Main types of joint activities between teachers and children

Main types of joint activities between teachers and children

Time dictates change. We change, our environment changes. Modern society places new demands on the education system, including the first level – preschool education. And we need to learn how to organize the educational process in accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

One of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is the principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant in educational relations.

The educational process includes 2 main components:

Joint partnership between an adult and children,

Free independent activity of the children themselves.

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky noted that the joint partner activity of an adult with children involves the child’s double motivation: on the one hand, the desire to be with the adult, to imitate him, to cooperate with him, and on the other hand, to do what is interesting. Partnership is, first of all, the equal inclusion of an adult in the process of activity.

Cooperative activity

– the basic model for organizing the educational process of preschool children. This is the activity of two or more participants in the educational process (adults and students) to solve educational problems in the same space and at the same time.

As part of the joint activities of an adult and children, problems

broad plan:

  • development of general cognitive abilities (including sensory, symbolic thinking)
  • development of children's initiative in all areas of activity;
  • development of the ability to plan one’s own activities and voluntary effort aimed at achieving results, the task of the child mastering the “world order” in its natural and man-made aspects (building a coherent picture of the world).

Joint activities include:

  • individual,
  • subgroup,
  • a group form of work with children and is carried out both in the form of educational activities and in the form of educational activities carried out during regime moments.

At the same time, the joint activity of an adult and a child is not only a stage in the development of any type of activity, but also a special system of relationships and interaction.

Joint activity between an adult and a child is, first of all, an activity during which emotional contact and business cooperation are established. It is very important to organize joint actions so that the teacher can call the child for verbal interaction or find lively, accessible reasons for the child to communicate. Organization and planning of joint activities must be flexible. The teacher must be ready for improvisation and for the child’s counter-activity. In the process of joint activity, the child gradually develops the position of a junior partner, guided by an adult and constantly taking into account the latter’s initiative. The joint activity of the teacher and children is based on the desire, characteristic of children, to participate in the real, “real” affairs of an adult.

The main areas of joint activity between teachers and children can be the following:

  • project activities
  • cognitive-game activity
  • work activity
  • associations of children by interests
  • club activities

Depending on the type of joint activity between the teacher and children, there are various methods of interaction with them. The most common types of joint activities:

  • Interaction in gaming activities
  • Interaction in organizing problem-search (project) activities
  • Features of interaction taking into account a gender approach.

1. The most effective in working with children are indirect influences, primarily influences through play and playful communication.

By entering into playful communication, the teacher gets the opportunity, in an economical way, to manage the activities of children, their development, regulate relationships, and resolve conflicts.

When joining the game, the teacher tactfully and carefully guides the players, taking care not to destroy their plan. At the same time, he solves various management tasks, which were identified taking into account the peculiarities of the game’s development. In order for children to realize a variety of ideas in games, the teacher must pay great attention to developing in them ways to realize their plans. Most children have well-developed objective ways of displaying their surroundings in a game, so the teacher only encourages them for their interesting invention in choosing an objective way to solve game problems. By forming role-playing methods, the teacher changes the forms of activating communication, he talks more with the players, encouraging them to role-playing statements and conversation, for this purpose he asks children questions about the content of the game. In gaming activities

children should be seen to be consistent and systematic, otherwise building a dialogue with children will be difficult and even problematic. For a teacher, play is a time to observe children, their actions, words, and interactions with peers. He must analyze the children’s play plans and see their experiences. Only in this case will he be able to correctly adjust the game and not disrupt its flow, which means he will interact organically with children. The teacher should come to play sessions with several games prepared in order to let them think about the theme of the game and let the children make their own choices. Skillfully help you stop at the most interesting. This develops their initiative. The teacher must recognize in time the children’s loss of interest in the game and support it with his actions. You can use new characters, change the tactics of the game, and give the children the opportunity to propose a continuation of the game based on their plot. And sometimes the teacher can become a full-fledged participant in the game, this really “turns on” the preschool children and makes the relationship between them closer. The skillful guidance of the teacher will make him a welcome participant in any games, and the game process itself will bring full fruit in the development of the preschooler.


A preschooler cannot yet find answers to all his questions on his own; teachers help him.
Along with the explanatory and illustrative teaching method, teachers use problem-based learning methods
: questions that develop logical thinking, modeling problem situations, experimentation, experimental research, solving crosswords, charades, and puzzles.

Problem-based learning is characterized, first of all, by an independent search for solutions to various problems, promotes the meaningful assimilation of knowledge, the development of creative skills, independence, and activity. The child’s need for this method arises when it is impossible to solve the problem using known methods. In this regard, when developing the content of developmental education, especially close attention requires the selection of not only the knowledge that children must learn in the process of independent search activity, but also that which is intended for direct transmission. Joint activities, in this case, must be organized in such a way that the child’s special activity appears, so that children can argue, prove the truth, and communicate freely with each other. A person who is not accustomed from childhood to think independently, who assimilates everything in a ready-made form, will not be able to demonstrate the inclinations given to him by nature. In order for learning to contribute to the development of a preschooler’s thinking, it is necessary to use methods that will give the child the opportunity to comprehend the educational material. Reliance on a question that is significant for the child is necessary when a preschooler is faced with a contradictory choice, sometimes makes a mistake, and then corrects it independently. The problem-search method is especially prominent in pedagogy at present.


Organizing discussions stimulates the search for the right solution. The need to explain a friend’s methods of action involves all children in the process of solving the problem (even in cases where the child practically does not act). The creation of problematic situations, the constant cooperation of children with teachers allows you not to worry about maintaining discipline, there is no need to ensure that children are not distracted. With such an organization, no additional means are required to attract attention. At the same time, business cooperation arises within the children's team. Children are actively involved in the search situation, and in the process of solving a game or practical problem, they help each other. In addition, knowledge should involve children in solving problem-search tasks formulated on the basis of personal experience; activate cognitive interests, the desire to assimilate new information; stimulate mental activity (processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and classification); increase levels of self-control, self-organization and self-esteem.

In order for activity not to weaken, along with clear, distinct knowledge, there must remain a zone of uncertainty. Let children independently look for solutions to the problems assigned to them, try, experiment, make mistakes and receive an unexpected answer to their questions. Satisfaction of curiosity should be combined with impatience to find out what will happen in the next lesson, with an attempt to express your hypotheses and assumptions. This problem-based learning strategy is built on the “principle of developing intrigue...”

The art of a teacher lies in the ability to correctly evaluate both correct and incorrect decisions, directing the search activity of children. The teacher should pay special attention to incorrect answers. By analyzing the solution path and the conclusion that was made with the children, the adult helps them understand their mistake and leads them to find a new way. First of all, the child’s cognitive activity should be encouraged. The organization of direct educational activities should help the child turn from a passive, inactive observer into an active participant.


In preschool age, there is an intensive process of developing a child’s self-awareness, an important component of which is awareness of oneself as a representative of a certain gender.

The problem of gender socialization, which includes issues of the formation of the child’s mental gender, mental sexual differences and gender role differentiation, is one of the most important and pressing problems in education.

Gender education

- this is the formation in children of ideas about real men and women necessary for the normal and effective socialization of the individual. Under the influence of adults, a preschooler must learn the gender role, or gender model of behavior that a person adheres to in order to be defined as a woman or a man. By the age of 2-3 years, children begin to understand that they are either a girl or a boy, and identify themselves accordingly. At the age of 4 to 7 years, gender stability is formed: children understand that gender does not change: boys become men, and girls become women, and this gender will not change depending on the situation or personal desires of the child. Girls of preschool age are “more social” and more suggestible than boys; they cope better with simple, routine tasks, while boys are better at more complex cognitive processes. Girls are more influenced by heredity, while boys are more influenced by environment. Girls have more developed auditory perception, and boys have more developed visual perception and much more. The most favorable age period for starting gender education is the fourth year of life. Already in the fourth year of life, children whose behavior corresponds to correct gender education feel different from the opposite sex.

The role of kindergarten in gender education is very important, but still, it is obvious that raising children taking into account their gender characteristics will largely be determined by the individual characteristics of each child and depend on those patterns of behavior of women and men that the child constantly encounters in the family. In this regard, the primary task is to train educators to implement a differentiated approach to girls and boys, both when communicating with them and when organizing and leading various activities in the classroom and in everyday life. When teaching children, it is important for the teacher to take into account that girls need stimuli that are more based on auditory perception. Boys do not readily perceive the teacher’s explanation by ear and it is preferable for them to use visual means based on visual perception. When raising boys and girls together, a very important pedagogical task is to overcome the disunity between them and organize joint games, during which children could act together, but in accordance with gender characteristics. Boys take on masculine roles, and girls take on feminine roles. Theatrical activities can be structured in a similar way.

The successful formation of a child’s personality, his mental and personal developments occur only in the process of communication and joint activities with an adult. In these two spheres of life, the child’s intellectual and personal development, his orientation in the objective world and in the system of human relations are carried out. In the process of interaction with an adult, the child’s basic communication needs, which form the basis of a person’s personality, are satisfied. It is important that there is mutual respect .

Respect is a necessary element in the community that the kindergarten group is. Educators set the example of mutual understanding, respect and care for each other that they expect from children. The amount of respect children feel from others is a key factor in their development of self-esteem. And self-esteem, in turn, lays a strong foundation for positive relationships with other children. When teachers show respect for each child in the group, children learn to accept all other children - those who run slowly, those who draw well, and even children with unusual or conflicting behavior. When children see and feel that each of them is accepted and respected, they begin to feel comfortable and can behave freely and pursue their own interests.

Educators should realize that children, like adults, feel and notice the sincerity with which they are treated. Children should be praised for their work individually and sincerely, and interaction should be natural and relaxed.

Children embrace and respond to age-appropriate humor and fun. Adults should not be afraid that by laughing and joking with children they may lose control of order in the group. On the contrary, general fun only brings teachers closer to children, and the atmosphere of cooperation in the group is strengthened.

There is no upbringing without difficulties and problems. A teacher is first and foremost a person. With your feelings and needs. And education is a living process of human relations. Good parenting cannot take place without constant work on these relationships and without constant work on oneself. We love flowers, but without knowing the specifics of caring for them and without creating the necessary conditions for their growth, we are unlikely to wait for them to bloom.

Thus, modern approaches to organizing the educational process define the partnership position and partnership activities of the teacher with children as the basis for joint activities in a preschool institution, as a necessary requirement for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational

institution kindergarten No. 5 “Spikelet” of a combined type

village of Ermolaevo municipal district Kuyurgazinsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan

Main types of joint activities between teachers and children

Teacher of the highest category:

Sorokina N.A.

Ermolaevo village, 2020

Project “Joint creative activity of children and their parents in the educational process”

MUDO Center for Additional Education of Children in Avsyunino

Orekhovo-Zuevsky urban district, Moscow region


“Joint creative activity of children and their parents

in the educational process"

The author of the project is a teacher of additional education

highest qualification category

Kuritsina Elena Konstantinovna


“Joint creative activity of children and their parents

in the educational process"

The key task of modern state policy of the Russian Federation is to ensure the spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen.

“Spiritual and moral development and education of the individual begins in the family. It is family values, acquired by a child from the first years of life, that are of lasting importance for a person at any age and form the basis of civil behavior in society.”

Parents play a vital role in a child's life. Parental love is the source and guarantee of human well-being, maintaining physical and mental health. That is why the first and main task of parents is to create confidence in the child that he is loved and cared for. Deep, constant psychological contact with parents gives the child the opportunity to feel and realize parental love, affection and care.

The basis for maintaining psychological contact is a sincere interest in everything that happens in a child’s life, sincere curiosity about his childhood, even the most trivial and naive, problems, a desire to understand, a desire to observe all the changes that occur in the soul and consciousness of a growing person. It is necessary to communicate with children from a young age: without communication, without constant concern for arranging common leisure time and common affairs with them, parents will not be interested in their own children.

The main values ​​of educational activities in the system of additional education are the child, his development, childhood as the special life of a child, educational space as an environment conducive to personal development. Therefore, additional education has great potential to help parents establish and maintain psychological contact with the child, spiritual and moral development and education of all participants in the educational process.

One of the forms of interaction between additional education institutions and students’ families is family clubs and workshops. Organized joint creative activity is the inclusion of the parent in the child’s activity. This is a situation in which a child, faced with a certain difficulty, has the opportunity to turn to a parent for help. And the parent gets the opportunity to do the work together with the child. As a result of joint creative activity and common interests, the child and parent reach mutual understanding and become closer to each other.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF


(for the week 25.11 – 29.11)

Group: 1st junior group No. 7 Topic: Family

Goal: To clarify the concept of family, to consolidate the ability to name the names of parents, to develop speech, to cultivate in children love for loved ones; expand your horizons and cognitive interest, enrich and activate your vocabulary on this topic.

Final event: Compiling the album “My Family” . Date of the final event:. 29.11.2019.

Responsible for the final event: educators

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “How was your weekend?” . Goal: to develop speech, the desire to share impressions.

Visual gymnastics. Goal: to develop the ability to fix the gaze, the development of spatial orientation.


Di. “Name it correctly . Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits (color, shape), strengthen the ability to recognize them from a picture and name them.

Educational activities in special moments

Looking at family photographs brought by children. Goal: to continue to strengthen children’s ability to name their parents’ names and develop speech.

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Review illustrations from books with children. Goal: to enrich children’s ideas, to encourage children to look at illustrations in books.

P. and. "The Mother Hen and the Chicks" . Goal: teaching basic types of movement in a playful way, developing children’s imagination.

Educational activities R,

F 9.00 - 9.08 (I subgr.) 9.20 - 9.28 (II subgr.) FCCM Tanechka and Manechka - sisters

Target. Form the ethics of family relationships; among many pictures, select identical ones; develop visual perception; cultivate good feelings towards family members: brothers and sisters. (N. A. Karpukhina, “Implementation of the content of educational activities” , p. 63)

15.30 – 15.38 (Ipodgr.) 15.50 – 15.58 (IIpodgr.) Physical culture

Target. Develop the ability to act independently. Form basic vital movements. Develop an interest in participating in outdoor games and physical exercises. Provide hardening of children's bodies. ( "Physical Education" , p. 40, lesson No. 23)

Walk F, S-K, P, R,

H-E Bird watching. Target. Fix the structural features of what they do: fly, sit on trees, chirp merrily, peck.

Basic labor activity: putting on and taking off shoes independently.

Work before bed Reading K. Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family” . Goal: to introduce verbal art, develop listening skills; repeat the most interesting, expressive passages from what you read.

Work after sleep Health-improving gymnastics after a nap.

Evening F, S-K, P, R, H-E Work in a corner of nature: invite children to observe how to take care of indoor plants. Offer to water the plants yourself in a corner of nature.

Walk Observation of passenger transport. Goal: to familiarize children with the transport that mom and dad use to go to work.

P.i. "We are leaves . Goals. Learn to walk and run, scattered, without bumping into each other; to teach them to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.

Day of the week

Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
Monday, 25.11.2019 Morning F, S-K, P, R Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “How was your weekend?” Goal: to develop speech, the desire to share impressions.

Visual gymnastics. Goal: to develop the ability to fix the gaze, the development of spatial orientation.

Di. “Name it correctly.” Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits (color, shape), strengthen the ability to recognize them from a picture and name them. Looking at family photographs brought by children. Goal: to continue to strengthen children’s ability to name their parents’ names and develop speech. Review illustrations from books with children. Goal: to enrich children’s ideas, to encourage children to look at illustrations in books.

P. and. "The Mother Hen and the Chicks." Goal: teaching basic types of movement in a playful way, developing children’s imagination.

Educational activities R,


9.00 - 9.08 (I warm-up) 9.20 - 9.28 (II warm-up) FTsKMT Tanechka and Manechka - sisters

Goal: To form ethics in family relationships; among many pictures, select identical ones; develop visual perception; cultivate good feelings towards family members: brothers and sisters. (N.A. Karpukhina, “Implementation of the content of educational activities,” p. 63)

15.30 – 15.38 (I warm-up) 15.50 – 15.58 (II warm-up) Physical education

Target. Develop the ability to act independently. Form basic vital movements. Develop an interest in participating in outdoor games and physical exercises. Provide hardening of children's bodies. (“Physical education”, p. 40, lesson No. 23)

Walk F, S-K, P, R,


Bird watching. Purpose. Fix the structural features of what they do: fly, sit on trees, chirp merrily, peck.

Basic labor activity: putting on and taking off shoes independently.

Ind. work: “Who’s next?” - teach standing long jump. P.i. "Carousel". Goal: to teach children to run after each other at different paces, to perform actions in accordance with the text of the game.

Di. “How the wind rustles” - develop the ear of perception and articulation.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed Reading K. Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family.” Goal: to introduce verbal art, develop listening skills; repeat the most interesting, expressive passages from what you read.
Work after sleep Health-improving gymnastics after a nap. Formation of KGN: develop the ability to turn clothes on the right side. Situational conversation with children “It is possible - it is not possible.” Purpose: to use words, it is possible/not possible, in accordance with the situation, to suggest using these words to evaluate different actions; bring children to the conclusion that adults must be obeyed. Independent activity of children in play corners under the supervision of a teacher.
Evening F, S-K, P, R, H-E Work in a corner of nature: invite children to observe how to care for indoor plants. Offer to water the plants yourself in a corner of nature. Offer children pencils. Goal: to teach children to hold a pencil correctly, rhythmically make a mark on paper, and fix colors. The plot-role-playing game “Family”. Goal: to encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in play. Offer children wooden inserts. Goal: development of fine motor skills, imagination, ability to work according to a model
Walk Surveillance of passenger transport. Goal: to familiarize children with the transport that mom and dad use to go to work.

P.i. "We are leaves." Goals. Learn to walk and run, scattered, without bumping into each other; to teach them to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.

Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
Tuesday, 26.11.2019 Morning F, S-K, P, R Morning exercises.

Free communication on various topics.

Finger gymnastics on the topic of the week. Goal: development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Di. “Who Screams How,” “Moms and Children,” “Whose Mother.” Goal: to consolidate the pronunciation of sounds by imitation. Reading S. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse.” Goal: to instill a love of fiction and the ability to listen carefully. Independent activity of children in activity corners. Goal: to develop the ability to show interest in the gaming activities of peers, to teach them to play together.
Educational activities R,


9.20 – 9.30 Music

According to the music director's plan

15.30 – 15.38 (Ipodgr.) Speech development Who said “meow”?

15.50 - 15.58 (II subgr.)

Goal: Expand the active vocabulary; practice clear pronunciation of isolated vowels and consonants; carry out a basic analysis of objects - toys, recognize and name parts of the animal's body. (V.V. Gerbova, “Speech development in kindergarten”, p. 74)

Walk F, S-K, P, R,


Observation of seasonal phenomena - frost, frost. Target. Form an idea of ​​frost as one of the states of water.

Elementary labor activity: collect toys at the end of the walk - cultivate the desire to carry out work assignments.

Ind. work: “Jump over the cord” - practice jumping over an obstacle. P. and. "Birds in nests." Goal: To teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal.

Di. “Find and name.” Target. Develop the ability, following the teacher’s verbal instructions, to find objects and name them, their color, size, shape.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed Reading the Russian folk tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf.” Goal: to instill a love of fiction, the ability to listen carefully and answer questions.
Work after sleep Health-improving gymnastics after a nap.

Formation of KGN: develop the skill in the correct sequence after sleep.

Exercise “Frogs in the Swamp” - teach you to walk forward on all fours and, turning around, go back. Develop motor independence. Conversation “If you are lost on the street.” Goal: to introduce children to dangerous situations that may arise, teach them to anticipate and avoid them. Independent activity of children in play corners under the supervision of a teacher.
Evening F, S-K, P, R, H-E Di. "Town for dolls." Target. Continue to teach how to create buildings based on a general plot. To develop the ability to design at will, to cultivate the desire and ability to build calmly together. Board games. Goal: to consolidate the ability to independently choose a game at will, consolidate knowledge of the rules of the game, develop thinking and memory. Plot-role-playing game “Mothers and Daughters” Purpose: To encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Independent activity of children with a floor constructor. Goal: to develop imagination, logical thinking, hand motor skills.
Walk Observation of passersby. Purpose: to draw children's attention to people's clothes: in cold weather, clothes are warm; Explain that you need to take care of your health and not catch a cold.

P.I. “Find and name.” Target. Develop the ability, following the teacher’s verbal instructions, to find objects and name them, their color, size, shape.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.

Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
Wednesday, 27.11.2019 Morning F, S-K, P, R Morning exercises.

Free communication on various topics.

Breathing exercises. Goal: to strengthen physiological breathing in children.

Work in a corner of nature: invite children to observe how to care for indoor plants.

Di. “Collect beads for mom.” Goal: to develop fine motor skills and perseverance. Conversation: “My family.” Goal: to clarify the concept of family, to consolidate the ability to name the names of parents, to cultivate love for loved ones.

Di. “Cut pictures” on the topic “Furniture”. Goal: to develop visual perception, to learn how to assemble a whole picture from 3 or 4 parts.

Independent activity of children in activity corners. Goal: learn to find playing partners.
Educational activities R,


9.00 - 9.08 (Ipodgr.) Physical education

9.20 – 9.28 (II subgr.)

Target. Develop the ability to act independently. Form basic vital movements. Develop an interest in participating in outdoor games and physical exercises. Provide hardening of children's bodies. (“Physical education”, p. 40, lesson No. 24)

15.30 – 15.38 (Ipodgr.) Drawing “Globules”

15.50 - 15.58 (II subgr.)

Goal: To form in children an idea of ​​the family, to consolidate the ability to name members of their family, to teach children to draw round objects with pencils, to consolidate the words “family” and “cares” in children’s speech, to cultivate a caring attitude towards family members. (

Walk F, S-K, P, R,


Observation - Be careful, ice! Target. To form children's knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - ice, to introduce them to the properties of ice, to teach them to find cause-and-effect relationships.

Basic work activity: strengthen the ability to dress independently for a walk.

Ind. work: “Jump up to your palm” - teach how to jump high on two legs. P.i. "Sun and Rain." Goal: to reinforce the rules of the game, to continue to develop the ability to run without bumping into each other.

Di. "What happens in the fall." Target. Learn to name the signs of autumn.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed Listening to and performing finger exercises. Goal: to develop auditory attention and fine muscles of the fingers.
Work after sleep Health-improving gymnastics after a nap.

Formation of the group of groups: reinforce the rules of hand washing.

D. and. “Find a house for the figure.” Goal: to consolidate the color and shape of objects, to develop speech. D. and. "Who has who7." Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about animals and their cubs. Independent activity of children in play corners under the supervision of a teacher.
Evening F, S-K, P, R, H-E Demonstration of the finger theater "Turnip". Goal: to bring joy.

Water games "Fishing". Goal: create a fun gaming atmosphere and develop coordination.

Offer children plasticine. Goal: to consolidate the skills and knowledge acquired in the lesson. Plot-role-playing game “Toy Store” - Purpose: to teach how to take on a role and act in accordance with it, to continue to teach children to play together. Offer pyramids, inserts, magic cubes, mosaics. Goal: develop fine motor skills of the hands, cultivate perseverance.
Walk Observing the sun. Goal: to introduce children to the phenomena of inanimate nature: changes occurring with the sun, to bring them to the understanding that the sun shines, but does not warm.

P.i. "The bunny is a coward." Target. Learn to play the role of a bunny - a coward and run away from other children.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.

Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
Thursday, 28.11.2019 Morning F, S-K, P, R Morning exercises.

Free communication on various topics.

Hearing development game “Say a word.” Goal: to develop auditory attention, to continue to introduce children to a variety of words.

Articulation gymnastics. Target. Develop speech activity. Games with a variety of constructors. Goal: to teach children to construct buildings from various construction sets, to use parts taking into account their properties, to transform buildings in accordance with the teacher’s instructions; continue to learn how to play around with buildings. Independent activity of children in activity corners. Goal: learn to find playing partners.

Music.i. “Orchestra” Goal: to develop auditory attention.

Educational activities R,


9.00 - 9.08 (Ipregr.) FEMP

9.20 – 9.28 (II subgr.)

Target. Develop the ability to distinguish cubes of contrasting sizes and name them: large cubes, small cubes, develop the ability to construct simple buildings (I.A. Pomoraeva, “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts,” p. 16)

15.30 – 15.38 (Ipodgr.) Modeling “Friendly family”

15.50 - 15.58 (II subgr.)

Goal: To develop the ability to distinguish colors (red, yellow, green), to promote the development of the ability to make lumps from plucked pieces of plasticine, to roll plasticine between the palms in a circular motion, to roll plasticine into a ball, to develop speech activity, fine motor skills of the hands, to cultivate responsiveness, the desire to help the game character . (

Walk F, S-K, P, R,


Observation - footprints in the snow. Target. Arouse interest in the surrounding world, teach to identify tracks: children's, adults, birds.

Basic labor activity: learn how to undress after a walk and put things in a closet.

Ind. work: “On a winding path” - practice walking along a winding line drawn on the asphalt. P.i. "Hen and Chicks." Goal: to develop the ability to walk in a flock and perform the movements shown by the teacher.

Di. "Blow like the wind." Goal: to develop the strength of the voice, the ability to take a deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth while pronouncing the sound (u).

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed Listening to lullabies. Goal: get children to sleep.
Work after sleep Health-improving gymnastics after a nap. Formation of CGN: strengthen the ability to sit correctly at the table, move the chair closer to the table. P.i. "Truck". Target. Develop dexterity, attention, coordination of movements. Independent activity of children in play corners under the supervision of a teacher.
Evening F, S-K, P, R, H-E Game - dramatization “Katya is going for a walk. Objectives: through dramatization, provide the necessary knowledge on self-care; show an example of dressing a doll for a walk. Work in a corner of nature: invite children to loosen the soil in pots with indoor plants with chopsticks. Offer children a set of “Mushrooms”, “Fishing”, and a large mosaic. Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands. Look at illustrations and books with your children. Goal: to enrich children’s ideas, to encourage children to look at illustrations in books.
Walk A targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the immediate environment.

P.i. "Shaggy Dog." Target. Teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher and without pushing.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.

Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
Friday, 29.11.2019 Morning F, S-K, P, R Morning exercises.

Free communication on various topics.

Di. "Snake". Goal: development of correct speech breathing - prolonged pronunciation of the consonant sound Sh on one exhalation.

Joint activities in the art corner. Goal: to strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly.. Conversation with children on the topic “Our Friendly Family” and viewing the album “My Family”. Goal: invite children to talk about their families, family relationships, and favorite holidays. Cultivate love and respect for loved ones. Independent activity of children in activity corners. Goal: learn to find playing partners.
Educational activities R,


9.00 - 9.08 (Ipodgr.) Speech development Grandma's basket

9.20 – 9.28 (II subgr.)

Goal: Enrich children's vocabulary with nouns denoting the name of vegetables; form auditory and visual perception; encourage children’s attempts, on their own initiative or at the teacher’s request, to talk about the subject (N.A. Karpukhina, “Implementation of the content of educational activities,” p. 76)

15.30 – 15.40 Music

According to the music director's plan

Walk F, S-K, P, R,


Surveillance of cars on the street. Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about various types of special transport and their purpose.

Elementary labor activity: collect toys at the end of the walk - cultivate the desire to carry out work assignments.

Ind. work: practice walking in pairs. P.i. "Birds in the nest." Goal: to teach how to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, and how to navigate in space.

Di. "It flies - it doesn't fly." Target. Attention, thinking.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: continue to teach children to say thanks after eating, to use a napkin.
Work after sleep Health-improving gymnastics after a nap. Formation of CGN: to develop in children the ability to keep their hands and face clean, wash after eating, and dry themselves with their own towel. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Three Bears". Goal: to instill a love of fiction and the ability to listen carefully. Independent activity of children in play corners under the supervision of a teacher.
Evening F, S-K, P, R, H-E D. and. “Help clean up the family corner.” Goal: teaching children to maintain order in the family corner. Teaching not only oneself, but also dolls to be neat, to arrange dishes carefully, to cultivate aesthetics and beauty. Independent activity of children with a constructor. Goal: develop the ability to make simple buildings, develop imagination. The plot-role-playing game “Visiting Grandma.” Goal: encouraging children to observe the play actions of the teacher; formation of the ability to define and distribute roles, to act in accordance with the assumed role. Joint activities in the art corner. Goal: to teach children to independently choose material for creativity.
Walk Observation - late autumn. Target. Expand children's understanding of autumn, its main signs and characteristics; to concretize and reveal children’s ideas about the main changes occurring in late autumn.

P.i. "Shaggy Dog." Target. Teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher and without pushing.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.

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