THEATRALIZED ACTIVITY based on the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” in the preparatory group.

Synopsis of the dramatization game “Zayushkina’s Hut” /middle group 9/


1 Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 125 combined type” Synopsis of the dramatization game “Zayushkina Hut” /middle group 9/ Prepared by: teacher Korobanova O.A. g.o. Saransk, 2016

2 The game is a dramatization based on the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.” Goal: enriching children's gaming experience. Objectives: - to teach children to distinguish and convey intonations, the characters of fairy-tale characters, to develop children’s ability to create a play environment. — to develop in children the expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, and movements. - cultivate friendly relationships in the game, a sense of compassion, mutual assistance. Characters: fox, hare, dogs, bear, bull, rooster. Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale, looking at illustrations, conversation, watching a cartoon. Materials and equipment: 2 houses blue and brown, screen, headdresses, masks. Vocabulary work: bast, artist, spectator, theater.

3 Progress of the game: Educator: “Guys, today we are visiting a Russian folk tale. Or maybe you can tell me which one?” (Children, together with the teacher, look at the attributes and try on masks.) Teacher: “Guys, have you guessed what fairy tale came to visit us?” Children's answers. Educator: “Children, let’s play this fairy tale? First, let’s decide where our houses will be?” Children, together with the teacher, place screens and cover them with material. These are their fox and bunny houses. Then the teacher selects children who will play roles, and the rest of the children are spectators. Children "artists" get ready, put on costumes, children - spectators sit on chairs in the auditorium. The role of the leader belongs to the teacher. Presenter: “Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox's hut was ice-cold, and the bunny's was bast (shows the bunny's house and also the fox with the help of facial expressions). Spring has come, the fox’s hut has melted, but the bunny’s is as old (Cleans the fox’s house). Fox: “Bunny, let me warm up.” (The child, through speech and facial expressions, tries to show how cunning the fox is. And the child, on the contrary, shows the bunny to be kind.) Presenter: “The fox went to the bunny’s house and kicked him out. A bunny walks along the road and cries, and he meets him. What do you guys think, who did the bunny meet?” Children's answers: dogs. Dogs: “Tuff tuff tuff! Bunny, why are you crying? Bunny: “My hut was bast, but the fox’s was ice. In the spring, the fox’s house melted, and she asked me to warm up and drove me out.” Dogs: “Don’t cry, bunny, we’ll kick her out.” The children come up to the screen and knock.

4 Dogs: “Tuff tuff! Go away fox! Fox: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets!” The dogs got scared and ran away. Presenter: “Again the bunny walks and cries. And a bear meets him.” Bear: “Bunny, why are you crying?” Presenter: “The bunny began to tell his story.” Bunny: “The fox’s house was made of ice, and mine was made of bast. In the spring, the fox’s house melted, the fox asked me to warm up and drove me out.” Bear: “Don’t cry, bunny, I’ll drive the fox out now.” Bunny: “You won’t kick him out, the dogs chased him and didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out!” Bear: “No, I’ll kick you out”! The children approached the screened house, the bear began to roar: “Go away, fox!” The fox shouts: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets!” Presenter: “The bear got scared and left. A bunny walks and cries, and a bull meets him.” Bull: “Why are you crying, bunny?” Bunny: “I had a bast hut, but the fox had an ice hut. In the spring, the fox’s hut melted, she asked to come to me and kicked me out.” The child sniffles and imitates tears. Bull: “Don’t cry, bunny, I’ll drive the fox out of your house.” Bunny: “No, you won’t kick me out. They chased the dogs, but they didn’t drive them out, the bear didn’t drive them out, and you won’t drive them out.” Bull: “No, I’ll kick you out”! Presenter: “The bull went to the hut and began to roar.” Bull: “Go away, fox!” Fox: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets!” The presenter sadly: “The bull got scared and ran away. And the bunny is crying again. A rooster with a scythe is coming towards you.” The rooster says cheerfully: “Crow! What are you crying about, bunny?

5 Bunny: “How can I not cry, cockerel! The fox asked me to warm up, and drove me out.” Cockerel: “Don’t cry, bunny, I’ll kick her out instantly!” The bunny says sadly: “No, you won’t kick me out. The dogs were not driven out, the bear was not driven out, the bull was not driven out, and you will not be driven out.” Cockerel: “No, I’ll kick you out”! Presenter: “The cockerel came up to the hut and screamed.” The cockerel screamed so boldly and loudly: “Crow! I walk on my heels, carrying my scythe on my shoulders! I want to whip the fox, go away fox! The presenter reads joyfully: “The fox heard the cock’s crow and got scared. She ran out and ran away, and the cockerel and the bunny began to live and make good things.” Everyone is happy. In the next game, the children play independently, the teacher watches from the side and helps or guides where necessary.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut” (for older children)

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut” (for children of the older group) Characters: Adult: Narrator. Children: Bunny, Fox, 2 Dogs, Bear, Cockerel, Bunnies, Autumn Leaves, Snowflakes, Spring Flowers. Prologue. Narrator. Hello kids, girls and boys! We invited you to visit, We created a new fairy tale. Sit quietly, prick up your ears, Our fairy tale is “Zayushkina’s hut.” “Overture” (music by I. Bodrachenko) sounds quietly.

Narrator. Our fairy tale began neither in winter, nor in spring, nor in summer, Which comes to us with warm greetings, It was late autumn, When the sky is gray with blue, When the rain is drizzling in the morning, The wind howls and makes a loud noise, And it tears off the autumn leaves, Belated and last...

The curtain opens. Forest Glade. Late fall. Trees with preserved autumn leaves here and there. Autumn Leaves Appear. They dance with the leaves and run away.

Narrator. The cold weather was approaching, the animals were freezing, they ran away in all directions, and hid under the spruce trees. Forest animals appear in the clearing: chilled little hares run and huddle together. The bear, shivering from the cold, wanders through the clearing in search of a den. A chilled Fox runs quickly. Scene 1. Bunny runs out into the clearing, he is also chilling from the cold. Narrator. So our Bunny is trembling, His paws are freezing, His gray fur coat will soon turn white, But he does not lose heart, The Bunny is humming a song. The bunny jumps across the clearing and hums his song. Bunny's 1st song. (Music and lyrics by I. Bodrachenko) I want to build a house. To make it cozy, (2 times) fold the warm stove and heat it with wood. (2 times) The house will be made of bast, I won’t freeze in it in winter. (2 times) This will be the best house, the best house in the world! (2 times) The bunny begins to “build” his house in the clearing. Bunnies run out. 1st Little Bunny. The bunny is dexterous and skillful, he dashingly got down to business. 2nd Little Bunny. Without nails, without an ax, a hut is quickly built. 3rd Little Bunny. Here is the window, and here is the porch, There is a ring of smoke above the chimney! Bunny. All. A hut has been built. (He goes into the house.) Bunnies (together). Where are you, Gray Bunny? Bunny (from the window of the house). How beautiful is my house! It’s not simple - it’s bast! I won’t freeze now, my little house, you are simply a miracle!

Narrator. There will be fun here, After all, the Bunny has... Bunnies (together). But-in-the-village! The little bunnies run away to the Bunny's bast house and return with pillows, and the Bunny with a basket filled with carrots. Everyone dances merrily: the Bunnies with pillows, the Bunny with his basket, while treating their friends to the Bunnies. The bunny sings a song, and the little bunnies sing along with him. Bunny's 2nd song. (Music and lyrics by I. Bodrachenko). Oh, how wonderful it is to live in the world On the lawn, at the edge of the forest, What do I care about the rain, what about the wind - I have my own hut. And there are carrots in the basement, And there are pillows on the bench... Come visit, hares, I have my own hut. Bunnies (singing). What a nice hut! Here the paws and ears do not freeze, the Bunny will live all year round without grief and worries.

DANCE OF THE HARES WITH ALL THE CHILDREN. The bunnies continue to dance merrily, then wave their paws to the Bunny, say goodbye to him, go into the forest, and the Bunny goes to his new house. The curtain closes. Scene 2. Narrator. Let the Gray Bunny with a sideways view live in his hut, and now it’s time to meet the Fox. Many days have passed or few, Now the cold has arrived, The rivers are all covered with ice, Everything has become white all around. The curtain opens. The same clearing. Winter. At the back of the stage is an ice house under a silver blanket. Snowflakes appear. They spin in their snow dance. They run away.

Narrator. On the snowy path I see Fox’s footprints, And they will lead me to a completely different house. Not a little house, but a palace! Everything is sparkling hot, The pieces of ice are glowing, burning brightly in the cold. The Fox appears in the clearing and walks importantly, admiring her house. Narrator. Well, here is the Fox herself, Acting like a queen. The fox sings her song. Song of the Fox. (To the tune of D. Watt’s song “The Song of the Three Little Pigs”). Even if you go around half the world, you go around, you go around, You won’t find a better house, you won’t find it, yes. My house is not bast, bast, bast, It is crystal, icy, icy, yes. All sparkling with silver, silver, silver, With a gilded porch, he with a porch, yes

Fox. Let everyone in the world know the Crystal House - Lisaveta! Having proudly looked at the viewer and the Narrator, waving her tail, the Fox goes into her house.

Narrator. Eh, it’s too early for Lisaveta to boast, Our fairy tale is just beginning. The curtain closes. Scene 3. Narrator. The sun began to warm our land again, The forest woke up from sleep - Spring has come to us! The curtain opens. This is the same clearing. Early spring. At the back of the stage is the fallen house of the Fox. Spring Flowers appear. They are holding bouquets of spring flowers. They dance in the clearing and decorate it with flowers. Little Bunnies appear, they dance merrily and wake up the sleeping Bear.

Narrator. All the little animals are happy to see the sun, having fun at the edge of the forest! Animal song. (Music and lyrics by I. Bodrachenko). Bear (singing). Why, why does the sun shine so much? Bunnies and Spring Flowers (singing). Because, because it's spring. Bear (singing). Why, why is the sky blue? Bunnies and Spring Flowers (singing). Because, because it's spring.

All together (singing). White snow is melting everywhere, And the streams are running, ringing, All the little animals are happy about the sun, And you and he... the bear (sings). And I! Bunnies and Spring Flowers (singing to the Bear). Why, why did the snowdrop bloom? Bear (singing). Because, because it's spring. Bunnies and Spring Flowers (singing). Why, why did the birds sing? Bear (singing). Because, because it's spring. All together (singing). White snow is melting everywhere, And the streams are running ringing, All the little animals are happy about the sun, Both you and he... The bear (sings). And I! All the animals leave.

Scene 4. Narrator. The sun is warming, scorching, and the fox’s house... is melting! The ceilings have all darkened, the white walls have sagged... An alarmed Fox runs out of the house. Fox. It’s melting, melting... What a disaster! Melt water everywhere! There are big puddles all around here... I don’t need a house like that! (Confused) What to do? How to be? Where will I live now? (Delighted) I know who will help me, the Sly Little Fox. Runs up to the Bunny's house. Narrator. The fox did not grieve for long! She ran to the Hare's house. Fox (complainingly). Bunny, open the door quickly for your neighbor Fox... I’m about to catch a cold... (Coughs) If you don’t open it, (into the auditorium) it will be bad. Bunny (from the house). I would be glad to reveal, sister, But you can’t be messed around with, You’re a cunning cheat, You’ll trick me cleverly. Fox (even more plaintive). Oh, my dear, help! There are circles in my eyes... I can barely stand on my feet, Neither alive nor dead. The Fox listens, but the Bunny is silent in the house. The fox lies on its back, folding its “paws” on its chest.

Fox. I’m dying, so you know... Brother Hare, open up!.. Bunny (looks out of the window). What are you doing, little sister Fox, come into my little room! The Fox enters the Bunny's house. Narrator. And the Bunny opened the door! And the Fox, an insidious beast, entered the hut and grabbed the hare by the ears. The Fox appears from the Bunny's house, she holds the Bunny tightly by the ears. Fox (rudely). You, Oblique, would go away from here, Otherwise it would be bad. It’s cramped in the house together, Look, live under that bush! Roughly pushing the Bunny towards the bush, he disappears into the house with a victorious look.

Bunny. What to do? How so? I built the house, Belyak? Where should I live? Under a bush? To be a forest homeless again? He leaves crying. Narrator. The Bunny is crying, shedding tears, walking sadly through the forest, and the Fox is in his hut on the stove singing ditties. The Fox comes out of the Bunny's house with pillows in her hands, she shakes them like a master, sits down, and sings ditties. Fox ditties. (Folk music, lyrics by I. Bodrachenko). 1. How, without any difficulty, I got a house anywhere. Eh, this way and this way, And this way and that way. 2. Let some build a house - others will live in it. Eh, this way and this way, And this way and that way. 3. Now I’m lying on the stove and looking out the window. Eh, this way and this way, And this way and that way. Taking her pillows, Lisa goes into the house. Narrator. And now we’ll say goodbye to the Fox for a while, And let’s see where the Bunny is, Where is our Bunny with a scythe? Scene 5. The Bunny appears, cries, and sits under a birch tree. Narrator. Here he sits by the birch tree and silently sheds tears. Bunny's 3rd song. (Music and lyrics by I. Bodrachenko). Oh, how bad it is to live in the world On the lawn, on the edge, Here is the rain, here is the wind, And the Hare has no hut... Where are you, my carrot? Where are you, my pillows? It’s bad to live in this world, If you don’t have your own hut. Oh, how bad it is to live in the world. On the lawn, on the edge, If the cunning Fox climbed into your hut. The bunny is crying again.

Narrator. And at that time two dogs, two big bullies, ran through that forest, heard the crying of the hares. Two Dogs appear. 1st Dog. Who's crying under the birch tree here? Who silently sheds tears? 2nd Dog. Bah, yes, it’s Kosoy! What happened, brother, to you? Bunny. Now I walk around hungry, Because I’m homeless... (Crying). 1st Dog. Come on, Zainka, my friend, eat the pie quickly. 2nd Dog. Yes, show the way Straight to your doorstep. Let's find justice for Lisa! Bunny (delighted). My house is straight and to the right. The Bunny and the Dogs approach the house where the Fox now lives. Dogs. Hey Lisa, leave the hut! Fox (from home). What kind of little animals are they that are disturbing my sleep, preventing the Fox from sleeping? Right now, as soon as I get up from the stove, I’ll drown you in the river! 1st Dog. Somehow my paws are shaking so much... I wish I could return to the forest as soon as possible. 2nd Dog. Don’t judge us, Oblique, strictly, With my brother we are running away... They run away into the forest. Narrator. Then the dogs tucked their tails and ran at a trot into the forest, away from the hut, so that there would be no trouble. Bunny (following the Dogs). Well, thank you for that, Apparently, I live under a bush. (Sits under a bush).

Scene 6. A Bear appears in a clearing, he collects roots in a basket, and sees a Bunny. Bear. Ehe-he, yes, Oblique is here... What happened, brother, to you? Al who offended you? Bunny (sobs). The fox kicked me out. Now, I’m sitting here hungry and completely, completely homeless... (Crying). Bear (takes out a spine from the basket). Stop shedding tears, my friend, Better eat the root and show the way Straight to your doorstep. The Bunny and the Bear approach the house where the Fox lives.

Bear. Hey, Fox, get off the stove, give the house to the Hare! Fox (from home). Who's making noise here under the window? Better put your feet up! Otherwise I’ll scream and trample under my feet and scratch my face with my claws and paws! Bear (stunned). A painfully angry Fox, It’s better not to hang out with her... However, I’ll run into the forest, I’ll save the skin... (He leaves hastily). Narrator. And the Bear quickly left - the Evil Fox was afraid. Well, the Bunny is sad again and has hung up his gray ears. Bunny. Who can drive away the Fox? Who will help me, poor man? (Sits under a bush, cries). Scene 7.

The Cockerel comes out into the clearing with a scythe on his shoulder and sings his song. Song of the Cockerel. (Russian folk melody). I am a cockerel, a cockerel, a golden comb, on a green meadow I sing: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” I am a cockerel, a cockerel, a golden comb, and on my shoulder I carry a very sharp scythe. Cockerel. Who is it here on the stump, quietly crying alone? Is it you, Zainka the oblique one? What happened, brother, to you? Bunny. The Fox led me through, drove me into the forests, and she herself lives in a hut, on a down pillow. Who will help me, Kosoy, drive the Fox out of the house? Cockerel. I can help you - I'll drive the Fox away! The Cockerel and the Bunny approach the house where the Fox lives. Cockerel. Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku! Go, Fox, across the river, quickly take your feet away from this threshold! Fox (looking out the window). Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha, I was scared of the Rooster. Quickly take your feet away from this threshold. Cockerel (removing the braid from his shoulder). Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku! Run away, Fox, across the river, As soon as I take my scythe, you will lose your beauty! Fox. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! I was scared of the Rooster. Get away with the scythe yourself, don’t get caught! Cockerel (to the Bunny). What to do? Does not exceed. Bunny (to the audience). Who will drive Lisa away now? Cockerel. Wait a minute, friend Bunny, a thought has appeared here... We can’t take the Fox by force - We have to play a joke on her!

Cockerel (Fox). Hey, Lisa, get up from the stove! There are river hunters! Fox. Go away, Rooster, go away! Cockerel. I want to help you. They're already walking across the bridge - they'll rip off your skin! Fox (leaves the house). Come on, where is it? Who are they? Cockerel. They have big guns, they will shoot right at the target! Fox (peering into the distance). Somehow you can’t see them... (He goes into the house again). Cockerel (to the audience). Well, guys, help me out, like you shoot from guns, repeat everything after me: Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh, Go away, Fox, away! Children-spectators, Bunny and Cockerel repeat the words in chorus. A frightened Fox runs out of the house. Fox (rushes around the clearing). Oh, save me, help me! Don't ruin my skin! I still want to live... I run, I fly, I jump... (Runs away). The final. All participants in the performance come out. The "Final Song" is performed. The bunny suffered a great misfortune, but the Fox will not return here again. I won't return

here, here!

The characters of the play play with the audience.

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