Developing safe behavior skills in preschool children

Conversation with children “Rules of behavior in nature”

Diana Shurygina Conversation with children: “Rules of behavior in nature” Goal: to form children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature. Learn to apply acquired knowledge in practice.

When we relax in nature, it is very important that during the vacation no troubles occur that would harm our health. Be sure to remember the rules, which are not difficult to follow.

1 Unfamiliar plants and flowers should never be picked, let alone put into the mouth. Some plants, if handled, cause severe skin irritation that can last for several weeks.

There are also poisonous plants, the poison of which is no less dangerous than that of a snake. 2 You also need to be very careful with mushrooms you find in the forest. Collect only mushrooms that you know and be sure to show the collected mushrooms to an adult who understands them. When walking through the forest, do not touch toadstools: they are very poisonous.

3 Do not drink raw water from any body of water: river, lake or stream.

Summary of GCD on the rules of behavior on the street in the first junior group “To the Bunny’s aid”

Olga Marmaza Author: Marmaza Olga Sergeevna. Goal: Formation of rules of behavior on the street.

Objectives: 1. Form rules of behavior on the street; 2. Continue to teach children to take care of their health and avoid situations that are harmful to their health; 3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the game character, a desire to come to his aid.

4. Cultivate a love for kindergarten. Preliminary work: guessing riddles, conversation “Rules of behavior on the street”, reading the book by G.

P. Shalaeva, O. M. Zhuravleva, O. G. Sazonova “Rules of behavior for well-mannered children.” Materials: toy hare, basket with snowballs, pictures of animals. Technical means: tape recorder. NOD progress: Educator: Guys, is someone crying in our group? Guess the riddle: Fast paws, Long ears, Jumps deftly, Loves carrots!

Abstract of the GCD “Rules of behavior in nature”

Natasha Ishchenko Lesson notes for the preparatory group “Rules of conduct in nature.”

Goal: -Explain to children the relationship between man and nature. -Introduce people to the rules of behavior in nature and the possible dangers that may lurk if these rules are not followed. -Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and its inhabitants.

Materials: pictures, lighter, matches, sparklers, vase, cup, pencil, book, doll. 1. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

-Guys, the natural world is very diverse and extremely interesting. In nature, everything is interconnected. Let's trace one of the chains of relationships. - In order to live, a person needs to breathe fresh air, which contains a lot of oxygen. Every time a person exhales, carbon dioxide is released. — Plants and trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which is so necessary for humans.

— Leaves of flowers and trees are eaten by numerous insects, caterpillars and worms.

Project in the first junior group “My Safety”

Elena Dolchanina

Project in the first junior group “My Safety”


The problem of protection from dangers arose simultaneously with the appearance of man on earth. Many safety rules were formulated as people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena.

Over time, human living conditions have changed, and life safety rules have also changed. Now they are associated with heavy traffic on city streets, a developed communications network, large crowds of people, and a variety of equipment in the house.

It's no secret that the current social and environmental situation is causing concern among people all over the planet. We feel special concern for the most defenseless citizens – small children. The task of adults (teachers and parents) is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him for various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations.

Rules of conduct and various prohibitions are directly related to human living conditions. They have a certain, sometimes vital meaning. However, adults, trying to protect children from physical and mental trauma, as a rule, either use long instructions and moralizing, or regulate children’s behavior through direct prohibitions. Both ways are ineffective and, more often than not, completely ineffective. In order for direct prohibitions to become real norms of children’s behavior and truly perform a protective function, it is necessary for children to see this or that situation from the outside and even take part in it themselves. Only then will they understand what can and cannot be done, and what to do in a given situation.

Preschool age is the most important period when the human personality is formed and the solid foundations of life experience and a healthy lifestyle are laid. Based on its physiological characteristics, a baby cannot independently determine the full extent of the danger of its existence. Therefore, nature entrusts an adult with the mission of protecting his child. Children need to be wisely helped to avoid harm, because it is impossible to lead them by the hand and hold them near you all the time. It is necessary to cultivate the habit of using household items correctly, teach how to communicate with animals, explain how to behave in the yard, on the street and at home. It is necessary to instill in children the skills to behave in situations fraught with injury, to form in them an idea of ​​the most typical, frequently occurring situations.

Problem: children of primary preschool age do not have a protective psychological reaction to extreme situations, which is characteristic of adults. The desire to constantly discover something new, their spontaneity, curiosity often puts them in front of real danger.

Project type: educational and gaming.

Project participants: children of the first junior group, parents of pupils, teachers.

Implementation period: Short-term - 2 weeks

Project goal: Formation of primary ideas about safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature, education of a conscious attitude to the implementation of safety rules.

Project objectives:

1. Introduce the basic rules of safe behavior in nature (do not approach unfamiliar animals, do not pet them, do not tease them; do not tear or put plants in your mouth, etc.).

2. Form primary ideas about cars, streets, roads. Introduce some types of vehicles.

3. To introduce the objective world and the rules for safe handling of objects.

4. Introduce the concepts of “dos and don’ts”, “dangerous”.

5. Contribute to the development of cognitive interest.

6. Develop children’s ability to answer the teacher’s questions.

7. Draw the attention of parents to the problem of child safety.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: outdoor and didactic games, situation games.

Visual: demonstration of illustrations of safety rules.

Verbal: situational conversations, listening.

Expected result:

1. To form children’s idea of ​​safe behavior on the road, in nature and in their own life activities.

2. Replenishing children's vocabulary;

3. Involving parents in joint activities.

Stage 1: Preparatory

Selection of fiction, educational cartoons.

Making didactic games.

Selection of visual and illustrative material.

Work with methodological material and literature on this topic.

Stage 2: Project implementation

First week.

1) Situational conversations: “Safety in our group”, “Dangerous objects”, “Strangers”, “How to communicate with unfamiliar animals”.

Goal: To promote the development of a sense of self-preservation and safety, to form primary ideas about safe behavior in nature and in one’s own life.

2) Examination: pictures “Fireman and a fire truck”, “Dangerous objects”, books “How to avoid getting into trouble”

Purpose: To introduce the concepts of “dos and don’ts”, “dangerous”. Encourage children to try, on their own initiative or at the request of the teacher, to talk about the image in the picture. Develop an active vocabulary

3) Games:

Didactic games: “What is possible and what is not”, “It shines - it warms.”

Goal: to develop knowledge about safe behavior at home, fire safety rules, and to activate children’s speech.

Finger games: “Firemen”, “Bonfire”

Goal: to develop the ability to correlate words and hand movements.

Games - situations: “Let’s help the bear put out the fire”, “Piggy is in trouble”

Goal: to develop initial skills in role behavior; learn to connect plot actions with the role.

4) Lessons:

Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

“I’ll feed the cockerel, I’ll give him some grains.”

Goal: continue to introduce the properties of paints, teach how to use paint, rhythmically making pokes (prints) on paper with a cotton swab.

Speech development lesson

"Tili - bom, tili - bom"

Goal: to teach students to listen to a work without visual accompaniment, to teach them to answer questions about the content, to introduce them to the rules of safe handling of objects, to educate and develop perseverance.

Cognitive Development Lesson

“Matches are not big”

Goal: to form an idea of ​​fire hazardous objects that cannot be taken on your own, to give an idea that fire can bring both benefit and harm, to form a sense of the danger of fire, to consolidate knowledge about the profession of a firefighter and special equipment, to consolidate knowledge about fire safety rules.

Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting)

"Cat's Yard"

Goal: to develop the ability to roll out sausages from plasticine and firmly connect them together, to develop an interest in working with plasticine, to develop fine motor skills, and to expand vocabulary.

Reading fiction: K. I. Chukovsky


Goal: to introduce children to a new work, the Azka “Cat, Blackbird and Rooster”, to develop the ability to listen without visual accompaniment, to enrich the vocabulary through onomatopoeia, to develop auditory attention, and to cultivate a love of reading.

5) Cartoons: “Three kittens. Box - rough side", "Smeshariki. ABC of Security"

Second week.

1) Situational conversations: “Safety rules at home and in a group”, “How to play with animals correctly”, “Tell me what will happen to the bear if he plays with matches”, “Alien adults”

Goal: To promote the development of a sense of self-preservation and safety, to form primary ideas about safe behavior in nature and in one’s own life, to promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

2) Examination: pictures “Cat House”, toys “Fire Truck”

Goal: Encourage children to try, on their own initiative or at the request of the teacher, to talk about the image in the picture. Develop an active vocabulary.

3) Games

Didactic games: “What you can play with and what you can’t play with,” “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy.”

Goal: to develop knowledge about safe behavior at home, fire safety rules, and to activate children’s speech.

Finger games: “Matches”, “Machine”

Goal: to develop the ability to correlate words and hand movements.

Games - situations: “Cars are driving along the road”, “Firemen”

Goal: to develop initial skills in role behavior; learn to connect plot actions with the role.

4) Lessons:

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

"Rug for a cat"

Goal: to develop the ability to hold a brush correctly, learn to draw straight horizontal lines, paint using the brushing method, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Cognitive Development Lesson

"Magic Lights"

Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish colors: red, yellow, green; introduce children to: traffic lights, traffic rules; teach children to cross the road correctly; instill in children a sense of responsibility and obedience.

Speech development

"Chicken Ryaba"

Goal: to develop the ability to clearly pronounce words from a fairy tale, to form the correct pronunciation of the sounds “p”, “p'”, to develop the ability to perform imitative movements in accordance with the text, to cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

Artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting)


Goal: to develop interest in Russian folk tales, learn to sculpt the shape of a ball by rolling out a lump of plasticine with circular movements of the palms, consolidate the yellow color, and cultivate perseverance.

Reading fiction:

Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

Goal: to introduce children to a fairy tale, help them understand the content, develop an active vocabulary, and form the simplest ideas about the rules of safe behavior.

5) Cartoons: “Smeshariki. ABC of Security"

Working with parents:

1. Folder – movement “Dangerous objects”

2. Folder – movement “Road rules. Memo to parents"

3. Booklet - memo “Child safety at home”

4. Parent meeting “Child Safety”.

Stage III: Final

Entertainment "Help the cat."

Goal: to instill in children primary fire safety skills, to familiarize children with the rules of behavior in the event of a fire; promote careful handling of flammable objects.

Developing safe behavior skills in preschool children

Zhdaniko Elena Valerievna Zhuravel Elena Ivanovna teachers MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type "Teremok" Borisovka village, Belgorod region

The material was sent for publication in the All-Russian printed collection of practice-oriented materials “Preschool and primary education - modern methods and technologies of teaching and upbringing” - SEPTEMBER 2021.


Life safety is directly related to all aspects of human life, with all aspects of human existence, and is manifested in economic, labor, moral, political, legal, environmental and other spheres of life.

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Household objects, electric current, flame, hot objects, hot water, food, household chemicals, various vehicles, wild and domestic animals, some insects and plants, sun rays, low air temperature, immersion in water, people and much more.

People's behavior in dangerous situations varies. For some, the feeling of threat turns into a feeling of doom, making a person completely helpless and incapable of active defense. The effect of surprise can dull attention and perception, weaken memory, affect the thinking process and cause confusion, which in turn leads to inadequate performance of life-saving actions.

For other people, a threatening situation can cause a general rise in mental and physical strength, mobilization of activity and opportunities to change the dangerous situation by influencing it or avoiding it.

Researchers Yu. Aleksandrov, O. Labastov, L. Spivak and others note that a “competent” person prepared for a dangerous situation overcomes feelings of confusion much faster; in a completely unprepared person, persistent confusion determines prolonged inaction and fussiness.

Thus, knowledge of safety rules, mastery of skills and abilities to perform safe operations, i.e. experience of safe behavior allows you to anticipate danger, avoid it if possible, and act if necessary. This training should take place at all stages of a person’s life. And we need to start from preschool age. This age is characterized by an increase in motor activity and an increase in the child’s physical capabilities, which, combined with increased curiosity and the desire for independence, often lead to the occurrence of traumatic situations.

The task of adults - parents and teachers - is not only to protect and protect the child themselves, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. The recent increase in tragic cases of injuries to children in everyday life and the analysis of the causes of their occurrence convince us of the need for systematic work with children and parents on this topic.

Most children of primary preschool age name only individual sources of danger in everyday life, do not know precautions and actions in case of danger, and children have not developed the skills to use dangerous objects.

To form children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior, various types of children's activities are used: cognitive, speech, visual, gaming, visual propaganda, theatrical. The child should not be a passive spectator or listener of all ongoing events, but an active participant, only in this case knowledge will become skills and abilities. Conducting games-activities, excursions, role-playing, didactic, board-printing, word games, reading fiction, looking at illustrative material, solving problem situations, making collages, composing fairy tales, stories - these are the main forms of working with children.

Organized excursions to the kitchen, laundry room, and medical office help expand children’s understanding of the sources of danger that are there and teach them how to use them. In the medical office, the nurse introduces the rules of first aid.

In order to help preschoolers see the implementation of specific safety rules in life situations, understand the need to comply with them, and what violation of safety precautions can lead to, specially selected works of fiction are used. After all, literature makes a child think and feel what is difficult or impossible for him in everyday life. Therefore, when working with preschoolers, techniques such as reading stories and poems with analysis of the characters’ actions are used; a fragment of a story as an illustration of a certain dangerous situation, an analysis of the work in order for children to independently identify precautionary measures. Children of the younger group can read the fairy tales “About a Needle and a Naughty Thread”, “The Tale of the Careless Tanya”, “How the Little Bear Prepared Lunch”; poem “What do I see at home?” N. Ushakova, “Don’t stop me from working,” “Pills are not candy.” At the end of the school year, children can be asked to come up with their own ending in the fairy tales “The Sleeping Beauty”, “About Ivan and Mitrofan”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, and guess riddles about sharp objects and electrical appliances. To make it easier for children to remember vital safety rules, select and make a card index of rhyming rules. Their perception causes an emotionally positive reaction in children; The dynamics, rhythm and spontaneity of short poems make it easy for preschoolers to remember them and use them in conversations.

To make a child active in acquiring knowledge, it is necessary to accumulate, deepen and systematize it mainly through play activities and, in particular, through didactic and developmental games.

Games allow you to:

  • introduce children to sources of danger in everyday life, clarify and systematize these ideas, teach them to distinguish potentially dangerous objects;
  • form ideas about precautionary measures and the possible consequences of their violation, about methods of safe behavior;
  • introduce the necessary actions in case of danger.

At the same time, attention is actively developed and trained so that the child can foresee a threat, so that he develops self-control (the ability to listen to a friend without interrupting), and a caring attitude towards his life and health. In the didactic games “The fourth is extra”, “Attention! Dangerous!" Children are taught the rules for handling sharp objects. During the games “You can - you can’t”, “Put it in its place”, “Pick up a toy for Tanya”, the desire to comply with safety rules is fostered. In order to remember the rules for handling electrical appliances, didactic games “Our Helpers”, “Caution”, “Basics of Safety in the Home” are organized. Pupils display the acquired knowledge in role-playing games “Family”, “Hospital”, “Aibolit comes to the rescue”, “Firemen”. Children love theater very much, so they can be shown a tabletop theater, a theater on a flannelgraph, dramatization games, during which characters find themselves in dangerous situations and look for ways to overcome them. The use of game attributes, visual aids (plot and subject pictures), and incentive prizes evokes the desire of preschoolers to play. A positive assessment from the game character and adults allows the child to confirm his correct understanding of the norms of safe behavior.

In problem-game situations “Our kitten injured its paw”, “Let’s visit children in the hospital”, the rules for providing basic medical care are established, children become familiar with dangerous situations at home, in kindergarten, leading to falls and bruises. While solving problem situations “How Irishka stepped on a needle”, “What adults forgot to remove”, knowledge about the rules for handling and storing sharp, piercing objects is clarified.

And to make it easier to remember the rules of behavior during a fire, handling sharp, hot objects, tools, medications, electrical appliances (do not touch with wet hands, when leaving the apartment - turn it off, etc.), you can develop and make signs - symbols, mnemonic tables .

Together with parents, a safety corner is created, in which it is necessary to purchase and manufacture:

  • posters “Home alone”, “If you are alone at home”, “Fire safety rules”, “If you are lost on the street”;
  • Illustrative albums: “Fire Safety Rules”, “Rules of Conduct in the Event of a Fire”, “How to Avoid Being a Victim of an Attack in the Home”, “Rules of Personal Safety”, “Safety Rules for Preschoolers”
  • educational games “First Aid”, “If the baby is injured”;
  • fiction “Main Safety Rules”, “House Etiquette” by G. Shalaev, “Safety Rules” by Yu. Sokolov;
  • toy household appliances: electric meat grinder, electric mixer, electric coffee maker, microwave oven, electric oven, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, stereo system, electric sewing machine;
  • disc with the video film “Lessons from Aunt Owl. Safety regulations".

Make educational games:

  • “It is possible - it is not possible”, “So and not so”, “The source of danger is fire”, “1, 2, 3, what can be dangerous - find”, “Snail’s house”, “What do we know about things”, “Fourth extra";
  • collages “Sharp objects”, “Electrical appliances”, “Fire fighting”,
  • layouts of electrical appliances, kitchens, rooms, bathrooms;
  • for the role-playing game, attributes: fire extinguishers, hoses, hooks, helmets for firefighters, sewed covers for a fire truck;

Make card indexes: stories of things, rhyming safety rules, fairy tales, short stories, poems, riddles about sharp objects and electrical appliances, educational games on fire safety.

The knowledge acquired in kindergarten must be constantly repeated and consolidated in practical activities. And for this you need the help of parents.

You can do the following with parents:

Questioning. The main purpose of the survey: to identify the conscious attitude of parents to the need to specially familiarize children with the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, to determine the level of knowledge about sources of danger and about the procedure for action in dangerous situations.

Consulting, development of recommendations, tests for parents on the topic: “Play casually”, “Dangerous games”, “ABC for parents” “Help the child yourself”, “Both fun and useful”, “Pay attention”, etc.

Involving parents to help in the production of didactic material, layouts, composing riddles, fairy tales on given topics.

Help in creating a mini museum.

And the most important thing is to organize a “School for Busy Parents”, in which family members could study the available literature, try, and play out various situations of interaction with the child.

Use this form of work with parents, such as homework, which helps to streamline the “spontaneous” experience children gain in safe behavior at home, because the constant inclusion of children in joint activities with adults provides an emotional outlet for their activity, allows you to pay attention to ways of carefully handling objects everyday life, promotes the formation of safe behavior skills

During conversations with parents of students, we must try to convince them not to restrain the children’s activity, but to direct it in a “useful” direction.

Popular wisdom is always right. The correctness of the proverb “God protects those who are careful” was confirmed by the relatively new science VICTIMOLOGY (“victima” - victim and “logos” - teaching), which studies the behavior of the victim of a crime. It states that often – almost always! “It depends on the person himself whether he will become a victim or happily avoid danger.”


  1. Anastasova L.P. “Fundamentals of life safety”, Moscow, Education, 2005.
  2. Shevchenko N.G. “Fundamentals of life safety”, Volgograd, “Teacher”, 2007.
  3. Shorygina T.A. “Fundamentals of Security”, Moscow, “Sphere”, 2006.
  4. Khromtsova T.G. “Education of safe behavior at home”, Moscow, “Pedagogical Society of Russia”, 2005.

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Preschool portal Our kids for educators, teachers and parents

Goal: to develop children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

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Learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Course of the conversation: When we relax in nature, it is very important that during the vacation no troubles occur that would harm our health. Be sure to remember the rules, which are not difficult to follow.1 Unfamiliar plants and flowers are not Under no circumstances should you pick it, much less put it in your mouth.

Some plants, if handled, cause severe skin irritation that can last for several weeks.

There are also poisonous plants, the poison of which is no less dangerous than that of a snake.2 You also need to be very careful with mushrooms that you find in the forest. Collect only mushrooms that you know and be sure to show the collected mushrooms to an adult who understands them.

When walking through the forest, do not touch toadstools: they are very poisonous.3 Do not drink raw water from any body of water: river, lake or stream.

Teacher portal

Author: Elena Vasilievna Perova Position: teacher Educational institution: BDOU "Child Development Center-Kindergarten No. 311" Locality: Omsk Name of material: article Topic: Conversation "Rules of behavior in the forest" Date of publication: 01/17/2021 Section: preschool education CONVERSATION IN THE MIDDLE GROUP ON THE TOPIC: “RULES OF BEHAVIOR IN THE FOREST” Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about nature, to expand their knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature. Objectives: To foster love and respect for nature. To form norms of behavior in children in nature. Equipment: cards with riddles, tape recorder, paintings of animals, birds, insects.

Guys, today we will go on a trip - to the forest. Why do people go to the forest? We come there to relax, enjoy the beauty of the trees and grass, listen to the quiet music of the forest, the rustling of leaves in the wind, the singing of birds, the buzzing of beetles. Now close your eyes

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