Trees (for senior group) lesson plan on the world around us (senior group)

Trees with names for children

The presented cards must be printed on thick paper and laminated for long-term use. Images include the plant itself, tree leaves with names for children.

When learning about flora, children learn that trees are divided into coniferous and deciduous. An adult should explain that the difference lies in the structure of the green parts: coniferous plants have evergreen needles, and deciduous plants have leaf blades that fall off in the winter. On the territory of our country, both trees grow and form deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests.

Deciduous trees growing in our area:

  • birch;

  • maple;

  • oak;

  • Rowan;

  • poplar;

  • willow;

  • beech;

  • ash;

  • chestnut;

  • alder;

  • aspen;

  • Linden;

  • elm.

Children need to be explained that, in addition to forest species, there are deciduous fruit trees. In our area we grow:

  • apple tree;

  • pear;

  • cherry;

  • cherries;

  • peach;

  • apricot;

  • cherry plum;

  • plum

Coniferous trees in our country:

  • spruce;

  • Scots pine;

  • Siberian cedar pine;

  • larch;

  • fir.

Didactic game for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren “Trees and shrubs of our city.”

Didactic game for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren “Trees and shrubs of our city.”
Author: Tatyana Gennadievna Borodina, teacher of the preparatory group of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 289 (kindergarten No. 1867) in Moscow. I bring to your attention the educational game “Trees and Shrubs of Our City” for children of senior preschool age. This game will be useful for teachers of older age groups in kindergartens and parents to familiarize children with the world around them. The game in an accessible form will introduce children to the names of trees and shrubs, teach them to correlate a leaf from a tree and the tree itself (according to the picture), a leaf and the fruit of a tree.

Goal: Making a didactic game “Trees and shrubs of our city” for children of senior preschool age. Objectives: - Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about trees and shrubs. — Learn to classify trees and shrubs. — Learn to match leaves and fruits to trees and shrubs, as well as fruits to leaves. — Foster a careful and caring attitude towards nature: towards the trees and shrubs of your city. — Cultivate a caring attitude towards cards (do not crush, do not tear). Methods and techniques used: speech pattern of the teacher, questions to children, demonstration, reminder, clarification, assessment. Material: To make the game “Trees and Shrubs” you will need: pictures or photographs of trees and shrubs, dried autumn leaves, fruits of trees and shrubs, white cardboard, instant glue, transparent tape, scissors.


Pictures of trees and shrubs can be downloaded from the Internet and printed, then cut out and pasted onto thick cardboard.
You can photograph trees in a park or forest and print the photos. A description is given for each tree and a riddle is attached. A tree is a perennial plant with a woody, erect main stem, the trunk. In the rain and heat, a friend, green and good, will help us - will stretch out dozens of hands and thousands of palms to us. (tree) Shrub is a perennial woody plant 0.8-6 meters high, unlike trees, it does not have a main trunk but has several or many stems - trunks. All shrubs have many stems extending from a common base, which is located underground or at its very surface. And shrubs differ in appearance and structure of leaves, as well as the structure of flowers and fruits. They emerge from buds, bloom in spring, rustle in summer, fly in autumn. (leaves) 1. Oak He will stand up in the forest like a knight, and give acorns in due time. Both the forester and the lumberjack are familiar with him. This is... (oak) Oaks are deciduous trees with simple leaves. The oak has a wide crown and many large branches. Oak fruits are called acorns. 2. Chestnut On the branches on a spring evening, white candles opened. A giant holds candles. What's his name? (Chestnut) Chestnut is a deciduous tree with compound leaves. Chestnuts have brown, inedible fruits in a prickly green shell. Compound leaves consist of 5-7 large leaflets. White or pink inflorescences form erect “candles” in May. 3. Norway maple Yellow-red clothes, Each leaf is like the palm of your hand. In autumn it is brightest. Did you guess it? This is... (maple) Maples are large trees with wide crowns, smooth brown bark that becomes scaly with age. Norway maple has five-lobed leaves that are dense and dark green. In autumn the leaves turn golden. Maple has reddish winged seeds. 4. American maple Every year helicopters eagerly grow on it. It's a pity that each helicopter is only for one flight. (Maple and its fruits) American maple is a deciduous tree with compound leaves. Each leaf consists of 5 leaflets. The leaves are dark green. The seeds grow in tassels. They are called airplanes and lionfish. 5. Ash Decoration of forests, how green and shady you are! Up to fifteen leaflets form a compound leaf. (ash) Ash is a deciduous tree with compound leaves. It has dull gray bark and leaves composed of individual leaflets. The leaves bloom in late spring. Bunches of seeds hang on the trees until winter. 6. Aspen Trees stand in the forest, Even on a quiet day they tremble. Along the winding path rustling leaves... (aspens) Aspen is a tree that is smaller than other poplars. They have gray bark with large pores and round leaves with wavy edges. The leaves are dark green above and light green below. Earrings appear on the trees - gray-green and fluffy. 7. Rowan basked in May, turned green, put on clusters in the fall. The scarlet berries have a bitter taste. What kind of tree? (rowan) Rowan trees are short trees. These trees have small compound leaves with a serrated edge, creamy white flowers bloom in May, and red berries appear in August. 8. Birch White bottom, green top - The most beautiful in the summer grove! There are stripes on the trunks. Good... (birch trees) Birches are slender trees with light bark, which is called birch bark, and drooping branches. Small flowers are collected in single earrings. 9. Linden tree Above its thick foliage, a swarm of bees hums in the heat. And in winter everyone is cured of the flu with delicious honey... (linden) Linden trees are trees with wide crowns and heart-shaped leaves. The leaves have a serrated edge. In July, linden trees bloom with yellowish-green fragrant flowers. Small, round, hard grey-green fruits hang on leaf-shaped wings. 10. Poplar Sticky buds opened - He dressed up in leaves. In the summer, the dandy dressed to the nines. Did you guess it? - This is... (poplar) Poplars are deciduous, deciduous trees with simple leaves on which hanging spike-shaped inflorescences called catkins appear. The tree grows quickly, and its trunk often bends from the wind. The catkins are red and the leaves are dark green and pointed. 11. Elm The lanky old elm is forever stuck in the sky. Its leaf is wide and unequal, twirling in the sky and laying down in the middle of the road. (elm) Elms are tall trees, with a narrow, uneven crown, with rough oval leaves and bunches of reddish flowers. The transparent winged seeds turn brown when ripe. 12. The willow lowered its branches into the water and became sad about something. Look how beautifully it leans over the river... (willow) Willows usually grow along rivers and streams. They have long, whitish underneath, narrow leaves with slightly serrated edges. 13. Spruce Who, both in summer and in winter, wears a prickly coat of resin? In the autumn rain and in the drops Doesn't take off its coat... (spruce) Spruces are evergreen coniferous trees with a variety of needles and cones. Norway spruce has a cone-shaped crown, spiky dark green needles and cones that hang down. 14. Pine I have longer needles than the tallest tree. Below me there are a lot of neighbors - Boars, wolves, bears. (pine) Pines are evergreen coniferous trees. They do not shed their leaves in winter and have fruits - woody cones. Pines have long, needle-like leaves, collected in pairs or groups of 3-5 needles. 15. Bird cherry, Like a white snow globe, In the spring it bloomed, exuding a delicate scent. And when the time came, At once she became all black with berries. (cherry) Bird cherry is a low deciduous tree. The crown of the tree is elongated and dense. The leaves are simple, alternate and thin, on short petioles, pointed. The flowers are white, collected in long drooping racemes with a strong scent. The fruit is a spherical black drupe, sweet and strongly astringent. 16. Acacia What kind of catch is this? Suddenly there are peas on the tree. (Acacia) Acacia is a deciduous tree with compound leaves. Hanging white inflorescences bloom in June. The seeds are collected in pods. The bark is deeply wrinkled. The delicate leaves are made up of many small leaflets. A tree often has several trunks. 17. Lilac The bush is drowning in double flowers, As if in purple clouds. On a bright, warm May day our eye is pleased... (lilac) Lilacs are multi-stemmed deciduous shrubs. Lilac blooms with bluish-purple or white flowers, collected in paniculate inflorescences. 18. Hawthorn There are clusters at the top, and nails below. (hawthorn) Hawthorn is a large tree-like bush up to 6 m high. The fruits of hawthorns are spherical, pear-shaped, elongated with one or several (up to 5) large, very strong triangular seeds. 19. Snezhnik Snezhnik is a deciduous shrub 1-3 m high. Snezhnik is a poisonous shrub. The fruits of the snowberry are white and small. 20. Rosehip A thorny bush that serves as protection.
The fruits on the branch are friends with the sun. Vitamin bags Grew here on a hook. (rose hip) Rose hip is a wild plant of the Rosaceae family. The leaves of this shrub are complex. On the bush you can simultaneously observe buds, flowers and ripe fruits. Red and brown rose hips are edible and very healthy. 2.

Cut 10 sheets of cardboard into 4 parts. You should get 40 small cardboards: 20 for leaves and 20 for fruits.


Place a piece of paper in the middle of the cardboard and cover the entire cardboard with transparent tape. We do this work with each leaf.


We do the same work with tree fruits.

We glue large fruits (cones, chestnuts, acorns) to the cardboard using moment glue, do not use tape. You should have a total of 60 cards: 20 pictures of trees and shrubs, 20 pictures of leaves and 20 pictures of fruits.

Rules of the game:

1. Guess the tree from the description and choose the appropriate card. 2. Guess the riddle and name the tree or shrub. 3. Match the sheet to the picture of a tree or bush. 4. Match the fruit to the tree or bush.

5. Combine a leaf from a tree or bush with a fruit from the same tree. 6. Place cards with trees on one side and cards with bushes on the other.

Examples of tasks for children:

1. “Guess the plant from the description.” 2. “Guess the tree by riddle.” 3. “Whose leaf is this?” 4. “Whose fruit is this?” 5. “Match a pair” (leaf - fruit) 6. “Match a leaf and fruit to a tree” You can store such cards in a shoe box covered with self-adhesive film or in a large transparent folder. I wish you all successful creativity!

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Description of trees for children

In addition to pictures, you should prepare a description of trees for classes. There is no need to overload preschoolers with scientific calculations about plants; a general description and interesting facts are enough.

For example, you can say about the birch tree that it is one of the symbols of Russia. Her beauty has long been compared to that of a young girl. The white bark of a birch is not for decoration, it is protection against sunburn. In ancient times, baskets and other household items were made from birch bark.

Oak is a strong tree, a symbol of male strength, health and longevity. Its fruits are acorns, which deer and wild boars love to feast on.

Willow is also called willow, willow, willow. It is called weeping because of its thin branches hanging over the water, as if a tree is crying. Willow grows only near bodies of water. In ancient times, people were engaged in dowsing - they looked for underground water using willow twigs in order to dig wells in this place.

Horse chestnut is the most beautiful park tree in our country. Its white flowers are collected in large pyramidal inflorescences. The plant got its name because on its ripe brown fruits there is a noticeable pale spot, reminiscent of the mark of a horse's horseshoe.

Maple is the most elegant autumn tree. Its carved leaves turn a variety of shades in autumn, from gold to burgundy.

Linden is the main honey plant. Linden honey is rich in beneficial substances. Linden tea is recommended for colds.

The saying “trembles like an aspen leaf” is associated with aspen. Its leaves are dense and rounded, with a long petiole. The slightest breeze is enough for them to begin to tremble, rub against each other, and rustle.

Poplar is known for its fluff that covers the asphalt in June. Poplar fluff is small tree achenes covered with the finest fibers.

The spruce is the main symbol of Christmas. This is an evergreen species; the needles do not fall off before the arrival of winter.

Larch is the only deciduous coniferous species. She changes her needles every year.

Cedar, or more correctly cedar pine, is known for its delicious and extremely healthy nuts, rich in oils and vitamins.

Poems for children about autumn trees

Poems about autumn for children 4-6 years old

Poems for children 4-6 years old about trees in autumn

Speech material about trees in autumn is recommended for educators and specialists in preschool correctional institutions.
Aspen In the autumn garden by the path, Aspen claps his hands. That's why Her palms turned red that week. Oak Oak
is not afraid of rain and wind at all.
Who said that oak is afraid of catching a cold? After all, until late autumn I remain green. This means I am hardy, this means I am hardened. Willow
How boring it is - A hundred years without moving, looking at your reflection in the water!
A quiet, sad willow tree hung its branches from the cliff. Poplar
Poplar - everyone knows it - a champion in growth.
And it’s not at all easy for you to get the top of my head, Because I grow two meters over the summer. Birch
The birch tree is thin and delicate. She put on a snow-white dress, And the autumn light of the sun dyed her braids yellow.
This is how I greet the arrival of autumn every year. A rain of mischievous leaves swirled above me. How good he is! Where else can you find something like this - Without end and without beginning? I began to dance under it, We danced like friends, Rain of leaves and me. Razvodova Leaf fall, leaf fall, Yellow leaves are flying. Yellow maple, yellow beech, Yellow circle of the sun in the sky. Yellow yard, yellow house. The whole earth is yellow all around. Yellowness, yellowness, So autumn is not spring. V. Nirovich Autumn treasure Yellow coins are falling from a branch... There is a whole treasure underfoot! This golden autumn Gives leaves without counting, Gives golden leaves to you, and to us, And to everyone. I. Pivovarova Maple Maple greets the very first arrival of Autumn. A cheerful round dance of Leaves circles in the air, quickly covering the Earth with a Golden carpet - Let the dear one fall asleep in a long winter sleep. Rowan I am a smart rowan, I have a scarf on my shoulders. The beads are bright like fire, just don’t touch them yet. My beads are a decoration and a treat for the birds. Birds love it on a winter day. My treat. Autumn Autumn is walking in our park, Autumn gives gifts to everyone: Red beads - Rowan, Pink apron - Aspen, Yellow umbrella - Poplars, Autumn Gives us fruits. I. Vinokurov Autumn gives miracles, and what miracles! The forests are decked out in golden hats. Red honey mushrooms are sitting in a crowd on a stump, And the spider is such a trickster! - The network is pulling somewhere. Rain and withered grass In the sleepy thicket at night Incomprehensible words are muttered until the morning. M. Geller Harvest Festival Autumn decorates the squares with colorful foliage. Autumn feeds the birds, animals and you and me with a harvest. And in the gardens, and in the vegetable garden, And in the forest, and by the water. Nature has prepared all kinds of fruits. The fields are being harvested - People are collecting bread. The mouse drags the grains into the hole so that there will be lunch in the winter. The squirrels dry the roots and the bees store honey. Grandma makes jam and puts apples in the cellar. The harvest has arrived - Collect the gifts of nature! In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather, the harvest will come in handy! A.N. Old Man The raindrops are flying, flying, You won’t get out of the gate. A damp fog creeps along the wet path. Autumn comes and sows fragrant mushrooms among the sad pines and fiery rowan trees!

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Birch A beauty stands in a clearing; In a white sundress and a green shawl. It blooms in summer, warms in winter, When spring comes, tears will flow. Green, not a meadow, henbane, not snow. Curly, but without hair. The sisters are standing in the field - the dress is white, the caps are green. In a white sundress she stood in a clearing, tits flew and sat on their braids. Alena is standing: a green scarf, a thin waist, a white sundress.

Aspen Nobody scares, but everything is trembling. Walnut Little man, Bone coat. Round, mature, tanned, Caught on the teeth, Still couldn’t crack, But fell under a hammer, Crunched once - and cracked the side. Small pot, but the porridge is delicious. Although it is not fragile at all, but hid in a shell, if you look into the middle, you will see the core. Of the hardest fruits it is called.... Rowan Under the tier, tier Hanging brushes With red garus. She turned green in the spring, tanned in the summer, wore red corals in the fall. It is bitter in haymaking, but sweet in winter. What kind of berry is this? Tree Many arms, but one leg. We saw him dressed in spring and summer. And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing. But winter snowstorms dressed Him in furs. In the spring it cheers, in the summer it cools, in the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms. Oak, acorns The mother has a thousand sons, She gave each one a bowl, But she didn’t take it for herself. It shakes its lush crown, rustles green leaves. Look, among the branches, how many acorns are ripening. The oak tree hid in a golden ball. And I, guys, was lucky, I didn’t get into the squirrel’s hollow. I am familiar to all of you guys, I will grow into an oak tree in the field. Hidden in this smooth Bronze-colored box is a small oak tree of Future Summer.

Spruce Winter and summer in the same color. Green, prickly, she lives in the forest, she will come to us for the New Year, dressed up for the holiday. They were found green in winter on the edge between the maples, wearing fur coats with sharp needles. They were called... New Year is coming, I am running away from the forest. Dressing up is good! The children watch without breathing. So that I don’t get bored, I’ll call the cute bunnies, and the fox, and the wolf. Did you guess it? ... What a beauty, Stands brightly sparkling, How magnificently decorated, Tell me, who is she? What kind of girl is this? Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman, She sews nothing herself, But she wears needles all year round. The fur coat is all hedgehog and lasts forever like new. Who gets dressed up once a year? I come with gifts, Shine with bright lights, Even though I’m like a prickly hedgehog, But for the guys I’m the best. Elegant, funny, I'm in charge for the New Year. They grew across the river, They were brought to the holiday. There are needles on the branches, what are they? The prickly green one will be cut down with an axe. The prickly green one comes to our house. You can always find her in the forest. Let's go for a walk and we'll meet her. She stands prickly like a hedgehog, In winter in a summer dress, And she comes to us on New Year’s Eve, The guys will be happy, The merry ones are full of trouble: They are preparing her outfits. Forest Bogatyr is rich and treats all the children. Vanya - strawberries, Tanya - stone fruits, Mashenka - nuts, Petya - russula, Katenka - raspberries, Vasya - twigs. The house is open on all sides, It is covered with a carved roof, Come into the green house, You will see miracles in it. Down from poplars Snow in summer! Just laughter. Snow is flying around the city. Why doesn't he melt? Garden An inseparable circle of friends Hundreds of hands reach out to the sun, And in their hands is a fragrant load of Different beads for different tastes. Coniferous trees All the gentlemen took off their caftans, One gentleman did not take off his caftan.

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