Notes on drawing for children of the senior group “Owl-owl, big head”

Notes on drawing for children of the senior group “Owl-owl, big head”

Summary of GCD on drawing for children of the senior group

"Owl-owl, big head"

Goal: create an image of a bird.


1. Educational:

1.1. cognitive: to form ideas about the diversity of birds, their way of life.

1.2. pictorial: learn to draw a bird, conveying the shape of the body (oval), parts (head, wings, paws, beak), plumage;

1.3. technical: strengthen the skills of drawing with colored pencils and painting images using a variety of strokes, different pressure on the pencil to convey shades of color.

2. Developmental: develop attention, eye, fine motor skills, graphic skills; develop figurative perception and imagination.

3. Educational: to cultivate interest in nature, caring attitude towards our smaller brothers.

Priority educational area: artistic and aesthetic development.

Educational field in integration: cognitive development, speech development.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment:

For the teacher: a toy (illustration) of an owl, an audio recording of the owl’s voice.

For children: sheets of white A4 paper, colored pencils and colored wax crayons.

Preliminary work: reading and telling fairy tales: V. Bianchi “The Owl”, D. Kharms “The Tale of the Forgetful Owl”, conversations on them. Examination of illustrations in books with fairy tales and children's encyclopedia. Outdoor games: “Owl-owl, big head”, “Owl”.

GCD move:

Educator: Hello, kids! Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

Her eyes are big

The beak of a predator is always hooked.

At night she flies

He sleeps on a tree only during the day.

Children's answers. (Owl).

Educator: That's right, well done!

Shows the children a figurine of an owl and turns on an audio recording with the sounds of the voices of these birds. Draws children's attention to the shape of the owl's body, its large "saucer" eyes, ears with tassels, a small hooked beak and small tenacious legs.

An owl is a bird of prey. It feeds on rodents, which it catches with its claws while flying low above the ground. The huge eyes of an owl do not like daylight, therefore, the owl sleeps during the day and hunts at night. Thanks to its coloring, the owl is a champion in camouflage. In addition, she knows how to retract, pressing her feathers to her body and freezing, thus becoming like a broken branch. Many species of owls are listed in the Red Book.

Guys, now let's play a little!

The outdoor game “Owl-owl, big head” is played.

Educator: Now, guys, let's draw this amazing bird.

Using form-building movements of the hand, he shows how to place the silhouette of a bird on a sheet of paper - large, on the entire sheet. Reminiscent of the shape of the beak, wings, legs.

The children get to work. During the drawing process, the teacher helps the children by asking leading questions about how else to depict its plumage. Reminds you of using different pressure on a pencil to get shades of colors.

At the end of the work, the children look at all the drawings.

Educator: Look what different owls we have: some are mischievous, some are sad, but this one is very menacing! Did you guys like our drawings? Whose drawing did you find more expressive? Why? (Children's answers). Children note the expressiveness of the drawing, careful coloring, the use of different pressure on the pencil, underlining

character of the owl with additional details.

Educator: Well done, guys! Everyone tried very hard. Let's place our drawings at the exhibition so that moms and dads can also admire our owls!


Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

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Theme: "Oak"

Program content:

Draw an oak tree, convey its characteristic features (thick trunk, large leaves), introduce shades of green.

Draw a trunk using the “building up” technique, improve the ability to apply strokes by applying the entire bristle of the brush to the paper, consolidate the ability to paint with watercolors, use a palette in accordance with its color properties (transparency).

Develop independence and creativity.

Equipment: watercolor, a jar of water, a jar with thick and thin brushes, a landscape sheet of paper, a palette signed the day before, a napkin.

I a) Conversation

Guys, guess the riddle:

I crawled out of the little barrel, put down roots and grew up, I became tall and powerful, I am not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds. I feed pigs and squirrels - It’s okay that my fruit is small.

What is this? That's right, it's oak. Look, here it is (I open the poster).

In the middle of a huge clearing there is an oak tree. He himself doesn’t remember how old he is, but he knows that there is no one older than him in the forest. Its thick roots go deep into the ground, and its strong branches intertwine with each other and form a huge crown. Birds and animals flock to him from all sides. There is a house and a dining room for them. Although the oak was never alone, he always wanted it to be not the only oak in such a large clearing. Let's help him and draw neighbors for him.

b) Examination of the sample

- Look, this is the kind of oak tree we will draw today (I take out a sample). Where is the oak located? (in the center of the sheet) What does he have? (trunk, branches, crown, leaves) What kind of trunk does it have? (thick). There may be a hollow in the oak trunk, and squirrels can live in it. The oak bark is thick and uneven, with grooves. What color is oak bark? (brown) Where are the branches located? (at the top, on the sides). The branches are thick, gnarled - long and short, there are many of them. Please note that where the branch connects to the trunk, it becomes thicker. Where is the crown located? (above) What color is it? (dark green, different shades of green)

c) Showing the image method

— Look, I’m picking up brown paint, and with the tip of the brush, gradually increasing the pressure, I begin to paint the trunk. At the bottom the trunk expands. Next, I draw one branch, connect it to the trunk, without lifting my hand, I finish drawing the trunk. The trunk becomes thicker. I also draw the next branch, i.e. I am “building up” the trunk. And now Katya will show us how to draw the crown of an oak tree. With each branch the trunk gets thicker and thicker. Tanya will show you how to draw leaves. Come out Tanya and draw. The child draws, and the teacher explains his actions: look, she first took light green paint and “dipped” it on the leaves, and then took dark green paint and painted the leaves with horizontal dabbing with a flat brush. You can show how to mix paint on a palette.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic “Snowflakes”

Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group “Snowflake”
Topic: “Snowflakes” Objectives: Educational:
Teach children to draw a pattern on paper in the shape of a rosette;
arrange the pattern in accordance with the given shape; come up with the details of the pattern as you wish. Developmental:
Develop figurative ideas and imagination.
Arouse the desire to solve the visual problem in drawing in the most meaningful way. Educational:
To cultivate neatness, independence, and creative activity.
Materials: Samples of snowflakes (2-3 pieces), white gouache, dark paper in the shape of a rosette, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child).
Preliminary work: talking about winter, looking at lace, while walking - snowflakes, patterns on windows. Progress of the lesson
Educator: Hello, children! Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you have to guess it. (Reads the riddle)
- Stars are falling from the sky and will fall on the fields.
Let the Black Earth hide under them. Many, many stars, thin as glass; The stars are cold, but the earth is warm! - What is this? Snowflakes are correct. Oh, snowflakes. Educator: And today we will draw magic snowflakes and take out one snowflake at a time and examine the elements of the patterns with the children. (3 – 4 samples)
- And our snowflakes are not simple, but magical. One - two - three - turn all the children into snowflakes. Physical education minute Spun and spun (Spun in place.)
White snowflakes.
They flew up in a white flock (Raise your hands.)
Light fluffs.
(Spin on your toes.)
The evil blizzard has calmed down a little -
(Lower your hands, stand up straight.)
They settled down everywhere.
(Sit down, hands to the floor.)
They sparkled like pearls -
(Stand up, hands forward.)
Everyone marvels at the miracle.
(Spread your arms to the sides.)
- One - two - three - turn the snowflakes into children.
(Children sit down at their workplaces.) Conversation about a snowflake.
The teacher takes out a paper in the shape of a rosette from the envelope.
And asks the children what it looks like, what can be depicted on these pieces of paper. (Snowflakes)
- Now let's remember what techniques we can use to draw snowflakes. (Children's answers)
— First we draw the rays of the snowflake, and then we place a pattern on them. — We will draw the rays with the end of the brush from top to bottom, from right to left. Let's draw in the air (children draw rays with their fingers in the air)
Practical work. Now let's get to work. (Remember the techniques for using brushes and paints)
Children draw to music. (The teacher shows children who cannot cope with his example)
As the children get tired, the teacher conducts a finger game. We've been drawing for so long, Our fingers are tired, We'll rest a little, Let's start drawing again. (Shake hands.)
What is this strange phenomenon?
Suddenly a wall appeared - it was very strong. (They press on an imaginary wall with increased tension.)
It’s still a window, only it’s dirty!
Well, friends, let's wash the glass - the room will become light. The job was done well! The time to rest has come. (Shake the brushes, the children manipulate their fingers in a relaxed manner.)
After a pause, the children continue to draw snowflakes.
After finishing the work, the children wash the brushes and wipe them with a napkin. Summary of the lesson All works are reviewed together with the children and the most symmetrical and subtle patterns are selected. —Which snowflake do you like best? Why? Look what pattern Egor came up with? What does it look like? (Lace, crystals, Christmas trees, etc.)
The teacher suggests making an exhibition of snowflakes.

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