A collection of notes on educational activities on cognitive development with children 3–6 years old

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development for young children

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development for young children on the topic:

“Meeting the forest inhabitants (squirrel, bear)


Compiled by the 1st quarter teacher:

Steklyannikova M.Yu.


Form of the lesson:


Time spending:

8 – 10 minutes.


enriching children's knowledge about forest animals, namely bear and squirrel.


Educational: give an idea of ​​the appearance of animals (bear and squirrel); form the concepts of “big” and “small”; teach children to look at illustrations; answer the teacher's questions.

Developmental: develop the ability to distinguish animals by size (large, small); develop fine motor skills, thinking, attention, observation; ability to play alongside peers; develop the ability to imitate the actions of animals.

Educational: to cultivate interest in cognitive activity; to cultivate in children goodwill, responsiveness, activation of vocabulary: bear, squirrel, cones, big, small.

Material and equipment:

pictures of forest animals, toys (bear, squirrel), basket with pine cones, audio recording with forest sounds, soap bubbles.

Preliminary work:

looking at illustrations depicting forest animals, reading fairy tales about animals, reading poems by A.V. Barto.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part.

Music is playing, singing forest birds, the teacher and the children are playing in a group.

Educator: - Children, look how the sun is shining today, the birds are singing beautifully, let's take a walk with you (the children with the teacher go for a walk, look at everything around).

Suddenly they meet a squirrel.

Educator: - Children, look who it is? (children answer that it is a squirrel).

Educator: - Children, let's say hello to the squirrel (they say hello to the squirrel, look at it).

Educator: - Guys, look how small the squirrel is. What kind of ears does she have (small)

, tail
The squirrel really wants to play with you. Let's play with her.

Game with soap bubbles.

Educator: - Well done, guys! The squirrel really liked playing with you, let's say goodbye to the squirrel. The children say goodbye to the squirrel and move on. Suddenly they see a bear sitting under a tree.

Educator: - Look, children, who is sitting under the tree? Bear.

They look at him.

Educator: - Look, children, how big and fluffy the bear is. And the bear is sad. Bear, why are you so sad?

Bear: - Everyone is afraid to play with me because I’m big.

Educator: - Children, do you like to play? (Yes).

Educator: - Come on, you and I will play with the bear.

The teacher takes a basket of pine cones and gives it to the children.

Each child takes one cone in his hand.

Music is playing and children are playing with the teddy bear.

Bear: - Thank you guys, you are so kind and cheerful! I've played enough with you and now it's time for me to go home.

The teacher and children say goodbye to the bear and return to kindergarten.

Final part.

Educator: - Children, who did we meet on our walk? Show illustrations.

Educator: - What kind of bear? And the squirrel? What kind of tail does a squirrel have?

Well done boys.

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