. Tyutchev; putting the children to bed - sing a lullaby; While reading, look at the illustrations of V. Vasnetsov, I. Bilibin, T. Mavrina with the children.

Methodology of organization

It is important for the teacher to do everything possible so that his pupils can, using their imagination and set of skills, occupy themselves in kindergarten in their free time. To do this, it is necessary to achieve a certain degree of independent activity of children of the 1st junior group during educational classes. The problem can be solved by using the direct display method. Thus, activities that are aimed at obtaining a specific result will be interesting and most productive.

For example, this could be making a simple craft, completing the simplest work assignment, or participating in a sports game. After mastering the algorithm of certain actions, as well as methods for their implementation, children will begin to transfer the forms worked out with the teacher to individual activities.


The teacher organizes various independent activities of children in the regime moments of kindergarten, namely:

  • when receiving children in the morning - quiet games and communication based on interests;
  • before lunch – games;
  • when preparing for a walk and upon returning from it - self-care;
  • before meals, as well as before and after quiet hours - hygiene procedures;
  • during morning and evening walks - independent games and observations of natural objects;
  • in the afternoon - socializing on interests, spending leisure time, creating crafts and drawings.

Educational pictures

You can use this technique, for example, when teaching children to wash themselves. The teacher should show them pictures like “Mom washes her daughter.” By looking at it, children learn to use soap, rinse it off, and then pick up their own towel. It is recommended to show a similar selection of pictures to children in the locker room. This will allow the little ones not to be confused about what they need to wear. Similar clues can be found in lockers. With their help, children learn which things should be on which shelves.


This technique is most often used when organizing children’s independent activities. And making the games more detailed and conscious will allow children to receive a variety of impressions. To do this, the teacher should conduct thematic excursions with the little ones. For example, children can watch the work of a cook in the kitchen, a doctor in a medical center, etc. At the same time, it is important for the teacher to focus the children’s attention on the most significant points. In this way he will help them to assimilate what they saw.

By focusing on certain details, children begin to understand the relationships that exist between the actions taken. Receiving such impressions gives the child material for new games. Their plot will reflect his knowledge gained about the world around him.

The teacher is recommended to enrich the content of such games. Certain dramatizations that introduce children to patterns of behavior accepted in society will help to do this.

For example, when training the skill of holding a spoon in the right hand and bringing it to the mouth so that the contents do not end up on the table, the teacher is recommended to use a game called “Feed the Bear with porridge.” In this case, children should “feed” plastic water bottles in which slits are made into mouths. The teacher invites the kids to take a spoon, scoop up cereal into it and feed Mishka, who does not know how to eat on his own. Moreover, the child must do this without spilling food on the table. This way, fine motor skills are trained and learning to control one’s actions.

Another interesting game situation that promotes independent activity is the “Shoes made friends/quarreled” exercise. In this case, the teacher offers the children drawings that show the contours of two shoes - right and left. After this, the kids are given ready-made templates. They need to be laid out so that the socks point in the same direction and the color matches.

Calendar plan of educational activities in the second junior group “Toys. Kindergarten"

Trusova Elena Sergeevna

Calendar plan of educational activities in the second junior group “Toys. Kindergarten"

Calendar plan of educational activities for the period 09/03/2018 – 09/07/2018.

Topic: “Kindergarten. Toys".

Goal: To form an idea of ​​toys. Introduce children to objects in their immediate environment - toys, teach them to listen and answer questions, describe a toy and actions with it, give names to dolls, figure out what games can be played with these toys, teach them how to carry out simple tasks, and distinguish toys by touch. Develop speech, tactile sensations, enrich vocabulary on the topic. Cultivate neatness and respect for toys.

Monday – 09/03/2018


Conversation with all children: “What do we like to do in kindergarten?”

Goal: to teach children to listen to their interlocutor and express their thoughts.

Morning exercises

Daily complex “Visiting the doll.” Goal: general improvement of the body, develop coordination of movements, form motor skills.

Reading the nursery rhyme “Our ducks in the morning.” Goal: to develop the ability to listen to the text of a nursery rhyme, pronounce individual words, develop children’s coherent speech, and maintain interest in works of oral folk art.

Individual work with Zlata, Lena E., Slava D/I “Big and Small Matryoshka”. Goal: to develop the ability to perform actions with objects of different sizes.

Game exercise “Say hello to Mishutka.” Goal: to form in children the ideas and needs for friendly communication with others. Develop friendships, the ability to be affectionate, and consolidate the skill of using “Polite words.”

Conversation “Water, water.” Purpose: to teach children to wash themselves, wash their hands, and dry themselves thoroughly with an individual towel. Learn to repeat the words of a familiar nursery rhyme. Cultivate neatness and the desire to be neat.

Independent games for children with nesting dolls and pyramids.

Goal: to encourage children to play a variety of games, to develop children’s ability to perform actions with objects of varying sizes.

Duty in a corner of nature: “Spraying plants.” Goal: to enrich children’s understanding of the operations of caring for indoor plants and the work of adults. Teach children to provide all possible assistance to the teacher.

Organized educational activities

Child and the world around

Topic: “It’s good in our garden.”

Goal: To teach children how to navigate some premises of a preschool institution, to cultivate a friendly attitude and respect for preschool employees. O. V. Dybina Familiarization with the subject and social environment, p. 30


Listening to music by L. Beethoven “Fun - Sad.”

Goal: to teach children to listen carefully and convey their mood through movements. Maintain children's interest in music.

Dance “A bear and a doll are dancing the dance” music. M. Kachurbina.

Goal: to develop children’s emotional responsiveness to music, to teach them to perform movements rhythmically, to begin and end movements together with the music.


Work before bed.

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table at lunch.

Goal: to reinforce the rules of behavior during lunch in kindergarten.

Reading the fairy tale “The Bean Seed.” Goal: to form an interest and need for reading, develop artistic and aesthetic taste, teach to listen to a work of art, cultivate interest in fairy tales.

Listening to lullabies. Goal: develop auditory perception, set children up for sleep.

2 half days for each day.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Goal: to create a cheerful, joyful mood, a gradual transition from sleep to wakefulness.

Hardening procedures

Air baths, washing your face and hands with cool water.

Goal: strengthen immunity and overall health.

Walking along the “Health” paths. Goal: prevention and correction of flat feet, development of a sense of balance and coordination of movement.

Preventive measures: breathing exercises, eye exercises, play self-massage

Finger game "Yula"

Goal: to develop fine motor skills, attention, speech.

I spin the spinning top, I spin it,

And I will teach you.

(Run your thumb along the tips of the other fingers, from the index to the little finger and vice versa. Perform with both right and left hands)

Individual work With Seva, Sonya M., Prokhor D/I “What’s rolling?” Goal: continue to familiarize children with the shape of an object - a ball and its features.

Education of CGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when dressing.

Goal: to teach children to dress themselves after sleep, to help each other.

Consideration of the plot painting “Children Playing”.

Goal: to teach children to perceive the image in the picture, to develop cognitive interest, to learn to name familiar toys, to listen carefully to their comrades. Activate your vocabulary.

A game based on the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”. Goal: to develop children’s ability to play independently with tabletop theater figures.

Evening P/I “Catch the ball”. Goal: to train children in running, to teach them to correlate their actions with the speed of the ball.

D/I “Find a toy.” Goal: to teach children to determine where the toy is in relation to other objects.

Listening to songs from cartoons. Invite children to dance to fun music. Goal: to promote emotional release, prevent nervous overstrain, and increase the activity of children.

Individual work D/I “What has changed?” With Stepan, Dima, Sonya Ch.

Goal: Develop memory, observation, attention.

Conversation “What a cozy group.” Goal: to teach children to receive aesthetic pleasure from cleanliness and order.

Labor assignments for girls: straighten the clothes on the dolls, comb their hair, seat them on the sofa, place the dishes in the cabinets.

Labor assignment for boys: arrange cars; assemble the constructor into a container.

Tuesday – 09/04/2018


Conversation “Toys that live in our group.”

Purpose: to introduce toys in the group room, determine their location, and cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Reading fiction

A. B. “Toys.” Goal: to teach to listen and perceive the text of poems accompanied by the display of toys, to encourage them to perform actions with toys in accordance with the text, to encourage them to finish speaking individual words.

Individual work with Alisa, Seva, Zlata D/I on sensory development

“Colored Shapes” Purpose: to teach how to select pairs of identical shapes by color.

Formation of CGN and self-service skills

Game situation “Teaching a doll to dry itself with a towel”

Goal: learn to find your towel and wipe your face and hands dry.

Saying nursery rhymes about water. Goal: to help children remember familiar nursery rhymes about water, to instill in children an interest in oral folk art, to teach carefully, to listen, to repeat the text after the teacher.

Children's independent games in the music center. Bring in drums, tambourines, pipes

Goal: continue to introduce children to musical percussion instruments, develop children's musical abilities and breathing capabilities.

Invite parents to bring their children's favorite toys and tell the children about their favorite toy.

Organized educational activities

Speech development

Topic: Who is good with us, who is handsome with us. Reading of S. Cherny’s poem “The Preacher.”

Goal: to arouse children's sympathy for their peers with the help of the teacher's story (games, to help children believe that each of them is a wonderful child, and adults love them. V. V. Gerbova Speech development in kindergarten, page 28

Physical Culture

Lesson 1 for September.

Objectives: To develop spatial orientation when walking in different directions, to teach walking on a reduced support area while maintaining balance. L. I. Penzulaeva Physical education in kindergarten, p. 23


Work before bed

Practical exercise “Obedient spoon”. Goal: to develop self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills, teach correctly, hold a spoon, eat carefully. Develop gross motor skills, cultivate accuracy

Reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev “The Mouse and the Pencil.”

Listening to lullabies. Goal: develop auditory perception, set children up for sleep.

2 half day

Individual work With Sonya M., Nika, Seva Educational game “Cut pictures. Toys". Goal: to teach how to assemble a picture from 4 halves, to develop thinking, logic, and fine motor skills.

Game situation “I love my horse”, reading of A. Barto’s poem “Horse”. Goal: to remind children of the poem. To learn to recite the poem expressively, to cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Role-playing game "Toy Store". Goal: to help expand the range of role-playing actions in the game, teach children to use their favorite toys in the game, and select attributes for the game.


Game "Polite Bear"

Goal: to form moral qualities (politeness, attentiveness, teach to show care.

P/I "Skittles".

Goal: to train children in throwing a small diameter ball at a horizontal target (pin) with their right and left hands.

Individual work with Slava, Prokhor, Arina

Speech game “Guess and tell what kind of toy it is” Purpose: to activate children’s speech, teach them to name toys.

Game situation “Doll Katya is combing her hair” Reading the nursery rhyme “Grow, braid, to the waist”

Goal: to form cultural and hygienic skills, teach children to comb their hair. Develop a desire to be neat, cultivate neatness. Independent games with the building material “Bridge for a bull.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the details of a building constructor, to embody their plans in construction, to develop gaming skills, imagination, and motor skills.

Wednesday – 09/05/2018


Examination of toys: wooden, rubber, plastic, soft.

Goal: to teach children to carefully examine toys and describe them using the teacher’s questions, to develop the ability of children, when looking at toys, to identify and name their color, size, features of appearance, what they are made of, to cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Reading the poem by A. Barto “The bull is swinging.” Goal: to teach children to listen carefully to a work of art and answer questions.

Individual work on speech development With Dima, Igor, Sonya Ch. “Tell me how well our toys live in a group” Goal: to activate children’s vocabulary.

Formation of CGN and self-service skills

Goal: to teach children to use individual items (napkin, towel, comb, potty)

A situational conversation during breakfast about the need to eat porridge, it is good for health.

Saying the nursery rhyme “Cook, cook, porridge.” Goal: to instill in children an interest in oral folk art, teach carefully, listen, repeat the text after the teacher.

Independent activity of children in activity centers. Goal: To teach children to independently choose and organize a game, to enter into relationships with peers. Develop attention, develop the ability to exercise self-control.

Dining room duty: invite children to arrange napkin holders and arrange spoons.

Organized educational activities

FEMP (mathematics)

Goal: to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube), regardless of the color and size of the figure. I. A. Ponomareva, V. A. Pozina Formation of elementary mathematical concepts, page 11


"Dance with rattles." Goal: to teach children to perform playful actions to music, to develop emotional responsiveness.

Musical and rhythmic movements “Bunny”, “Horse”. Music Tilicheeva

Goal: to teach children to perform movements according to the model, to end the movement with the last musical phrase. Develop a sense of rhythm and interest in musical and artistic activities.


Work before bed

During lunch, develop the ability to hold a spoon correctly, eat carefully on your plate, chew food thoroughly, and strengthen the ability to use a napkin.

Education of CGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when dressing. Learn on your own, take off your clothes before going to bed and carefully fold them on the high chair.

Reading the fairy tale “The Cat and the Fox.”

Listening to lullabies. Goal: develop auditory perception, set children up for sleep.

2 half day

Individual work With Tanya, Sonya M., Igor D/I “Toys, what’s missing?” Goal: develop attention, consolidate the name of toys. A situational conversation about the rules of behavior with each other, about the need to be polite, not to fight, not to be greedy.

Plot-role-playing game “Family: putting the doll Katya to bed.”

Goal: to teach children to perform play actions with a toy in accordance with the role.

Consideration of the thematic album “Toys”

Goal: to enrich children’s understanding of toys, to cultivate curiosity.


Telling the fairy tale “Teremok” with a demonstration of the finger theater.

Game exercise “Funny nesting dolls”. Goal: to train children in jumping on two legs while moving forward, to develop leg muscles.

Finger gymnastics “I have toys”, see the card index of finger games

Goal: to develop fine motor skills, attention, speech

Game situation “Every toy has its place.” Goal: to teach children to carry out simple tasks, maintain order in the group, and place toys in their places. Activate the names of toys in speech

Independent activity of children in creativity centers: drawing with pencils. Goal: to develop color perception, interest in creativity

Thursday – 09/06/2018


Low mobility game “Find the Bear”. Goal: teach children to perform actions and follow the rules. Enrich children's gaming experience, teach them to act as drivers (hide Teddy Bear, communicate with peers during the game.

Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “Bear”. Goal: to teach children to expressively recite a poem, convey a feeling of compassion for the character, and cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Individual conversations “Our favorite toys.” Goal: to teach children to write a short story about their favorite toy, describe its appearance, and how to play with it.

Exercise “We wash ourselves cleanly” Purpose: to improve the cultural and hygienic skills of children, to teach children to carefully wash their hands and face.

Independent motor activity of children. Purpose: to remind you of the safety rules that must be followed in the center.

Examination of illustrations on the topic “Our toys.” Goal: to consolidate the name of the toys, teach carefully, look at the picture, name the objects depicted on it, their qualities, actions.

Duty in a corner of nature: “Loosening the soil.” Goal: improve the ability to loosen the soil.

Organized educational activities


"Cube upon cube"

Goal: to teach children to lay out cubes and squares in a certain sequence (by size). Continue to introduce the method of applying glue with a brush to the back side of the figure from the middle to the edges, teach how to apply the glue-smeared side to a sheet of paper and press firmly with a cloth. Introduce the color blue, learn to correlate the color with its name. Cultivate responsiveness and beauty. D. N. Koldina Applications for children 3-4 years old, p. 14

Physical Culture

Lesson 2 for September

Tasks: exercise children in walking and running as a whole group in a straight direction behind the teacher, jumping on two legs in place. L. I. Penzulaeva Physical education in kindergarten, p. 24


Work before bed

At lunch, continue to teach how to eat carefully, chew thoroughly, finish food, and use a napkin.

Learning independently, taking off clothes before going to bed and carefully putting them on a high chair is the formation of self-care skills.

Reading fiction “Masha and the Bear.” Goal: to form an interest and need for reading, develop artistic and aesthetic taste, teach to listen to a work of art, cultivate interest in fairy tales.

Listening to lullabies. Goal: develop auditory perception, set children up for sleep.

2 half day

Individual work with Tanya, Seva, Arina D/I “Find the shadow of the toy.”

Goal: to consolidate the name of the toys, teach children to find given silhouettes by superimposing, develop children’s visual perception, attention, logical thinking, perseverance, and observation.

Practical exercise after sleep “Get dressed”

Goal: to teach children to put on various items of clothing correctly, and if necessary, seek help from a teacher. Encourage independence, cultivate accuracy.

Book repair: “Knizhkina Hospital”. Purpose: organizing the work of repairing old books, children observing the work of an adult.


Cognitive and research activities

“Properties of sand” Goal: to introduce children to the properties of dry and wet sand (flowability, the ability to pass water, traces remain on the sand, to show children that sand is made up of very small particles - grains - grains of sand. To develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships through experimental activities connections. Expand children's vocabulary. Cultivate interest in the world around them.

P/N “Roll the ball.” Goal: learn to roll the ball in a straight direction.

Individual work With Nika, Alisa, Tanya D/I “Where is the toy?”

Goal: to teach how to navigate in a group, to consolidate the name of the toys. Self-care and basic household work

Game exercise “Let’s wash the toys clean.”

Goal: to cultivate a desire to help adults in their work, a caring attitude towards toys.

Add buttons and button mats to the sensory development center

Goal: develop the desire to play with buttons, develop motor skills, thinking, cultivate perseverance, visual perception.

Friday – 09/07/2018


Conversation on life safety “Dangerous toys”. Goal: to form a negative attitude towards games with matches, to familiarize them with the rules of safe behavior.

Game journey through the group room “Where the toys live”

Saying the nursery rhyme “Who is good and who is handsome?”

Goal: to help children remember a familiar nursery rhyme, instill a love for Russian folk art, and emotional responsiveness to reading nursery rhymes.

Individual work with Sonya Ch., Arina, Zlata P/I “Find your house.”

Goal: learn quickly, act on a signal,

navigate in space.

Game exercise “The bunny washes itself” Purpose: to help increase children’s independence, teach them to wash themselves carefully and dry themselves with an individual towel

Work in creativity centers: offer children coloring books and wax crayons.

Independent games for children.

Independent examination of books, photographs depicting toys, creating situations for meaningful thematic communication.

Organized educational activities


Topic: “Getting to know the pencil.”

Goal: to teach children to draw with pencils, to hold the pencil correctly, to guide it along the paper without pressing hard on the paper or squeezing it tightly in the fingers.

Draw children's attention to the marks left by a pencil on paper, and invite them to run their fingers along the drawn lines on the paper. Learn to see the similarity of strokes with objects. Develop fine motor skills and the desire to draw. T. S. Komarova Visual activities in kindergarten, p. 44

Physical Culture

Lesson 3 for September.

Objectives: to develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, to teach how to energetically push the ball away when rolling. L. I Penzulaeva Physical education in kindergarten, p. 25


Work before bed

Fostering a culture of behavior during lunch.

Goal: to encourage children to follow basic rules of behavior while eating: do not talk, eat slowly, chew food well.

Reading G. Tsyferov “When there are not enough toys.” Goal: to teach children to follow the development of the plot, to develop an interest in reading.

Listening to lullabies. Goal: develop auditory perception, set children up for sleep.

2 half day

Individual work with Nika, Rustam, Alisa D/U “Assemble a Matryoshka”

Goal: learn to compare objects by size, arrange them in a row as their size increases. Enrich your vocabulary.

Game situation “It’s time for the bear to sleep.” Singing the song “Lullaby”, tell children how important it is to go to bed on time, Goal: teach how to perform playful actions, enrich children’s ideas about what needs to be done before bed. Learn a lullaby with children, teach them to accompany singing with appropriate play actions.

Plot-role-playing game “Family: dress the Katya doll”

Goal: to expand children’s gaming experience, teach how to dress dolls in a certain sequence, cultivate friendly relationships in a team, teach them to take on a role.


Reading the poem “Yula” by V. Stepanov Purpose: to teach children to understand the content of the poem, when reading again in the last line of the poem, name the name of the child who is currently “launching” the Yula.

Water games “Get the toy”

Goal: to develop attention and coordination of movement.

Observation from the window: evening is coming, what has changed outside the window.

Goal: to teach children to distinguish between parts of the day, to introduce the main signs of the onset of evening. Enrich your vocabulary and develop your powers of observation.

D/I “Wonderful bag. Toys". Goal: developing the ability to find and correctly name toys, develop tactile sensations, and activate vocabulary on the topic.

A situational conversation is about the rules of behavior with each other, about what

you have to be polite, you can't fight and be greedy. Independent motor activity. Goal: To help children organize games, agree on interaction, teach children to act as drivers, presenters, divide into teams, choose captains.

Self-care classes

Children attending the first junior group of kindergarten still have poorly developed fine motor skills and coordination of movements. The teacher has to help the little ones in many ways, but at the same time he must provide them with the opportunity to do something on their own. Compliance with hygiene standards and introduction to the culture of eating should be carried out in special moments of the preschool educational institution. Among them: holding breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, dressing and undressing before and after a walk, etc.

The independent activity plan for children traditionally has a structure that includes 4 parts. This includes:

  • use of motivational techniques – 5 min;
  • work on a specific aspect of self-care (the main part of the classes) – 10 minutes;
  • independent activity of children (consolidation of skills) – 8 minutes;
  • statement of encouragement by the teacher (summarizing) – 2 min.

To learn self-service skills, adults will have to go through four stages with their students. Among them:

  • explanation and demonstration of action;
  • fulfilling your plans together with your child;
  • children carry out the action themselves with verbal prompting from an adult;
  • children do everything on their own.

Recommendations"How to organize independent activities for children of the 2nd junior group

to organize independent activities in the second junior group
The educational concept of kindergartens is implemented, first of all, in the joint activities of teachers and preschoolers. However, the role of independent work for the formation and development of the younger generation’s ability to think outside the box and think creatively cannot be underestimated. In this regard, the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) defines the conditions for the full social development of a child, which, among other things, stipulates support for the development of the individuality of kindergarten students through the organization of independent activities for children.

  • 2 Techniques for organizing self-care for children 3–4 years old
      2.1 Visibility
  • 2.2 Verbal techniques

    2.2.1 Conversation

  • 2.2.2 Story, fairy tale
  • 2.2.3 Table: a fairy tale about a house that loved cleanliness and comfort
  • 2.2.4 Poems, riddles
  • 2.3 Music
  • 2.4 Game
      2.4.1 Table: gaming techniques as part of children’s independent activities
  • 3 Types of free activities in the second junior group of kindergarten
      3.1 Cognitive and research activity
  • 3.2 Artistic or design activities
  • 3.3 Game activity
  • 3.4 Self-service

    3.4.1 Video: self-care skills training using the Montessori system

  • 3.4.2 Table: self-care plan in the second junior group (fragment)
  • 4 Self-care lesson in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions
      4.1 Table: example of a lesson summary for self-care in the second junior group on the topic “Learning to dress”
  • 4.2 Open self-care lesson

    4.2.1 Table: example of a summary of an open lesson on self-care in the second junior group

  • 4.2.2 Video: open lesson on self-care in the second junior group
  • Goals ,
    objectives and forms of independent activity in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions
    Independent activity is tasks that are performed by the child purposefully and consciously without the direct participation of an adult.

    Individual work can take place:

    • in the morning;
    • between classes;
    • while walking;
    • after a nap;
    • In the evening.

    Goals of independent activity in kindergarten:

    • train self-care skills;
    • teach children to set a goal and achieve it;

    Games with lacing and mosaics instill patience and determination in children

    • support the initiative of students;
    • develop in children the ability to make decisions, express their ideas and feelings;
    • to cultivate the emotional-volitional sphere of the child’s personality, as well as work skills.

    To achieve their goals, the teacher daily faces the need to solve the following problems:

    • practice the skills of washing, washing hands, drying them, etc.;
    • show children the possibility of choosing their occupation;

    Children themselves choose the type of activity that interests them at the moment.

    • to develop the ability to act voluntarily (for example, the teacher does not participate in role-playing games with dolls, and all questions that arise - who should take what toy, how this or that character should react to the action of a friend - the child will have to solve independently);
    • work on speech development (for children 3–4 years old this is very important, since possible speech defects are already evident, which can be overcome, including through, for example, role-playing games, where the characters have to talk a lot);
    • cultivate patience and respect for each other and yourself.

    If we talk about children of the second younger group (3–4 years old), then it is important to concentrate on choosing types and methods of organizing independent activities that will help kids take initiative, learn to finish what they start, and at the same time help them learn to act voluntarily, and also become the basis for speech development.

    The emphasis on these goals and objectives is explained by two characteristics of the pupils of the second junior group:

    1. Most of these children experience a crisis of 3 years, which is characterized by a transition to a new type of relationship with people around them. If previously the baby unconditionally listened to his mother and elders, now, due to the emerging negativism, the child often contradicts them. Independent activity allows the little rebel to assert himself, and therefore relieves some of the tension in interacting with such a child.

    The 3-year-old crisis leaves its mark on working with children, requiring increased attention and patience.

    1. Children now strive to play not side by side, as was the case in the first junior group, but together. In this regard, preschoolers need to choose their own model of behavior that is attractive to others. Independent activity will help children follow their peers, accept or not accept the role model they see, and develop their own course of action based on it.

    This is interesting. The famous Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky called the age crisis of three-year-olds “seven stars of symptoms,” identifying 7 main signs: negativism, obstinacy, stubbornness, self-will, protest, devaluation, protest-rebellion.

    Forms of independent activity

    A model for organizing the educational process based on children’s independence can be:

    • free (that is, preschoolers act within the framework of a subject-developmental or play environment created by the teacher according to their interests);

    A free form of independent activity does not relieve the teacher of the responsibility to control what the children do

    • organized (that is, aimed at helping others - feeding the fish in the aquarium, watering the flowers, etc.).

    This is interesting. It is important to regularly conduct educational work with parents regarding increasing the level of independence of the child, since most mothers and fathers, being confident that the baby needs help in all everyday activities, until the age of 4 years, feed their child with a spoon, wash him in the morning and dress him. This state of affairs is by no means beneficial to the child or the development of his personality. In addition, this style of education slows down the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

    Subject development environment

    For independent activity, certain conditions are needed, which are provided by a properly organized subject-development environment - materials and equipment to create a natural background for life in a group, which has a positive impact on the emotional background of the children. Typically, the group space for children 3–4 years old is divided into several zone centers:

    • for role-playing and director's games with toys, dolls and elementary decorations (trees, river, house, etc.);
    • for cognitive activity (books, pictures, etc.);
    • for fine arts (pencils, sheets of paper, etc.);
    • for physical activity (balls, skittles, etc.);
    • for board-printed and educational games (mosaics, puzzles).

    Independent activity in the centers helps children search for information on their own and engage in the cognitive process without directly receiving knowledge from the teacher.

    Photo gallery: examples of design of zones of a subject-development environment

    You can put a couple of chairs and tables in the creative center so that children can study right there and not carry paints or pencils around the group

    In the theater corner, kids get to know the characters from fairy tales and put on performances.

    The play area usually takes up the most space and requires careful sorting of toys

    Requirements for organizing a subject-development environment

    The centers should be:

    • transformable (they can move depending on the goals of the children’s game, for example, the construction set can be used to build a fortress in the game, and to practice counting skills on the parts of a toy while practicing mathematics);
    • multifunctional (this is especially true for natural materials - pine cones, acorns, chestnuts, which can be used to make figures as part of artistic activities, and for games as building materials, coins, chips, etc.);
    • variable (the content of the centers should change depending on the time of year, the topic of classes, etc., for example, in December, the pictures in the educational center correspond to the approaching New Year, and by spring, the toys in the play area are increasingly mathematically oriented, since children period actively learning to count to 10);
    • safe (the shape and materials from which manuals and toys are made should not harm the health of children) and accessible (understandable) to all pupils of the group;
    • attractive (all materials are in order, clean, neatly folded).

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    This is interesting. To function fully, centers must be properly organized. “Quiet” (for putting together puzzles) and “loud” (playing with balls) zones need to be separated so that the kids don’t disturb each other. All materials should be at the child’s eye level, the room should not be cluttered, but it is not recommended to leave a lot of free space that provokes children to run and jump.

    Proper organization of the subject-developmental environment is the key to successful implementation of the goals and objectives of independent activity

    Techniques for organizing self-care for children 3–4 years old

    The skill of a teacher lies not only in the correct organization of space in a group, and not so much in knowledge of various techniques, but in the ability to competently combine these techniques.


    Visualization is one of the most productive techniques in working with children of the younger group, in whom visual-figurative thinking predominates at this age. For independent activity, the most suitable form of this technique is a demonstration, presented in the form of a show:

    • pictures, presentations (for example, if you are working on mastering self-care skills, then a set of pictures demonstrating the procedure for doing the morning toilet will be useful for a more solid assimilation of this routine moment);
    • sample (before allowing the kids to feed the fish in the aquarium or water the flowers, the teacher performs the manipulations himself several times, accompanying them with detailed comments regarding the order of actions: pick up food, open the hole in the lid of the container, add food; elements of theatricalization are used to practice self-service skills - all the positions being studied (putting on, taking off clothes, washing hands, etc.) are demonstrated on dolls and baby dolls);

    Demonstration of a mode of action is a leading method of visibility in the aspect of independent activity

    • objects (the teacher explains the purpose of certain tools, toys, for example, a watering can, a geometric constructor, etc.).

    Verbal techniques

    The word must accompany any type of activity of children, therefore the preschool teacher strives to use as many speech techniques as possible.


    Expanding the vocabulary of children 3–4 years old is one of the main tasks of the educational process in the second younger group. This technique also encourages children to accompany their actions with words, which is very important for speech development.

    The teacher organizes the conversation based on what the baby is doing. So, while playing with a construction set, the teacher begins the conversation with the question: “What do you want to build?”, building the dialogue so that the child formulates complete answers in simple sentences.

    Questions can be asked on behalf of the finger theater characters

    Story, fairy tale

    Before assigning children to independently complete any task, the teacher needs to make sure that the preschoolers understand the essence of the process. For example, in order to introduce cleanliness and order to children, you can not only read “Moidodyr” to the children, but also tell an entertaining story or a therapeutic fairy tale. This is a psychological technique used to encourage children to take certain actions, and also helps to cope with children's fears.

    Table: a fairy tale about a house that loved cleanliness and comfort

    Quote from:

    Poems, riddles

    Solving riddles not only gets kids into the mood for work, but also trains thinking, speech, and memory. These examples of verbal techniques are selected according to the topic. So, if the guys go to the game center, you can offer poems about dolls and toys as accompaniment:

    • The doll has blue eyes, the doll has a yellow braid and a pink dress. Katya sews an apron for the doll, and Nadya cooks compote for her.
    • The ball flies striped, the ball is chased by bear cubs. - Can I? - asked the mouse. - What you! You're still a baby!
    • A car was walking down the street, A car was walking without gasoline, A car was walking without a driver, Without a traffic light order, It was walking where it didn’t know, The car was walking.
    • A wooden nesting doll climbed onto the window with Masha. A cat walks along the cornice and cannot count: Either there is one nesting doll, or there are as many as five nesting dolls!

    If you are planning an independent visual activity on the theme of drawing autumn, then you can preface the work with riddles about this time of year:

    • It has become gloomy outside the window, the rain is asking to come into our house. The house is dry, but outside they appeared everywhere... (Puddles).
    • Autumn came to visit us and brought with it... What? Say it at random! Well, of course... (Leaf fall).
    • Gold coins fall from a branch. (Leaves).

    To make it easier for children to cope with riddles, you can offer them pictures as hints.


    Today, not only psychologists, but also teachers speak about the benefits of musical accompaniment, who see practical results from children listening to pleasant-sounding melodies in the process of educational activities. These include examples of classical music and sounds of nature, which are a universal background for any independent activity.

    The music should be quiet and not too dynamic, otherwise it will distract and not set you up for productive activity.

    This is interesting. Numerous studies confirm the fact of an increase in the level of intelligence development as a result of listening to classical music.

    A game

    The use of games as a method of organizing independent activity is limited by two conditions:

    • fun is not used if independent activity involves actual play activity (otherwise there will be an overabundance of impressions and, as a consequence, monotony and boredom);
    • This technique is used, as a rule, at the beginning of independent activity, since in the future the games will distract the children’s attention.

    This is interesting. The only exceptions in the second case are physical education sessions and outdoor games, which are aimed at distracting children from their main activities.

    Table: gaming techniques as part of children’s independent activities

    "Building a house"

    "Doll house"

    Teach how to select toys and attributes for play, and team up in groups of two or three for independent play.

    The teacher invites the children to build a house for the doll, since she has nowhere to live. Kids choose building materials, together they build walls and a roof, a fence, a path, etc.

    "Stepashka's Birthday"

    "We're setting the table"

    Expand children's knowledge about the methods and sequence of table setting, consolidate knowledge about tableware.

    The teacher informs the students that today is Stepashka’s birthday and offers to go visit him and congratulate him. Stepashka offers everyone tea and cake and asks them to help him set the table. Children, with the help of a teacher, set the table.

    Based on the essence of independent activity and the content of the described techniques, we can conclude that any of them can be used as a motivational one if it fits harmoniously into the plan for a specific type of independent work.

    Types of free activities in the second junior group of kindergarten

    Individualization in working with children is of particular importance, as it allows you to include in the educational process children who differ in character, temperament, level of knowledge, etc. Independent activity is the most complete option for realizing the goals of individualization in life, therefore this type of employment is included in all other components of the group’s educational process.

    We can distinguish 3 main types of activities used in preschool educational institutions, within the framework of which the goals and objectives of independent work of children in the second junior group are realized.

    Cognitive and research activity

    Cognitive and research activities are related to the acquisition of knowledge. For example, looking at pictures, arranging illustrations as the plot of a fairy tale develops. In the second younger group, children learn to tell the content of a particular work of art themselves using pictures or in the process of simple dramatization using finger theater. So, at 3-4 years old, children can independently put hero dolls on their fingers and tell the plot of “Turnip”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Kolobok”.

    Independent cognitive activity can be associated not only with working from pictures, but also, for example, with looking at bird feeders

    Artistic or design activities

    Children's visual activities are often dominated by drawings of their favorite characters from cartoons and books. In the practice of preschool educational institutions, this activity is used not only directly in the classroom, but also as a method of involving parents in joint activities with the child. For example, if the task of making a craft for the autumn fair is given at home.

    Children 3–4 years old enjoy appliqué, sculpting and drawing.

    Game activity

    These are role-playing, director's games, and also fun according to the rules. Since play is the leading activity of preschoolers, special attention is paid to its organization in preschool educational institutions. For independent play activities of pupils of the second junior group, a standard set of play materials is required:

    • mosaics (along with traditional ones, geometric ones should also be included, that is, they are simple geometric shapes);
    • puzzles;
    • constructors.

    During the game, children:

    • simulate everyday situations with dolls and toys;

    It is very important that in role-playing games children choose their own character

    • learn to make decisions and make choices (for example, putting together puzzles and choosing one or another fragment);
    • develop logic (for example, arranging pictures in the order of development of the plot of the story they listened to).

    During the game, preschoolers have the opportunity to show independence, imagination, unite with peers at their own discretion, and develop their knowledge and abilities.


    The beginning of labor education is associated with the formation of self-service skills:

    • self-care skills;
    • use the toilet;
    • eat independently;
    • dress and undress

    The skill of dressing is practiced several times a year depending on the season

    These skills influence the child’s self-esteem, that is, they are an important condition for the full mental development of the individual.

    The second junior group is a favorable period for continuing to work on the listed skills, as well as for automating the acquired skills.

    And this is connected, first of all, with the desire for independence characteristic of three-year-olds (“I myself!”).

    Table: self-care plan in the second junior group (fragment)

    Help the child master the simplest microprocesses (putting on or taking off socks, tights, T-shirt, panties, cap, etc.), which make up holistic processes of self-care (dressing, undressing, washing, etc.).

    To develop cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills, to develop the simplest skills of behavior while eating and washing.

    Teach children to be neat and tidy.

    Techniques and materials

    • Visual information for parents on the topic: “How to teach a child to be neat.”
    • Block of cognitive lessons “Clothing”. A selection of works of art, riddles, word games on this topic.
    • Block of educational activities “Shoes”.
    • Decoration of a corner (toilet room).
    • A selection of visual material (illustrations) based on the work of K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.
    • Didactic exercises: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk,” “Let’s put the doll to sleep.”
    • Visual information for parents on the topic: “Cultural and hygienic skills in young children.”
    • Reading the Russian folk tale “About naughty hands and feet.”
    • Didactic exercise “Aibolit meets the guys.”
    • Game situations: “Bathing the doll”, “Let’s feed the doll”.
    • Game situation “Lunch for dolls.”
    • Game situation “Our little bunny is sick.”






    • Teach children to use the toilet.
    • Continue to teach yourself how to take off and put on (panties, shorts, tights) in the toilet.
    • Find your towel and know how to use it.
    • Eat carefully.
    • Learn to use a napkin.
    • Teach children to put their clothes in a locker.


    • Teach children to wash their hands after using the toilet.
    • Continue teaching children to use their own towel.
    • Learn to use a spoon.
    • Introduce children to the algorithm of dressing and undressing.
    • Continue to teach children to eat carefully, always with a spoon and not with their hands.
    • Learn to notice messes in clothes and fix them with a little help from adults.


    • Teach children to wash their hands, consistently following the washing algorithm.
    • Continue teaching children to dry their hands with a towel.
    • Continue to teach children to dress consistently when dressing for a walk and to put their clothes and shoes back in their place after a walk.
    • Continue to improve your table manners (eat carefully over your plate, don’t crumble food on the table, don’t spin around while eating, and don’t talk while eating).
    • Continue to teach how to notice disorder in clothing and eliminate it.

    Self-care lesson in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions

    Like any other lesson in kindergarten, a self-service lesson in the second younger group lasts 15–20 minutes. This time is distributed between three stages:

    1. Introduction. 2–3 minutes are allocated to update basic knowledge. At this stage, motivational techniques are used. For example, listening to a fairy tale or solving riddles.
    2. The main stage lasts 12–15 minutes. During the work, children are shown a sample (for example, the procedure for dressing and undressing on a doll) or are told the purpose of certain objects in the center (for example, a new set of pictures on the topic “What is needed to maintain hygiene” in the corner of cognitive activity). Then the children practice the acquired knowledge.
    3. Final stage (2–3 minutes). The goal of the final phase of the lesson is to evaluate the children’s activities, as well as the initial development of the skill of reflection. In the second younger group, it is enough for children to be able to evaluate their work at the level of “liked the activity (task) or not.”

    In order to prevent pupils from overfatigue, an outdoor game or a physical education break can be held in the middle of the lesson.

    Self-care work requires methodical daily practice of skills not only in kindergarten, but also at home

    Table: example of a lesson summary for self-care in the second junior group on the topic “Learning to dress”

    Continue to teach how to dress independently in a certain sequence: take off and put on clothes, unbutton and fasten buttons, untie and tie shoelaces.

    Cultivate neatness in children.

    Develop fine motor skills of fingers, attention, speech, thinking.


    • Baby clothes,
    • Pinocchio doll.

    Progress of the lesson

    Children sit on chairs. Pinocchio runs in, cries, and can’t stop. V.: What happened, Pinocchio? Why are you crying? Pinocchio: Everyone went for a walk, but they didn’t take me with them. V.: Why didn’t they take it? Pinocchio: Because I didn’t want to get dressed. V.: Well, of course, they didn’t take you because you didn’t get dressed. Pinocchio: I don’t know how to dress (cries). V.: Don’t cry, Pinocchio, our children will teach you how to dress. Shall we teach you guys? Children: Yes! Pinocchio: How can you teach, you are so small? Children: No, we’ll help, even though we are small, we already know how to dress. V.: Pinocchio! Play the game “Mirror” with us and it will be easier for you to learn how to dress. We will show the actions, and you guess. Who, guys, will show first? (A game is being played). Pinocchio: Guys! Malvina gave me a task - to solve riddles, but I just can’t. Help me please! Reads riddles:

    • We always walk together, looking alike like brothers, We are under the table at dinner, And under the bed at night. (Boots).
    • One entrance, three exits. (Shirt).
    • I walked along the road, I found two roads, I followed both. (Trousers).
    • I’m sitting astride, not giving away who I’m on. (A cap).

    Pinocchio: Oh, thank you. How you helped me! V.: Well, guys, we worked out, played, and now it’s time for us to go for a walk. Anyone who wants to, go to the toilet and we’ll show Pinocchio how we know how to dress. Pinocchio: Yes, come on, teach me. What should we wear first? (Children's answers). What's next? (Answers: socks, pants, blouse). Am I doing it right? (Children's answers). What should we wear now? etc. Pinocchio: Oh, guys, how I liked it with you! I'll come to you again. Can? Malvina must have lost me. I'll go to her and show her what you taught me. Goodbye guys! Children go for a walk.

    Open Self-Care Lesson

    There are no differences in the structure of preparation for regular and open self-care classes. As for the content of the lesson, in the demonstrative version, the main part of it focuses on practicing and repeating the acquired skill.

    An open lesson demonstrates skills children have already mastered, for example, the ability to eat carefully

    Table: example of a summary of an open lesson on self-care in the second junior group

    Foster the need to wash your hands with soap before eating, after visiting the toilet, playing with sand;

    learn to wash, follow the sequence of actions of the washing process, wipe dry with a towel;

    to develop the skill of neatness in the washroom, while simultaneously cultivating interest in action, the desire to do everything independently, carefully, quickly.

    Progress of the lesson

    There is a knock on the door. Q: Who's knocking there? (Opens the door). Who's there? Come in, please! No one comes in, but there is a beautifully packaged “package” behind the door. The teacher brings it into the group, the children look at it and offer to open it. They take out a letter from Moidodyr: “Dear guys! Yesterday on a walk I met a girl, and she told me that in your kindergarten there is a doll whose face and hands are grimy. So I decided to ask you to show her how to wash herself. I am sending as a gift “scented soap and a fluffy towel.” Goodbye. Your friend Moidodyr." V.: Thank you, Moidodyr! Guys, smell what the soap smells like. Everyone smells the soap with pleasure. Q: What kind of grimy doll do we have? Look for her. The children discover the Tanya doll in the doll corner at the table. There are sweets on a plate in front of her. Cheeks and hands are smeared. V.: Oh, how dirty your cheeks and hands are! You let us down! At the request of the teacher, children remember the correct and consistent washing actions. Then one girl takes the Tanya doll, first washes her hands, then her face. The teacher monitors the execution of actions and corrects them if necessary.

    • Water, water, Wash my face, So that my little eyes shine, So that my cheeks blush, So that my mouth laughs, So that my teeth bite.

    V.: Now we will make you white “gloves” from soap foam. Then we wash off the foam with water - your hands are clean. Now let’s wash our face so that it’s clean too. Why do we wash the Tanya doll? That's right, she got dirty. And when do we wash our hands and wash ourselves? That's right, in the morning, before meals. So now we’ll all go wash our hands. Let's remember how to do this.

    • You must wash yourself in the morning, in the evening and during the day - before every meal, after sleep and before bed!
    • My dear children! I really, really ask you, I ask you, wash your hands and face more often. The soap will foam, and the dirt will go somewhere.
    • Ay, okay, okay, okay, We are not afraid of water. We wash ourselves clean and smile at our guests.

    Video: open lesson on self-care in the second junior group

    Independent activity in the second junior group is based on the same principles as in the first junior group. The only difference is that at 3–4 years old children experience a transitional age when the need for independence increases. This period of development turns out to be favorable for mastering and consolidating self-service skills.

    Carrying out monitoring

    It is recommended that teachers analyze the independent activities of children in the first junior group three times during the school year.

    It is carried out upon the child’s admission, as well as in December-January and May. This is the only way to make objective conclusions indicating the effectiveness of work to develop children’s independence. Such an analysis will also allow the teacher to outline ways to eliminate existing shortcomings.

    The analysis scheme should be developed with the participation of the methodological team of the preschool educational institution. In this case, the specifics of the educational process conducted in kindergarten must be taken into account. The fact is that, for example, groups for hardening, correction of a certain ailment, etc. can be organized there.

    When conducting the analysis, the assessments given to each child individually are considered. In this case, a five-point scale is used. It meets the following criteria:

    • 5 – the child is able to independently cope with any task;
    • 4 – an adult sometimes has to repeat the necessary algorithm of actions for a child;
    • 3 – the toddler can cope with his tasks only after the teacher repeats the required sequence of their implementation;
    • 2 – the baby is not able to do anything on his own even after the teacher demonstrates all the actions in front of him.

    Independent artistic activity of younger preschoolers

    The content of independent artistic activity involves the use of those visual skills that students mastered in class. It is also necessary to provide for the complexity of the work, taking into account the peculiarities of mastering the material during the learning process. For schoolchildren who have poorly mastered the program content of the lesson, it is better to offer the same craft or a similar one. For those who successfully completed the task in class, think through a complication that requires a creative approach and ingenuity.

    It is very important for the teacher to structure the work so that every student can try his hand. For example, every schoolchild is encouraged to actively participate in periodic exhibitions of children's works in the school and library (in the fall - works made from natural materials, in the winter - Christmas tree decorations and winter compositions).

    2. Formation of emotional and intellectual experience, enriching students with impressions through the organization of exciting leisure activities, holidays, and entertainment. A walk in the forest, visiting the theater, circus, holding holidays, entertainment, looking at illustrations, paintings, toys leave a mark on the life of a primary school student and evoke positive emotions in him. Images from favorite fairy tales, stories, and cartoons are reflected in games and artistic activities. The student receives a lot of impressions at the holidays from the sound of music, songs, colorful decoration of the room, costumes, expressive intonations of the artistic word, and this becomes an indirect incentive that makes him want to convey his impressions and experiences in another artistic form: drawing, play, dance. Based on these impressions, younger schoolchildren themselves create some similar life situation. In such cases, they act both as authors of the plan and as performers.

    We can highlight several developing moments of independent artistic activity of schoolchildren: socially oriented and playful motives of activity; the possibility of meaningful self-assessment in the process of using the received crafts; creative search of students when doing work; productive and objectively necessary cooperation among themselves and with adults.

    Independent artistic activity in content can be associated with games, theatrical activities, preparation for holidays, etc. For example, at the stage of development of role-playing games (when students are interested in the role and role-playing actions), they try to designate and emphasize their role with attributes (at The doctor has a thermometer, the captain has binoculars). Younger schoolchildren can make the missing attributes themselves. This is very useful as it stimulates creativity in the use of substitute objects. Crafts depicting birds and animals can be successfully used in a tabletop or finger theater. The use of crafts for their intended purpose has a great influence on the development of independent activity and on the overall mental and personal development of students. Obtaining an adequate result and using it for its intended purpose has a great influence on the development of independent activity.

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