Ecology project in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Ecology project in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Environmental project in a pre-school group

Author of the publication: Antonova Tatyana Gennadievna. Purpose of publication: dissemination of experience in environmental education of preschool children. Description of material: The project is aimed at developing environmental literacy in preschoolers. The publication is addressed to preschool teachers. Authors of the project: teachers of the school preparatory group of the MADO DS “Talent” p. Tashla of the Orenburg region Antonova T.G., Amirova G.R. Brief annotation to the project: Modern problems of human relations with the environment can be solved only if an ecological worldview is formed in people, starting from preschool age, their environmental literacy is increased and they are introduced to ecological culture. Helping children see the uniqueness and mystery of life on planet earth was the goal of this pedagogical work. Depending on the age and level of knowledge of children, all topics become more complex in content, tasks and methods of implementation (informational, effective-mental, transformative). Particular attention is paid to the formation of a holistic view of nature and man’s place in it. Children form their first ideas about the relationships that exist in nature and, on this basis, the beginnings of an ecological worldview and culture, a responsible attitude towards the environment and their health. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of a child’s worldview and his personal growth. A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschool children, which takes place in the form of experimental actions. When working with preschoolers, great importance is attached to the moral aspect: the development of ideas about the intrinsic value of nature, an emotionally positive attitude towards it, the development of the first skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in nature at home. The project participants are children, preschool teachers, and parents. Relevance of the topic: Nature is an amazing phenomenon, the educational impact of which on the spiritual world of a preschool child can hardly be overestimated. Nature is the source of the first concrete knowledge and joyful experiences, often remembered for a lifetime. The child's soul is revealed in communication with nature, interest in the world around him is awakened, the ability to make discoveries and be surprised by them is formed. It is no secret that preschool children are by nature researchers. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior. Research, search activity is the natural state of a child, he is determined to understand the world, he wants to know it. To explore, discover, study means to take a step into the unknown and unknown. It is exploratory behavior that creates the conditions for the child’s mental development to initially unfold as a process of self-development. Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of a child’s worldview and his personal growth. A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschool children, which takes place in the form of experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden significant connections with natural phenomena. Project type: Short-term (April-May), research, practice-oriented. Project goal: To develop children's environmental literacy and respect for nature and the environment. Project objectives: • To form in children a caring, responsible, emotionally friendly attitude towards the natural world, towards living beings, in the • process of communicating with them. • To develop skills of observation and experimentation in the process of • search and cognitive activity. • Develop children's imagination, speech, imagination, thinking, ability to analyze, compare and generalize. • Protect and improve children's health. • Take part in landscaping the territory of the kindergarten. • Improve children's skills in caring for plants. Expected results: children have developed basic ecological knowledge and a culture of behavior in nature; children understand the interrelationships in nature, treat it, animals, birds, insects with care; children have developed an interest in natural phenomena and objects; children are able to conduct simple experiments, experiment, analyze and draw conclusions; the level of environmental culture of parents has been increased, parents are aware of the need for environmental education of children; a unified educational space has been created for preschool educational institutions and families for the environmental education of preschool children. Project implementation stages: Stage 1 – Preparatory Stage 2 – Main Stage 3 – Final Preparatory stage Collection and analysis of literature on this topic. Determining goals based on the interests and needs of children. Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing the project. Providing a didactic complex for the implementation of the project. Saturation of the subject-developing spatial environment of the group with thematic content. Main stage Drawing lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: “Forest Kingdom”. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the forest as an ecosystem. Lesson on cognitive development on the topic: “Water is a magician.” Goal: To improve children's understanding of the various properties, forms and types of water. Develop speech, thinking, curiosity, observation. Form an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around you; Cultivate accuracy when working; ability to work together. The game is a quiz on the topic: “Keep the Earth free from garbage.” Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the importance of cleanliness for the life of the planet and about the role of man. Expanding children's knowledge about types of waste, its disposal and recycling. Development of coherent speech. Strengthen the ability to answer in complete sentences. Develop the ability to work in a team and friendly relationships. Foster a culture of behavior on city streets, maintain cleanliness and order. Collective application on the theme: “Take care of our forest.” Goal: consolidation of knowledge about the forest as an ecosystem. Foster love and respect for the forest and its inhabitants. Reinforce the rules of cultural and safe behavior in nature, develop the ability to work together. Conversations: Conversation “Help the birds” Goal: to form in children a generalized idea of ​​wintering birds; develop children's cognitive interest in the life of wintering birds; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions. Conversation “How is frost formed?” Conversation “Christmas tree needles” Goal: to expand children’s understanding of trees. Promote the development of cognitive interest. Teach children to listen carefully to each other’s answers and give reasonable additions; think logically and clearly formulate your answers; make complex sentences. Conversation “Who is harmful in the forest and who is useful?” Conversation on ecology for children of senior preschool age: Our “Red Book”. Goals: to educate children to respect the nature of their native land; introduce children to some species of plants and animals listed in the Red Book. Cause an emotional response, a desire to protect nature. Conversation: “Water is life” Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the importance of water for living objects, for people, about the need to conserve water and keep water bodies clean. Conversation about nature conservation. Goal: to clarify children’s ideas that animals need protection and care, many plants and animals in forests and gardens, in ponds and meadows, need the help and care of people. To consolidate and generalize ideas about plants and animals as living beings. Encourage children to express themselves, draw conclusions, and think logically. To deepen children's understanding of the need to protect plants and animals. Didactic games: Didactic game: “The fourth odd one.” Goal: to consolidate Children's knowledge about insects. Didactic game: “Wonderful bag.” Goal: to consolidate D’s knowledge of what animals eat. Develop cognitive interest. Didactic game: “Droplets go in circles” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the water cycle in nature. Didactic game: “Name the plant.” Goal: to clarify knowledge about indoor plants. Didactic game: “Who lives where.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about animals and their habitats. Didactic game: “Living - inanimate.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about living and inanimate nature. Signs, proverbs, sayings and riddles about natural phenomena. Reading fiction: Interaction with parents on landscaping the territory of the kindergarten and making interactive folders - lapbooks “Ecology”, “Seasons”. Final stage Summing up Presentation of the project Project participants: Teachers, children and their parents. Project implementation period: April-May 2021. Principles of project implementation: The principle of differentiation and individualization involves creating conditions for the full manifestation of the abilities of each child and timely educational work. The principle of conformity with nature indicates that the educational process corresponds to both internal nature and external conditions. The principle of dialogic communication as an integral condition for the interaction of subjects, which reflects the close connection between mutual and reciprocal openness, sincerity, mutual understanding of the teacher and the child, and projects an attitude towards reasonable assimilation. The principle of accessibility provides for the implementation of environmental work taking into account the characteristics of age, preparedness, as well as the individual characteristics and mental development of children. Systematic principle Achieving a goal is ensured by solving a set of health, educational and educational tasks with appropriate content, which allows us to obtain a predictable result. The principle of consistency is to gradually increase requirements in the process of environmental activities. Forms of project implementation: Conversations, Direct educational activities; Observations and ecological excursions; Educational reading. “Lessons in Kindness.” Laboratory “Experiments” (experiments and experiments). Practical activities in the flower garden. Outdoor, didactic, simulation games, environmental dramatizations. Resource support for the project: Corner of ecology and experimentation in the group. Methodological tools (card index of didactic games, lesson notes, entertainment scripts, etc.). Library of a young ecologist. A selection of fiction “Cognitive reading”. A selection of experiences and experiments “Experiments”. Expected results: 1. Children have developed environmental literacy, a caring, responsible, emotionally friendly attitude towards the natural world and living beings. 2. Developed skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity. 3. Children's responsible attitude towards the environment and their health. Project products: 1. Flower garden on the kindergarten site.
2. Interactive folders – lapbooks “Ecology”, “Seasons” APPENDICES
Literary support for the project: Konstantin Ushinsky. Argument between trees (story) The trees argued among themselves: which of them is better? Here the oak says: “I am the king of all trees!” My root is deep, the trunk is three times around, the top looks to the sky; My leaves are carved, and the branches seem to be cast from iron. I do not bow to storms, I do not bend before thunderstorms. The apple tree heard the oak boasting and said: “Don’t brag too much, oak tree, that you are big and fat: but only acorns grow on you, for the pigs’ amusement; and my rosy apple is even on the royal table. The pine tree listens, shakes its needle-like top. “Wait,” he says, “to boast; Winter will come, and you will both stand naked, but my green thorns will still remain on me; without me, people wouldn’t be able to live in the cold side; I use it to heat stoves and build huts. M. Skrabtsova “Lipka’s Gifts” Many people came to Lipka to receive her gifts. She did not refuse anyone, but Lipka was friends with only one person - the old forester. He often came to talk to her. Lipka was sociable and always waited impatiently for the forester. Every year at the end of June, when her flowers bloomed, the forester came and carefully collected them in a basket. After that, he bowed low to the tree and said affectionately: “You are a miracle, sticky.” I don't know how to thank you. This year, all winter, my wife and I used a decoction of your flowers to save ourselves from colds. Let's drink a cup, there is no sign of illness. Sometimes the forester came to the lipka in early spring or late autumn and collected linden buds, leaves, nuts and bark. Each time he thanked her and explained why he needed her gifts. “Thank you, sticky, for the leaves,” said the forester, “I read in an old book that the powder from your leaves stops nosebleeds.” My granddaughter sometimes has nosebleeds, especially in the spring, so we’ll treat her with your medicine. Another time, having collected buds and bark, he explained: “Thank you, sticky, for your help.” My wife scalded her hand, but they say that crushed buds and boiled bark help with burns and wounds. One day a forester came to Lipka to buy flowers not alone, but with his granddaughter. The girl looked at the golden sticky flowers for a long time and carefully put them in a basket. There was no end to her questions: “Grandfather, why does linden smell so fragrant?” “He’s calling insects to her, granddaughter, so that the flowers will pollinate her.” - Why does she have such a strange, oblong, pale leaf attached to a branch with flowers? - This is not a leaf, this is a wing. In place of the flowers, the linden tree will grow black nuts. When the time comes for them to say goodbye to the mother tree, this leaf will serve as their wing and carry them away. - What kind of nuts are these, what does the linden tree need them for? - Nuts are linden seeds, from which new sticky ones will grow. Inside they have kernels with tasty and nutritious oil. Animals and various birds love them very much. If a nut germinates and a new sticky tree appears in the forest, all the trees around rejoice in such a neighborhood. - Why do they love trees so sticky? “They live well near it, because the soil becomes greasy from the sticky leaves.” They are rich in vitamins, rot quickly and nourish the soil nutritiously. I, too, once collected land near the sticky tree for our garden. Wait, granddaughter. Let’s better ask Lipka something, and the old man turned to the tree: “Help, Lipka, my granddaughter.” The teacher gave her an assignment for the summer. He brought several items to the children's class: bast shoes, a washbasin, a carved toy horse, a Khokhloma cup and painted spoon, a rope and a jar of transparent white honey. The teacher asked the children to carefully examine all the subjects and write interesting stories about them, so that it would be clear how these subjects are connected to each other. Hearing the forester’s question, the sticky tree rustled its branches and said joyfully: “I know all these objects well, because they are all made from my bark, wood and nectar.” In ancient times, people said that without sticky there is no life for a peasant. And it’s true, they made a lot of things out of me: bast shoes, boxes, ropes, sponges, dishes, even toys and many other necessary and useful household items. My wood is amazing: soft, cuts well, planes smoothly, and doesn’t crack when dry. “Thank you, beauty,” the forester thanked Lipka and added, “but it’s time for us to go home, granddaughter.” He bowed to the sticky tree and said to her goodbye: “It’s a pity, sticky tree, that you fade so quickly: two or three weeks and your wonderful flowers are gone.” But how many things do you manage to do during this time: feed the bees, share your healing flowers with people, and fill the forest with the aroma of honey. “What a wonderful sticky thing, I’m sorry to part with it,” the girl sighed on the way home. “You also have a lot of linden beauties in your city,” grandfather reassured her. “They, like forest stickies, are tireless workers: they not only decorate the city, but also save it from smoke and soot. Because of this, city linden trees do not live very long - only about sixty years. Forest stickies have it easier, so they live longer. They live up to four hundred years, or even more. When you return to the city, say hello to the city stickies from their forest sister. A. Lopatin “The Life of a Tree”. One day the teacher took the children for a walk in the forest to tell them about the life of a tree. “The tree is alive, just like us people,” the teacher explained, stopping in front of a large spruce tree. - It breathes, sleeps, eats, works. A tree can feel and even speak in its own way. Everyone listened attentively to the teacher’s story, except for three boys, who were not at all interested in all this. They slowly ran away into the depths of the forest. “It’s nonsense, I don’t believe that trees are alive and can feel,” said one. He jumped, grabbed a birch branch and swung on it for a long time until the branch broke off with a crunch. “Of course, nonsense,” another laughed, “trees can’t talk!” The birch didn’t say anything to you when you broke off its branch. Now I’ll cut something for her on the bark with a knife, maybe she’ll write me an answer? “But I don’t believe that trees can breathe.” “They don’t have lungs,” a third supported his friends. “Guys, come here, there’s a huge oak tree growing here in the clearing,” he shouted after a while. The guys began to jump around the oak tree, kicking it and singing cheerfully: “Hey, you cudgel oak tree, tell me your name.” Suddenly, all three of them felt something grab their jackets and lift them off the ground. - Oh, what is this? - the guys shouted in unison. The branches of the old oak rustled menacingly: “I am the keeper of the forest,” the oak’s voice was so loud that all the trees around shook. “You asked my name, you wicked boys?” The frightened guys were silent. The voice of the oak, like a menacing whirlwind, filled the forest: “Listen to me, trees of my forest: birch and aspen, spruce and pine, linden and maple.” It's up to you and me to decide what to do with these boys. Do any of you want to bail them out? The trees made a frightened noise in response. “What are you, oak tree, I’m afraid of hooligans, my leaves are still trembling from fear,” said the aspen tree. “And I don’t need such boys, I’m a calm and majestic tree,” answered the spruce tree. “I have a lot of worries even without the boys,” explained the mountain ash, “I need to grow my berries so that I have something to feed the forest inhabitants in winter.” “We’ll have to turn you into stones, since the trees don’t want to take you,” the oak tree made a menacing noise and slightly shook the boys. “Okay, oak tree, give them to me, even though they broke and cut me, it’s not good for people to be stones,” the birch tree, offended by the boys, rustled with its branches. “Besides, the Creator ordered us to serve people.” “Your heart is pure, birch tree, just like your snow-white bark,” the oak branches rustled more softly. - So be it, take them and teach them some sense of reason. The guys wanted to object, but suddenly they felt that they were flying through the air straight towards the birch tree. All three woke up in different places. One turned into the roots of a birch tree, as if merging with them; another hit the trunk and branches of a birch; and the third - into its leaves. Before the boys had time to come to their senses, the birch tree ordered them: “Get to work, quickly get to work, boys.” There is not a moment to lose; the tree has a lot to do over the summer. You, roots, have two tasks: first, to feed me with food that you must suck from the ground; secondly, to attach me to mother earth and serve as a support for me against storms and bad weather. “But I can’t work day and night.” “I don’t have enough strength to hold such a huge birch tree,” the first boy objected. “You must do this,” the birch tree answered him. After all, I will die without receiving food, and the first gust of wind will knock me to the ground if you don’t hold me back. And you will die with me. Then the birch turned to the trunk and branches: “You, trunk, also have two services: you carry branches with branches, leaves and seeds, and at the same time you must carry to them the food that the roots take from the ground.” The bark that covers you is your clothing - protection from cold, bad weather and disease. You must quickly heal all the wounds that the stupid boys inflicted on her so that fungi don’t get into you. Otherwise you will start to rot and die. “My shoulder hurts, from which a branch was torn off, and the cut place aches,” whined the second boy. “Trees never whine and heal the wounds inflicted on them as quickly as possible,” the birch answered and turned to the leaves: “You, leaves, are my best decoration.” Everyone admires you, especially in the spring, when after winter sleep you are so cute, fresh and soft green. You, like roots, must nourish me, drawing food from the air. From this food, extracted from the air, and with the help of the juices rising from the roots, you must produce various substances from which I will build new layers of wood and new buds for next year. But you must hurry and work day and night, because autumn will soon come and you will dry out. “I don’t want to die in the fall, it’s unfair, I’m still very little,” objected the third boy. “Besides, I can’t work day and night.” - There is nothing to be afraid of: all deciduous trees and even the guardian of the forest itself - the giant oak - lose their leaves in the fall. Only on coniferous trees do the needles remain for the winter,” the birch tree explained and added, “and if you, the leaves, don’t work, you will dry out immediately.” - Boys, there you are. Did you fall asleep? — the children heard the teacher’s voice and felt that they had woken up in a forest clearing near an oak tree. “Excuse us, birch tree,” whispered the first boy as the guys left the forest. “Your life is difficult,” added the second. And the third said nothing, only affectionately stroked the birch tree on the white bark. Poems about ecology for children Bird She flew over the highway. The driver did not brake, and the poor bird fell under a heavily loaded ZIL. If she had taken it a little higher, she would have saved herself: Not only was she just above the roof, she could have flown over the forest! The May evening was quiet and bright, Nightingales sang in the lilacs. And this incident was not noted by the local traffic police officer. (S. Mikhalkov) Cherry On a clear afternoon, at the end of summer, an old man walked along the road; I dug up a young cherry tree somewhere and, satisfied, carried it home. He looked with cheerful eyes at the fields, at the distant boundary, and thought: “Let me plant a cherry tree by the road as a souvenir. Let the big one grow, let it go both in breadth and height, And, decorating our road, bathe in bloom every year. Travelers will lie down in its shade, rest in the coolness, in silence, and, having tasted the juicy, ripe berries, maybe they will remember me. If they don’t remember, what a shame, I don’t worry about it at all: If they don’t want to, don’t remember, don’t, I’ll plant a cherry tree anyway!” (M. Isakovsky) At the city cleanup At the city cleanup Excellent workers. Clean up the city today. Both young and old came. Pensioners gathered to clean the streets and squares. – Do you need helpers? Suggestions are heard. This is the third grade going out to clean for the first time. All you can hear is: “Come on!” Get to work! Someone is collecting garbage, someone is planting trees, someone is pottering around in the flower beds, joyful faces are everywhere. At the city cleanup, all the janitors, all the rafts. Even the restless mayor came to our park to help. No one quarrels with anyone, Everyone’s work is going smoothly. The third grade decided to clean up the city for the holiday. (N. Anishina) Appeal of a tree to a Man - Hey, Man, I am a TREE! High, mighty! I’m still standing in the forest And rustling for now. The entire timber industry can't wait for the opportunity to knock me down, cut me down, cut me down - look for the fool! Just let him try! I want to warn her in advance in a friendly way, the Minister - including: Whatever they make of me - all efforts are in vain! I look peaceful while I'm standing in the ground. But just turn me into various products - I will suddenly creak in the night like a closet with wild horror! I will bury myself as a stool splinter in your body! I’ll rot like a parquet under you - Even if you fall, even if you scream! I'll accidentally go down the toilet with three months' salary! I’ll collapse with a table on the guests, including the Minister... Isn’t it easier than cutting me down, Take it straight away and hang yourself? You don’t have to look for the rope - it lies in the hollow! (I. Shevchuk) Walk We came to the river to spend Sunday, But we couldn’t find a free place near the river! They sit here and sit there: Sunbathe and eat, Relax as they want, Hundreds of adults and children! We walked along the bank and found a clearing. But in the sunny clearing, here and there - empty cans And, as if to spite us, even broken glass! We walked along the bank and found a new place. But they sat here before us too; They also drank, they also ate, they lit a fire, they burned paper - they littered and left! Of course, we passed by... - Hey, guys! - Dima shouted. - This is a great place! Spring water! Wonderful view! Beautiful beach! Unpack your luggage! We swam, sunbathed, lit a fire, played football - had as much fun as we could! We drank kvass, ate canned food, sang choir songs... We rested and left! And we remained in the clearing By the extinguished fire: Two bottles we broke, Two sodden bagels - In a word, a mountain of garbage! We came to the river to spend Monday, but we couldn’t find a clean place near the river! (S. Mikhalkov) Even if the grass doesn’t grow There are fewer and fewer untouched places on the planet. Lakes of oil are spilled across the tundra. And hostile whirlwinds swirl from the pipes... Wildlife is already half a corpse. The man brought her to her knees. The deer are moving further and further north... We want to rake in more money. And what after us? AT LEAST THE GRASS DOESN'T GROW. (A. Usachev) Sad citizen A bee is buzzing - she flies to her honey meadow. The beetle moves around, groans, and crawls somewhere. Spiders are hanging on a thread, Ants are busy, Fireflies are preparing their lanterns for the night. Stop! Sit down! Bend over and look at your feet! Surprise the living, the living: They are akin to you! Isn’t that right? We drag our sliver into the common house And whisper to brother ant: “Be strong, brother!” Let's get there! The one who weaves his web is not similar to a spider? This one is crawling, and that one is fluttering like a moth. And you are between them and past them, And sometimes you walk along them on your own two feet, A sad citizen... (S. Mikhalkov) Bad uncle This uncle does not regret That a cigarette butt is smoldering in the forest... Looking at such an uncle, We guys will say a speech: - Aren't you ashamed, uncle? We need to save the forest! Tree It was a hot time: The heat was scorching all summer, And I didn’t forget about the maple, I watered it five times a week. And the maple survived this summer! Now he is taller than me, And turns green in the spring. I’m walking - he waves a branch at me. Hello, hello, friend! Grow! Glad I helped save you. It’s not in vain that my life was lived: At least I did something useful! (A. Dmitrenko) Fire is not a toy! Outside the window the frost is crackling, Murka is sleeping on the stove, There is heat in the stove - the fire is burning, Warming Murka's skin. The fisherman slipped, got his clothes wet, quickly made a fire, became dry as before! Near the forest at dawn, noisy tourists, porridge being cooked over a fire, tea with fragrant herbs. From fire - warmth and light! He's like a good friend! But it can cause a lot of trouble without supervision! It will creep up imperceptibly, Burning and dangerous, The bush will immediately wrap itself in a bright red ribbon. It will crackle and sing, gaining strength. The forest beast will leave its holes, saving its life. It is very difficult to tame and extinguish the Flame! Where can the fox live now?! There is no cozy hole! The Bunny and the Frog will never return to the house! Be careful with fire! This is not a toy! (T. Efimova) Breadwinner I am the only breadwinner of all the crows and doves, my tiny gift is waiting for each little sparrow. As soon as I step out onto the porch, they recognize me by sight, and in a crowd from the surrounding rooftops: “What, my dear, will you treat me to?” (A. Orlova) Environment Everything - from an old pine tree near the fence To a large dark forest And from a lake to a pond - Environment. And also a bear, and a moose, and Vaska the kitten, I suppose? Even a fly - wow! - Environment. I love the silence on the lake, And the reflection of the roofs in the pond, I love picking blueberries in the forest, I love the badger and the fox... I love you forever, Environment! (L. Fadeeva) Ecological song-remake (to the melody of the song “A Magyar woman came out to the banks of the Danube”) For a long time, people littered everywhere, So in Tver the peasants drank together, then smoked, Threw “bulls” into the water. Gently the current caught them, Like a caring friend, The Volga rolled its mighty waters Together with the “bulls” to the south. Chorus:
The river flows, People are drawn into distant distances.
For centuries now the river has been carrying what people have thrown into it. For centuries now the river has been carrying what people have thrown into it. The Volga near Syzran is not at all the same as it was near Tver. The residents are also no worse - Volgars are everywhere... They looked into the river - they saw the “bulls” from their bank. They threw candy wrappers into the water - the river accepted them. Chorus.
The children of Samara, frolicking after school, contributed no less: They threw a container of Coca-Cola - The waves carried it away.
At the mouth of the Volga residents would also like to leave the “bulls” in the water, But they are unlucky with the river, it seems - There’s no water to be seen there! Chorus. (A. Dmitrenko) Our planet There is one garden planet in this cold space. Only here the forests are noisy, calling migrating birds, only here they bloom, lilies of the valley in the green grass, and only here dragonflies look into the river in surprise. Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other like it! (Ya. Akim) What does the fish ask for? If you were friendly, fisherman, you would treat it just like that: without a catch, without a hook, you would give a worm! (S. Pogorelovsky) ECOLOGICAL MYSTERIES What a miracle of beauty! Painted gates appeared on the way! You can’t drive into them, You can’t enter them. Answer (Rainbow) In the blue sky, like on a river, white sheep are swimming. They keep their way from afar. What are their names? ... Answer (Clouds) Holly bags run across the sky like a horde, And it happens - sometimes water flows from the bags. Let's hide better From the leaky one... Answer (Clouds) There is a shirt on the street, In the hut there are sleeves. Answer (Sunbeam) You warm the whole world And you don’t know fatigue, You smile in the window, And everyone calls you... Answer (Sun) Blue scarf, scarlet bun, Rolls on the scarf, smiles at people. Answer (Sky, sun) What kind of ceiling is this? Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is tall, sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish, sometimes he is a little bluish. And sometimes so beautiful - Lace and blue-blue! Answer (Sky) At night there is one Golden orange in the sky. Two weeks passed, We didn’t eat any orange, But only an orange slice remained in the sky. Answer (Moon, month) At night I walk across the sky, dimly illuminating the earth. I’m very bored alone, And my name is... Answer (Moon) I ran along the meadow path - The poppies nodded their heads. He ran along the blue river - the river became pockmarked. Answer (Wind) It wets the field, forest and meadow, the city, the house and everything around! He is the leader of the clouds and clouds, You know, this is... Answer (Rain) Flowers fall on the trees, on the bushes from the sky. White, fluffy, but not fragrant. Answer (Snow) What are those carved stars on the coat and on the scarf? Everything is through, cut out, and if you take it, there is water in your hand. Answer (Snowflakes) Whose drawings are on the window, Like the pattern on the crystal? The Winter Grandfather pinches everyone's nose... Answer (Frost) The wind blew and the frost brought us snow from the north. Only ever since then, on my glass... Answer (Pattern) Not snow, not ice, But it will remove the trees with silver. Answer (Rime) Photo of the work on the project. Planting flower seeds for seedlings.

Planting flower seeds in flower beds.

Help from parents in planting a flower garden in the kindergarten area.

We work in the flower garden.

Soon trees will grow here. Planting seedlings.

Excursion to the park.

Excursion to the museum.

Project results: The result of this project was the organization of interesting, meaningful, meaningful and environmental activities for children, taking into account personality development and age characteristics. During the implementation of the project, the following results were achieved: Basic environmental knowledge and a culture of behavior in nature were formed; Children began to understand the interconnections in nature, began to treat it more carefully, animals, birds, insects; There was an interest in natural phenomena and objects. Strengthened the ability to experiment, analyze and draw conclusions; The environmental culture of parents has improved; they have become more attentive to environmental issues; The work being carried out is quite effective, efficient and determines the direction of further work and environmental activities.

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Environmental project “Young ecologists”

Project on environmental education of preschool children.

Project name:

"Young ecologists".


People living in the modern world of society have many problems. But perhaps one of the most acute and pressing is the problem of environmental conservation. We are already accustomed to conversations that the world is on the brink of an environmental catastrophe, that every day more and more new species of plants and animals are disappearing on Earth. We physically suffer from air, water and soil pollution. We have a good command of the culture of behavior in society, but we do not always know how to behave correctly in relation to nature. Sometimes there is a feeling that children treat living objects of nature as inanimate objects. Sometimes a child is delighted at the sight of a flower or a butterfly and at the same time can madly crush an ant running along the path. Why does an emotionally responsive child have so much coldness and indifference? Isn't it from us adults? After all, sometimes parents themselves are an example of environmental incivility: dad broke a branch and brushes away mosquitoes. But the teacher’s position on this issue can change this situation. Communication between children and nature, organized by the teacher, the content of knowledge accessible to the age of children arouses sustained interest, stimulates the desire to care for nature and protect it. Therefore, in the context of the global environmental crisis that humanity is experiencing, there is a need for continuous environmental education, the main goal of which is to form a new type of attitude towards nature based on nurturing an individual’s ecological culture. Preschool age can be considered as the initial stage of environmental education, since it is during this period of life that the child acquires the foundations of personal culture, its basis, corresponding to a wide range of universal human values.

The formation of the foundations of ecological culture in a preschool educational institution can be carried out in various forms: environmental studies, observations of natural phenomena, in the process of caring for plants, specially organized game-based learning situations, targeted excursions, holidays, etc. A special place is occupied by integrative classes that involve a combination of various types of activities, including motor, play and creative.

Problem situation:

To teach children, together with their parents, to love the nature of their native land, its past and future. Make sure that children and adults try to change their attitude towards nature and behavior towards it.

Goal setting:

Only through joint interaction with the family and different forms, methods and techniques of work: observations, conversations, environmental games, reading fiction with environmental content, including work in nature in everyday life, can we talk about the formation of an environmental culture in preschool children.

Objective of the project:

Formation of environmental culture in children, knowledge about their native land, education of a conscious - caring attitude towards nature.

Main objectives of the project:

  1. Formation of a system of elementary environmental knowledge accessible to the understanding of a preschool child about his native land.
  2. Create a positive emotional background that will facilitate the child’s acquisition of knowledge about his native land.
  3. Development of cognitive interest in the natural world of the native land and the ability to reflect this in artistic and productive activities.
  4. Formation of initial skills and habits of environmentally literate behavior that is safe for nature and for the child himself.
  5. Fostering environmental knowledge, love for nature, and personal responsibility for its preservation.
  6. Involving parents in cooperation with the kindergarten in matters of environmental education of preschoolers.

Project type:

  • According to the dominant method: practice-oriented;
  • By nature of content: child + family + nature;
  • By the nature of the child’s participation in the project: participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result;
  • By the nature of contacts: different age groups, in contact with family;
  • By number of participants: frontal, group;
  • Duration: long-term.

Number of participants:

children (junior group, senior group, preparatory group), physical education teacher, speech therapist, parents of students, group teachers.

Project duration:

1 year.

Project date:

September - August

Form of joint activity:


Project implementation stages.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Selection and analysis of popular science and fiction literature on this topic.
  2. Determining goals based on the interests and needs of children.
  3. Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing the project.

Main stage:

  1. Conducting a series of classes, excursions, observations.
  2. Interaction with parents aimed at introducing them to project activities.

The final stage:

  1. Leisure activities for all groups.
  2. Design of seasonal exhibitions with crafts.
  3. Design of a photo exhibition dedicated to the native land.

Contents of activities to implement the project.

ClassesJunior group, senior group, preparatory group
“living and inanimate nature” (see Appendix No. 1)
ObservationsJunior group, senior group, preparatory group
“living and inanimate nature” (see Appendix No. 2)
Excursions, walks
  1. (Preparatory group). Excursion to a forest park area located near a kindergarten, using an ecological trail.
  2. (Senior group). Ecological walk “Autumn Journey”
  3. (Junior group). A walk in the territory of the kindergarten using an ecological trail.


Ecological weeks
  1. "Poultry" (junior group)
  2. "Spring" (preparatory group)
  3. "Birds" (senior group)
  4. “Journey to the world of insects” (senior group)



Outdoor games“At the Bear in the Forest”, “Hen and Chicks”, “White Bunny”, “Crested Hen”, “Geese-Geese”, “Owl - Owl”, “Cat and Mice”, “Mushrooms”, “Pike and Crucian Carp” ", "On a flat path...", "One, two, three, run to the tree", "Homeless hare", "Cunning fox", "Catch a mosquito", "Fishing rod", "Wind and leaves", "Hares and wolf" , “Migration of Birds”, “Frogs”, “Two Frosts”, “Spider and Flies”, “Catching Butterflies”, etc.Monthly, throughout the day
Game exercises and games - relay races“Horses”, “Penguins”, “Crossing the Stream”, “On the Bridge”, “Funny Bugs”, “Find Yourself a Mate”, “Bear Cubs”, “The Worms Let’s Go for a Walk”, “Spiders”, “From Mound to Mock” , “Cold - hot”, “Between snowballs”, “Who is faster to the snowman”, “Figures”, “Ride on a sleigh”, “Exactly on target”, “Snow carousel”, “From piece of ice to piece of ice”, “The sea is worried ", "River and Ditch", "Along the Path on One Leg", "Gardeners", "Plant Potatoes", etc. Monthly
Didactic gamesJunior group
- “What is this weather called?”

- “Find the same leaf”

- “What kind of bird is this?”

- “Find the same animal and name it”

- “Describe, we will guess”, etc.

Senior group

— «

Which plant is gone?”, “Where are the snowflakes”, “Our favorites”,

- “Where does it ripen”, “Flies, swims, runs”,

“Flower shop”, “Choose what you need”,

- “Tops and Roots”, “Do the Right Thing.”

— “Name the plant”, “Wonderful bag”

Preparatory group

— “Nature and man”, “Name the plant with the right sound”, “What grows in the forest”, “Find a leaf like on a tree”, “Where does anyone live”, “When does this happen”, “The third wheel”, “Yesterday, today , tomorrow”, “What kind of insect is this”, “Tell me what you hear”, “Earth, fire, water”, “What happens in nature”, “Who lives where”.

Monthly, throughout the day
Monthly, throughout the day
Leisure activityJunior group
Senior group

Preparatory group

Exhibitions of children's works together with parentsSeasonsAutumn winter spring Summer
Photo exhibition"The beauty and wealth of my land"Spring
Making feeders for wintering birds, together with parentsAll groups
“Take care of our little friends”
Reading poems, proverbs and sayings, fictionLiving and inanimate natureMonthly,
throughout the day
Design of stands for parentsAll groups
"Nature is our home"

"Seasonal Changes"

Questioning parents“Environmental education of children”
“Use of fiction in the family”
Speech therapy classes with childrensenior group, preparatory group
“Use of natural material in speech therapy work”



Junior group.

  • What autumn gave us.
  • Kitties.
  • Leaf fall, leaf fall, the old garden is falling asleep...
  • A trip to the zoo.
  • Where does the sun spend the night?
  • Cat and kitten.
  • Fruits of fruit trees.
  • The wind is a breeze.
  • How do animals prepare for winter?
  • Winter came.
  • Winter in the forest.
  • Wild animals.
  • Let's help the bunny.
  • Big and small stars.
  • Who lives next to us?
  • Sunny bunnies.
  • Trees and shrubs on our site.
  • The rain sings a song.
  • Six-legged babies.
  • Pets.

Senior group.

  • Watching a turtle.
  • Consideration and comparison of vegetables and fruits.
  • Conversation about pets.
  • Conversation about bread.
  • Conversation “The Wonderful Apple”
  • Compiling a descriptive story “River, river, river.”
  • Conversation about pets.
  • Conversation about bread.
  • Conversation “The Wonderful Apple”
  • Compiling a descriptive story “River, river, river.”
  • "Meet the Wolf."
  • Looking at indoor plants.
  • Conversation about snow.
  • Ecological quiz “Nature connoisseurs”.
  • Conversation “Winter in the forest.”
  • Conversation "Plant as a living being."
  • “What does a person need a nose for?”
  • "Acquaintance with animals of hot and cold countries."
  • “Our smart assistants are sense organs.”
  • Conversation “How many interesting things happen in winter.”
  • “We have animals as guests”
  • Cuttings of indoor plants.
  • “What and how a person eats.”
  • “Ants are the orderlies of the forest.”
  • Ecological fairy tale "Stream".
  • "Doctors of the Forest"
  • Final conversation about spring.

Preparatory group.

  • Nature and man.
  • Gifts of autumn.
  • Where do frogs spend the winter?
  • Leaf fall, leaf fall - yellow leaves are flying...
  • Journey to the autumn forest.
  • The cranes are flying away.
  • How animals prepare for winter.
  • Nature and us.
  • Planet Earth is in danger.
  • Autumn has come, brought eight weather...
  • Six-legged babies.
  • Meeting winter.
  • The underground riches of the earth.
  • Which branch is the baby from?
  • Who protects the environment.
  • Young ecologist.
  • Wintering birds.
  • The corner of the planet where we live.
  • Domestic and wild animals.
  • Fauna of the polar regions.
  • Plants and life on Earth.
  • We are all inhabitants of the planet.
  • Forest and man.
  • The birds have arrived - they have brought spring.
  • Getting to know reptiles.
  • Plants near us.
  • Plant kingdom: herbs.
  • Earth Festival.
  • Who is the boss in the forest?
  • Seasons.
  • Russian birch.
  • Healthy food.
  • Hello, summer is red.



Junior group.

  • Watching fish, weather, birds, wind.
  • Observing seasonal changes in nature.
  • “Autumn is coming”, rowan in autumn, observing autumn leaves.
  • Observing the sun, the sky.
  • Watching from the window as daylight approaches.
  • Autumn clothes. Signs of autumn. Leaf fall. Spruce in autumn.
  • Observation of a kitten, cat.
  • Watching the rain from the window.
  • Maple in autumn. Leaves on the trees.
  • "Wind, clouds, clouds."
  • Watching the dog.
  • “Evening is coming from the window.”
  • Monitoring the weather conditions.
  • “The first ice on the puddles”, the first snow, snowfall.
  • Observing birch trees in November.
  • Observing the work of a teacher in a corner of nature.
  • "Clothes in winter."
  • Observation of the evening sky, the starry sky.
  • Trees in November.
  • Frost on the trees.
  • Moon in the evening sky.
  • "Winter landscape".
  • Observing the work of a janitor in different seasons.
  • “Colored snowman” Properties of snow. Behind the color of snow.
  • Observation of the snowy sky, snow cloud.
  • "Winter morning". Snowdrifts. Frost on the windows.
  • "Evening city landscape."
  • Bird watching at the feeder. Wintering birds.
  • Observing the shadow.
  • Sprouting onions in a group.
  • Willow in winter. Tree and bush in winter.
  • "Colored Ice." Ice.
  • Watching sunbeams.
  • Watching the snow melt.
  • "Buds on the trees." The first signs of spring.
  • Reflection of the sun in puddles.
  • Snow in early spring, properties of ice.
  • Observation of tree pruning. Primroses. The first streams and puddles.
  • Insects.
  • Rainbow watching.
  • Flowering trees. Blooming flowers.

Senior group.

  • Observation of wildlife: insects; birds, their habits, wintering and migratory birds; for earthworms; leaf fall, field of tree seeds; the beauty of the winter landscape; spring change in nature; flight of poplar fluff; diversity of flora; coloring of plants, plants - barometers; for animals.
  • Observation of inanimate nature: length of day, precipitation, wind, sky, sun, air, clouds; clothing for children and adults in different seasons; footprints in the snow; formation of icicles; puddles.
  • Consideration: perennial and annual plants; flower seeds; trees and shrubs (differences); buds after leaf fall; leaves, their color, shape; puddles on the asphalt; footprints in the snow; insects; blooming trees; medicinal plants; flowers in the flowerbed.

Preparatory group.

  • Monitoring seasonal changes.
  • The sun is a source of heat and light.
  • Observation of autumn trees.
  • Observation of leaf fall.
  • Watching migratory birds.
  • Observing the wind, clouds, rainbows, thunderstorms.
  • Observation of snow, snowfall, ice, blizzard, snowflakes.
  • Watching footprints in the snow.
  • Observation of conifers, trees and shrubs.
  • Observing the work of a janitor.
  • Observation of hail, drops, melting snow.
  • Observing the flower garden.
  • Observation of plants.
  • Insect observation.
  • Watching the dog.
  • Why does the change of day and night occur?
  • Observing the altitude of the sun.

Environmental project “Young ecologists”

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