"Mysteries of nature: volcanoes." GCD for experimental activities of children of senior preschool age

Conducting an experiment

Finally the island is ready. All the toy animals and people froze in anticipation of an interesting event - a volcanic eruption. They know that the volcano is not real and therefore are not afraid of it.

To conduct the experiment, pour a tablespoon of soda into the volcano jar. Add a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. Red or orange food coloring is dissolved in 100 milligrams of water and added to the baking soda and detergent. The base for the experiment is ready, all that remains is to add vinegar. For mom, you can let your child pour vinegar into the volcano on his own, under her supervision, so that he doesn’t do it in her absence. It is better to repeat the experiment for an encore, pouring vinegar into the “mouth” of the volcano and pouring soda into it until the child is interested in it and asks to repeat the experiment.

When vinegar is added, the baking soda will begin to foam, erupting from the “volcano mouth” like red or orange lava. The detergent will allow the “lava” to foam longer and more abundantly, overflowing from the vent and flooding the surrounding area along with plants and animals that were carelessly located too close.

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