Marking on lockers, cribs and towels for kindergarten

SanPiN for kindergartens is a teacher’s assistant in organizing work with children. Each preschool employee must know the basic provisions of sanitary norms and rules and follow them. Legislatively approved standards are designed to ensure a comfortable stay for children in kindergarten and their safety. The article will talk about the rules for color marking furniture and accessories for preparing (storing) food products in accordance with generally accepted abbreviations.

Application area

Decorative stickers for kindergarten are made from environmentally friendly vinyl, which is resistant to various influences and has aesthetic appeal.
The bottom layer has a self-adhesive base, which allows you to fix the decorative element quickly and efficiently. The sticker can be applied to a wall with paint and wallpaper. Stickers can be used to decorate not only walls, but also other flat surfaces, for example, for marking children's lockers. In a large assortment you can find bright and colorful drawings with your favorite cartoon characters, animals, insects, dolls, cars, etc.

What do you need to know about SanPiN in preschool institutions?

Sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations for preschool institutions are approved by SanPiN

The act, approved by the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26, includes rules governing the organization of the organization and the rules for the use of accessories for children accepted into groups.

The act establishes requirements for:

  • location of the preschool educational institution;
  • equipment, including its location;
  • maintenance of territories related to a children's educational institution;
  • maintenance, decoration of premises, the building itself;
  • lighting of rooms, as well as auxiliary premises (natural and artificial);
  • heating, water supply, ventilation, sewerage and other systems;
  • the formation of groups that accept children with diseases that limit their health;
  • admission of minors to organizations implementing preschool education programs;
  • organization of the regime and educational process, including training;
  • equipment, inventory, toys, dishes and equipment in the catering department;
  • conditions of preparation, storage of food, menu preparation;
  • transportation, food intake;
  • hygienic, anti-epidemic measures;
  • compliance with sanitary standards.

All of the above requirements must be strictly observed by employees of preschool institutions.

For refusal to comply with the rules, citizens and organizations face a hefty fine. Next we will talk about labeling furniture and utensils in preschool educational institutions.

Rules for marking tables and chairs in kindergarten

Each piece of furniture sold on the territory of Russia must be marked - an alphanumeric designation containing the following information (clause 7.2 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 025/2012):

  • name of the finished product;
  • trademark owned by the manufacturer (if any);
  • name of the country in which the furniture was produced;
  • name of the manufacturer and its legal address;
  • name, actual and legal address of the importer - if the goods are supplied from abroad;
  • date of manufacture of furniture;
  • guarantee period;
  • product service life;
  • a single mark for the circulation of goods on the territory of the Customs Union.

If the furniture is supplied assembled, the marking is applied to a paper or fabric label attached to the product itself. If the furniture is supplied unassembled, a label with markings along with assembly instructions is included in the packaging.

Until 2021, the requirements for tables and chairs, as well as for the markings applied to them, were established by SanPiN - now manufacturers and importers, in addition to the provisions of TR CU 025/2012, should be guided by the new Sanitary Rules SP 2.4.3648-20.

Marking by growth group

According to clause 7.3 of the Regulations TR CU 025/2012, the marking of tables in the garden must contain a numerical designation consisting of two parts:

  • the numerator indicates the height number of the furniture;
  • the denominator indicates the average height of the children who will use the furniture.

The marking of tables in kindergarten (according to SanPiN and TR CU 025/2012) should reflect the growth group of the children for whom they are intended. Height groups, table dimensions, as well as numbers assigned to them are established by GOST 19301.1-2016 (as amended on September 1, 2019):

Table no. Child's height, m Height group
0,75 up to 0.85
0 0,90 0,85 – 1,00
1 1,05 1,00 – 1,15
2 1,20 1,15 – 1,30
3 1,35 1.30 or more

Marking of chairs in kindergarten is carried out according to the same principle, but in accordance with a different standard - numbers and height groups are determined by GOST 19301.2-2016 (as amended on September 1, 2019):

Chair no. Child's height, m Height group
0,75 up to 0.85
0 0,90 0,85 – 1,00
1 1,05 1,00 – 1,15
2 1,20 1,15 – 1,30
3 1,35 1.30 or more

The color of the marking of tables and chairs in kindergarten, according to clause 7.3 of TR CU 025/2012, depends on the height group number assigned to an individual piece of furniture:

  • 00 – black;
  • 0 – white;
  • 1 – orange;
  • 2 – purple;
  • 3 – yellow.

Color marking is applied to the visible outer surface of the furniture - it has the form of a circle with a diameter of at least 10 mm or a horizontal strip with a size of at least 10x15 mm, the color of which depends on the height number of the table or chair (in addition to TR CU 025/2012, a similar requirement contains clause 2.4 .3 SP 2.4.3648-20).

The color marking method should ensure its long-term preservation. You can use the printed method with a self-adhesive backing.

How are chairs and tables marked in kindergarten according to SanPiN?

According to clause 6.6 of SanPiN, chairs and tables used by kindergarteners must comply with standards taking into account the physiological characteristics of children and be labeled in accordance with them.

The choice of furniture is carried out according to such parameters as the child’s height.

A standardized table is used for this:

Group (height in centimeters)Furniture groupTabletop height (in centimeters)Seat height (cm)Marking furniture in kindergarten according to SanPiN

Clause 6.7 of SanPiN establishes the requirements for the countertop. The latter has a matte surface of a light shade.

Color of furniture markings in kindergarten.

Furniture cladding must be resistant to detergents (disinfectants), moisture, and also have low thermal conductivity.

Sanpin for kindergartens. [274.00 KB]

Features of furniture used in preschool institutions

The main difference between children's furniture and adult furniture is its size. Tables and chairs must have the necessary functionality, but at the same time be comfortable for the child and correspond to his height and age.

It is important that when a child works at a table, the following requirements are met:

  • your feet should be completely on the floor and not hanging in the air;
  • the front edge of the chair should not be adjacent to the popliteal hollows;
  • the back should touch the back of the chair in two places - the lower part of the shoulder blades and the lower back;
  • Your elbows should rest comfortably on the tabletop at a 90-degree angle.

The listed rules will be observed only if the size of the furniture corresponds to the height of the child. The manufacturer must produce tables and chairs of certain sizes and mark them accordingly - this will help the kindergarten choose furniture suitable for children of a certain age category.

How do preschool educational institutions mark dishes according to SanPiN?

In addition to furniture in kindergartens, dishes must be marked. However, this procedure requires responsibility.

The main purpose of the event is to prevent the mixing of raw foods and cooked dishes.

If the established SanPiN order is not followed, then microbes will get into the baby’s food, causing a serious illness.

Markings must be present on all containers intended for the preparation, distribution, and storage of food in a preschool institution.

The marking is applied using a special stencil. Oil-based paint is used for marking.

The designations are individual for each type of dish, as well as the containers in which they are stored.

Rules for handling food products are regulated by sections 13, 14 of SanPiN

Meals for children are organized in groups in a specially designated room.

Food is delivered from the place of preparation to the place of eating in closed, labeled containers.

Is your kindergarten marked according to SanPin?Yes it is applied50%Partially applied40.63%No it is not applied9.38%Votes: 32

Marking boards and knives.

Knives and boards intended for cutting products are marked depending on the type of product:

CMraw meat
SKraw chicken
SRraw fish
COfresh vegetables
VMboiled meat
VRboiled fish
INvegetables after heat treatment
Xbakery products
Greeneryfresh herbs

Thus, using a cutting board and knives for a specific type of product will not allow them to be used for cooking anything else.

Sometimes children's institutions install additional markings on equipment for cutting salads and preparing other dishes.

Labeling of dishes.

Placing marks on the dishes is also important. Use is carried out in strict accordance with the marked marks.

When preparing food, labels are used that correspond to the type of food, for example:

  • first;
  • second;
  • third;
  • milk products;
  • cereal porridge;
  • eggs, etc.

Storage is carried out in containers marked in the same way (sugar, butter, sour cream).

Labeling is also required for any container and device used by preschool employees when preparing food for children.

It is strictly prohibited to use unmarked utensils.

Ventilation schedule in kindergarten according to Sanpin.

Didactic games

Pictures on the topic of furniture for children are often used as visual material for educational games. Their range is varied. Such fun is aimed at the overall development and development of the child as a person.

  1. “What will this be needed for?” The child needs to correctly name the piece of furniture in the picture and describe its purpose (what they do with it in everyday life, where it can be placed).
  2. "Find the odd one out." A radically different image is specially added to one of the groups of pictures (by purpose, location, color, size). The child is given the task of determining what is superfluous.
  3. "Get things in order." In front of the child is a diagram of an apartment with different rooms and chaotically laid out pictures of furniture. The goal is to arrange the furniture in its place, as is customary in real life.
  4. "Part of an object." In all pictures, the furniture is shown without a certain element (the back of a chair, the armrest of a chair, the leg of a sofa, etc.). Children need to point to the missing part and name it.
  5. "What common". The task is to find common characteristics among different furniture (elements - legs, backs, etc., or color, shape, material).
  6. "Find the difference." Children need to find differences in pieces of furniture similar to the previous game.
  7. “What is this item?” It is required to describe certain furniture with various epithets. Give it a detailed description using adjectives. You can arrange a competition between subgroups of children. The team that comes up with the most characteristics wins.
  8. “Put it all together.” It is necessary to assemble a piece of furniture from puzzles, an entire furnished room. If there are two identical sets of puzzles, older children can compete in the speed of completing the task.
  9. "Shop". A child can make a conditional purchase of a headset only if he correctly pronounces the name of the furniture in the picture.
  10. "Repair". In all pictures, the furniture is shown without a certain element (back, legs, seat, armrest). Children need to name the missing part, what it can be made of and what tools are needed to repair it.
  11. "What is this". The child needs to recognize and name the furniture based on individual parts of the set.
  12. "Big small". Invite the children to compare the furniture in the two pictures and determine which is larger and which is smaller.
  13. “Name all the pieces of furniture.” The image contains chaotically placed furniture, dishes, plants, things, etc. Children find and name only furniture.
  14. “How this furniture is made.” The child should reproduce the sequence of actions when making an object. To do this, you need to prepare a manual diagram that shows: the material, the manufacturing process, tools and the furniture itself.
  15. "In our house". The task for kids is to list all the pieces of furniture that they have at home (by room).

If you prepare a variety of pictures of furniture for children, you can come up with any didactic fun on your own. Invent your own unique gaming method of teaching and developing children.

How to properly label clothes and shoes for kindergarten so that the inscriptions do not rub off?

  1. Use of pens and special markers . Now in stores you can buy special pens and markers for marking things. They stick to any surface and do not wear off for a long time. For hard surfaces (shoe soles, comb, study folder, etc.), a regular permanent marker for writing on CDs is also suitable. The disadvantage: you will have to buy different markers for different types of fabrics.
  2. Tags . There is also a huge selection of tags for children's clothing. They can be ready-made (with some kind of design, symbol, cartoon character), or made to your order, indicating your child’s details (name, surname, group number, mother’s phone number, any other information). Tags are sewn to clothes by hand or on a sewing machine, which, of course, takes a lot of time, but the tag can be cut off if you decide to sell the item or it goes to the child’s younger brother or sister. The material for making tags can be different: thin satin for linen and clothes of the first layer, and dense synthetic fabric for outerwear.
  3. Applications . There are regular sew-on and thermal appliques. A bright berry, flower, or car will quickly be remembered by the child and will remind him of his mother. You can glue the applique not from the wrong side, as in all other methods, but from the outside. A very cute way to decorate and mark clothes at the same time. The disadvantage is that only your baby will remember the conventional symbol, but it will not mean anything to the teachers, and in case of confusion, they will not be able to come to the rescue, especially if the baby still doesn’t speak well. In addition, appliqués are not cheap, and children have a lot of things that require labeling.
  4. Stickers or stickers. For the convenience of mothers, manufacturers have come up with an easy and quick way to make marks on clothes and things - stickers, iron-on adhesives and stickers.
      Stickers and iron-on adhesives are made from thermal transfer paper on which a specific design or inscription is printed. Their background is transparent. Stickers can be used to mark objects with a hard surface (stationery, combs, etc.), and thermal stickers are applied to clothing using an iron. They hold up very well, but can cause irritation for babies with sensitive skin. It is not recommended to stick them to underwear.
  5. Stickers are also glued to clothes with an iron, but they are made of polyester, and therefore their background is white or colored, but not transparent. Stickers can be used to mark not only clothes, but also shoes; they are very resistant to abrasion. In this case, they are glued to the insole and the child can always see whether he is wearing his own sandals.
  6. Labels on tape . Labels are a child's design or information printed on adhesive or fabric tape. You need to cut a piece of the required length and attach it to your clothes. Those. this could be a sticker as in the example above, or a fabric tag.

There are many ways to label things for the garden. Choose one that is convenient for you, or better yet, use different ones for different types of things. Then you won’t have to be sad about lost things, and your baby won’t be upset that the teacher unknowingly put his jacket or scarf on another child.

Preparing for kindergarten includes not only choosing the necessary things for the child, but also undergoing a medical examination and vaccinations. Find out from our materials about mandatory and additional vaccinations, as well as whether they can not be taken to kindergarten without a Mantoux test and how to write a refusal to receive vaccinations.

Why is labeling necessary?

Bright stickers on cabinets not only perform a decorative function, but also help create harmony in the interior. Children like beautifully decorated rooms and evoke positive emotions. The purpose of the pictures is as follows:

  • creating a good fairy-tale atmosphere;
  • attracting the child's attention to his own locker;
  • an organic addition to the decor in the kindergarten;
  • creating a themed interior;
  • stimulation of a positive attitude.

When choosing labels for cabinets, it is recommended to give preference to pictures rather than numbers. The fact is that children just starting to go to kindergarten do not yet know numbers, so they will not be able to fully navigate their new environment. Stickers vary in color, design, size, theme, and technique of attachment to the surface of furniture. Any variety of designs is designed to attract the attention of kids, allowing them to find their own among the many storage compartments.

Types of pictures

Furniture for children should be practical, safe, and multifunctional. The main design requirement is a catchy, original appearance. The same recommendations apply to small cabinets that are used to store outerwear, accessories, and spare shoes. You can decorate the designs using personalized and themed stickers.

With the baby's name

The marking must be supplemented with a special column for entering the child’s first and last name. Such stickers are suitable only for the middle and senior groups, where children with basic reading skills go. If the decor is selected for children, it is important that it is complemented by small drawings. This will help you quickly remember where the right locker is.

Personalized decor with the child’s last name is the most convenient option for parents.


A variety of designs are used to decorate cabinets in kindergartens. Kids will very quickly remember cute, kind pictures. Several topics are the most popular:

  1. Heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, for example, a fox, Leopold the cat, a lion cub, a gnome and others.
  2. Animals: bunnies, cockerels, deer, dogs, cats.
  3. Vehicles: cars, airplanes, tractors, boats, rockets.
  4. Vegetables and fruits: tomatoes, pumpkins, cherries, apples.
  5. Flowers and plants: cornflowers, roses, birches, daisies, Christmas trees.

Images of cartoon characters and animals should be positive and kind. Aggression is unacceptable because it can upset the baby or cause fear. Forest and domestic animals bring magical, fairy-tale notes to the atmosphere.

By using a combination of different images belonging to the same theme, it is possible to create a harmonious interior of the room. The locker room in the kindergarten will turn out to be attractive and interesting. Thanks to bright drawings, children develop creative abilities, correct perception of colors, and develop artistic taste.

Types of children's cabinet furniture, criteria for its selection

Sectional pictures of furniture

Pictures of furniture for children in kindergarten can be used in cut form. To do this, the finished colorful images are divided into parts of regular/irregular geometric shape.

Starting from early preschool age, the child is able to match puzzles and put together a picture. The benefits of such activities cannot be overestimated. They contribute to the development of the following functions and abilities:

  • logical and spatial thinking;
  • fine motor skills, coordination of movements;
  • orientation in space;
  • making independent decisions;
  • fantasy;
  • creative skills;
  • visual perception of information.

How to choose depending on the child’s age

Cabinets for kindergartens are coated with varnish or an even layer of paint. Thanks to this solution, children will not quarrel over the colors of the furniture. Each compartment for things belongs to one child, so special stickers are used for identification, which are selected taking into account age characteristics:

  1. Nursery group. Kids who do not yet know numbers and cannot read can perfectly distinguish and remember animals and fairy-tale characters. Bright stickers will help the baby distinguish his own closet from others.
  2. Middle group. The simplest geometric figures are suitable: triangles, circles, squares, stars. A sign for parents is placed inside the locker room with signs for each child.
  3. Senior group. Numbers can be used to design lockers. You should first make sure that all children know the numbers and there will be no confusion.

Experts do not recommend choosing inscriptions and letters for marking. Not all kindergarten-aged children will be able to read what is written. If such a sticker is used, it must be supplemented with a small picture.

What materials are they made from?

Children's labels are made from a variety of materials. A mandatory requirement is complete safety for the growing organism. The content of toxins, radioactive substances and other dangerous elements that may be present in the stickers is unacceptable. Reliable manufacturers monitor the environmental friendliness of their products. The most popular options are:

  1. Paper. Decor made from this material allows you to label cabinets. The products are easily attached to the surface of the furniture, resulting in an attractive flat-shaped picture.
  2. Chipboard, plywood. Original markings can be cut out of sheet materials, then painted with bright colors. The products have an unusual appearance, protruding slightly above the surface of the door.



The picture for a kindergarten cabinet should not be made of glass or plastic. The first one will break if handled carelessly, the second one may contain toxic substances.

Mounting methods vary depending on the material from which the children's decor is made. Paper stickers stick the fastest. It is enough just to remove the protective layer from the adhesive side and apply it to the surface of the cabinet.

Models made of plywood or chipboard are fixed to furniture using special tools. You will need self-tapping screws, as well as a screwdriver or screwdriver. After installation, decorative plugs are installed on the screw heads, which ensure safety of use and aesthetic appeal of the cabinets.

Children are pleased to visit educational institutions when cheerful pictures, smiling animals or funny fairy-tale characters greet them at the door. Thanks to charming, cute images, a friendly, warm atmosphere is created that has a beneficial effect on the child’s condition and mood. To create a holistic interior, it is necessary to select decor that matches the color scheme and design of the room.

Pictures of furniture

At the moment of visual acquaintance with such material, children learn to recognize pieces of furniture. Pronounce their names accurately. Additionally, they gain skills in comparing quantities and proportions.

Pictures on the topic of furniture for children of senior preschool age are motivating material for the development of artistic taste. They help you learn to think figuratively, describing interior items in detail.

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