Short-term projects in the preparatory group of kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Features of preschool age

This period is the most fertile time for learning and education. Preschoolers absorb information about society, the surrounding nature, and relationships between adults like a sponge. At this age, active knowledge of the world is developed. Short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at enriching the child’s personal experience, developing his independence, and the ability to work in a team.

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

Parents' meeting in the preparatory group "Project activities in preschool educational institutions" Parents' meeting in the senior group of preschool educational institutions. Topic: Project activities in preschool educational institutions

Contents: 1. The purpose and objectives of the parent meeting.
II. Move. 1. Definition of project activities . 2. The relevance of project activities in preschool educational institutions . 3. Features of project activities in preschool educational institutions .
4…. Project for children 5–7 years old “A fairy tale goes from house to house” “A fairy tale goes from house to house”

The author
of the project is Nadezhda Vladimirovna Ponkratyeva, teacher of the GPA Project : for preschoolers and primary school students. Age: 5-7 years Sections: communication, cognition, socialization, FEMP. Description The project was created using the Mimio Studio

The purpose of projects in preschool educational institutions

The main goal of any project is to expand the knowledge of preschoolers on a specific topic. Short-term projects in the preparatory group of kindergarten are aimed at developing patriotic qualities in young citizens. From birth, a child becomes an explorer of the world that surrounds him. He sees snow, rain, rainbows for the first time, and encounters joy and grief. At the age of five, little “why girls” try to find answers to numerous questions that interest them. Teachers and parents should help them with this.

Short-term project in the preparatory group.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Firefly"

Short-term project in preparatory group No. 2 “Let's save nature together”

Completed by: Savelyeva O.V.

Semikarakorsk 2021

“Nature for us is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.” M. M. Prishvin. Relevance


Nature is an amazing phenomenon, the educational impact of which on the spiritual world of a preschool child can hardly be overestimated. Nature is the source of the first concrete knowledge and joyful experiences, often remembered for a lifetime. A child's soul is revealed in communication with nature, interest in the world around him is awakened, and the ability to make discoveries and be surprised by them is formed. It's no secret that preschool children are explorers by nature. .

An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior.
Research, search activity is the natural state of a child, he is determined to understand the world, he wants to know it. To explore, discover, study means to take a step into the unknown and unknown. It is exploratory behavior that creates the conditions for the child’s mental development to initially unfold as a process of self-development. Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of a child’s worldview and his personal growth. A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschool children, which takes place in the form of experimental actions. Preschool age is an important stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and
the surrounding world.
At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude to the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the child’s interactions with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to develop environmental knowledge, norms and rules for interacting with nature, develop empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers .
Project type: research, practice-oriented. Duration: short term.

Project participants: training groups, teachers, parents. Objective of the project :

Formation of a conscious and moral attitude towards nature in children of senior preschool age and their parents. Project objectives :

1. Foster love and respect for all life on Earth, develop an aesthetic perception of nature.

2. Involve children and parents in a variety of activities in nature and its protection.

3. Develop skills of environmentally literate, moral behavior in nature.

4.Ensure continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family.

5. To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in nature,

observation, creative imagination.

6. Foster an ecological culture and respect for nature in children and adults.

7. To form in children a caring, responsible, emotionally friendly attitude towards the natural world,

to living beings, in the process of communicating with them.

Stages of work:

Stage 1 - preparatory

: goals and objectives, determination of directions, objects and methods of research, preliminary work with teachers, children and their parents, selection of equipment and materials, study of programmatic and methodological material in the field of work,

Stage 2 - practical:

actually research: searching for answers to the questions posed in different ways. Excursions around the kindergarten, events, observations on a walk to develop environmental literacy of pupils, conducting educational activities in accordance with the long-term work plan).
Reading fiction and looking at illustrations help
consolidate and clarify children’s ideas gained through direct perception of natural objects. V. Zotov “White Hare”, “Forest Mosaic”, V. Charushin “What kind of animal”, N. Sladkov “Forest rustles”, L. Tolstoy “Wolf”, A. Klykov “How a fox spends the winter”, K. Ushinsky “Bunny’s complaints”, “Fox Patrikeevna”, G. Snegirev “Our animals forests”, N. Pavlova “White Fur Coats” (from the book “The Four Seasons”). Environmental conversation

:"Towards nature with kindness"

“Forest is the most important component of the biosphere”;

"Value of the forest";

“The forest is nature’s storehouse”;

"Our smaller brothers." Operation Help Nature.

The goal is to clean certain corners of nature from debris, help trees and insects.

Operation Gift to the Birds.

The goal is to make feeders with the help of parents and hang them on the territory of the kindergarten.

Quiz "Do we know the plants of our region."

Excursion along an ecological path - fix the names of trees, notice changes in nature, in the appearance of trees and grasses, from autumn to spring.
Handmade with natural materials “Gifts of Autumn”.
Exhibition of children's works and joint works with parents.

Making birdhouses with the help of parents. Growing a vegetable garden on a window:

Onions, dill, peas, cucumbers. Flowers. On a walk :

outdoor games

Guess whose tail” “Who lives where?” “Hares and the Hunter” “Sly Fox” “Wolf in the Ditch” “Who knows, let him continue” “Guess whose trail.” Observations:

Behind the beauty of nature, behind changes in nature, behind birds and insects, behind inanimate objects and phenomena in nature: snow, rain, fog..; ECOLOGICAL MYSTERIES

What a wonderful beauty! Painted gates appeared on the way! You can’t drive into them, You can’t enter them. Answer (Rainbow) In the blue sky, White sheep float like along a river. They keep their way from afar. What are their names? ...Answer (Clouds)

Across the sky, bags with holes run like a horde, and sometimes water flows from the bags. Let's hide better From the leaky one... Answer (Clouds) There is a shirt on the street, In the hut there are sleeves. Answer (Sunbeam) You warm the whole world And you don’t know fatigue, You smile in the window, And everyone calls you... Answer (Sun) Blue scarf, scarlet bun, Rolls on the scarf, smiles at people. Answer (Sky, sun) What kind of ceiling is this? Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is tall, sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish, sometimes he is a little bluish. And sometimes so beautiful - Lace and blue-blue! Answer (Sky) At night there is one Golden orange in the sky. Two weeks passed, We didn’t eat any orange, But only an orange slice remained in the sky. Answer (Moon, month) At night I walk across the sky, dimly illuminating the earth. I’m very bored alone, And my name is... Answer (Moon) I ran along the meadow path - The poppies nodded their heads. He ran along the blue river - the river became pockmarked. Answer (Wind) It wets the field, forest and meadow, the city, the house and everything around! He is the leader of the clouds and clouds, You know, this is... Answer (Rain) Flowers fall on the trees, on the bushes from the sky. White, fluffy, but not fragrant. Answer (Snow) What are those carved stars on the coat and on the scarf? Everything is through, cut out, and if you take it, there is water in your hand. Answer (Snowflakes) Whose drawings are on the window, Like the pattern on the crystal? The Winter Grandfather pinches everyone's nose... Answer (Frost) The wind blew and the frost brought us snow from the north. Only ever since then, on my glass... Answer (Pattern) Not snow, not ice, But it will remove the trees with silver. Answer (Rime)

Stage 3 - final:

consolidation of acquired knowledge, formulation of conclusions by children. Generalization of the results of work on the environmental project “Let's save nature together”

During the implementation of the project the following results were achieved:

Basic ecological knowledge and a culture of behavior in nature were formed; Children began to understand the interconnections in nature, began to treat it more carefully, animals, birds, insects; There was an interest in natural phenomena and objects. Strengthened the ability to experiment, analyze and draw conclusions; The environmental culture of parents has improved; they have become more attentive to environmental issues.

Conditions have been created for conducting experimental activities. Experience in developing conscious, environmentally literate behavior in nature in children. A developed sense of empathy and desire to help natural objects. The album “Animals of our region” has been compiled. Feeders and birdhouses for birds were made.

The work being carried out is quite effective, efficient and determines the direction of further work and environmental activities.

Poems about ecology for children

Protect the environment!

So that you can feel the joy of tomorrow, the Earth must be clean and the sky must be clean.

And this Earth, without sparing, Tormented century after century And the “Reasonable” man took everything only for himself.

Now we rushed to save the “Natural Environment”, But why did we sense trouble so late?

Through the smoke of factories and factories, It is difficult for us to see All the suffering that the Earth has to endure!

How long will we have enough water, if there is poison dissolved in it? How long will those forests last, where the axes are knocking?

Save fields, forests, meadows And the clean expanse of rivers - the whole Earth - Only you, a Reasonable Man, can!


She flew over the highway.
The driver did not brake, and the poor bird fell under a heavily loaded ZIL. If she had taken it a little higher, she would have saved herself: Not only was she just above the roof, she could have flown over the forest! The May evening was quiet and bright, Nightingales sang in the lilacs. And this incident was not noted by the local traffic police officer. (S. Mikhalkov) Cherry
On a clear afternoon, at the end of summer, an old man walked along the road;
I dug up a young cherry tree somewhere and, satisfied, carried it home. He looked with cheerful eyes at the fields, at the distant boundary, and thought: “Let me plant a cherry tree by the road as a souvenir. Let the big one grow, let it go both in breadth and height, And, decorating our road, bathe in bloom every year. Travelers will lie down in its shade, rest in the coolness, in silence, and, having tasted the juicy, ripe berries, maybe they will remember me. If they don’t remember, what a shame, I don’t worry about it at all: If they don’t want to, don’t remember, don’t, I’ll plant a cherry tree anyway! At the city cleanup
At the city cleanup, Excellent workers.
To clean up the city today, both young and old have come. Pensioners gathered to clean the streets and squares. – Do you need helpers? Suggestions are heard. This is the third grade, going out to clean for the first time. All you can hear is: “Come on!” Get to work! Someone is collecting garbage, someone is planting trees, someone is pottering around in the flower beds, joyful faces are everywhere. At the city cleanup, all the janitors, all the rafts. Even the restless mayor came to our park to help. No one quarrels with anyone, Everyone’s work is going smoothly. The third grade decided to clean up the city for the holiday. (N. Anishina) Appeal of a tree to a Man
- Hey, Man, I am a TREE!
High, mighty! I’m still standing in the forest And rustling for now. The entire timber industry can't wait for the opportunity to knock me down, cut me down, cut me down - Look for the fool! Just let him try! I want to warn her in advance in a friendly way, the Minister - including: Whatever they make of me - all efforts are in vain! I look peaceful while I'm standing in the ground. But just turn me into various products - I will suddenly creak in the night like a closet with wild horror! I will bury myself as a stool splinter in your body! I’ll rot like a parquet under you - Even if you fall, even if you scream! I'll accidentally go down the toilet with three months' salary! I’ll collapse with a table on the guests, including the Minister... Isn’t it easier than cutting me down, Take it straight away and hang yourself? You don’t have to look for the rope - it lies in the hollow! (I. Shevchuk) Walk
We came to the river to spend Sunday, But we couldn’t find a free place near the river! They sit here and sit there: Sunbathe and eat, Relax as they want, Hundreds of adults and children! We walked along the bank and found a clearing. But in the sunny clearing, here and there - empty cans And, as if to spite us, even broken glass! We walked along the bank and found a new place. But they sat here before us too; They also drank, they also ate, they lit a fire, they burned paper - they littered and left! Of course, we passed by... - Hey, guys! - Dima shouted. - This is a great place! Spring water! Wonderful view! Beautiful beach! Unpack your luggage! We swam, sunbathed, lit a fire, played football - had as much fun as we could! We drank kvass, ate canned food, sang choir songs... We rested and left! And we remained in the clearing By the extinguished fire: Two bottles we broke, Two soggy bagels - In a word, a mountain of garbage! We came to the river to spend Monday, but we couldn’t find a clean place near the river! (S. Mikhalkov)

Even though the grass won't grow

There are fewer and fewer untouched places on the planet. Lakes of oil are spilled across the tundra. And hostile whirlwinds swirl from the pipes... Wildlife is already half a corpse. The man brought her to her knees. The deer are moving further and further north... We want to rake in more money. And what after us? AT LEAST THE GRASS DOESN'T GROW. (A. Usachev)

Promotion – with the distribution of leaflets “We sort waste correctly”

Growing a vegetable garden on a window.

Cleaning the flower beds.

Making a poster: “Animals in our forest”

Exhibition of feeders.

Caring for plants in preschool educational institutions.

Project methods in kindergarten

A short-term project in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard can have a variety of topics, taking into account the predisposition of the children. Educators try to use problem-based learning to develop logical thinking in their students. Short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at modeling non-standard situations, solving puzzles, and conducting experimental research activities.

Project “Sorceress Autumn” in kindergarten. Preparatory group

Implementation of the project “Sorceress Autumn” in a preparatory school group
Project passport Type of project: informational, creative, group. Duration: medium term. Participants: teachers, music director, preparatory group children, parents. Problem: Autumn is not just a time of year, it is the time when all life on Earth prepares for the transition from hot summer to cold winter. Preschoolers want to know how nature prepares for severe frosts, how animals, birds, insects prepare for winter, how do people prepare for winter? Children's age : 6-7 years. Relevance: Many great thinkers and teachers have written that the development of a child largely depends on the natural environment. And cultivating a careful and caring attitude towards living and inanimate nature is possible when children have at least basic knowledge about them, learn to observe nature and see its beauty. In the modern world, the education and development of preschool children is built on the individual development of a creative personality. From birth, a child is a pioneer. Sometimes he cannot find answers to questions that interest him on his own. To help the child, project activities are organized. Project goal: Expanding children's understanding of autumn as a time of year, about the life of animals and plants in autumn, about holidays and people's work in the autumn. Project objectives: 1. Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn, changes in nature, teach to see and identify individual objects of autumn nature, develop the ability to observe living objects and inanimate natural phenomena; 2. Summarize and clarify knowledge about human work in nature in autumn, about autumn holidays and their traditions; 3. Improve visual skills and abilities, develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of its colors and shapes. 4. Activate children’s speech, replenish and enrich children’s knowledge on lexical topics: “Autumn”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Mushrooms”, “Birds”, “Animals”; 5. Expand your understanding of the variety and benefits of vegetables and fruits that ripen in the autumn; 6. Cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word, love and respect for nature. 7. Nurture the moral and spiritual qualities of a child during his communication with nature. 8. To generate the activity and interest of parents in the pedagogical process. Expected result: After completing the project, children will acquire the following knowledge: 1. Expanding their understanding of autumn as a season (seasonal changes in nature, signs of autumn, its gifts, preparation for the cold of animals and vegetation).
2. Development of research activities of preschoolers in the course of joint practical activities with the teacher. 3. Development of an active, independent, creative personality in children. 4. Reflection of the knowledge accumulated during the implementation of the project in various types of activities (visual, theatrical, mental, gaming). 5. Fostering a sense of love for one’s native land and a desire to take care of the gifts of nature. 6. Formation of activity and interest in the educational process of children among parents. Project implementation stages.
Preparatory stage • drawing up a plan for joint work with children and parents; • development of OA notes; • selection of materials and equipment for OD, conversations, games with children; • selection of artistic material; • conversation with parents about their necessary participation in the project, about a serious attitude towards the educational process in the preschool educational institution; • Study of methodological literature. Practical stage. Educational areas. Types of children's activities. Cognitive development
Examination and examination of dummies and stencils of vegetables, fruits, leaves, illustrations and postcards dedicated to autumn.
Familiarization with the surroundings:
• “Signs of autumn” • “Visiting autumn”
“Why trees shed leaves”, “What autumn has brought us”;
"Autumn. What do you know about her? “Can vegetables be harmful to our health?” Situational conversation: “What fairy tales do you know where one of the characters is a vegetable or fruit?” “Why does a bear sleep in winter, but a hare doesn’t?” “Why do I like (dislike) autumn?” Cycle of observations:
“What happened first, what will happen next?”
(the beauty and richness of autumn colors using the example of trees growing on the territory of a kindergarten), “Let's collect seeds of garden flowers”, “Is it necessary to collect seeds of wild plants?”, “What is the difference between spruce and other trees in autumn?”, “Why do birds fly in autumn?” to people’s homes?”, “Where do migratory birds fly?”, “Why did insects disappear?” Targeted walks: “Trees and shrubs of our kindergarten”, “Looking for signs of autumn” excursion around the territory of the preschool educational institution; experimental activity with autumn leaves; Quiz: “Let’s save the wonderful world of plants and animals.” D/i “Let’s bring back the memory of autumn”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Who knows more about autumn?” Speech development. Reading fiction: - Proverbs, sayings, riddles about autumn. — I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant.” - I. Sokolov - Mikitov “Leaf Faller”. — M. Prishvin “Birds and Leaves.” — K. Chasheva “The trees are sleeping.” — Y. Tuvim “Vegetables.” - A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” - A. K. Tolstoy “Autumn, our whole poor garden is crumbling...” - F. Tyutcheva “There is in the primordial autumn.” — N. Egorova “Falling Leaves.” Retelling, storytelling:
- Retelling the work of K. Ushinsky “Four Wishes” - Retelling the work of N. Pavlova “Openki” - Composing descriptive stories about vegetables and fruits.
— Creative storytelling on the topics “We walked in the area”, “What did I see in the park?” - Compiling a descriptive story on the topic “My Picture” - Retelling the work of N. Sladkov “Why November is Piebald” - Retelling the work of V. Chaplina “Forest in Autumn” Memorizing:
- A. Fet “The Swallows Are Missing.”
— E. Trutneva “Autumn.” — Memorizing poems with parents for the video “Poetic Autumn.” Artistic and aesthetic development.
Drawing: “Autumn still life”, “Rowan branch”, “Migratory birds are flying”, “Apple tree with apples”, “Riddles from the garden”.
Modeling: “For mushrooms in the autumn forest”, “Autumn tree”. Application: “Autumn twigs in a vase”, “Spikelet”, “Autumn forest”, “Applique of autumn leaves”. Listening to musical works: P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, A. Vivaldi “The Seasons”, S. Prokofiev “The Autumn Fairy”. Physical development.
Finger gymnast “The rain came out for a walk”, “Leaves”, etc. Physical education, “We will go to the garden”, “A grain fell into the ground”, “Breeze”;
“Cabbage”, etc. breathing exercises “Breeze”. Outdoor games: At the bear in the forest”, “Owl”, “Migration of birds”, “One, two, three, take the named leaf”, “Who will collect the leaves faster”, “Let’s collect an autumn bouquet”, “Let’s go to the forest”, “ Tops and roots", "Owl". Relay race “Collect an autumn bouquet”. Social and communicative development:
Plot-role-playing games “Family - autumn chores”, “Harvest”;
“Growers”, “Gegetable shop”, “Flower shop”, “On a walk in the autumn forest”. Didactic games: “Edible and poisonous mushrooms”, “Stocks of animals”, “Seasons”, “Wonderful bag”, “What grows in the garden?”, “Autumn signs”, “Two baskets”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “ Find a pair”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “What’s extra.” Labor: Joint decoration of the group for the autumn holiday, collecting natural material on a walk and herbarium, providing all possible assistance in removing leaves from the site, cleaning the flower garden. Cultural and leisure activities: Autumn Festival “Autumn Fair”. Participation in all-Russian events “Harvest Day” and “Green Russia” Interaction with parents. Activities to work with parents: 1. Collection of natural materials. 2. Recommendations for parents to read fiction on the topic. 3. Recommend an excursion with children to the vegetable garden, garden, forest, park. 4. Conducting individual conversations in order to create interest and attract parents to making crafts 5. Consultations: “Vitamins in the garden and in the garden”, “Children’s clothes for walks in the fall.” 6. Assistance in preparing for the “Autumn Fair” holiday (making costumes, learning poems and songs). Final stage Products of project activities:
1. Holiday “Autumn Fair”;
2. Video “Poetic autumn”; 3. Album of children's drawings “Colors of Autumn”; 4. Autumn decoration of the group; Analysis of work results. Literature: 1. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Basic general education program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010. - 304 p. Education. 2. Developmental activities for children 6-7 years old. / Ed. L.A. Paramonova. M.: OLMA Media Group, 2014. 3. “The Unknown is Nearby,” entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Shchetinina, M., Sphere shopping center, 2005 4. “Development of imagination and speech of children 4-7 years old,” gaming technologies. — E.A. Alyabyeva, M., Sfera shopping center, 2006 5. “Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old.” – E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova, Volgograd: Teacher, 2013; 6. “Environmental projects in kindergarten” - Maslennikova O.N., Filippenko A.A. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013 7. Bondarenko T. M. “Comprehensive classes in the preparatory group” 2008. Project implementation

Observations of changes occurring in nature in autumn.

Work on the site (cleaning the flower garden).

Application “Autumn Forest”

Leaves applique.

There is autumn in every drawing.

Setting up an exhibition of children's works in the hallway.

Rehearsal of the “Gypsy” dance for the “Autumn Fair” holiday. Thank you for your attention!

We recommend watching:

Integrated educational NNOD with children of the preparatory group on the topic: Autumn Scenario of an autumn sports festival in the preparatory group. Harvest festival Autumn phenomena in nature Autumn entertainment for children of the preparatory group

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Project topics

Integrated learning for preschool is innovative. It is aimed at developing the child’s personal qualities, creative and cognitive abilities. Topics for short-term projects in the preparatory group may be related to pets. For example, the teacher introduces children to the image of a dog in the works of Russian writers and poets, artists and filmmakers. After the theoretical part of the project is presented, preschoolers receive assignments in groups. One team is asked to portray a pet, the second - to write a fairy tale, the third - to come up with riddles related to the dog. At the final stage of the project, each group presents the result of their activities; the final result of the lesson is the creation of a complete picture of man’s best friend.

Such short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of the younger generation.

Stages of project activities in preschool educational institutions

The transition of a kindergarten to project technology is carried out according to a certain algorithm. It involves several stages:

  • conducting classes using problem situations, a small experiment;
  • conducting complex block-thematic classes;
  • integration of theoretical and practical knowledge on a specific topic.

A short-term project in a preparatory group on ecology, for example, involves familiarization with natural phenomena, their explanation, and study.

Teacher activity plan when preparing a short-term project

In order for such activities to be effective, the teacher must build a clear sequence of actions.

  • 1st stage. A problem is being thought out that young researchers will tackle under the guidance of a teacher. In order for preschoolers to become interested in the topic of the project, it must be understandable to them. There is no point in inventing complex scientific research for 5-6 year olds.
  • 2nd stage. Planning actions that will help achieve the goal. The teacher, together with the children, determines approximate deadlines for each stage.
  • 3rd stage. Search for information related to the project topic. At this stage, together with parents, teachers, and representatives of other organizations, the children receive theoretical knowledge on their project.
  • 4th stage. Drawing up a project diagram, accumulating material. The acquired knowledge is gradually systematized, and a diagram is drawn up on its basis. It is this that will become the basis for all subsequent work of little researchers.
  • 5th stage. Practical activities. The children are offered experiments that they can do both in kindergarten and at home.
  • 6th stage. Project design. At this stage, the main burden falls on the shoulders of parents and educators. Together with children, adults prepare a presentation in the form of a game, creative performance, or computer presentation. All results that were achieved as the project progressed are presented at an open event.

Classification of projects in preschool educational institutions

How are short-term projects divided in preschool educational institutions? The preparatory group works according to new federal standards. They involve the classification of projects by the number of participants, target setting, and duration.

The following options are mainly used in preschool institutions:

  • Creative and research forms. Children conduct interesting experiments, presenting the results in the form of newspapers, theatrical performances, and role-playing games.
  • Role-playing and game projects. They contain individual elements of games in which children play the main roles.
  • Practice-oriented information works. The kids collect the material and then design it.
  • Creative projects involve holding children's parties and excursions.

Preparatory group

Preparatory group of kindergarten. The preparatory group is attended by children aged 6 to 7 years. The materials on the site comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for the preparatory group and contain everything that is necessary for preparing the GED in kindergarten. The preparatory group continues to work on mastering the initial basics of literacy.

In the section of the site, the kindergarten preparatory group contains many interesting activities for teachers to teach children on various topics:

  • Preparatory group classes
  • Lesson notes for a kindergarten teacher in the preparatory group of a kindergarten
  • Preparatory group classes
  • Integrated lesson in the preparatory group
  • Age characteristics of children in the preparatory group
  • Education and training in the kindergarten preparatory group
  • Circle work. Poetry club "Golden Candle" preparatory group
  • Long-term project “The Journey of a Penny” in the preparatory group of a kindergarten
  • Lesson at the preschool educational institution “We will go to school soon”
  • Summary of an integrated design lesson in a school preparatory group
  • New Year's holiday in the royal palace preparatory group of kindergarten
  • Summary of GCD in kindergarten "Fairytale Castle" in the preparatory group
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  • Scenario development of direct educational activities with preschoolers in the preparatory group
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  • Technological map of organized educational activities for the preschool class “Our home is planet Earth. Is everything good about him?
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  • Lesson on FEMP in preschool class
  • Lesson in a pre-school kindergarten class “Acquaintance with the world around us. Fundamentals of Ecology"
  • Open lesson for the preparatory group of a kindergarten: work to prepare children for school as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education
  • Scenario for the holiday “Goodbye, kindergarten” preparatory group
  • Summary of an open lesson with children of the preparatory group “Excursion to the Zoo”
  • Summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten on FEMP “Clocks. Determining the time"
  • Health Day for children preparatory group

Children of six years old are able to master a broader orientation in the phonetic aspect of speech. Basically, in this age group, the use of role-playing games in teaching preschool children continues. In the preparatory group of the kindergarten, integrated (complex) classes are used. The site contains useful information about the kindergarten preparatory group.

In the preparatory group of kindergarten, integrated (complex) classes are used - this is a combination of different types of activities in one lesson. Their advantage is that the child does not have time to get tired of the amount of new knowledge acquired, and at a certain moment he switches to a new type of information. Thus, the teacher maintains the children’s attention at a high level for quite a long time. This applies to children of different temperaments and different abilities. The development of verbal communication (coherent, dialogical, monologue speech) comes first in the preparatory group of the kindergarten.

The preparatory group of kindergarten is the last year of study in a preschool institution. These are already grown-up children who are preparing to take their place at their desks at school. A child in the seventh year of life feels independent, knowledgeable, and skillful. He is active, inquisitive, strives to obtain new information, tries to assert himself in the company of peers and in communication with adults.

In role-playing games, children in the school preparatory group begin to master complex relationships between people, reflecting characteristic significant life situations: weddings, the birth of a child, illness, employment, etc. Children’s play actions become more complex and take on a special meaning that is not always revealed to an adult.

When a child moves from the senior group to the preparatory group of kindergarten, this means that the next step on the path of his development will be entering school. It is during this period that children of 6 years old are no longer so interested in games. They begin to develop learning skills. At this stage, it is important to help the preschooler master skills that will help him more easily master new knowledge: concentrate on information, be disciplined and assiduous. The child must acquire new knowledge and skills in order to quickly join the school community and adequately perceive the school curriculum. Individual work with children in the preparatory group also plays an important role in this.

Examples of projects in preschool educational institutions

We suggest considering the short-term project “Winter” in the preparatory group. The main purpose of it is to introduce children to the seasons. First, the teacher tells the children about what is typical for such a time of year as winter. The teacher pays special attention not to the climatic features of a given period, but to the traditions with which this period is so rich. As homework, children are invited to remember New Year's traditions together with their parents and come up with riddles about the New Year. In the second lesson, the guys share the information they managed to find. The teacher introduces the children to “different” Santa Clauses. This can be done using a computer presentation. In addition, preschoolers will learn about the New Year traditions that exist in different countries.

This project is best carried out in November-December. The second homework will be making New Year's toys. But first, the teacher introduces children to the types of Christmas tree decorations and how to make them.

The final lesson for the “Winter” project will be a presentation of New Year’s decorations and hanging them on the Christmas tree. After the Christmas tree is decorated with hand-made toys (with the help of parents), the kids will find themselves in a fairy-tale forest, where treats and fun games await them.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Short-term creative and educational project “Fairy Tales for Children” for the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 “Planet of Childhood” of a combined type, Moscow region, Reutov

Project manager: teacher of the first qualification category Manastyrnaya I.L.



Books are of great importance in a person’s life. A child’s strong interest in reading and reading habit are formed in the family. While the child is small, parents read books to him, and as soon as the baby learns to read on his own, they breathe a sigh of relief. It's no secret that many children grow up without loving a book. Most often, children read comics, sticker magazines, watch videos, play computer games, but the art book remains untouched and loses its importance in the formation of artistic taste. Children and their parents spend most of their free time watching TV or a computer; as a result, the reading process slows down and interest in the book is lost. Reading fiction is of great importance for the all-round development of a child. Their success in learning depends on how children understand the content of what they read, how they can read fluently and expressively, analyze the actions of characters, and draw conclusions.

Once a child begins to become interested in a book, he will find himself in a completely different world - fascinating, colorful, interesting, which will give him many discoveries and finds. The love of reading and books is a love for life, so it is very important to encourage a preschooler’s first successes in reading and storytelling, and to stimulate his interest in words and good works.

A homemade book made by preschoolers will increase interest in fiction, give an understanding of the importance of books in a person’s life and increase children’s self-esteem for their work.

A homemade book is both entertainment and a pastime with a child, as well as learning.

The most fertile soil, with unlimited developmental and educational opportunities, is a fairy tale.

Fairy tales reveal to children the precision and expressiveness of language, showing how rich native speech is in humor, lively and figurative expressions. The amazing power of linguistic creativity of the Russian people has never manifested itself as clearly as in folk tales. Their inherent extraordinary simplicity, brightness, imagery, and ability to repeatedly reproduce the same speech forms and images make it possible to put forward fairy tales as a factor in the development of coherent speech in children.


A fairy tale has an advantage over other educational techniques. This is a kind of moral code of the people, their heroics are, although imaginary, but examples of the true behavior of an honest person who knows how to stand up for his dignity.

A fairy tale plays a crucial role in the development of imagination - an ability without which neither the mental activity of a child during preschool and school education, nor any creative activity of an adult is possible. Fairy tales instill interest in reading fiction.


Difficulties in children developing coherent speech, the sequence of stories about the events of their lives, the ability to retell literary works, compiling stories based on a picture and a series of pictures, and compiling descriptive stories. Children's creative abilities are poorly developed.


To cultivate in children a love of books, as well as a love of Russian folk tales; develop in children a sustainable interest in fairy tales as a work of art; revealing children's creative abilities.


  1. To increase children's interest in independent reading activities.
  2. To develop the ability to plan the process of making a book - babies.
  3. Expand children's understanding of fairy tales.
  4. To develop in children the ability to independently select literature of interest.
  5. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  6. To develop imaginative thinking, imagination, and creative abilities in children.
  7. Foster feelings of friendship and collectivism.
  8. Foster a culture of speech.
  9. Foster love and respect for books.
  10. Education of aesthetic taste.

Planned results:

  1. Increasing the effectiveness of work on the development of coherent speech in children.
  2. Enriching children's vocabulary.
  3. Children’s use of elements of Russian folklore, comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression in their speech.
  4. The ability to play didactic and printed board games, solve and compose your own riddles, solve crosswords and puzzles based on Russian folk tales.
  5. Application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in creative activities (creating a baby book).

Expected results for the project:

  • developing children's interest in Russian folk tales;
  • consolidating the ability to apply one’s knowledge in conversation and coherent statements;
  • fostering a sense of friendship and collectivism;
  • get an emotional response from your work;
  • replenishing the book corner with homemade books made with your own hands.

Project implementation stages.

Stage 1 Preparatory

  • arouse children's interest in the chosen project topic;
  • invite children to bring books with their favorite fairy tales from home to the group;
  • examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales “Zayushkina’s Hut” , “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” , “Masha and the Bear” , “The Fox with a Rolling Pin” , “Geese-Swans” ;
  • design of a book center in a group;
  • selection of visual and didactic material.

Stage 2 Main

  1. Implementation of the project plan with children;
  2. examination of illustrations of Russian folk tales;
  3. reading and telling Russian folk tales, talking about the fairy tales read;
  4. conversation with children “What is a fairy tale?” ;
  5. conducting board-printed, didactic, verbal games;
  6. guessing riddles based on fairy tales;
  7. creation of a card index of Russian folk tales;
  8. creation of a homemade book and a castle from a fairy tale, illustration of paper puppet fairy tale heroes;
  9. dramatization of fairy tales.
  10. Final stage
  11. Summing up the results of project activities;
  12. telling fairy tales from your books to children in the preparatory group;
  13. theatricalization of fairy tales.
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"World of Water"

By implementing this short-term project, children not only become familiar with the most important substance on Earth, but also learn to respect water resources.

The teacher tells his kids that they are 90 percent water. To attract the attention of preschoolers to the topic of the project, he can tell them a fairy tale about a droplet, which during its journey turned into steam, then into ice, then back into a droplet. This way the children will get acquainted with the aggregate states of water and its circulation in nature. There is also a practical part to this project. Kids learn to “turn” water into ice using refrigerators. Aesthetic skills are also required in this activity. Armed with ordinary sheets of white paper and scissors, young designers create snowflakes of unusual shape and size. Together with the teacher, the children attach threads to the finished products, and such homemade decorations are used for New Year trees.

The “World of Water” project involves the involvement of a music worker from a preschool educational institution. He introduces the children to songs that mention water, snow, ice. The result of such cooperation will be learning a song about water, snow, rain. Everyone chooses a song together: the teacher, the music worker, the children.

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