Summary of the lesson “Journey into the past of furniture” for the senior group

OOD summary for the middle group “The Tale of a Merry Family of Furniture”

Natalia Anuchina

OOD summary for the middle group “The Tale of a Merry Family of Furniture”

«The Tale of a Cheerful Family of Furniture«

2. Main part Guessing

The teacher one by one shows pictures depicting pieces of furniture placed on the board and asks: “What is this?
What is this piece of furniture ? Then he circles all the objects examined in a circular motion and asks the children:
“What are all these objects called in one word?” (
Furniture .) Q: Guys, would you like us and our bell to tell you
a fairy tale about a family of furniture ? Children: Yes! Q: Then we will now rest and listen to the fairy tale .
Physical education lesson: This is a chair, they sit on it (the left palm in a fist is pressed against the right, fingers extended upward)

This is a table, people sit at it (the left hand is in a fist, the right open palm lies on top)
Here is a bed - they are lying on it (arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, lying one on top of the other)
We put things away in the closet (imitation of folding things)
We all walk for a walk (the fingers of both hands walk along the knees)

B: Well done. Now listen to the fairy tale . The teacher takes turns replacing (or moving to another board)

pictures of funny images of pieces of
furniture (a sofa with a mustache, eyes; a bed dressed in a dress, etc.)
tells a fairy tale :
Dad's sofa was wide and smooth, Mom's bed was snow-white and soft. And the stools were their children. We lived as a family in a huge apartment . How many are there together? Of course, four!

Together they count pieces of furniture . The teacher continues:

Dad's sofa has a big seat, Mom's bed is a pleasure to sleep on. The stools have seats and legs, They run quickly along the path. And they also had grandparents, uncles and aunts. The old chest of drawers opened his huge mouth: And in his mouth, look, Dresses, sweaters and stockings….

We really need an uncle closet: It has shelves and doors. He is also friendly with things, There is linen and towels in him. The granny chair is gray, its back is hunched. The cat and Aunt Taya are in the chair, resting well.

And yesterday a bookcase came to the whole family , with a bunch of books and souvenirs, This is an aunt from Paris. And in each apartment there lives a family : There are sofas and beds, And wardrobes and whatnots.

They all love each other, They will never hurt each other, They all help each other, And they always care!

Q: Guys, did you like the fairy tale ?

Q: What is it about? (About furniture )

.Q: What interesting things did you learn from
the fairy tale ? ( Furniture can also live with a family. But this only happens in a fairy tale ).
Q: Come on, we’ll play a little more

Outdoor game “Kiryushina’s crib”

: Here is Kiryushina’s crib
(spread your arms to the sides)
So that Kiryushka sleeps sweetly (sit down, palms under the cheek)
So that in a dream he grows up (rises slowly)
So that he becomes big as soon as possible (stand on your toes, stretch your arms up)

Game "Confusion"

: The teacher points with a pointer at parts
of the furniture and gives them incorrect names: he points to the legs of a chair and calls them handles, etc. Children correct mistakes. Then the teacher incorrectly talks about the intended purpose of the furniture . For example, he points to a chair and says: “We sleep on the chair.”
Points to the bed and says:
“We dance on the bed,”
etc. The children correct the teacher.

Game "Wonderful bag"

: Place pictures of pieces of
furniture . Invite the children to take them out of the bag one by one and say what it is and what this piece of furniture .
3. Final part

Q: Guys, what did we talk about today? (About furniture )

.Q: Why do we need
furniture ? (Children answer)
. Q: Which game did you like best?
(Children answer)
.V: Guys, you are great.
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We recommend you listen

Silk Tale - audio tale by Abramtseva N.

The Nutcracker and the Mouse King - an audio fairy tale by Hoffmann E.

How Brer Rabbit outwitted Brer Fox again - an audio tale by D.C. Harris.

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Listen to the audio poem “The Barrel of the Little Dog” by B. Zakhoder online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “The Termite Diet” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Rain” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Kiskino Grief” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

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Talking wardrobe

Read by Galina and Alexander Levashov

Dasha had her own room. Here toys, textbooks and other personal belongings lived with her. There was also furniture: in the corner, for example, there was a wardrobe. Dasha was no longer a little girl, and so sometimes she would go up to the closet, open the door and say, like her mother: “There’s nothing to wear!” And then one morning, when she said this, someone suddenly objected to her: “What’s wrong? What about a white blouse with red polka dots? A satin skirt with bow pleats would go just right with her...” - Oh, who is this? – Dasha asked, almost unafraid. - Not "who", but "what. Didn't take it at school, or what? Or don't you see: I'm a closet. - Come on, closets don’t talk. - You can’t talk here. It’s a shame: she has nothing to wear! Yes, I have plenty of clothes here. And a blue blouse with ruffles and a bow, and a pink blouse with a collar, and a flowered dress with wings, and a yellow sundress with a belt…. - Well, that's it! Enough! Don’t you understand: they say that for show. So that someone can hear and take note. “That’s what I’m saying because I heard it.” The menu also includes jeans with rhinestones, a checkered skirt, a turtleneck…. - Stupid closet! – Dasha got angry, slammed the door and left. From that day on, a nightmare began. Every time the girl approached the closet, it began to crack incessantly. He listed and described in detail all her blouses, skirts, dresses, trousers. And it turned out so long that you might think: there is something to wear. Dasha was now forced not to linger at the closet for a long time and only look in its mirror from afar. And then one day, when Dasha climbed into the closet to get her old doll out of the corner, he slammed the doors and began to list with pleasure: “A red woolen suit made of a pleated skirt and vest with a strap and shiny buttons in the shape of hearts...” - Let me out now! – Dasha got angry. “I won’t think so,” answered the closet, “you’ll run away.” Who will I tell about my treasures then? – Tell yourself if they are yours! – I’m not interested in myself. Better for you. And you, by the way, never listened to me until the end. And the closet continued to chatter. Yes, I got so carried away that when I reached the end, I started all over again... Dasha was already tired of standing and sat down at the bottom of the closet, wondering how she could get out... Finally, she realized and began to slowly scratch her nails in the corner of the closet. - What is this? - asked the closet. - Not what, but who. This mouse is gnawing a hole in you. I'm afraid of her. But if you want, I can drive you away. - Drive away! – the closet screamed and immediately opened the doors. Dasha jumped out and said angrily: “So you know!” I’ll immediately ask dad to throw you in the trash. – Don’t take me to the trash heap! - the closet begged, - I won’t do this again. Dasha, of course, cheated; she had no intention of throwing him away. After all, although the cabinet was disgusting, it spoke. Not everyone has one. And the girl answered him in a stern voice: “If you stop chatting continuously, and open your mouth only at my request, then, okay, stay.” The closet had nothing to object to, and he agreed to these conditions. Since then, Dasha’s relationship with the closet has improved, and they even became friends. Now Dasha chattered more about her girlish affairs, and the closet only listened and assented. But not to suck up, but honestly: he liked to find out that there are many more interesting things in the world, besides clothes.


Tales of Tatyana Shtyer

Competition "Magic Feather". Fourth stage

about the author

Tatyana is 12 years old, she is a student of grade 6 “b” of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4, Nazyvaevsk, Omsk Region.

Her hobbies are drawing and reading. She has been writing poetry since she was 9 years old, and at the age of 11 she began writing stories and fairy tales. The themes of her works are varied: about friendship and friends, about nature, philosophical reflections. Tatyana is a laureate of the “Sunny Pages” competition of the regional festival of children’s creativity “White Birch”, participant of the regional festival “Sparkles of Hope” (2nd place in the category “Artistic Word”).

"The Tale of Old Furniture"

A long time ago, when furniture could still talk and understand human speech, perhaps it understands our conversation now, many interesting stories happened. I'll tell you one of them.

During the times of great discoveries and travels by sea in one country (its name was lost on the way to me), in one small town near the river, on the very outskirts, there was a log house. Its roof was slightly askew from time to time, the walls sank several logs into the ground, but still the ancient house still stood confidently on its feet. Still, don't judge him just by his appearance.

The house consisted of one room with a small window. The room was flooded with light. The stove stood modestly in the corner. She willingly warmed chilled people against her white sides. In its depths brushwood crackled.

Opposite the stove there was a window. It looked around tenderly with its only eye and smiled welcomingly with its flat mouth.

An oak table sat next to him. On it was an old but clean tablecloth, a jug of milk and some cakes. Near the table stood his three faithful friends - chairs with beautiful patterned backs.

In the left corner stood a strong oak bed. There were several old pillows and a blanket on it.

A wooden chest sat nearby. It was obvious that he had already served his life.

The whole situation pointed to poor, but neat owners.

One day they decided to move across the river. Here the question arose for our venerable furniture: “What will they take with them?” The chest said in a creaky voice: “They will take me. Where will the owners put their belongings, if not in me?”

The table responded to these words in a thick bass voice: “Don’t put on airs! The owners have few things. They will manage without you. But they can’t do without me. They need something to eat! Friends, do you agree with me? – he turned to the chairs. They answered in the affirmative. The bed said to the table: “They will manage without you, but not without me. The owners will have nothing to sleep on if they leave me here.”

The stove, knowing that it would never budge, remained modestly silent and enjoyed its existence. And the chest, bed and table with chairs were arguing. But the cat came and explained that the bed, the table, the chest, and the chairs are equally important for their owners. Therefore, they will definitely take everyone with them.

The cat turned out to be right. The owners actually took all the furniture with them. Because old things, just like old friends, do not leave you in trouble. After all, all the hardships and joys were experienced with them.

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