A selection of games on the topic “Road Rules” for children of middle preschool age (4-5 years old)

Long-term planning of the month according to traffic rules in the middle group

Plan of targeted preventive measures for traffic rules

From 13.08 to 8.09. 2021.

Middle group, teacher Ismagilova A.A.

1. Conversation “Helpers on the road.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the operation of traffic lights, to expand ideas about the purpose of road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”.

2.Reading. A. Usachev “Road Song”


1.Game situation: “How to cross the road correctly.” Goal: to continue working on developing knowledge about behavior on the road.

2. Didactic game “Know and follow the traffic rules”


1.Traffic Rules Day is fun. Goal: to improve the ability to use traffic rules in various practical situations.

2.Reading A. Dorokhov “Green, yellow, red”


1.Game situation: “Visiting a traffic light.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the purpose of traffic lights on the road and all colors separately.

2.Work with parents. Consultation “The street through the eyes of a child.”


1. Role-playing game “I am a driver”. Goal: to continue work to expand understanding of various types of transport and the characteristics of their movement.

2. Examination of paintings depicting road traffic.

3. Design “Cut and stick a truck”


1. "Journey to Autocity." Goal: to consolidate the concept of public transport, the rules of use and behavior in it. Teach children to distinguish between trucks and passenger vehicles, to know and name parts of cars.

2. Target walk “Observation of transport”.

3. Outdoor games: “Sparrows and cars”, “Colored cars”, “Tram”.


1. Lesson “Traffic light”. Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about traffic lights, to consolidate knowledge of the rules for crossing the roadway.

2. Outdoor and didactic games: “Find your color”, “Broken traffic light”, “Stop”.

3. Entertainment “Green Light Relay”.


1. “Young Pedestrian Day.” Target :

consolidate the concept of “pedestrian”, train in the application of knowledge and practice.

2. Game “Skillful Pedestrian”.

3. Competition “Best Pedestrian”.


1. Conversation: “On the streets of a big city.” Goal: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the streets, roadways, and sidewalks. Consolidating knowledge about your hometown.

2. Construction of “City Street”.

3. Didactic game “I’m walking down the street.”


1. “Road Sign Day.” Goal: to consolidate the names and purposes of road signs, the ability to determine which signs are intended for drivers and which for pedestrians.

2.Work with parents. Recommendations: What literature should children read on traffic rules?


1. Conversation: “Road ABC.” Goal: continue to work on familiarizing yourself with road signs and safe driving rules on the road.

2. Target walk “Road signs” (transport site)

3. Didactic games: “Learning road signs”, “Teremok”, “Guess what sign”, “Put up a road sign”.


1. Conversation: “Pedestrian on the road.” Goal: to consolidate the ability to navigate the road using traffic rules in various practical situations.

2. Reading. A. Usachev “Soccer ball”.


1.Plot role-playing game “Drivers and pedestrians.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules in game situations on the transport site.

2.Construction of “My native street”.


1. Conversation: “My neighborhood.” Goal: to form an idea of ​​a safe path from home to kindergarten.

2.Drawing “Safe path”.

3.Work with parents. Folder moving “On the road with mom”


1. Game situations on the transport site “How do I know the rules of the road. Goal: improve the ability to use traffic rules.

2. Didactic game “Travel by car”


1. Communication situation “How to ride a bike correctly.” Goal: to reinforce the rules of cycling.

2. Didactic game “Transport”.


1. Conversation “City Streets”. Goal: expand ideas about city streets, consolidate knowledge that there are sidewalks and roads on the street.

2. Design “building a garage for a car”


1.Reading. V. I. Miryasova. Poems about transport.

2. Communication situation “How to behave in transport.” Goal: to expand understanding of the rules of behavior in public transport.


1. Entertainment: “I am a competent pedestrian.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the operation of traffic lights, develop the skill of orientation in the environment and the ability to observe the movement of cars.

2. Conversation: “How machines help people”

3.Work with parents. Exhibition: Attributes for games on road safety.

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