A collection of children's stories about themselves and their family “Me and My Family”

Essay for 5th grade

Everyone in the world has a family. These are the closest and dearest people we have. In difficult times, they will support you and help you with sincere advice. They will rejoice at your victories and worry with you about your failures. For me, well-being within a family, by which I mean not only good financial condition, but also thriving relationships between its members, the atmosphere within it, is one of the most important components of life and, in general, one of the reasons why living is worth living.

Mom, dad, grandmother, brother and I - that’s my whole family. We may not have a dozen relatives, but we get along well with each other. Quarrels and insults in our home are quickly forgotten, giving way to a smile and care. It so happened that both mother and father spend a lot of time at work, trying to provide us with better living conditions, to preserve in my brother’s and my memory the memories of a happy childhood, my brother himself is older than me and is already studying at the university, leaving in the morning as well and returning in the evening. Therefore, often at home, after returning from school, I am alone, and I am very happy in those moments when we have the opportunity to get together for all of us. Mom and grandma cook something delicious, and we eat a delicious dinner and discuss how our business is going, what’s new at work or school. We share interesting stories and just enjoy good company.

Each of us has our own hobby, some interesting hobby. So, my mother devotes part of her free time to caring for house plants and all kinds of flowers: watering them and fertilizing them. In her youth, my grandmother worked as a cook in a kindergarten. She cooks very well and can always determine how much ingredients are needed for a particular dish. My brother is a former athlete. He trained in the hand-to-hand combat section and won many competitions at the regional and city levels. Now, as a student, he cannot devote so much time to sports, but nevertheless he always monitors his physical fitness, working out in the gym and on the street. My father played in a school ensemble in his youth, and his love for music, especially playing the guitar, was “passed on” to me. Often he and I perform a variety of songs: he sings old ones from the nineties, and I sing more modern and popular ones now.

I love my family very much and value them. Without these people, my life would be millions of times more difficult and boring, and I wish that every person on earth would value their loved ones, give them joy and at the same time be happy with them.

How to write an essay on the topic “My Family”

There are some specific tips:

  1. First, you need to make a description of your own family, highlight the most important characteristics of each member, and also remember the best family moments. You can write about your family’s traditions and habits, your favorite ways to have a good time.
  2. It is necessary to reflect on family values, the qualities of a happy and ideal family and compare them with your own.
  3. Think about what brings the greatest pleasure in family communication, and why we love our relatives.
  4. Summarize based on your own thoughts. Draw a general conclusion about what family means in a person’s life.

About family

Family is the most important part of my life. Only in my family, at home, do I feel safe, I feel that I can trust all my secrets to close people and not worry about being judged. I think that trust and mutual understanding are the basis of any relationship, but in a family these qualities should always come first.

My family is very big. Mom, Dad, grandma, grandpa, older brother, sister and me. We are all friendly and rarely quarrel. I like to argue with my sister because she often thinks that she is smarter than me, but she is not. Mom scolds us for this, so we try not to upset her. My older brother recently joined the army. He sends us letters every month and calls us whenever possible. I miss him a lot. I hope when he returns we will spend more time together. My grandmother is the kindest woman in the world. She loves to sit on a bench near the house in the evenings; all the neighborhood children love her because she always treats them to candy. Grandpa likes to watch different competitions on TV. He used to be an athlete - he was involved in weightlifting. My parents work a lot, so we spend little time together on weekdays. Dad works as a mechanic, and mom is an accountant. But on weekends we often play board games together or go for a walk in the park.

There are traditions in our family. And I think that's very cool. Because this way we have a reason to get together as a family. For example, one of the traditions: before every New Year, we decorate a live Christmas tree together, which we also choose together at the market. I love this ritual because at such moments we fool around, laugh, and communicate a lot.

I like that our family has family council every evening. We get together for dinner and talk about our day. It’s not customary for us to hide anything from each other, so even if I get a bad grade, I talk about it at the council. They don't scold me. Parents believe that they need to help their child cope with difficulties, guide and advise. Therefore, we discuss together why I received a bad grade and how it can be corrected.

My family is the most precious thing I have. I would never want to have other parents or brothers and sisters. My parents are an example for me in everything. I would really like to build the same relationships in my family in the future, because only thanks to the support of all family members I feel confident, not afraid to make mistakes and ready for any difficulties in life. I know that my family will always help me not only with the right advice, but also with deeds.

“My Family” - a story by Vanya Krasovsky, 7 years old

Why we love competitions on Mom Blogs is the mass of creative discoveries and positive emotions that each new work of our participants brings with it. This competition is special, because this time, in addition to mothers, children are taking part “Me and My Family” Be sure to take part, too, along with your children! Works will be accepted until June 28.

Today's participants - the Krasovsky family - not only told and drew their family, but also created a picture-panel using “ingenuity, patience, sewing skills and imagination.” Amazing work, thanks to Elena and Vanya for participating in the competition.

Mom Elena says:

This story about the family was written by me from the words of my son Vanya. He is now seven years old. Sometimes he surprises me with his fantasies and almost adult thoughts, and sometimes with his childish spontaneity.

He loves small children very much, calling everyone smaller than him “lilyalka,” kissing hands and hugging almost everyone he meets on a walk.

In describing his family, he remembered his grandparents, as well as his cousins ​​and brother. So, my son’s story, I practically did not change the turns and word order.

Vanya says:

“My family is in my heart. Mom Lena and dad Dima live with me. I also have Baba Tanya, Grandpa Sasha, Baba Olya, Grandpa Tolya, Christina, Arina and Zhenya.

We live in a house, relax here and escape from the rain, read, play, watch TV. I love to take a bath and dive.

Dad and I play with cars, planes and computer games, and dad and I also work on the car in the garage.

Mom and I also play with dolls - “mother-daughter” and with cars, dance, sing songs. Mom takes me to the pool and to classes. Mom teaches me how to behave well, says that I am good. Mom loves me.

In summer we go to the garden. I play in the sand there, relax, and friends come to see me. I ride a bike.

Most of all I love Baba Tanya. She makes me laugh, we laugh, play, read, and then I play on the computer with grandfather Sasha. I love Grandfather Sasha.

I love dad and mom too, but less, because dad is not cheerful, and mom is sometimes angry with me.

I don't have pets, but I would like a small dog. I like dogs more than cats. You can be friends with them, the dog barks, protects the house, people and me so that they don’t get stolen.

I really love candy, ice cream, chocolate and gifts in general, especially different cars.

I like my family."

This is how the story about the family turned out. Sometimes it is useful to ask what a child thinks about his family; you will learn a lot of new things!

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