Cockerel and bean seed. Read. A fairy tale in pictures.

Cockerel and bean seed

Once upon a time there lived a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was in a hurry and in a hurry, and the hen kept saying:

- Petya, don’t rush. Petya, take your time.

Once a cockerel was pecking bean seeds, but in a hurry he choked. He choked, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t hear, lay motionless. The chicken got scared, rushed to the owner, shouting:

- Oh, hostess, hurry up and lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The hostess says:

“Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I’ll whip up some butter.”

The chicken rushed to the cow:

“Cow, my dear, give me milk quickly, the hostess will make butter from the milk, I’ll lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.”

“Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me some fresh grass.”

The chicken runs to its owner:

-Master! Master! Give the cow some fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will make butter from the milk, I will lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

“Run quickly to the blacksmith for a scythe,” says the owner.

The chicken ran as fast as she could to the blacksmith:

- Blacksmith, blacksmith, quickly give the owner a good scythe. The owner will give the cow grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me butter, I will lubricate the cockerel’s neck: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The blacksmith gave the owner a new scythe, the owner gave the cow fresh grass, the cow gave milk, the hostess churned butter, and gave butter to the chicken. The chicken greased the neck of the cockerel. The bean seed slipped through. The cockerel jumped up lively and sang at the top of his lungs:

- Ku-ka-riku!

The second version of the tale. Death of the Cockerel

A hen and a rooster are walking on the priest's threshing floor. A cockerel choked on a bean seed. The chicken took pity and went to the river to ask for water.

River says:

- Go to the sticky tree, ask for a leaf, then I’ll give you water!

- Sticky! sticky! Give it to the leaf: take the leaf to the river, the river will give water, carry the water to the cockerel - the cockerel choked on a bean seed: he neither breathes nor breathes, he lies exactly dead!

Lipka said:

- Go to the girl, ask for thread: then I’ll give you some sheets!

- Girl, girl! Give me some thread, take the thread to the sticky, the sticky will give it to the leaf, take the leaf to the river, the river will give you water, bring the water to the cockerel - the cockerel choked on a bean seed: he neither breathes nor breathes, he lies exactly dead!

The girl says:

- Go to the cow, ask for milk; In those days I'll give you some thread.

The chicken came to the cow:

- Cow, cow! Give me milk, take the milk to the girl, the girl will give you threads, take the threads to the sticky, give the sticky to the leaf, take the leaf to the river, the river will give water, bring the water to the cockerel, - the cockerel choked on a bean seed: he neither breathes nor breathes, he lies exactly dead !

Cow says:

- Go, chicken, to the hayfields, ask them for hay; In those days I will give you milk.

The chicken came to the hayfields.

- Haymaking, haymaking! Give me some hay, take the hay to the cow, the cow will give milk, take the milk to the girl, the girl will give you threads, take the threads to the sticky, the sticky will give to the leaf, take the leaf to the river, the river will give water, bring the water to the cockerel,” the cockerel choked on a bean seed: neither breathes nor breathes, just lies dead!

Haymakers say:

- Go, little chicken, to the blacksmiths so they can forge a braid.

The chicken came to the blacksmiths:

- Blacksmiths, blacksmiths! Forge a braid for me, take the scythe to the hayfields, the hayfields will give hay, carry the hay to the cow, the cow will give milk, bring the milk to the girl, the girl will give threads, carry the threads to the sticky, the sticky will give to the leaf, carry the leaf to the river, the river will give water, water bring it to the cockerel, - the cockerel choked on a bean seed: neither heated nor breathed, he lay exactly dead!

The blacksmiths said:

- Go, chicken, to the Layans, ask them for coals; At that time we will forge your braid.

The chicken came to the layans:

- Layana, layana! Give coal, carry the coal to the blacksmiths, the blacksmiths will forge a scythe, carry the scythe to the hayfields, the hayfields will give hay, carry the hay to the cow, the cow will give milk, carry the milk to the girl, the girl will give threads, carry the threads to the sticky, sticky will give the leaf, carry the leaf to the river, the river will give water, carry the water to the cockerel, - the cockerel choked on a bean seed: he neither breathes nor breathes, he lies exactly dead!

Gave a bark of coals; the chicken took the coal to the blacksmiths, the blacksmiths forged a scythe; took the scythe to the hayfields, the hayfields cut hay; brought the hay to the cow, the cow gave milk; she took the milk to the girl, the girl gave her some thread; took the threads to the sticky, the sticky gave it to the leaf, took the leaf to the river, the river gave water; she carried the water to the cockerel: he lay there, neither breathing nor breathing, choking on a bean grain on the priest's threshing floor!

Russian fairy tale

Russian folk tale "The Bean Seed"

The main form of existence of a folklore work, which is a fairy tale, is oral. Each narrator adds his own nuances to the story, changing the story he once heard in his own way. This is why each folklore text has so many different variations. Oral folk art in the age of information technology has acquired a new way of existence: now it is transmitted not only “from mouth to mouth”, but is also downloaded across the Internet. This convenient way of being does not exclude the basic principles of the existence of folklore; it is still told differently and modified with each new author-storyteller. The Russian folk tale “The Bean Seed” is no exception. There are quite a large number of variants of this fairy tale, the characters change from text to text, new details appear, and the title is slightly transformed. The text of the fairy tale is very conducive to such modifications; its plot is simple, based on constant repetition with the addition of new points, it is easy to remember and retell. What is the fairy tale about?

Plot and characters

As usual, a fairy tale begins with the traditional beginning - “once upon a time...” In this case, a cockerel and a hen lived and were. The plot for the development of the action is a bean seed found by the cockerel, which he, like a true gentleman, wanted to share with the chicken. The hen refused, and the cockerel decided to eat the prey himself, but was in a hurry and choked on it. The chicken, wanting to save her lover, sets out in search of some water. However, she has to face a number of challenges before she can get life-saving water for the cockerel. Events develop along a chain, each new character that the chicken meets agrees to give her what she wants, but on the condition that she will bring something in return. As a result, the chicken has to run from the river to the sticky, from the sticky to the girl, from the girl to the combers, from the combers to the Kalashnikov, from the Kalashnikov to the woodcutters. And only the woodcutters gave the chicken what she asked for free of charge. So the kind, sympathetic hen finally managed to get some water for the cockerel and thereby save his life. The fairy tale ends with the victorious cry of the cockerel: “Ku-ka-re-ku.”

The main idea of ​​the tale

Understanding the moral of the story is not difficult. In the tale about how the cockerel choked on a bean seed, there are two points that need to be drawn to the attention of the child reading or listening to the story. First, you need to be careful when eating and take your time while eating. But this is not the most important thing. The main moral emphasis of this instructive story is the selfless behavior of the hen, who overcame so many obstacles to help the cockerel. It is this lesson that the little listener of the fairy tale needs to learn: if the goal is noble, especially as in this case - helping a loved one, then you must try to destroy all the obstacles on the way to achieving it, and you should never despair and become despondent.

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Cockerel and bean seed. Read. A fairy tale in pictures.

Cockerel and bean seed.

A fairy tale in pictures.

Once upon a time there lived a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was in a hurry, he was in a hurry, and the hen kept saying to herself: “Petya, don’t rush.” Petya, take your time.

Once a cockerel was pecking bean grains, but in a hurry he choked. He's choked, can't breathe, can't hear, as if he's lying dead.

The chicken got scared, rushed to the hostess, shouting: “Oh, hostess, quickly let me lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.”

The hostess says: “Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I’ll already harvest the butter.”

The chicken rushed to the cow:

“Cow, my dear, give me some milk quickly, the hostess will make butter out of the milk, I’ll lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.”

“Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me some fresh grass.”

The chicken runs to the owner: - Master! Master! Quickly give the cow some fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will make butter from the milk, I will lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.

- Run quickly to the blacksmith for a scythe:

The chicken ran as fast as she could to the blacksmith: “Blacksmith, blacksmith, quickly give the owner a good scythe.” The owner will give the cow grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will make butter from the milk, I will lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.

The blacksmith gave the owner a new scythe, the owner gave the cow fresh grass, the cow gave milk, the hostess churned butter, and gave butter to the chicken.

The chicken greased the neck of the cockerel.
The bean seed slipped through. The cockerel jumped up and shouted at the top of his lungs: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” Russian folk tales.
Source: “Big Book of Russian Fairy Tales”. The pictures were created based on illustrations by artist Dmitry Lemko

Read the fairy tale: BY THE PIKE'S BID.

bean seed

Once upon a time there lived a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was rummaging and dug up a bob.

- Co-co-co, chicken, eat a bean seed!

- Co-co-co, cockerel, eat it yourself!

The cockerel ate the grain and choked. Called the chicken:

- Go, chicken, to the river, ask for some water to drink.

The chicken ran to the river:

- River, river, give me some water: the cockerel choked on a legume grain!

- Go to the sticky, ask for a leaf, then I’ll give you some water.

The chicken ran to the sticky:

- Sticky, sticky, give me a leaf! I’ll take the leaf to the river, the river will give it some water for the cockerel to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

- Go to the girl, ask for a thread.

- Girl, girl, give me some thread! I’ll take the thread to the sticky, the sticky will give a leaf, I’ll take the leaf to the river, the river will give the cockerel some water to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

- Go to the comb makers, ask for a comb, then I’ll give you some thread.

The hen ran to the combers:

- Combers, combers, give me a comb! I’ll take the comb to the girl, the girl will give a thread, I’ll take the thread to the sticky, the sticky will give a leaf, I’ll take the leaf to the river, the river will give the cockerel some water to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

- Go to the Kalashniks, let them give us some Kalachs.

The chicken ran to the Kalashnikov:

- Kalashnikov, Kalashnikov, give me the Kalashnikov! I’ll take the rolls to the combers, the combers will give a comb, I’ll take the comb to the girl, the girl will give a thread, I’ll take the thread to the sticky, the sticky will give a leaf, I’ll take the leaf to the river, the river will give some water to the cockerel to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

- Go to the woodcutters, let them give us firewood.

The chicken went to the woodcutters:

- Woodcutters, woodcutters, give me some wood! I’ll take the firewood to the Kalashnikovs, the Kalashnikovs will give the rolls, I’ll take the rolls to the combers, the combers will give a comb, I’ll take the comb to the girl, the girl will give a thread, I’ll take the thread to the sticky, the sticky will give a leaf, I’ll take the leaf to the river, the river will give some water to the cockerel to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The woodcutters gave the chicken some wood.

The chicken took the firewood to the Kalashniks, the Kalashnikovs gave her rolls, gave the rolls to the combers, the combers gave her a comb, took the comb to the girl, the girl gave her a thread, took the thread to Lipka, Lipka gave a leaf, took the leaf to the river, the river gave some water.


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