Summary of GCD in the preparatory group TOPIC "AUTUMN" compilation of a descriptive story according to the scheme.

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Composing the story “Autumn” using a diagram”

Nadezhda Lapteva
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Composing the story “Autumn” using a diagram”

Topic: Composing the story Autumn

: development of coherent speech .

- teach children to answer questions;

- strengthen the ability to compose a story using diagrams ;

Correctional and developmental:

- select adjectives and verbs for the noun;

- systematize children’s knowledge about autumn and autumn signs ;

-activate the dictionary on this topic;

- develop attention , imagination, memory,

— to cultivate children’s interest in seasonal changes in nature; develop collaboration skills.

Equipment: subject pictures, subject picture Autumn

, picture-graphic outline
of the story .
Preliminary work: reading poems about autumn , game “Match the object to the signs”


Drawing up a descriptive story “Autumn” according to the outline plan

Olga Osipova
Compiling a descriptive story “Autumn” according to the outline plan

Goal: To develop the skill of coherent speech based on diagrams.

Consolidate and expand vocabulary on the topic " Autumn "

Develop temporal and spatial orientation, auditory attention and memory, logical thinking.

Foster a culture of communication, the ability to listen to the stories of comrades .

Methods and techniques: Psycho-gymnastics, Game motivation, Riddles, diagrams, Sample story .

Autumn in the forest

Finally, the long-awaited autumn has arrived! The forest, dressed in golden and crimson foliage, captures the heart more and more every moment. It seems as if he asks to admire him all his life. But a week or two passes, and real leaf fall begins in the forest. There are no green leaves left at all, and yellow ones completely fall off.

At the edge of the forest stands a lonely, drooping birch tree. If you stand next to it for a while, you can watch how the golden leaves fly off it one after another and, spinning in the air, fall to the ground.

But November is coming to an end. Autumn has done its job, and the cold Winter is already nipping at its heels. Beauty Autumn does not want to leave her throne! She watches with emotion how the children play with fallen colorful leaves, and asks Winter for permission to stay another day.

Essay on the painting “Autumn”

The painting depicts a golden autumn.

The trees have sadly bowed their crowns, colorful leaves are spinning in the last dance of the farewell autumn ball, covering the ground with a carpet. The trunks are intertwined into a bizarre web, the cold gray-blue sky does not let in the warm rays of the sun. On an overgrown alley, two magpies are looking for acorns.

It's a beautiful time - autumn!

And this essay on the painting “Autumn” was written by our classmate.

In the painting, the artist depicted a golden autumn.

Bright yellow leaves adorn the trees and lie on the ground in a colorful carpet. White-sided magpies are jumping on a forest path. Bizarre tree trunks resemble a large spider web. The blue sky is visible through the branches. The orange leaves look like a golden waterfall.

I like autumn!

Since the article is in demand, I’m adding a couple more new works by our friends.

Autumn time

Autumn is a wonderful time of year. Everything on the street is so colorful, bright, gold and orange.

I love autumn because it often rains, which I adore. At this time, you can sit with a book, listening to the melody of the rainfall. At the same time, I hate strong winds, and they are also not uncommon at this time.

If you compare September and November, they are like two different seasons. The temperature changes often and very sharply, sometimes even within one day.

In autumn, my favorite films, books and, of course, friends always save me from boredom.

Autumn has come

A gloomy, rainy autumn has arrived. The weather is stormy. The sky is covered with gray clouds. It's been raining cold all day. The roads were washed away. A sharp wind is blowing. All paths in parks and gardens are strewn with yellow leaves. There is dirt and puddles in the yard and on the streets. It's getting colder every day. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. The arrival of winter is not far off.

Yesterday the rooks flew to warmer climes. Much earlier, back in August, swifts and swallows left their nests. They circled for a long time over the fields, high hills and said goodbye to their native places. Burrowing deep into the ground, the insects hid.

Autumn is a dull time. The forest is empty and very quiet. Contemplation of fading nature evokes sad thoughts. It seems that there will be no sun, no light, no colors... In such weather, it is best to sit at home, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and drink tea.

In the evening the dank rain stopped. The surrounding area is shrouded in thick fog. And now the dark autumn night is descending onto the sleepy land.

Option 3

Autumn is the time of year between summer and winter. And this is no coincidence. After all, in autumn we can observe both the beauty of this time of year and farewell to summer. The first days of September remind us of the warm and carefree days of summer, but at the same time they prepare us for the upcoming cold weather that is just around the corner. Autumn is a time when everything around is covered with gold: trees, clearings in the forest, and paths in the park. But, despite this wonderful time of year, the sky seems dull and sad, as if it is about to cry. It will rain, and people will run away in all directions, just to get to dry places as quickly as possible.

But not only people pay attention to this wonderful time of year. Life in the forest does not stop; all animals, insects and birds are feverishly preparing for the cold days. Insects are among the first to react. Most of them are looking for shelter where they can safely spend the winter. Snakes and toads, frogs and lizards are on their way to go to winter. Larger animals also do not sit still: some accumulate fat for the winter, others begin to molt, and others prepare shelters.

And what autumn landscapes! It’s as if an artist painted our world with gold and orange colors. And rivers and lakes! They take on an even bluer hue, and it seems that these are not rivers and lakes, but seas and oceans. Migratory birds fly away and wave their wings to us, as if saying goodbye and saying that they will return. Autumn is the time of artists and photographers, because, probably, only these people are able to appreciate this magnificent picture.

And the rains. Of course, it’s not very pleasant to be outside in the pouring rain, but what a beauty after it. Streams with clean water run along the street, there is a rainbow of all colors in the sky, everything around becomes fresh, clean and dust-free.

But sooner or later all good things come to an end. This also applies to autumn. The days are getting colder and colder. The rains alternate between drizzling and torrential. The once blue sky is increasingly covered with clouds, and they become heavy from their own despondency and laziness with which they float across the sky. We no longer hear the singing of birds in the autumn forest, only the noise of swaying lonely trees with fallen leaves. Animals become calmer and seem to be sad for the summer, when they could have fun carefree under the rays of the hot sun.

Autumn is a wonderful time

Finally, this wonderful time has come - autumn! This is a wonderful time when the trees are full of colorful outfits, and the ground is covered with a carpet of golden and crimson leaves.

A walk in an autumn park is a real pleasure. You slowly walk along the path, look around and involuntarily admire the lush beauty of the landscape that opens to your eyes. The gaze falls on a wide variegated viburnum bush with its juicy clusters of berries. And ahead you see fiery red maples, the veins on the leaves of which stand out fancifully against the general background of the trees. Only an autumn artist can create such magnificence. And the sky above your head? It is gloomy and majestic, but at the same time the sun still warms the earth, which has cooled during the night.

Me and autumn

The most beautiful time of the year is autumn. All the trees are dressed in luxurious golden coats. When you walk along a magnificent carpet of colorful leaves, you hear their pleasant rustling under your feet.

I like to go out with friends when it's time to go outside. My mood improves, and even a light autumn rain does not spoil it.

Autumn is a time of change, and soon warm days give way to cold and windy weather. My mood also changes. My salvation is my favorite films, which I watch for the thousandth time, because they never get boring.

I love golden autumn!

Essay about autumn for high school students

Much can be written about the golden age. Secondary school students are also often tasked with describing this wonderful time. As an example, you can take the following essay options:


When autumn comes, your soul becomes light and calm. Nature, like a sorceress, envelops every corner of our country with its colors.

There is a lot of beauty in autumn. There are many poems about this time of year. And paintings depicting autumn are delightful. It’s not surprising, because this languid, dull time inspires and gives creative ideas. The rustling leaves underfoot seem alive, as if whispering about how much everything has changed around.

Autumn is an incredible time of year. I really love this time.

Such an essay will help you express your emotions and get a good grade for the assignment.

Impression of autumn

Autumn is considered to be a boring, sad time. They even call her gray, gloomy, lonely. In fact, this opinion about this time of year is wrong. Autumn may well be cheerful, warm, giving joy, inspiration and aesthetic pleasure.

Nature is never the same. It is good in its own way at any time of the year. In autumn, nature is rich in bright, colorful colors. The leaves on the trees turn yellow, red, crimson, purple, brown. The golden autumn period is incredibly beautiful!

Thus, our mood should not depend on the time of year. Even the autumn season is quite capable of becoming a real holiday of the soul, it can give admiration from contemplating the beauty of nature. Moreover, this year autumn is simply wonderful: warm, gentle, affectionate...


Essay on the theme Autumn

In my opinion, autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. The leaves on the trees change color from lush green to fiery reds and yellows. Often trees from afar look not only like flames, but also like a golden alley, walking along which you involuntarily feel like a hero of a fairy tale.

In addition, many poets dedicated poems to this time of year. A.S. Pushkin called autumn a “dull time,” but never ceased to admire it, describing forests dressed in crimson and gold, as well as skies covered with wavy mist. A I.A. Bunin, in turn, conveyed the autumn mood, describing the yellow carving of birches, shining in the blue azure and the forest, which contained the aroma of pine and oak.

In autumn the long-awaited harvest begins. The gardens and fields are emptying, and the gifts of autumn appear on the tables of all houses: from various canned vegetables, pickled mushrooms and jam from numerous types of berries to the main “decoration” of the table - potatoes. Since ancient times, people have learned to serve potatoes not only fried and boiled; there are a huge number of recipes from this “valuable” vegetable for every taste.

In addition to harvesting and preparing for the winter, there are many other types of autumn activities. For example, you can take a walk in the forest, breathe in clean fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature. You can also go fishing or have a picnic, inviting your friends and family with you. And, having come from a walk, make tea and spend the rest of the evening listening and telling interesting stories with your family.

After the stuffy summer, there is a need for fresh air in the fall. I want coolness and rain. When I go outside after the rain, especially when early autumn sets in, I can walk for hours and inhale that truly “autumn scent.” After walking down the street, you can go to a small cozy cafe not far from your house, and sit back and read your favorite book over a cup of hot cocoa. I rightfully consider autumn to be a “cozy” time of year. All the fuss and fun of the hot summer fades into the background, and your soul becomes calm and measured. In such an environment, anyone can feel relaxed and peaceful.

Autumn lasts only three months, and in some regions, only one or two months, because the snow begins to fall and autumn no longer looks like the one I look forward to every year. I believe that autumn is the most wonderful time of the year. Do you love autumn as much as I love it?

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