Independent activity of children in the preparatory group. Card index

Tasks of organizing independent activities in the senior group

The independent activity of children in the preparatory group is characterized by the ability to solve many problems that will be especially useful in preparing for school.

The most effective of them are:

  • Development of strong-willed and motivational qualities . In this case, the child develops psychological stability, which allows him to be protected from various factors from the external environment: someone else’s opinion, extraneous noise or voices, criticism addressed to him. All this allows you to develop a skill in which the child will bring his activities to their logical conclusion. In older groups, this task allows you to create the necessary conditions for the formation of the skill of self-analysis, as well as value judgments for certain actions.
  • Development of self-regulating processes. The preschooler learns to accurately calculate the percentage of energy spent on performing certain actions, and also understands the need to change activities or have rest. From the age of 5-6 years, the child begins to develop important physiological processes in the nervous system, which develops perseverance, concentration, as well as a positive reaction to constructive criticism and comments.
  • Formation of an important ability to independently construct an algorithm of actions. In this case, the child learns to build a detailed plan for research, play, work or observation activities without outside help. The importance of having friendships with both children and adults also develops.
  • Development of social and cultural qualities through various games, which are based on a plot-role interaction technique. A good example is the game activity “Hospital”, “Shop”, “Bank”, which makes it possible to learn more deeply about certain features of different activities.

  • Strengthening independent skills . In this case, the child learns various actions that are aimed at undressing and dressing, maintaining etiquette, personal hygiene or cleanliness of the kindergarten. Such things should be done automatically, without the participation of educators. There is also the development of independence through the implementation of various instructions from the teacher. Such education improves conscientious behavior towards preschool employees on duty.

Based on the tasks described above, the preschooler develops play, artistic and speech, cognitive, as well as social and communicative activity.

In addition, the teacher can help improve work activity, so that the child will strive to help elders in everything - from cleaning the kindergarten territory to caring for flowers.

Washing doll clothes is an example of developing labor skills when organizing independent activities for children in a preparatory group

The independent activity of children in the preparatory group is a particularly important personality trait, which is characterized by an increased desire to quickly and effectively solve certain problems, without outside help from an adult.

This personal trait allows one to increase criticality, initiative, and also develop the most adequate self-esteem in a child.

Individual work in the preparatory group: a file cabinet with goals

Contents of the article:
When a child moves from the senior group to the preparatory group of kindergarten, this means that the next step on the path of his development will be entering school. It is during this period that children of 6 years old are no longer so interested in games. They begin to develop learning skills. At this stage, it is important to help the preschooler master skills that will help him more easily master new knowledge: concentrate on information, be disciplined and assiduous.

The child must acquire new knowledge and skills in order to quickly join the school community and adequately perceive the school curriculum. Individual work with children in the preparatory group also plays an important role in this.

When planning work with children, the teacher thinks through the interaction with a specific child. As a rule, such individual work of a teacher with a child in a preparatory group is one of the most effective.

At the time of the game or lesson, the teacher’s entire attention is given to one child, and he can notice difficulties in time, guide the student, suggest, and correct.

Card file of individual work in the preparatory group

To assess the effectiveness of a teacher’s work, it is necessary to develop a plan according to which classes, training and educational events will be conducted in a preschool institution. The developed card index of individual work in the preparatory group will provide indispensable assistance to educators as a guide.

It is the card index of the teacher’s individual work with students that contains the necessary data on the sequence of classes, excursions and other workloads that need to be organized for preschoolers in the preparatory group.

Download a card file with goals for individual work in the preparatory group Download in .pdf

Forms of individual work with children in the preparatory group

There is a wide variety of forms of work with preschoolers in the preparatory group. These are games, excursions, conversations, experiments, targeted walks, special activities, reading books, looking at illustrations, etc.

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For individual work in the preparatory group on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, didactic games are used:

  1. Games with numbers and numbers. To secure the account in forward and reverse order. Pupils, playing didactic games “Which number is missing?”, “Confusion”, “Correct the mistake”, learn to easily operate with numbers and verbally accompany their actions. Games like these help children who are behind in the curriculum learn the material.
  2. Games - time travel. Help preschoolers consolidate their knowledge of time, days of the week, and the names of all months of the year. These are games such as “Name it quickly!”, “Live Week”, “What time is it?”, “Twelve months”.
  3. Games for orientation in space. Their task: to teach or strengthen the ability of pupils to navigate in spatial situations, specially created, and to determine their location according to the conditions of the task. These are games - “Tell about your pattern”, “Find a similar one”, “Travelling around the room”, “Artist”, etc. Children through these games learn to find words to indicate the position of objects.
  4. Games with geometric shapes. Pupils are given the task of recognizing the shape of a triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oval in surrounding objects. Games such as “Make a square”, “Tangram”, “What do they look like”, etc.
  5. Logical thinking games. Examples: “Mill”, “What is the difference”. They are aimed at training children's thinking when performing actions.

For individual work in a preparatory group

for speech development are used:

  1. Word games. They develop children's intelligence, attention, coherent speech, and speed of reaction. In such games, students themselves must find signs of similarities and differences between objects, group them by properties, describe them, guess objects from the description, and highlight their inherent characteristics. These are folk games like “Black and White”, “Colors”, etc.
  2. Board-printed games. Contribute to the systematization of children's knowledge about the world around them, the development of thought processes and operations. Examples of such games: “Paired pictures”, “Loto”, “Dominoes”, folding cubes and cut pictures, “Maze”.
  3. Games with objects. You can use not only toys, but also real objects. With the help of such games, students learn the signs and properties of objects and learn to classify them. These are games with folk educational toys (matryoshka dolls, barrels, mushrooms, balls), spillikins, mosaics, and natural materials.
  4. Mnemonic tables, diagrams. This is a system of various techniques that facilitate the process of memorization in children and increase the volume of their memory through the formation of additional associations.

For individual work in the preparatory group on artistic and aesthetic development, the following are used:

  1. Games with objects. Preschoolers become familiar with the properties of various objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality. Examples of such games: “Create a portrait”, “Forest clearing”, “Entertaining palette”, “Make a bouquet”.
  2. Printed board games: paired pictures, lotto, dominoes. Solve various development problems. Children love such games; for them it is an exciting activity.
  3. Verbal didactic games. They teach students to generalize phenomena, classify and assign objects to one category or another.

For individual work in the preparatory group on the development of fine motor skills of children’s hands, teachers use finger games, modeling, paper construction, simple construction, mosaics, and puzzles.

For individual work in the preparatory group in the field of developing logical thinking, stimulating mental processes in children, and developing knowledge about the world around them, printed board games are used. Examples of such games: “Connoisseurs of fairy tales”, “Tale by tale” (associations), “Who lives in the house?”, “Part and whole”, “Name in one word”, lotto “Wild and domestic animals”, “Professions”, “Choose by color and shape.”

Individual work of narrow specialists in preparatory groups

The staff of almost every preschool institution includes a music director, a speech therapist (defectologist), an educational psychologist, and a specialist in physical education and arts activities. Their plans also include individual work with children in the preparatory group

A speech therapist teacher deals with the development of speech in preschool children and, if necessary, creates individual sounds. The physical education teacher evaluates the motor development of children and corrects them in case of lag. The music director forms the general musicality of the students (sensory abilities, sense of rhythm, pitch hearing), develops expressiveness of movements, singing voice.

The systematic work of all specialists together acts as a guarantor of the comprehensive development of a preschooler. And if the child develops, then preparation for school is happening in the best possible way. Another indisputable advantage of individual work in a preparatory group is personal contact between the teacher and the child, during which, in addition to educational ones, educational tasks are also solved.

Plan of individual work with children in the preparatory group for the year

A plan for individual work in a preparatory group with children for a year is a program developed in detail by the teacher for each area of ​​development of a preschooler. If we consider, for example, physical education, the plan will schedule the days and hours of training sessions, jogging, and gymnastic exercises. The necessary standards will be recorded.

Individual work is also carried out during walks in the preparatory group. Outdoor art classes are great when children draw what they see while walking.

Methodology for organizing independent activities

Despite the fact that independent activities are carried out taking into account the lack of interaction between the teacher and children, the role of the adult remains significant. Thus, the teacher can predict the preschooler’s future actions based on subject activity, abilities, as well as the main topic of the lesson.

Basic methodological techniques for independent work in children:

  • creation of a safe, light and colorful spatial-subject environment;
  • consolidation or formation of mental and practical skills in relation to a specific educational process;
  • creating a motivational component in children, regardless of what activity is being carried out.

The spatial-subject environment, in turn, is organized with the help of centers or educational corners, based on various activities.

Types of development centers and corners:

  • Artistic or aesthetic corners . Most often used in relation to music or theater training. It is recommended to use various masks, costumes or interesting decorations, including the necessary instruments for finger or puppet theater, and musical instruments.

  • Centers for environmental education. In this case, it is recommended to add a local center of the type of living corner or summer garden. Children from the older group not only watch flowers or any other vegetation, but also take care of them. In environmental centers, independent activities are formed; preschoolers become familiar with methods of purifying soil, air and water.
  • Cognitive environment. In this case, the teacher creates special corners that differ based on thematic area. They allow you to gain new knowledge and explore existing tools, which opens up new opportunities for experimentation.
  • Centers for the development of physical activity . In such corners various instruments and games are stored that contribute to the physical development of the child. There is also basic safety documentation, which is presented in the form of visual tables or posters.
  • Psychological Center. In this case, the teacher creates a cozy corner for relaxation and silence. Here you will find such attributes of tranquility as pillows, soft chairs and sofas, as well as a tent for relaxation. Children not only relax, but also engage in passive activities: examining cards, talking with each other, looking at magazines or books.

The formation or expansion of existing intellectual and practical skills can be carried out through joint activities.

The accumulated knowledge within the framework of productive activity, as well as the learned rules of conduct during the research process, are implemented through independent work.

In such classes, children develop a basic understanding of what a lesson plan is, what algorithms should be built in everyday life, and also develop numerous skills that affect physical, intellectual and mental development.

The teacher must conduct a sufficient number of outdoor games with children, including activities in which sports equipment will be used - balls, hoops, jump ropes and others. Such activities allow a preschooler to develop a desire and motivation to interact within a group.

During the walk, children should carry out detailed observations or other investigative activities with the teacher, looking at how the natural world develops.

Productive or creative activities develop the skill of independently creating various fairy-tale characters or situations through modeling, drawing or design.

The combination of methods used makes it possible to create in a child such important qualities as creativity, sound self-esteem, as well as the ability to express thoughts competently. Such skills will provide more opportunities for the development of a future personality.

Planning educational activities in the preparatory group

Maria Melnikova

Planning educational activities in the preparatory group

Topic of the week: Imagine for a moment how we would live without books

Goal: Generating interest in books. Draw attention to illustrated editions of familiar works


1. Educational: Develop interest in fiction and educational literature, develop the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of a work, sensitivity to the poetic word. Develop the ability to explain the main differences between literary genres.

2. Developmental: Develop the ability to listen carefully to works, the ability to cherish and care for books.

3. Educational: to cultivate responsiveness and respect for books in children.

“My Favorite Fairy Tale” together with parents


Monday 03.12.2017

Joint activities of adults and children Independent activities of children Interaction with families

Organized educational activities Educational activities in special situations

The first half of the day-

-Games based on interests;

-Mosaics, puzzles for the development of hand motor skills;

-Pencils, paper, stencils - exercises in drawing circles and squares. Looking at books at the book center. Enter the d/i ​​“Which fairy tale is the hero from?”
(playing field, chips, cube)
Walk: Independent motor activity Purpose : teaching children to independently organize games, find activities of interest.

Games with external materials: bird food, shovels,

Afternoon -

Board-printed games

Goal: encouraging children’s desire to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, teaching them to obey the rules in the game. Place the works of V. Dragunsky in the book corner. Add coloring pages of fairy-tale characters to the art corner.

d/i “Whose traces?”
(animal cards, footprint cards)
Invite parents, together with their children, to make a book with their own hands “My Favorite Fairy Tale”

1. Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world. (Natural environment. Environmental education.)

Dybina, p. 35

Topic: “Journey into the past of books”

Purpose: the formation of children's knowledge of how a book was transformed under the influence of man.

1. Objectives: To acquaint children with the history of the creation and production of a book, with its development.

2. Activate cognitive activity ;

3. arouse interest in the world of books; to human creative activity ;

4. Foster a caring attitude towards books. Subject-practical environment: colorfully designed books, illustrations depicting printing presses from different times; a set of pictures on the theme from the past to the present of the book; a set of plot pictures reflecting a careful attitude towards books.

Approximate activity plan : 1. Motivational and incentive: viewing the exhibition of books.

2.Basic: direct occupation, physical. just a minute.

3. Reflective: What interesting things did you learn?

2. Musical activity (according to the plan of the music worker)

3 Physical education (according to the physical instructor’s plan )

The first half of the day-

-morning exercises (consolidating the ability to walk and run in all directions, consolidating the ability to catch a ball, repeating crawling on a gymnastic bench, exercising in maintaining stable balance) Work together with physical. instructor.

Repetition of songs: “Our Motherland is strong”

- together with music. leader.

B Conversation: “My favorite book”

Goal: fostering a love of books. Consolidate the idea of ​​the work of a writer and artist, cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

D/i: “Which fairy tale is the hero from?”


I/r: Repeat the sequence of winter months and the names of the days of the week


Forming in a column of 2 (repetition of physical education class)

Observing the weather. Purpose: to clarify and concretize the idea of ​​winter (the shortest days, the longest nights, a lot of snow, varied precipitation, trees standing bare, etc.), to teach to establish the dependence of the life of plants and animals on changes in inanimate nature.

Outdoor games: “Don’t stay in the snow”

Labor: Rake snow under trees and flower beds.

I/R: Hit the target with a snowball.

Independent games for children.

Afternoon -

Gymnastics after sleep “Bicycle”

(see card index, card No. 2"

Reading fiction:

V. Dragunsky “The Enchanted Letter”

.Goal: developing the ability to answer the teacher’s questions about the content of the work.

D/i “Whose traces?”

Problem situation “What will you do when you are alone at home and the doorbell rings?”

. Target. Warning children against contact with strangers.

I/R: repeat counting up to 10 in forward and reverse order

Cor/r on the recommendation of a speech therapist: a selection of pure sayings for the pronunciation of the sound sh

Circle "Krasnoyarsk Territory - Small Motherland"

"Minerals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

Goal: Continuation of the formation of ideas about minerals and methods of their extraction in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
(Coal, oil, gas)
Working with mineral samples ."
Tuesday 04.12.2017

Joint activities of adults and children Independent activities of children Interaction with families

Organized educational activities Educational activities at scheduled times First half of the day -

Entering into

books about the flora and fauna of the Krasnoyarsk region

Games in a corner of nature with natural materials: pebbles, shells, cones;

— -Games based on interests

-Mosaics, puzzles for the development of hand motor skills. D/and ball

Walk: Creating conditions for physical activity.

Games with external materials: bird food, shovels, buckets, balls.

Afternoon -

Role-playing game “Let’s go on a hike”

— Activating knowledge about the nature of the native land, teaching basic tourism skills, inventing and introducing new situations. (caps, backpacks, map, compass, fabric for creating a cave, flashlight, first aid kit)

Board-printed games

Goal: to encourage children to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, to teach them to obey the rules in the game. Place books and portraits of poets in the book corner. In the art corner, add coloring pages for the characters “The Wizard of Oz”

d/i "The fourth odd one"

(a set of cards, each card
shows 4 objects , 3 objects are connected by a common feature, and 4 is extra)
Consultation for parents on traffic rules on the topic: “Everyone is supposed to know the traffic rules!”

1. Cognition (FEMP)

Lesson 7

Topic: “Introduction to the designation of the number 10”

, Pomoraeva p. 41

Goal: Clarification and understanding of the number 10 Objectives: continue to learn how to form the number 10 from ones. Strengthen counting skills within 10 forward and backward . Give an idea of ​​a polygon using the example of a triangle and a quadrilateral. Strengthen the ability to navigate in space using symbols, determine the direction of movement of objects, reflect their spatial position in speech. Subject-practical environment: ball, envelopes with tasks, cards with numbers from 1 to 10, cards with images of different numbers of objects (up to 10 , triangles, quadrangles, magnetic board, pictures with the image of a Lumberjack made up of different polygons, Ellie doll.

Environment of interaction: teacher-child. Approximate activity plan : 1. Motivational and incentive: the appearance of the Ellie doll, game exercise “Let's help the Ellie doll return home”

2.Basic: direct physical education lesson

3. Reflective: What did we do today? What new did you learn? What did you like?

2. Physical education (according to the plan of the physical instructor)

3. Cognition (design, manual labor)

Topic: Bookmark for a book
(see folder)
Purpose: Making a bookmark using the origami technique with appliqué elements.

Objectives: Teach children to make bookmarks for books with their own hands. Develop fine motor skills, eye, interest in your work, imagination, aesthetic taste. Improve your skills and abilities.

Subject-practical environment: colored paper, scissors, glue

Planned result : Making bookmarks

Environment of interaction: teacher-child. Approximate activity plan : 1. Motivational and incentive: showing the technique of making a book.

2.Basic: direct occupation, physical. Just a minute, getting the job done.

3. Reflective: looking at crafts, what you liked First half of the day

Morning exercises (reinforcement in walking and running, stopping at the teacher’s signal, crawling on your stomach on a gymnastic bench, developing strength and agility, repeating the task of maintaining stable balance)

Conversation: “What is a book, Where do books live?”

Goal: fostering love and respect for books, developing interest, the need for reading, raising a literate reader who knows the rules of behavior in the library.

D/i “Guess the fairy-tale hero from the description”

Repeating the song: “Our Motherland is strong”

I/r: Compiling cut-out pictures.

Cor/R: on the recommendation of a psychologist Finger gymnastics “Fish”


Forming from a column one at a time, into a column 2 at a time (repetition of a physical education lesson)

Observing the work of a janitor. Goal: improving vocabulary; the formation of a desire for order and cleanliness; instill a love of nature, a thrifty and caring attitude towards the environment

Labor: Clear the area of ​​snow, feed the birds

P/n: “What do we like in winter”

"Throw and Catch"

I/r: drawing geometric shapes in the snow.

Independent games for children.

Afternoon -

walking on massage mats, doing gymnastics after sleep (Kitten)

(see card index, card No. 3)
Reading fiction: at the request of the children

D\i: “The fourth wheel”

development of observation, visual memory, introduction to various memorization techniques.

Dance Movement: "Variable Step"

I/r: classification of objects by shape.

Circle "Magic Thread"

Sewing corners using isothread technique.

Goal: to develop the concept of modeling on a plane, to introduce stitching corners using the isothread technique

Wednesday 05.12.2017

Joint activities of adults and children Independent activities of children Interaction with families

Organized educational activities Educational activities at scheduled times First half of the day -

Inclusion in the book center of books and encyclopedias about the animal world, works by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Games in a corner of nature with natural materials: pebbles, shells, cones, different types of paper.

— -Games based on interests

-Mosaics, puzzles for the development of hand motor skills.

D/and ball

Afternoon -

Board-printed games

Goal: to encourage children to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, to teach them to obey the rules in the game. Place fairy tales from different nations in the book corner. In the art corner add coloring pages of animals from fairy tales

d/i “Give me a word”
(animal cards)
Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

1. Communication ( Preparing for Literacy )

Topic: Sound analysis of words. Varentsova, p. 77. Lesson 4. Goal: developing the ability to conduct sound analysis of words and qualitatively characterize sounds. Objectives: master the ability to isolate a stressed sound in a word. To consolidate the idea of ​​the meaning-distinguishing role of sound. Development of the ability to correlate words consisting of 3, 4, 5 sounds with given patterns. Learning the ability to draw graphic lines in the working line space. Planned result : distinguish between hard and soft sounds. Conduct a sound analysis of words. Subject-practical environment: five-sound word scheme, red, blue, green chips, pictures of a train with three cars, pencils, workbooks.

Environment of interaction: teacher-child.

Approximate activity plan : 1. Motivational and incentive: game “load the food on the train”

2.Basic: Conversation, what our speech consists of, sound analysis of the word “ruler”

3. Reflective: What new did you learn today? What did you like?

2. Artistic creativity.


Topic: "Gray neck"

. Illustration for the fairy tale by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak. Komarova, p. 52.

Goal: developing interest in creating illustrations for a literary work.

Objectives: To develop the ability to choose an episode that one would like to convey in a drawing, to create images of a fairy tale . Strengthen the techniques of painting with paints, painting over a picture with a brush, using a simple pencil in drawing complex figures. Planned result : drawings based on fairy tale episodes

Subject-practical environment illustration for the work “The Gray Neck”

, landscape sheet, watercolor paints, brushes, jars of water. Interaction environment: teacher-child.
Approximate activity plan :
1. Motivational and incentive: remember the fairy tale “Grey Neck”, consider a toy duck

2.Basic: the teacher demonstrates drawing techniques, children work independently.

3. Reflective: These are the drawings we got. Presentation of your drawings

The first half of the day-

-morning exercises: strengthen walking and running between objects, learn jumping with a short rope, practice rolling hoops (Together with a physical instructor)

Conversation: “Caution, ice”

Goal: to develop children’s knowledge of the basic rules of moving on slippery surfaces, to develop the skills of a careful and prudent attitude towards their health. Form ideas about potentially dangerous situations for a person, teach them to avoid them.

D/I “Guess by the description”

Repetition of songs:
“About Dad”
, dance movements together with music. leader.

I/r: practice shading, teach how to maintain order and cleanliness.


Forming from a column one at a time, into a column 2 at a time (repetition of a physical education lesson)

Observing cars passing by the kindergarten. Purpose: Drawing children's attention to the road with passing cars. Find out from children what cars they know (truck, car, bus)

Disassemble the car piece by piece (wheel, steering wheel, body)
. What color was the car driving by? Strengthen knowledge about transport.

P/I "Sankey"

"Throw and Catch"

Labor - Maintaining cleanliness in the area.

I/r: learn to act and navigate according to a signal, in space, develop dexterity.

Independent games for children

Cor/R: on the recommendation of a speech therapist: a selection of pure sayings for the pronunciation of the sound C

Afternoon -

walking on massage mats, breathing exercise “Angry Dog”
(see card index on breathing exercises exercise 5)
Reading fairy tales of the peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Blueberry”
(Nenets fairy tale)
D/I “Give me a word”

I/r: folding paper like an accordion

Thursday 06.12.2017

Joint activities of adults and children Independent activities of children Interaction with families

Organized educational activities Educational activities at scheduled times First half of the day -

Entering encyclopedias into the book center. Games of different nations”, “Mysteries of the peoples of Siberia”

"Proverbs, sayings"

Games in a corner of nature with natural materials: pebbles, shells, cones;

— -Games based on interests

-Mosaics, puzzles for the development of hand motor skills.

D/i “Guess the Fairy Tale” (plot field, summary cards)

Games with external material.

Afternoon -

Role-playing game “Bookstore”

Goal: To consolidate children’s understanding of the specifics of the sales profession and its features;

Continue to teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed,

develop the plot; Learn to model game dialogue. (Racks, books, cash register, telephone, computer, walkie-talkie, badges, money, packages.)

Bring albums of folk crafts and coloring books to the book center

d/i “Folk Crafts”
(6 fields, 48 ​​cards)
Consultation for parents “The book is our best friend”

Cognition (FEMP)

“Continuing acquaintance with numbers from 1 to 9.”
Pomaraeva, p. 44 lesson 8.

Goal: continued familiarity with numbers from 1 to 9.

The tasks are to teach how to form the number 3 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers. Reinforce the idea of ​​the seasons and months of autumn. Clarify the idea of ​​a polygon, develop the ability to find its sides, angles and vertices.

Subject-practical environment: cards with numbers from 1 to 9, pictures of a fox, a cat made from counting sticks, a model of the seasons, a picture of a fox made up of polygons (see tangram game)

Environment of interaction: teacher-child.
Approximate activity plan : 1. Motivational and incentive: the appearance of the cat Basilio and the fox Alice, Game situation “Make a number”
2. Basic: work with handouts, D/I make up a whole part of it, physical education minute 3. Reflective: What did we do today? What new did you learn? What did you like?

2. Artistic creativity. -dimensional applique “Moidodyr”
(see folder)
Purpose: to expand children’s ideas about fairy-tale characters. Objectives: To improve children’s ability to create a composition from individual parts. Strengthen the ability to cut off a part of a cotton pad along a straight and rounded line by eye and according to markings, make small cuts and cutouts. Strengthen the techniques of gluing fibrous materials onto the background of the applique.

Subject-practical environment: thick cardboard purple (blue)

colors, size, A4;
Moidodyr template, cotton pads; colored paper; scissors; a simple pencil; glue ; brush; oilcloth; a cloth to remove excess glue; illustration depicting Moidodyr
Planned result : three-dimensional application Medium of interaction: teacher-child. Approximate activity plan : 1. Motivational and incentive: The appearance of a grimy boy, looking at illustrations from a fairy tale 2. Basic: Physical. a minute, showing how the work is being done, children’s independent work 3. Reflective: What wonderful work you did. An exhibition of works is being organized. Morning

Gymnastics: practice running between objects, learn the game “homeless hare”

, repeat game exercises with the ball.
(together with a physical instructor)
Conversation: “Poetry Day”

Goal: tell children that World Poetry Day is celebrated in March, invite them to remember and recite poems that each child likes. Continue to explain, based on the works you have read, the genre features of the poems. Read passages with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, epithets, learn to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text.

D/i “Guess the Fairy Tale”


Repetition of songs “Emelina Week”

Our Motherland is strong." Together with the music director

I/r: development of the ability to cut out a rectangle-oval with scissors.

Cor/r on the recommendation of a psychologist

Throwing a ball at each other with any question “about you”

Walk: Formation from a column one by one, in a column by 2 (repetition of a physical education lesson)

Observation of snow. Purpose: Consolidating children's knowledge about natural phenomena;
forming an idea of ​​​​winter. Labor: offer to clear the table and benches of snow P/i: Shaggy dog”, “At the bear in the forest”
A/r: Practice the ability to step over obstacles.
Independent activity .
Afternoon -

Gymnastics after sleep;

Reading. How old Toka reconciled the Evenki (Evenki fairy tale)

“Folk Crafts”
Repetition of dance movements: “Kindness”

-I/r: constructing a paper cone

Cor/r on the recommendation of a speech therapist. Insert simple prepositions in speech: on - with, in - from, by.

Circle "Krasnoyarsk Territory - Small Motherland"

Waters of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Purpose: Acquaintance with the main rivers and lakes of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The importance of rivers and reservoirs in people's lives. Virtual excursions to bodies of water

Friday 07.12.2017

Joint activities of adults and children Independent activities of children Interaction with families

1. Communication (speech development, reading fiction)

Gerbova 34
“Turning Tales”
Goal: Development of coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking, imagination .

Objectives: To introduce children to folk and original fables; arouse the desire to come up with your own, update, systematize and supplement children’s ideas about the genre of fables, introduce them to the techniques of creating word combinations - fables, stories and fairy tales in this genre, develop a sense of humor, imagination , fantasy, coherent speech.

Planned result : made up of fables Subject-practical environment: toy artist Toropyzhkin, unfinished drawings, drawings - fables, object pictures, animal models, a bag, sheets of paper, colored pencils, a multi-colored flower.

Environment of interaction between teacher and child, child and child.

Approximate activity plan :

1. Motivational and incentive: meeting the artist Toropyzhkin

2.Basic: direct lesson, physical exercise

3. Reflective: What did you like today?

2. Artistic creativity Drawing by Lykov 168 “Golden Cockerel”

Goal: the formation of artistic and aesthetic abilities in children of the preparatory group for school . Tasks: Create an image of a cockerel - a golden comb, using colored pencils and wax crayons. Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly, apply shading, create a background, and draw contour lines. Develop a sense of composition and color, creative imagination, imagination , visual memory. To cultivate interest in the knowledge of fiction and the reflection of impressions in visual creativity .

Planned result : drawings of the Golden Cockerel.

Subject-practical environment: sheet of paper, simple pencil, colored pencils, wax crayons Interaction environment: teacher-child. Approximate activity plan :

1Motivational and incentive: looking at illustrations of the golden cockerel. 2.Basic: teacher showing drawing techniques, children’s independent work.

3. Reflective: These are the drawings we got. Presentation of your drawings.

3. Physical education (according to the plan of the physical instructor)

The first half of the day-

-morning exercises; Exercise children in running at speed, repeat jumping, practice throwing bags into the distance. (together with physical instructor)

articulatory gymnastics “Singing vowel sounds”


Conversation: “What kinds of books are there?”

.Goal: development of sustainable interest in the book, its design, illustrations.
Enrich children's understanding of the variety of books and genres of works.
Reinforce the rules of cultural handling of books .

— D/I “as it was before, and as it is now”

Goal: develop attention.

Repetition of songs: “About Dad”

, dance movements together with music. leader.

I/r: Drawing by cells.

Cor/r, on the recommendation of a speech therapist, a selection of pure sayings for the pronunciation of the sound L

Walk: line up in 2 columns in pairs.

Observation of snowflakes. Purpose: To introduce children to the beauty of nature, to show that falling snowflakes can be seen against a dark background

Labor: Feed the birds. Clear the area of ​​snow and twigs.

P/n: “Birds are not big”

“Rooster, hen, chicken”
I/r: learn to unbutton boots after a walk.

Independent games for children

Afternoon -

-Gymnastics after sleep;

Reading: Fairy Tale Quiz

Conversation: “The pavement is for cars, the sidewalk is for pedestrians. Goal: to develop children’s understanding of traffic rules

D.I: “How to cross the road?”

A/R: D/I on the recommendation of a psychologist “Guess the time of year”

Circle "Magic Thread"

Sewing corners using the

Goal: to develop the concept of modeling on a plane, to introduce stitching corners using the isothread

The first half of the day-

-Introducing books about fables, fairy tales with illustrations into the book center. A selection of illustrations with a cockerel

Games in a corner of nature with natural materials, figures of insects and animals;

D/I Photos. What books and printing houses were like before and now.

Walk: Creating conditions for physical activity.

Games with external material.

Afternoon -

D/I “How to cross the road?”

models of road signs, playing field
“Village Street”
, cord, planar
, pictures - tasks
“Determine the sequence of transition”
D/I (Flower with multi-colored petals, removable flowers with various Velcro cards depicting objects , phenomena, parts of words , sounds, etc., removable circles divided into 2 or 4 parts with a task, arrow.) Recommend to every family: organize family reading evenings; sign up for the library

Organization of children's activities

In the preparatory group, the modern pedagogical and educational system, although characterized by the transfer of knowledge, skills or abilities through training, at the same time, it is capable of developing in children such an important quality as motivation to independently search for the necessary information, including any responsible activity.

The main property by which the quality and effectiveness of schoolchildren’s development can be determined is upbringing and learning through the joint activities of the child and the teacher. At the same time, the skill of independent activity is formed, which is identified as the main aspect for creating a successful personality.

With a properly configured pedagogical process, the teacher develops in the preschooler the desire to search for answers to this or that question that interest him, and also encourages curiosity in every possible way.

The teacher also allows the child to improve creative skills, with the help of which he can better cope with everyday problems.

Children's activity, removed from the participation of the teacher, manifests itself in any type of activity, including gaming, artistic or educational. Social and communication skills also develop, which improves the personality of the future individual.

The main types of independent activities in the preschool group:

VarietyImplementation form
GamingThe game process is the basis of any child’s activity, in which he is able to recreate a model of the external environment based on his creative abilities. It is especially important for the teacher to maintain play activity, which is well used in the educational process. So, children can act out various fairy tales, discuss stories or any other situations using toys. Play activities also improve the preschooler’s ability to interact correctly with other children or adults.
CognitiveResearch skills in the older group are most often at a good level in order to conduct independent experiments or observations. Thus, a preschooler can think about certain hypotheses, identify a question of interest, or predict the result in a particular case. It is interesting that the child’s research practice is as close as possible to the scientific approach.
Art and speechAn artistic activity is to create an interesting image using certain creative skills. Older schoolchildren can express various subjects in their fakes, while investing in them a hidden meaning or morality. Children use modeling, drawing with paints or pencils, and construction using various materials. Often a favorite form of interaction is the theatricalization of a specific plot or fairy-tale character. Therefore, children love various costumes, masks or face painting, which allows them to plunge into a fairy-tale world.
MotorIn this case, preschoolers independently organize various motor exercises, can draw up a schedule for implementation, and also learn performance techniques. The child also develops a competitive spirit, which is effective not only during physical activity, but also in life.
LaborIf children observe how a janitor works, a cook prepares food, and how a teacher maintains order in a kindergarten, they unconsciously try to imitate adults, which increases their sense of self-confidence and responsibility for a specific task. In this case, self-service skills also develop.

Of all the above methods of organization, the most effective is the game type, which is present in absolutely all the described techniques.

At the same time, the teacher cannot abandon others in favor of a specific one, because only with the help of an integrated approach can the best results in education and upbringing be obtained.

Card index of didactic games in the preparatory group for speech development


1 Card index of didactic games in the preparatory group for speech development “Finish the word” Purpose: To develop children’s ability to divide words into syllables. Progress: Children stand in a circle. Teacher with a ball Goal: To develop children’s ability to divide words into syllables. Progress: The teacher invites the children to guess the words, while tapping 2 times. Children select words with a given number of syllables. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. “Let’s weave a wreath of sentences” Purpose: To train children in composing sentences, united thematically, to develop verbal attention. Progress: The teacher pronounces a sentence. Children name the last word and come up with a new sentence with it. For example: Seryozha is reading a book. The book is on the table.

2 “Name the words in which the second sound is a vowel (consonant).” Goal: To consolidate the skills of sound analysis of a word, to practice distinguishing between vowels and consonants, and to activate the vocabulary. Progress: The teacher asks the children to remember words whose second sound is a vowel or consonant. Children compete in rows. The row that comes up with the most words wins. “Magic Cubes” Purpose: To strengthen children’s ability to determine the place of sound in a word, perform phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, develop auditory and visual memory, as well as visual perception. Material: Cubes on each side, which depict objects familiar to children. Progress: The child is asked to collect some word, for example “elephant”. Pay attention to the first sounds of the words of the names of objects. The child first finds a cube, on one of the faces of which there is an object whose name begins with the sound [s]. Then he searches on the faces of the next cube for an image of an object whose name has the first sound - [l], [o], [n]. “Fun Train” Goal: Improve the skill of sound analysis, strengthen children’s ability to determine the number of sounds in a word. Material: Each child has an object picture of a ticket in his hands. Procedure: The teacher asks each child to determine the number of sounds in his word and put the picture in the correct carriage corresponding to the number of sounds in the word (how many boxes, so many sounds). “Find your brother” Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to identify the first sound in a word, to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds. Material: Subject pictures Progress: The teacher puts subject pictures in one row. Children must arrange the pictures in two rows. In the second row there should be pictures such that the first sounds of the words are brothers of the first sounds of the words of the first row. For example: Butterfly, first sound [b]. I'll put the squirrel, the first sound in this word is [b'], [b] and [b'] brothers. Children take turns coming up, naming objects, the first sounds of words, and if they have chosen the correct pair, place the picture under the top row.

3 “WHO IS THIS? WHOSE IS THIS?" Purpose: To practice forming adjectives from nouns. The teacher shows pictures depicting a fox, a wolf, a squirrel, a mouse, a pig, and a rooster. He asks: “Who is this?” Children answer with the full answer: “It’s a fox.” Etc. Then the teacher shows other pictures of tails. He asks to name whose tails these are. Children answer: “This is a fox’s tail,” etc. “HIDE AND HIDE” Purpose: To practice using spatial prepositions. Children close their eyes. The teacher places pictures with animals in different places in the group. The children find them and say who was hiding and where. The answers use spatial prepositions (in, on, for, under). “The mouse hid under the chair.” “The cat hid behind the cabinet,” etc. Children collect pictures. The teacher asks to answer the question: who got down and got out from where? The answers use the prepositions with (with), due, from under. “The mouse crawled out from under the chair.” “The cat crawled out from behind the cabinet,” etc. “GET IT RIGHT” Purpose: to practice using the pronouns he, she, it, they. About someone or something you can say: he, she, they, it. The teacher names the words, the children select the appropriate pronoun. At the beginning of the game, the teacher gives an example: she is the teacher, they are the children, this is the chair, this is the window. Words to work with: sand, sea, wave, boat, Vova, Olya, flower, sun. “Sound Caps” Purpose: To develop sound analysis skills. Learn to form forward and backward syllables. Progress: 2 children take part in the game. They choose their beetle and goose hats. Leaves and flowers cut out of colored paper are laid out on the floor. Letters representing vowel sounds are written on them. According to the teacher’s instructions “The sun is waking up,” children move around the room, imitating the buzzing of a beetle and the hissing of a goose. At the teacher’s signal, the children stop on the leaves and flowers, pronouncing the syllables with their own sounds in turn. For example: The beetle stopped at a flower with the letter “A”, the child pronounces the syllable “Zha”.

4 “BEAR AND HARE” Purpose: Work on the expressiveness of speech (timbre, tempo). B. The bear has a big house. D. (low) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! (shows a big house with their hands). B. And the bunny’s is small. D. (highly) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! (They show a small house with their hands) V. Our bear went home. D. (slowly, sedately, drawn out) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! (Imitate the waddling movements of a bear). V. Yes, and the bunny is home. D. (quickly and briefly). Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! (imitate the movements of a jumping hare). "WHO'S DOING WHAT?" Goal: To teach children to select action verbs for the proposed nouns. The teacher shows the children different pictures; the children select action verbs for them. The fly was flying, buzzing, annoying. The car was driving, stopped, and drove. The carrots grew and turned green. The pasta was boiled, laid out, fried. The mouse ran and squeaked. The boy jumped, ran, drew, lay down, played. “MAKE A SENTENCE” Purpose: Learn to compose sentences from individual words. 1 var. The teacher invites the children to compose sentences using the words puddle or another set of words as a basis. 2 var. The teacher invites the children to compose sentences, noting how many words are in it on a long strip of paper indicating the sentence. 3 var. The teacher pronounces sentences, children determine the number of words in them. 4 var. The teacher offers the children a card with the number of words in the sentence already indicated, the children compose a sentence with the indicated number of words. “CHOOSE THE WORDS RIGHT” Purpose: To train children in selecting possessive pronouns my, mine, mine, mine. The teacher invites the children to match the words shown in the pictures with the words mine, mine, mine, mine. “My kettle” “My watering can” “My sleigh”

5 “HOUSEWARMING” Purpose: To learn to compose sentences with prepositions on, above. Develop visual memory. 1var. Today the inhabitants of the forest have a big housewarming holiday. They built a big house. New residents are moving in today. Let's help the new residents. “The frog will live on the third floor in the apartment on the right” “The sparrow will live on the second floor in the apartment on the right” “the little goat will live on the first floor in the apartment on the left” “The hare lives above the little goat” “The mouse lives above the hare” “Above the little goat and the little squirrel” "live a hare and a sparrow" "GIFTS FOR NEW HOUSEHOLDERS" - Let's, guys, choose gifts for our newborns (can be for a certain sound). The teacher displays pictures depicting different objects: scissors, telephone, pan, sofa, vase, car, thread, noodles, umbrella, castle. Children choose an item and give it to the new resident. “I will give a ball to the mouse who lives on the third floor in the apartment on the left” “I will give a cake to the little bunny who lives on the second floor on the left” 3 var. The teacher turns the pictures over, face down. Asks the children the question “Who lives on the first floor?” or “Who lives on the second floor on the left?” Answer: “A little goat and a little squirrel live on the first floor” or “A little hare lives on the second floor on the left.” 4var. The teacher hides pictures with gifts under pictures with animals. “What did we give the mouse?” “We gave the mouse a ball.”

6 “SHOP” Purpose: I want to practice changing the verb by numbers, genders, tenses. The teacher offers to play the role of buyers and answer the questions: what would you like to buy? What do you want to buy? Children answer individually and in pairs. Sample answers: - I would like to buy I would like to buy We would like to buy - I want to buy We want to buy “WHAT WHAT?” Purpose: To train children in correctly agreeing nouns with adjectives. 1var. The artist depicted everything in white. Name the objects to which the word white, white, white is suitable. Likewise, any colors and other adjectives. -What can be hot, cold, February, coffee, etc. 2var. “What kind of snow?” “Cold, crumbly, sticky, etc.” “CHANGE THE WORD” Purpose: To train children in the ability to change words according to the model. Today a wolf came to visit us. He missed the last lesson at forest school. All animals have learned to change words, but the wolf does not know how to do this. Shall we show him? Example of a teacher: parrots parrot. Next, the teacher pronounces the word, and the children change it. Trams tram Loaves loaf Harvests harvest Lazy lazy Barns barn Snakes snakes etc. "WHO LIVES WHERE?" Purpose: To practice writing sentences with the preposition c. - Do you know where the raven lives? “The raven lives in a nest” Where does the wolf live? The wolf lives in a hole. Where does the squirrel live? The squirrel lives in a hollow. Where does the bear live? The bear lives in a den. Where does the frog live? The frog lives in a swamp. Where do fish live? Fish lives in water. Where does the swallow live? A swallow lives in a nest.

7 “MAKE A SENTENCE” Purpose: To practice making sentences from given words. The teacher invites the children to make a sentence from the pictures that fell and got everything mixed up. - Owl, sleep, day. The owl sleeps during the day. How many words are there in a sentence? What is the first, second, third word? - Fedya, smell it, violet. Fedya smells a violet. - Boy, draw, markers. The boy draws with felt-tip pens. Similar work. "WHO TO WHOM?" Purpose: To practice writing sentences with the preposition k. Imagine that baby animals are lost in the forest. When they met, who ran to whom? — The wolf cub ran to the wolf. — The chicken ran to the chicken. Etc. “THE WAS BECAME” Purpose: To expand children’s vocabulary with antonyms. When Tom and Tim were little, their parents planted a poplar tree in their yard. The boys loved this tree very much. They were growing. The poplar also grew. Tim and Tom often remembered what the poplar was like and were proud, looking at it, of what it had become. I will talk about the poplar when it was a seedling. And you choose the word that has the opposite meaning and say what he has become now. The poplar was thin, but became thick. Was short, became tall. Was young, became old. There were few branches, now there are many. The branches were short, but became long. The bark was smooth, but became rough. The leaves were small, but became big. Were wet, now dry. “WORDS” Purpose: to train children in replacing sounds in words. Let's replace the "l" sound with the "r" sound and see what happens. Varnish cancer, needle game, rolls. Burki, it's a pity it's hot.

8 “FEEDER” Purpose: To teach how to compose complex sentences. The teacher hangs out the feeder. — Birds flew to our feeder. Name them. “They saw in the feeder a variety of food for every taste: buckwheat, bread crumbs, rolled oats, berries, seeds, sausage. — The dove chose (hercules). — Jackdaw thought for a long time and chose (buckwheat). — The sparrow began to peck the ripe (seeds) with pleasure. - The titmouse started (sausage). -And the magpie got (bread crumbs). The children remember what the birds chose for themselves and make up sentences based on the teacher’s model. “The bullfinch pecks the berries because they are ripe.” Suggested sentences: The pigeon pecks at the rolled oats because they are useful. The jackdaw pecks at buckwheat because it is tasty. The sparrow pecks at the seeds because they are tasty. The titmouse pecks at the sausage because it is fresh. The magpie pecks at the crumbs because they are soft. “BIG SMALL” Purpose: To practice word formation. The teacher reads a poem. Next, a game exercise is performed: I will name the object large, and you will name the object smaller. In my words the sound “C” is silent, but in yours it clearly sounds like that. Tree-tree Dish-saucer Knee-knee Swamp-swamp Mirror-mirror Butter-butter Case-business Body-little body. “HIDE AND HIDE” Purpose: to practice the correct use of prepositions under, from under. The teacher shows how a bumblebee, a frog, a mouse and a cat played hide and seek. Three out of four toys are placed under various objects. One driving toy (for example, a bumblebee). -Where did the cat hide? (The cat hid under the table). Etc. — Bumblebee found his friends. Where did the cat come from? (The cat came out from under the table). Etc.

9 “FINISH THE SENTENCE” Purpose: to practice selecting verbs with the sound “zh”. Bread is cut with a knife. The horses are loud (neighing). The spring stream merrily (murmurs). The unfortunate person must (be pitied). An old man and an old woman (lived) near the blue sea. I took the object in its place (put it down). Mom (fries) pies in a frying pan. Children can quickly (run) along the path. “FINISH THE SENTENCE WITH ONE SOUND, ONE SYLLABLE” Goal: to teach children to finish a word with one sound or one syllable. To find her way home, Mashenka began to throw away the objects she had. If you finish the words with the sound “ch”, you will find out what objects they were. A key, a ball, a hoop, a ball. But the road was long, and Masha began to throw away the objects that she still had left. If you complete the word with one syllable - check, you will find out what objects Masha used to mark the road. Plato check, fartu check, nose check, badge check, hook check, belt check. “CHANGE THE WORD” Purpose: to train children in the ability to change words using the suffix -ish. Puppy Puppy loves to play with words. If we say the word correctly, the Puppy will be silent; if we make a mistake, he will bark loudly. The teacher displays three pictures: pliers, a brush, a raincoat. “I’m looking for pliers, dragging a brush, cleaning my coat.” - You are looking for ; - He's looking for ; - We are looking - You are looking; -They are looking. A year has passed. The puppy grew up and became a big dog. Previously, he had a small head, but now it’s not a head, but heads, not paws, but.. (paws), not eyes, but, not teeth, but, not a nose, but, not mustaches, but.., not claws, a., not a tail, but.. “SWALLOWS AND PEOPLE” Purpose: to train children in the formation of the genitive plural of nouns. Swallows fly high and watch people very carefully, they are surprised how different we are from them. Swallows have feathers, but people don't. feathers Swallows have wings, but people don't have wings. Swallows have feet, but people don't. paw Swallows have beaks, but people don't. beaks. Swallows have tails, but people don't. tails. Swallows have chicks, but people do not. chicks. Swallows have nests, but people don't have nests.

Motivating start to class

The independent activity of children in the preparatory group begins with the creation of a main motivator - interest in a certain topic, solving a problem, or the desire to communicate with other preschoolers.

Actions of a practical nature can be carried out based on the child’s own skills or abilities.

The immediate result of learning is assessed not only by the teacher, but also by the preschooler, so he talks about his own experience and observations to the teacher. This also allows you to develop your communication skills even more effectively.

The main role of the teacher is aimed at creating the necessary motivation for the actions of preschoolers , which he organizes based on the subject or spatial environment of a particular group. Such interest in activities can have both a playful and creative, cognitive nature.

The teacher must create interesting cases within the framework of a specific plan in order to predict the student’s independent work in relation to a certain topic, as well as based on the individual characteristics of the preschooler.

The motivating beginning should be characterized by an increase in interest in learning itself , which is best developed through gaming activities. Various games, performances or any other creative aspects are well integrated into any task: from cognitive and creative, to motor or labor.

Lesson time plan

Training or educational tasks that allow you to consolidate or develop a skill for independent activity are implemented through classes in kindergarten, which should last no more than half an hour.

Developmental lessons have a structure that consists of certain forms of activity, which allows you to increase the child’s attention and interest. They should also be aimed at reducing fatigue during the training itself.

The time plan of the lesson is characterized by the creation of algorithmic actions that could indicate to the teacher the presence of certain characteristics characteristic of each child. In this case, the teacher can refine the basic plan and use it in future lessons.

Recommendations from psychologists and teachers

Many experts in the field of psychology and pedagogy note that a preschooler from the older group actively develops and strengthens independence skills:

  • Thus, the child effectively adheres to table etiquette, maintains neatness and cleanliness, and also maintains active communication with peers, without the presence of a teacher.
  • The preschooler also knows the sequence of how to dress when going for a walk, including the ability to tie shoelaces and use a fastener correctly. He can carefully monitor the order of his own things and his appearance in general.

To some extent, according to psychologists, a preschooler leaves kindergarten as a mature, independent individual, therefore the main recommendations of specialists for teachers are aimed at monitoring the level of self-sufficiency before implementing various educational methods.

If a child has no or poorly developed independent skills, the teacher must take certain corrective actions that will help offset the preschooler’s lack of independence and determination.

Pupils must accurately understand any instructions from the teacher, therefore it is especially important for the teacher to achieve authority in the senior group. Both various incentives and communication with all children without exception are well suited for this.

The main form that allows you to consolidate the acquired work skill is the assignment of various instructions from the teacher. For example, a teacher can direct a child to water flowers, help arrange tools for a lesson, or remove dust with a rag.

It is especially effective to draw up a unique duty plan for children in the classroom, dining room or quiet place.

Such an introduction of various responsibilities to children who monitor the condition of a preschool institution makes it possible to increase the child’s discipline, as well as to instill in them the necessary respect for the work of other people.

In addition, this practice makes it possible to develop responsibility for certain instructions from an adult.

The basis for high-quality and harmonious improvement of an adult personality is independent activity, which is carried out in the senior preparatory group. Thus, children learn important skills that will more effectively develop character, intelligence and improve physical health.

In this case, the teacher must pay attention to the presence of monitoring, plan and relationships in the learning process.

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