Notes on Lego construction for older children using ICT “Journey to the land of LEGO”

Summary of GCD on construction from LEGO - designer in the middle group

Summary of direct educational activities for constructing a “House for a Dog” from a LEGO constructor in the middle group
Teacher of the highest category: Plotnikova Anna Evgenievna MKDOU combined type No. 2 “Beryozka”, Kataysk, Kurgan region Description of the material: Summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group “ A house for a dog." The material will be useful to teachers of preschool groups. This is a summary of a lesson on building with LEGO construction kits for preschoolers 4-5 years old. Goal: To teach children individual and collaborative design. Program content: Learn to build according to the proposed instructions, taking into account the methods of fastening parts; convey the features of objects using the LEGO constructor; — consolidate the idea of ​​building parts and their properties; determine the purpose of parts of objects, their spatial arrangement; choose the correct sequence of actions; — to form in children a stable interest in constructive activities; desire to experiment, create, invent; - develop attention, ability to concentrate, memory, logical thinking; small muscles of the hands (motility); - develop the ability to analyze, highlighting the characteristic features of an object, functional parts; establish a connection between their purpose and structure; continue to teach how to correctly and quickly navigate in space; — consolidate mathematical knowledge about shape, proportion, symmetry; — cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, respect for one’s own and other people’s work. Equipment: 1. Pictures and toys of different breeds of dogs; kennel images. 2. Baskets with LEGO parts; 3. Finished construction of a dog kennel; 4. Tape recorder or PC: audio recording: “The Barking of a Dog,” the children’s song “Man is a Dog’s Friend.” Preliminary preparation: 1. Watching cartoons, presentations about dogs, the characteristics of their lives; 2. Reading literature, looking at illustrations about dogs. Progress of the GCD: 1. Introductory part. Teacher:
- Hello, guys.
Tell me please, do you have friends? (yes) - What is friendship? Teacher:
- Of course, without friends our life would be boring and uninteresting, we would have no one to play with, share toys, tell secrets, come up with various interesting stories.
Listen to the poem “About Friendship”: The breeze is friends with the sun, And the dew is with the grass. A flower is friends with a butterfly, You and I are friends. Everything with friends in half. We are happy to share! Only friends should never quarrel! (Author: Yuri Entin) Teacher:
- Guys, we can be friends not only with children from kindergarten.
Who else can we be friends with? Who else is called a man's friend? (children's answers) Teacher: - That's right. A dog is man's most devoted friend. She will never let you down or betray you. She protects a person's home. Teacher: - Look at the pictures of dogs. They are all so different. What breeds of dogs do you know? (dachshund, poodle, mongrel, shepherd) Teacher: - Listen, who came to visit us? (dogs can be heard barking) Yes, these are our four-legged friends! Take your favorite and we will go for a walk. (Children move around the group to the children’s song “Man is a Dog’s Friend” (1st verse) and repeat the movements after the teacher, according to the text) Teacher:
- What a nice walk we had with our pets.
Have a seat. Only our favorites were sad. What do you think happened (children's guesses: hungry, tired). Teacher: - And you will find out what happened if you guess the riddle: There is a house in the yard - The owner is on a chain.
(doghouse, kennel)
- That’s what happened, it turns out they don’t have a home.
What is the name of the place where dogs live? (kennel) 2. Main part. Teacher:
- I think that we can help our faithful friends.
We'll make them a kennel like this. And we will build it from LEGO construction kits. Let's look at the dog's house. What main parts does it consist of? (base, kennel itself, roof). Teacher:
- What is the shape at the base of the house?
(rectangular) Teacher:
- Look, what kind of figure does the house itself look like?
(per square) Teacher:
- What shape does the roof look like?
(on the triangle) Teacher:
- What else must be done so that the dog can get into its cozy home?
(entrance) Teacher:
- What can you say about the sizes of these parts?
Where will we use the biggest LEGO pieces? (We use the largest parts of the construction set for the base of the kennel) Teacher:
- What parts does the kennel itself consist of?
(from medium and small parts of the construction set) Teacher:
- What parts of the construction set will we need for the roof?
(triangular parts) Teacher:
- Correct.
We use the largest pieces of the construction set to build the base for the kennel; medium and small for building the kennel itself; Let's complete our construction with triangular parts, making a roof out of them. What color is a dog's kennel? (brown, yellow, green) - Of course, because the owner can paint it with any paint he wants. The roof can be painted a completely different color. And now, before starting work, we will warm our hands. Finger gymnastics “A house for a puppy”
I will build a house for a puppy.
(Raise your hands above your head like a house) And there will be a window in it. (Join the thumbs and index fingers of both hands to form a rectangle) To make a beautiful entrance to it. (Turn your palms towards you and close them with the side ribs, straightening all your fingers) There will be a fence around (Place your hands in front of you in a ring, connecting your fingers) And the dog will guard everything (Put your palms together, bend your index fingers, stick out your thumbs (“ears”) , showed with their little fingers the opening mouth of the “dog” (that is, they depicted a “dog”)) 3. Practical part. Teacher:
- Now let's get to work.
We start by building a base from the largest parts, applying them evenly to each other with the long side. Now let’s build the walls of the kennel on both sides from the middle parts and place them on top of each other. The number of parts should be the same on both sides. We will attach the back wall of the kennel from the same number of parts as the side walls. And we will build the entrance from the smallest parts, attaching them to the side walls of our house. All that remains is to build a roof from triangular parts, connecting them to each other sideways so that the right angle looks up. Teacher:
- Those who have assembled a kennel for their puppy can help others.
Or lay out a rug in front of the kennel from additional LEGO parts. 4. Final part. Teacher:
- All the guys completed the construction of a house for their four-legged friend. Let's start rehoming our pets. (children seat their dogs near their kennel) Look what wonderful houses we have made for our friends. Whose house did you like better? Why? Whose is yours? Why? Who remembers the name of the dog house? (kennel). What material did we use for the construction? (LEGO constructor) Did you like our lesson? What's the most? What new and interesting things did you learn during the lesson? Well done! You did a great job, I liked the way you answered me. Our lesson has come to an end. Thanks to all.

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