Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” for the middle group

Summary of the game-dramatization based on the fairy tale: “Zayushkina’s hut”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about honesty, using the example of a fairy tale to show that cheating is very bad.

Material: Puppet theater toys: fox, hare, dog, bear, rooster. Screen.

Progress of the game.

Educator: Guys, today we are visiting a fairy tale. You need to guess. (children together with the teacher examine the toys of the puppet theater).

Educator: Guys, have you guessed what fairy tale came to visit us? (children answer in unison)

Educator: Come on, let's play this fairy tale. (The children agree, the characters are chosen according to the counting rhyme, and the rest of the audience, the teacher takes the role of the storyteller)

Fairytale: Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox has an ice hut, and the hare has a bast hut (shows the bunny and his house, as well as the fox, using gestures). Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted, but the bunny's hut is still there (the fox's house is being cleaned). And now the fox asks to come to the hare.

Fox: Zainka, let me warm up.

Fabulous : Zainka let the fox in, and the fox came into his house and kicked him out. Zainka is walking along the road and crying bitterly, and the dogs meet him and I ask him.

Dogs: Tuff-tuff-taff! What are you Zainka crying about?

Hare: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. In the spring, the fox’s hut melted, but mine still stands, she asked to come visit me, and kicked me out.

Dogs: Don't cry, Zainka, we'll kick her out! Get out of the bunny's hut, fox!

Fox: (from behind the screen) As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets!

Fairytale: The dogs got scared and ran away. The bunny walks again, and a bear meets him.

Bear: Bunny, why are you crying?

Fabulous: The bunny began to tell his story

Bunny: The fox has an ice hut, but mine is made of bast. Spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked me to visit me and kicked me out (the child imitates tears)

Bear: Don't cry, bunny, I'll kick her out now!

Hare: You won’t kick them out, the dogs chased them, they didn’t kick you out and you won’t kick them out!

Bear: No, I’ll kick you out! (He walked up to the house and started roaring). Go away, fox!

Fox: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets!

Fabulous : The bear got scared and ran away. A bunny is walking, and a cockerel with a scythe meets him.

Cockerel: (speaks cheerfully) Ku-ka-re-ku! What are you crying about, bunny?

Bunny: How can I not cry, cockerel?! A fox asked me to come into my house to warm up and drove him out!

Cockerel: Don't cry, bunny, I'll kick her out in a minute!!!

Bunny: (speaks sadly) No, you won’t kick me out. They chased the dogs, but they didn’t drive them out, the bear chased them, but they didn’t drive them out, and you, even more so, won’t drive them out!

Cockerel: No, I'll kick you out!!!

Fairytale: A cockerel came up to the house and screamed loudly!!!

Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku!!! I’m walking on my feet, in red boots, carrying a scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox, get out of the oven, fox!

Fairytale: (reads joyfully) The fox heard a rooster crow and got scared. She ran out and ran away... And the cockerel and the bunny began to live and live and make good things! (everyone is happy). This is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!

Result: Educator: Guys, tell me, did the fox act honestly with the bunny? (no) Is it possible to do this? (no) What kind of fox was it? (children's answers) What was the bunny like? (children's answers) Therefore, try not to deceive anyone!!! Nobody wants to be friends with liars.

Summary of the game-dramatization of the fairy tale: “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed.”

Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​the feeling - love.

Material: table theater from the farm series.

Progress of the game:

(telling a riddle)

I'll eat a worm, drink some water, and look for bread crumbs.

And then I’ll lay an egg and treat the kids. (chicken)

Educator: Today we will remember once again the fairy tale in which the hen saved the cockerel. What kind of fairy tale is this, what do you think? (children name the fairy tale, and if they find it difficult, the teacher helps them remember). Let's remember the content of the fairy tale and try to play it out. (The heroes of the fairy tale are chosen according to the counting, the role of the storyteller is the teacher). So, the fairy tale begins...

Fairytale: Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a hen (a cockerel and a hen appear). They lived together and did not grieve. Until one day the cockerel found a bean seed, ate it and choked. Lying and not breathing, as if dead, the chicken got scared, rushed to the owner and shouted:

Chicken: Oh, hostess, quickly give me some butter to lubricate the cockerel’s neck: he choked on a bean grain.

Hostess: Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I’ll already collect the butter.

Fairytale: The chicken rushed to the cow.

Chicken: Cow, little cow, give me milk quickly, the hostess will make butter from the milk, I’ll lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.

Cow: Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me some fresh grass.

Fairytale: A chicken runs to its owner.

Chicken: Master, master! Quickly give the cow some fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will make butter from the milk, I will lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Owner: Run quickly to the blacksmith for a scythe.

Fabulous: The chicken rushed as fast as she could to the blacksmith.

Chicken: Blacksmith, blacksmith! Quickly give the owner a good scythe, the owner will give the cow fresh grass, the cow will give milk, I will lubricate the cockerel’s neck: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Fairytale: The blacksmith gave the owner a new scythe, the owner gave the cow fresh grass, the cow gave milk, the hostess churned butter, gave butter to the chicken. The chicken thanked her for the butter, she said:

Chicken: Thanks for the butter.

Fairytale: The hen greased the cockerel's neck, a bean seed slipped through, the cockerel jumped up and screamed at the top of his lungs:

Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku!!!

Fairytale: That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

Result: Vosp-l: Guys, why do you think the hen saved the cockerel?

(the children answer that she loved him!) That's right, well done! You're right!!!

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