General parent meeting “The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten, parents and its students”

Speech by a senior teacher at a general parent meeting “Preschool educational institution – family – ways of cooperation”

General parent meeting

Speech by senior teacher “Preschool educational institution – family – ways of cooperation”

There has long been a debate about what is more important in the development of personality: family or public education. Some great teachers leaned in favor of the family, others gave the palm to public institutions. And parents very often blame kindergartens and schools for their children’s lack of knowledge and education.

Let's try to answer the question

- Who should be involved in raising a child: a kindergarten or a family? Or should the work be done together?

If you look at the regulatory documents, it immediately becomes clear that parents are responsible for raising children, and they are the first teachers; all other social institutions (kindergartens, schools) are called upon to help, support, guide, and complement their educational activities.

Today, a new system of preschool education is being established in society. Federal state educational standards for preschool education, the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” oblige teachers and parents to become equally responsible participants in the educational process.

During the child’s stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers and parents )

make a triangle.


Educator Parent

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. He, learning new things

, discovers myself
(what I can do, what I can do, what I am capable of)
. The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. We should not forget about society, which plays a big role in the development of a child.

— What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? (will fall)

Remember I. Krylov’s fable “Swan, Cancer and Pike”

: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, and what will come out of it is nothing but torment.”
From this it follows that we should combine our efforts to make children comfortable and interesting in kindergarten

A teacher is an employee of a preschool institution who is not only directly responsible for the life and health of the children entrusted to him, but also carries out educational work in accordance with the kindergarten program. A parent is a “customer” who brings his child to kindergarten and wants the most favorable conditions to be created for his loved one (and often his only child). The parent has one (two, three) child. A teacher has an average of 15-20, sometimes about 30. And this also needs to be taken into account, because the amount of personal attention for each child is inversely proportional to the number of children. And he is also interested in providing children with favorable conditions, without forgetting about his educational responsibilities.

Today, parents make a huge number of demands on the kindergarten and the teacher in the first place, and often quite contradictory. And this is understandable. Each family has its own educational system, and what is good for one child is categorically not accepted by other parents. Some demand that the child return from a walk clean, others are indignant that the teacher does not allow the child to jump and climb wherever he wants, someone asks that children not be walked when it’s cool outside, someone, on the contrary, goes complain to the manager that the children are kept in a group instead of going for a walk.

Be friendly and polite to the teacher. Unfortunately, some parents do not even consider it necessary to say hello or goodbye to the teacher when bringing their child to kindergarten.

Don’t forget to ask yourself about how your child spent his time in kindergarten, what he did, what he ate, who he played with. If you talk about this with the teacher, he will definitely begin to look more closely at your child during the day, so that later he will be able to answer your questions in more detail. Also, the teacher will be more relaxed about your requests and comments, because in his eyes you will be perceived as a caring and caring parent. It is much more difficult to establish contacts with those parents who remember the existence of the teacher only when something does not suit them.

However, sometimes situations arise when conflict cannot be avoided. What to do if you have complaints about the work of a teacher?

Do you think that in kindergarten there is little work with the child? Each preschool institution, including ours, works according to an educational program, in accordance with which a “grid” of classes is drawn up for the week. Class time depends on the age of the children - in preparatory classes the duration is 30 minutes. But if at home you don’t devote time to games, reading books with your child, and don’t reinforce what children learn in kindergarten, believing that the child will have enough classes in kindergarten, you shouldn’t count on good results, but in order to know what to consolidate with your child at home, ask the teachers what they went through today, if anything needs to be repeated or reinforced.

I would like to dwell on the development of the child’s fine motor skills, that is, his hands and fingers. You are now on the eve of entering school; a little more time will pass and your child will become a first-grader. This is necessary so that the child in the first grade does not have problems with writing. Many parents make a big mistake by forbidding their child to pick up scissors. Yes, you can get hurt with scissors, but if you talk to your child about how to handle scissors correctly, what you can do and what you can’t do, then the scissors will not pose a danger. Modeling is very useful for the development of fine motor skills, and children really like to sculpt various koloboks, animals and other figures. Learn finger exercises with your child. In addition, you can train a preschooler’s hand by drawing, shading, tying shoelaces, and stringing beads. Give children at home, instead of phones, tablets and cartoons, more opportunity to do something with their hands: draw, sculpt, glue, cut out, without thinking that the child might get dirty or ruin something.

In conclusion of my speech, I would like to say: Kindergarten is neither heaven nor hell for a child, it is the same stage in his life as school or college. And it depends on you and me what this stage of his life will be like.


Educator Parent

Group parent meetings in kindergarten

Information parent meetings in kindergarten

Such meetings in the garden are held when it is necessary to convey important and new information to parents regarding various aspects of the life of a particular age group. Such events are usually carried out by educators. If there is a need, the head, senior teacher or nurse is invited to such parent meetings.

For parents of nurseries and younger groups, any information regarding all educational and routine aspects in the group, as well as the time spent in kindergarten during the early stages of the child’s adaptation to a new environment will be of interest.

A parent meeting for parents of future first-graders is usually held in the middle of the year to resolve all organizational issues regarding the graduation party, as well as costumes for the celebration, diplomas, photographs and memorable gifts. You can invite a music director who will tell you in detail about the final graduation matinee and everything that is required for it.

Thematic parent meetings in kindergarten

At such parent-teacher meetings, a specific topic is selected, and the teacher provides information specifically on it. Usually these are various pedagogical questions about conducting classes and development methods. Here you can also read interesting reports on raising children, proper nutrition, spending leisure time outside the preschool walls, and additional education for children.

Emergency parent meetings in kindergarten

Such parent-teacher meetings are usually not scheduled and are held in case of urgent issues. For example, when you need parents’ help in cleaning the kindergarten territory or their participation in children’s parties.

Parent meetings dedicated to holidays

Often, preschool institutions hold parent meetings dedicated to some holiday. First, you can tell interesting facts about the origin of the holiday, then congratulate all the assembled parents on it. And you can end such a meeting with a small performance by children who can perform a song, dance, or read poetry on the topic for moms and dads.

Parent meetings in kindergarten should be held in a friendly and welcoming environment. All information must be provided in full, competently and with clear diction, questions must be answered correctly and to the point. General parent meetings are usually held twice a year, and group meetings are held once a quarter, or as needed.

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