Material for the traffic rules corner; methodological development (middle group) on the topic


Studying traffic rules (traffic rules) is part of the compulsory school curriculum, and according to modern requirements, specialized classes must be equipped in Russian schools. This will help to achieve greater interest among students in the subject and competent behavior of children on the road.

When equipping classrooms, you need to pay attention to the clarity and attractiveness of demonstration materials in the eyes of children. Together with classic teaching aids, it is necessary to use equipment that helps students develop practical skills in correct behavior on the road to guarantee their safety as road users.

These requirements for educational materials, technical equipment and furniture are specified in SanPiN (“Requirements for the conditions for organizing training”) and Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Pictures of road signs

Clear drawings of signs with analogies will help you remember the most important symbols that you will encounter on your way to elementary school or kindergarten. Vivid images and simple explanations allow you to instantly attract attention and convey information quickly, cheerfully and clearly.

Thanks to road pictures, the child learns to be independent and make the right decisions. The main goal is to show that participation in traffic is not as scary as it may seem. If you understand the meaning of road signs, you can organize your own actions.

Road pictures are different for each age category. Children learn in the presence of an adult, who prompts actions and explains signs.

Pictures of traffic rules for children

This is a fun activity for different age groups, which at the same time brings great benefits. Every child, just starting to walk, becomes a participant in traffic - goes to kindergarten or school, walks in the yard, learns to ride a bicycle. Studying from strict books is boring and difficult, so as an alternative we offer bright drawings with clear messages.

The learning process attracts the child with its accessibility and diversity. Any adult can help understand the images by adding examples from personal experience to the drawing. As a result, confidence in himself and his actions in any situation is formed, he will not be confused or scared at the sight of a moving car and will know what to do at a pedestrian crossing. Traffic rules drawings are quick answers to children's questions.

Requirements for technical equipment for traffic regulations class

In recent years, an interactive approach to learning has been gaining popularity in education. Therefore, it is recommended to equip traffic rules classes with:

  • interactive whiteboard;
  • projector;
  • computer/laptop;
  • TV.

The presence of special equipment allows you to demonstrate presentations, educational films and cartoons, and conduct special games on traffic rules. This also makes it possible to quickly update teaching aids and reduce the physical volume of reference books, posters and manuals in the classroom.

Recent studies show that showing films and organizing interactive games cause increased interest in the subject among schoolchildren. They participate more willingly in lessons, remember information better, and apply it more successfully in practice.

Road alphabet in pictures

This is play-style learning. Vivid images are better remembered and attract children's attention better than dry texts and abstruse phrases. This alphabet has a dual function - visual teaching of literacy plus familiarization with road traffic and its participants. The child will easily remember the order of letters in the alphabet and their spelling, and will also know the designations of markings, signs, vehicles, etc.

The participation of an adult in the process of learning the alphabet can only be limited to testing the acquired knowledge. Colorful pictures and simple explanations are learned by children of different ages. As a result, the child is well oriented in traffic situations, learns in which places to cross the road, and will be able to distinguish between traffic lights and road sign designations.

Educational, methodological, demonstration materials for the traffic rules class

Modern educational materials on traffic rules have gone far beyond the scope of demonstration posters and reference guides in our usual sense. Conventionally, teaching aids can be divided into several large groups:

  • Printed manuals - posters, tables, pedestrian ABCs, reference books, manuals devoted to various aspects of traffic rules.
  • Educational games – board and interactive varieties that make it easier to memorize road signs and traffic rules. With their help, you can simulate various situations and learn from them how to behave correctly on the road.
  • Educational stands and thematic magnets - multimedia and paper kits, electrified stands, backlit boards, panoramas for visual demonstration and modeling.
  • Plot-role attributes - road markings for creating a training road in the classroom, models of road signs, vests with road signs.
  • Demonstration equipment – ​​training traffic lights, traffic cones, traffic controller uniform and equipment.
  • Karting equipment.

It is the presence of the described educational materials that allows you to design a traffic rules class for comfortable training of children: to allocate zones in it dedicated to rules, signs, emergency situations, modeling, and so on. So, at each lesson, to reinforce the material, you can organize a game with models of cars and houses, using signs and shapes. This approach easily involves children in learning and guarantees consistently high interest in the subject.

In you will find all the necessary equipment with which you can competently arrange a traffic rules class of any size. We will help you choose the right set of materials that will meet the requirements of SanPiN, budget, school and modern curriculum.

Non-existent road signs

This is a great conceptual way to develop a child's understanding of the world. Based on simple drawings, the child develops logical thinking, associative perception, and adapts to social life. Road traffic is an integral part of modernity, vehicles and pedestrians intersect everywhere. Understanding the basics of traffic rules means being safe.

Pictures with non-existent road signs are beneficial because they develop in the child an idea of ​​real symbols that need to be followed. At the same time, fantasy develops thanks to imaginary objects. Children easily reproduce or invent new colorful images. This learning process is built in a game format and is preparatory to further study of the signs from the Rules.

Requirements for furniture in the traffic regulations office

First of all, the traffic rules office should contain pieces of furniture typical of ordinary classrooms. There is a separate table and chair for the teacher. Desks and chairs are installed for students for 35 people. It is mandatory to have a study board, cabinets and cabinets for storing educational, methodological and reference literature.

When decorating a classroom, it is necessary to leave space for displays on traffic rules. If space allows, then a separate area is organized for interactive training and visual demonstrations of traffic situations.

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