Summary of OOD in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution on the topic: Professions

The purpose of the didactic game “Professions”

The goal of the game is to expand and consolidate ideas about all kinds of professions, their characteristics and importance for society, the working tools used, and the products produced.

Game objectives:

  • remembering the names of professions;
  • expanding knowledge about the tools and devices needed to perform professional duties;
  • clarification of the purpose and characteristics of professions;
  • clarifying the idea of ​​where people work, what clothes they wear, what actions they perform, and what their workplace looks like;
  • developing an idea of ​​what employees should know and be able to do;
  • fostering a respectful and grateful attitude towards the work of others;
  • developing an understanding that every profession is important, and the results of work are of great importance;
  • instilling the desire to work hard and become a good worker;
  • development of speech skills, the ability to think logically and perceive information by ear.
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