Card file of work assignments in the senior group card file on the topic

File of work assignments senior age

File of work assignments and duties

Senior preschool age

Shatolina Tatyana Yurievna

Household work.

1. “Maintaining order in the closet with toys and manuals.”

Goal: to teach children to independently arrange toys and aids, maintain order in closets, and wipe dust.

2. “Cleaning up building materials.”

Goal: to teach how to wash, dry and lay building materials, to teach children to constantly and promptly maintain order in the play corner, to wash building materials with a soapy solution prepared by the teacher, to rinse and dry them; observe the rules of personal hygiene.

3. “Washing toys.”

Goal: to teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; keep toys in order, wash them, dry them, wipe them and put them in place.

4. “Repairing books.”

Goal: teach children to glue books, use glue and scissors correctly.

5. “We wash the doll’s bedding and clothes.”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to wash doll clothes, to accustom children to neatness and cleanliness.

6. “Repair of boxes for waste material.”

Goal: to consolidate technical skills in working with scissors and glue, cultivate frugality, and the ability to work collectively.

7. “Washing my combs”

Goal: to teach children to help the teacher wash their combs, rinse soaked combs, and clean them with brushes. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.

8. “Work in the book corner”

Goal: to teach children to select books that need repair, carefully glue them (use glue and scissors correctly, use napkins). Cultivate a caring attitude towards books, a desire to work, and maintain order.

Labor in nature.

1. “Watering indoor plants.”

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the needs of plants for light and moisture, to teach how to recognize moisture-loving and drought-resistant, light-loving and shade-tolerant plants by their leaves. Develop accuracy when working with water and plants, confidence in your actions, work skills. Foster a caring attitude towards the natural environment and a desire to take care of it.

2. “Washing indoor plants.”

Goal: to give children an idea of ​​the methods of watering (in a tray, under the leaves) and the rules (do not flood, water evenly); cultivate a desire to care for plants. Invite children to help as much as possible, clarify children’s ideas about indoor plants.

3. “Spraying indoor plants with water from a spray bottle.”

Goal: teach a new work skill; reinforce children’s understanding that leaves also need moisture; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants. Teach children to independently determine the need for watering (by the color and condition of the soil, by the appearance of the plant), and remind them of the watering technique.

4. “Green landing on indoor plants”

Goal: to teach children to determine by the condition of indoor plants what actions are necessary to care for them (watering, cleaning, loosening, fertilizing), to correctly perform the corresponding labor operations, and invite the children to tell about the purpose of each of them.

5. “Taking care of plants.”

Goal: to clarify previously acquired knowledge about ways to keep plants clean, to teach children how to choose a method for removing dust from a plant, focusing on the features of its appearance and structure.

6. “Planting onions.”

Goal: to teach children to set a goal, prepare a workplace, tools and clean up after themselves. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the onion and the conditions necessary for onion growth. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an environmental culture, a desire to achieve results, and participate in a common cause.

7. “Sowing seeds of flowers and vegetables.”

Goal: to give children knowledge that every plant has seeds. Learn the sequence of actions required when sowing seeds; make a hole in the soil for sowing seeds, each time marking with a stick the distance between them and the grooves for small seeds; teach to observe cultural and hygienic skills when working. To consolidate children's knowledge about at what time, which seeds are sown in boxes in a group for preparing seedlings, and which seeds are sown in open ground. Develop labor skills and abilities. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.

8. “Planting seedlings, caring for them.”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the main stages of plant growth and development (seed, sprout, stem with leaves); about the basic methods of growing plants and caring for them (planting in loose soil, watering, loosening the soil, weeding, feeding). When planting seedlings, be careful, as the plants are very fragile. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.

No. 9.
“Planting pea seeds.”
Goal: invite children to tell how a plant grows from a seed, clarify and supplement the children’s answers. To update and specify ideas about the conditions necessary for the growth of peas.

No. 10.
“Loosening the soil of indoor plants.”
Goal: teach children to care for indoor plants; give children knowledge about why it is necessary to loosen the soil of plants; consolidate loosening techniques and rules for using the necessary items for this. Develop labor skills, accuracy. Foster an ecological culture and respect for the environment.


1. “Canteen duty.”

Goal: independently and conscientiously perform the duties of a duty officer; wash your hands thoroughly, put on the clothes of the person on duty, set the table correctly, put away the dishes after eating, sweep the tables with a brush and sweep the floor.

2. “Class duty”

Goal: to teach to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of an attendant, to lay out materials and aids prepared by the teacher for the lesson on tables; wash and put them away after class. Develop hard work and a desire to help adults. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.

No. 3.
“We will prepare equipment and materials for educational activities.”
Goal: to develop a sense of responsibility for the assigned task, to teach children to carefully lay out materials and equipment for educational activities.

No. 4.
“Keeping your manual closet in order.”
Goal: to teach children to organize manuals on their own, maintain order in closets, and wipe dust.

5. “Washing napkins used in art classes.”

Goal: to teach children the skills of soaping, rinsing and wringing out napkins, to continue to develop a work culture and neatness in the process of work.

6. “Remove plasticine and modeling boards”

Goal: to develop teamwork skills.

Why is duty necessary?

The first word that is associated with the concept of “duty” is “responsibility,” and not only for the life and safety of the child on the part of the teacher, but also for the development of the individual. This type of labor education, when the child independently needs to help the teacher as much as possible in organizing a lesson or setting the table, forms in children the initial understanding of the word “labor.”

This technique allows the child to realize that everything around us did not appear by itself, someone created it. This thought creates a desire to also try to do something and encourages independent work.

Labor activity in the senior group in the classroom

Household work in the senior group is an important method of socialization, intellectual and moral development of preschool children. By adhering to the rules of a child’s work activity and involving parents in it, maximum results can be achieved. Thanks to a variety of systematic employment, children prepare to master professions and learn independence.

How to organize work activities in the senior group

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, when organizing work activities, the teacher takes into account its principles:

  • regularity;
  • participation of all children;
  • the feasibility of children's contribution;
  • inadmissibility of overworking children;
  • exciting activities;
  • unobtrusive control.

The doll's clothes will be clean

The child should not be allowed to develop a negative attitude towards work tasks.

Observation and work in a corner of nature

We need to cultivate a love for conscious, regular observations of nature. For this purpose they keep a “Diary of a Living Corner”. In it, the attendants leave comments about changes in plants and the habits of animals. Sometimes it’s worth reviewing notes as a group. Most of the observations and work in the corner are carried out before breakfast and after bedtime.

Important! The children are told the rule: only those on duty can write in the diary. Only the actions in the corner and the changes in its inhabitants are described.

Working in nature brings pleasure to children and has a positive effect on their diversified development. In the course of work, respect, love for the natural environment, and the ability to take care of it are formed. Interest in work and a responsible and conscious attitude towards it are strengthened.

A living corner can be decorated creatively

Working in nature (with domestic living creatures and outdoors) is an important educational method. It stimulates intellectual development, broadens horizons, and develops sensory perception of the world. Working in the natural environment, children learn the properties, states, characteristics of objects, learn to establish and analyze them.

The teacher teaches how to build on the properties of natural objects when performing work tasks. For example, when determining a plant’s need for moisture, a child takes into account the condition of the stem and leaves: their density, elasticity, color. Children form standard ideas about the characteristics of environmental objects.

Children begin to be on duty in the living area in the senior group. This allows you to improve work skills, properly socialize, and motivate the child.

Work assignments

When attracting older children to work, they often use instructions. To complete them, the teacher invites a group of children to complete the task. Self-organization skills in this age category are not yet sufficiently developed, so the teacher plans the children’s work together with them. The following questions are discussed:

  • where to start;
  • what needs to be prepared (tools and materials);
  • how to organize work in order to perform efficiently;
  • how to work without getting dirty and littering;
  • distribution of tasks between participants.

Important! The teacher does not impose methods of performing the task on the performers, does not distribute roles, but only helps and prompts, controls.

A type of collective assignment is systematic duty in a living area. They are carried out throughout the academic year and are introduced in September-October. Beforehand, the teacher talks with the students about the types of plants from the living area, the features of care, the conditions for their full development, and the daily tasks of those on duty. At the stage of developing the skill of caring for living beings, the teacher appoints people on duty every day. Their number is determined by the number of corner objects.

Caring for house plants in the garden

The teacher and those on duty together distribute the responsibilities of the group. Monitoring of work and support from the manager is carried out unobtrusively, kindly, and in a timely manner. In the first weeks of duty, the teacher participates more actively in the work of the groups, and then - as necessary.

Caring for indoor plants includes their replanting and propagation, which is carried out in the spring. Prepare for such work in advance. Children and the leader inspect the plants, select those in need of replanting, prepare the soil (sand, soil), look for pots of the required size, scoops, potassium permanganate solution, sharpened sticks. The bulk of the work is done by the teacher. The guys are cleaning the soil from debris, stones, and wood chips. It is advisable to sift the soil.

Important! The educational component of such lessons is to consolidate knowledge about the structure of plants (flower, leaf, stem, root).

Method of artistic work in the senior group

Artistic work is an activity to satisfy the aesthetic needs of a child. It is the manufacture of products from natural raw materials, fabric, cardboard, paper, wood. You can create applications, board games, puppet theater. Such work stimulates imagination, develops creativity, improves fine motor skills, develops perseverance, endurance, and the ability to complete work. Children can present the results of their labor to loved ones in the form of gifts.

Analysis and self-analysis of the results of household work in the senior group

The teacher can analyze children’s achievements in labor development over six months. The teacher identifies the most and least successful types of activities of the child, his activity, and initiative. To do this, you can use the “Diagnostic Card” table. An approximate version of such a map is presented below.

Important! The map records all types of work activities of students in senior groups.

Sources: -grupe.html

Long-term planning. Card file of work activities

Cards and goals for work activities look like this:

  • Card 1 “Wipe the leaves of plants”

Goal: to teach how to work carefully with water: put on an apron, roll up your sleeves, do not splash or spill water; learn how to work with a rag correctly: wet, squeeze, rinse when dirty; develop diligence, ability to work, accuracy; cultivate mutual respect during joint work in the senior group.

  • Card 2 “Duty after class”

Goal: to teach how to independently diligently perform duties while on duty: lay out the materials brought by the teacher, clean and put them in place after class; cultivate respect for work and the desire to work for the benefit of the team.

  • Card 3 “Washing napkins”

Goal: to develop the skill of soaping material, washing away stains, rinsing a napkin, squeezing until slightly damp; create a culture of careful work and personal hygiene; develop the ability to notice pollution and use water to remove it; develop the ability to work collectively and amicably.

  • Card 4 “Order on the toy shelves”

Goals: independent cleaning, dusting; the ability to maintain order and avoid a chaotic arrangement of items in the closet; developing the ability to notice disorder and hard work; education of altruism and aesthetic taste.

  • Card 5 “Canteen duty officer”

Goal: be able to independently perform duties efficiently: put on the duty uniform, wash your hands well; set the table according to learned rules, see incorrect table settings and correct shortcomings; remove used cutlery and dishes, wipe tables, sweep; develop labor skills; cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness for one’s own comfort and for the benefit of the team, caring for household items.

Table setting in the dining room

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