Presentation on the topic “Rules of conduct in the forest” for preschool children

Presentation on the topic “Rules of conduct in the forest” for preschool children

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Presentation on life safety How to behave in the forest

on life safety .

To ensure that communication with nature leaves only good memories, let’s consider the basic rules that help avoid dangerous unforeseen situations:

1. do not go into the forest alone, only with adults;

2.take a phone with you to contact relatives;

3. you need to return from the forest before dark;

4. do not go deep into the forest; not enter the forest by vehicle, this will harm the vegetation;

6. It is forbidden to light a fire without adults, because fire is dangerous both for humans and for the inhabitants of the forest, it is very difficult to stop its spread; not burn dried grass or leaves;

8. do not throw garbage, you cannot pollute nature, this is a home for animals and birds;

9. do not break the glass, you will injure yourself and harm the inhabitants of the forest;

10.You cannot make noise in the forest: shout, listen to loud music, such behavior causes anxiety among forest inhabitants;

11. do not offend wild animals, they are dangerous in an angry state, if there is a danger of attack, do not show fear and do not stand with your back, it is better to slowly stand and wait for the animal to leave;

12. You should not take away young animals, they can be carriers of very dangerous diseases;

13. do not touch the nests of birds, chicks, eggs, because the birds may be in danger, you can attract the attention of predators, also never take the chicks with you, they will not be able to survive in captivity;

14. do not destroy anthills, ants are the orderlies of the forest, their work brings great benefits;

15. do not catch bumblebees, butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs, they pollinate plants and destroy pests; by destroying them, you will endanger nature; not catch frogs and tadpoles;

17. do not kill spiders, do not tear the web;

18.walk in the forest only along paths, do not trample vegetation and soil, because herbs and many insects may be damaged;

19. do not break branches of bushes and trees, do not make memorial inscriptions on them, do not tear off the bark, do not collect sap from birch trees (if you do not have the necessary skills), take care of them, do not harm them;

20. do not pick flowers, especially from the roots, because they will not grow again, among them there may be rare ones listed in the Red Book, forest flowers should delight with their beauty, and not wither in bouquets;

21. It is allowed to collect familiar medicinal herbs, berries, nuts, if there are many of them in the forest;

22.never taste unfamiliar berries, plants and mushrooms, there is a high probability that they are poisonous;

23. You can only pick edible mushrooms under the supervision of adults, never tearing them out, use a knife so as not to damage the mycelium; not trample inedible mushrooms, because they are food for animals.

Remember, correct behavior in the forest is

guarantee of your safety.

What to do if you get lost in the forest.

So, the basic rules on how to behave in the forest if you get lost. In this situation, you should not give in to panic and run without looking back. You need to calm down, stay in the same place and call for help. You weren’t found, which means it’s time to call your relatives and friends; if there is no connection, then you should dial the emergency number - 112, it is always available. Tell us about your surroundings and they will tell you how to get out of the forest. Rules of behavior in the forest for schoolchildren imply knowledge of parts of the world. At noon, stand with your back to the sun, your shadow will point north, east will be on your right hand, and west will be on your left. Follow the instructions of the emergency services specialist.

If you don’t have a phone, then listen to the sounds around you, hearing human voices, the sound of cars or other signs of civilization, go in that direction. If there are no such sounds, then you should find a stream, it will definitely lead to a river; if there is a river, it means there will be people nearby. Along the route, leave notches on the trees or break branches, this will indicate your direction to the rescuers and will help you if you walk in a circle. Nature changes, so you shouldn't rely on the location of moss and anthills. Try to remember which side you entered the forest from, in which direction you were moving. Look around, if you see power lines, follow them.

If you couldn't get out of the forest and it's getting dark, get ready to spend the night. You need to make a hut from branches, make a small fire (taking precautions), and go to sleep near the fire. Think only about good things, a new day will come and they will definitely find you

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