Fairy tales for children. All fairy tales by name in the middle group

Fox with a rolling pin (Russian fairy tale)

The fox was walking along the path and found a rolling pin. She picked it up and moved on.

She came to the village and knocked on the hut: “Knock, knock, knock!” - Who's there? - Me, little fox-sister! Let me spend the night! “It’s cramped here without you.” - Yes, I won’t displace you: I’ll lie down on the bench myself, my tail under the bench, the rolling pin under the stove.

They let her in. So she lay down on the bench herself, her tail under the bench, the rolling pin under the stove. Early in the morning the fox got up, burned her rolling pin, and then asked: “Where is my rolling pin?” Give me some chicken for her! Man - there is nothing to do! - I gave her a chicken for a rolling pin.

The fox took the chicken and walked and sang: “The fox was walking along the path, she found a rolling pin, and she took the chicken by the rolling pin!” She came to another village: “Knock-knock-knock!” - Who's there?

- Me, little fox-sister! Let me spend the night! “It’s cramped here without you.” - Yes, I won’t push you aside: I’ll lie down on the bench myself, tail under the bench, chicken under the stove. They let her in.

The little fox lay down on the bench, her tail under the bench, and the chicken under the stove. Early in the morning the fox slowly got up, grabbed the chicken, ate it, and then said: “Where is my chicken?” Give me a piece for it! There was nothing to be done, the owner had to give her a piece of chicken for the chicken.

Tereshechka (fairy tale)

The old man and the old woman had no children. They lived a century, but did not have children. So they made a little block, wrapped it in a swaddle, began to rock it and lull it to sleep: “Sleep, go to sleep, child Tereshechka,” All the swallows are sleeping, And the killer whales are sleeping, And the martens are sleeping, And the foxes are sleeping, They tell our Tereshechka to sleep! They rocked him like that, rocked him and rocked him to sleep, and instead of a block, his son Tereshechka began to grow - a real berry. The boy grew and grew up and came to his senses. The old man made him a shuttle, painted it white, and the merry people painted it red. So Tereshechka got into the shuttle and said: “Shuttle, shuttle, sail far away, Shuttle, shuttle, sail far away.” The shuttle sailed far, far away. Tereshechka began to catch fish, and his mother began to bring him milk and cottage cheese. He will come to the shore and call: “Tereshechka, my son, swim, swim to the shore, I brought you something to eat and drink.” Tereshechka will hear her mother’s voice from afar and will swim to the shore. The mother will take the fish, feed him, give him something to drink, change his shirt and belt, and let him go fishing again. The witch found out about it. She came to the bank and called in a terrible voice: “Tereshechka, my son, swim, swim to the bank, I brought you something to eat and drink.” Tereshechka recognized that it was not mother’s voice and said: “Shuttle, shuttle, sail far away, It’s not mother who’s calling me.” Then the witch ran to the forge and ordered the blacksmith to reforge her throat so that her voice would become like Tereshechka’s mother. The blacksmith reforged her throat. The witch again came to the bank and sang in a voice exactly like her dear mother: “Tereshechka, my son,

Swim, swim to the shore, I brought you something to eat and drink.

Tereshechka identified himself and swam to the shore. The witch grabbed him, put him in a bag and ran. She brought it to the hut on chicken legs and told her daughter Alyonka to turn on the stove hotter and fry Tereshechka. And she herself went to get some money again. Here Alenka has heated the stove hot and hot and says to Tereshechka: “Lie down on the shovel.” He sat down on a shovel, spread out his arms and legs, and couldn’t fit into the oven. And she told him: “I didn’t lie down like that.” - Yes, I don’t know how - show me how... - And as cats sleep, as dogs sleep, so you lie down. - And you lie down yourself and teach me. Alenka sat down on the shovel, and Tereshechka pushed her into the stove and closed the damper. And he himself left the hut and climbed a tall oak tree. The witch came running, opened the stove, pulled out her daughter Alenka, ate her, gnawed the bones. Then she went out into the yard and began to roll and roll on the grass. Rolls and rolls around and says:

- I’ll ride, I’ll lie around, having eaten Tereshechka’s meat. And Tereshechka answers her from the oak tree: “Ride and lie around, having eaten Alenka’s meat!” And the witch: “Aren’t those leaves making noise?” And she herself again: “I’ll ride, I’ll lie around, having eaten Tereshechka’s meat.” And Tereshechka is all hers: “Ride and lie around, having eaten Alenka’s meat!” The witch looked and saw him on a tall oak tree. She rushed to gnaw the oak. She gnawed and gnawed - she broke two front teeth, ran to the forge: - Blacksmith, blacksmith! Forge me two iron teeth. The blacksmith forged two teeth for her. The witch returned and began to gnaw the oak tree again. She chewed and chewed and broke two lower teeth. She ran to the blacksmith: “Blacksmith, blacksmith!” Forge me two more iron teeth. The blacksmith forged two more teeth for her. The witch returned and began gnawing the oak tree again. It gnaws - only splinters fly. And the oak is already cracking and staggering. What to do here? Tereshechka sees geese and swans flying. He asks them: “My geese, my little swans!” Take me on your wings, take me to my father, to my mother! And the geese-swans answer: “Gah-ha, they’re still flying after us - they’re hungrier than us, they’ll take you.” And the witch gnaws and gnaws, looks at Tereshechka, licks her lips - and again gets to work... Another herd flies. Tereshechka asks... - My geese, swans! Take me on your wings, take me to my father, to my mother! And the geese-swans answer: “Ha-ha, a pinched gosling is flying after us, he will pick you up and carry you.” And the witch already has little left. An oak tree is about to fall. A pinched gosling is flying. Tereshechka asks him: “You are my swan goose!” Take me, put me on your wings, take me to my father, to my mother. The pinched gosling took pity, put Tereshechka on his wings, perked up and flew, carrying him home. They flew to the hut and sat down on the grass. And the old woman baked pancakes to remember Tereshechka and said: “This is a pancake for you, old man, and this is a pancake for me.” And Tereshechka under the window: “What about me?” The old woman heard and said: “Look, old man, who’s asking for a pancake there?” The old man came out, saw Tereshechka, brought him to the old woman - a hug ensued! And the pinched gosling was fattened, watered, and released into the wild, and from then on it began to flap its wings widely, fly ahead of the herd and remember Tereshechka.

- END -

The Fox and the Crane is a children's folk tale as told by A. Afanasyev, a famous literary historian and researcher of Russian folk art. The fairy tale The Fox and the Crane will introduce your child to good Russian humor. Firstly, you can read the fairy tale online for free and role-play it with your child. Secondly, while mom is preparing dinner, the child can choose suitable dishes for fairy-tale characters. And don’t just stop at the fox and the crane: give space to your child’s imagination - and the largest basin will become a plate for a giant, and the smallest saucer will do for Thumbelina. Reading the fairy tale The Fox and the Crane online for free can become a reason for a serious conversation about the fact that if a child wants to have real friends, then his attitude towards others should be appropriate.

Personal website of Valentina Nikolaevna Bulygina

In order for your child’s adaptation to be successful, it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten in your child. Fairy tales and stories about kindergarten will help him with this; they will allow the child to survive, “lose” situations and become more self-confident. Such works should be read or told to the child every day at least 2 weeks before his first day in kindergarten. When a child is worried about something (and going to kindergarten causes considerable fears in children), he needs to know in advance what awaits him there. And if the child repeatedly hears the sequence of events awaiting him, this will calm him down and help him avoid tears during the adaptation period.

How Andryusha wanted to go to kindergarten

The boy Andryusha was very cunning. He knew how to do everything himself, but he was lazy, and so he pretended to be small. - Andryusha, go wash! - Mom tells him. – I don’t know how, I’m still small! - the son answers. “Here’s lunch for you, eat it yourself,” mom asks. “Feed me, I’m still little...” Andryushka whines. - Get dressed! Let’s go for a walk,” mom calls. - No, you dress me. “I’m small,” Andryusha is capricious. One morning Andryusha was walking in the yard. None of the children were there, and the boy was very bored. Suddenly he looks at Vanya and Nastenka with their mothers. - Hello! Let's play together! - Andryushka shouted. - We have no time. We are in a hurry. “We are going to kindergarten for adult children,” Nastenka answered. - It’s so interesting there! We study, walk, play! – Vanya boasted. – I also want to go to kindergarten! - said Andryusha. “Ask your mom and she’ll sign you up,” Vanya’s mom suggested. Andryusha ran up to his mother: “I want to go to kindergarten too!” - You won't be accepted there. You don’t know how to do anything on your own, you’re still small. Andryusha remained silent and thought. And the next day he washed himself, got dressed, ate, and even put the scattered toys back into place. - Look, mom, I’m already big! Now I will do everything myself. The mother smiled, praised her son, and a few days later Andryusha was also accepted into kindergarten.

How Marina went to kindergarten

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Marina. Marina was three years old, and she really didn’t like going to kindergarten. Every morning she asked her parents to allow her to stay at home. The parents were very upset by such words from their daughter. And then one day my mother allowed Marina to stay at home. The day at home dragged on for an unusually long time. The girl wandered from corner to corner, she was tired of playing with toys, she was tired of TV, and she didn’t want to beg her mother to play with her or go for a walk. And the next morning Marina agreed to go to the garden. When she entered the group, all the children shouted: “Hurray!” Marina has arrived! Why weren't you there yesterday? The whole group of us went to the circus! Here's to a fun show! It was so great! Marina felt offended: after all, she was so sad at home when her friends were at the circus. Marina went to kindergarten for a long time or a short time, but she began to be stubborn again. And this time the mother allowed her daughter to stay at home. And again the day dragged on, and it seemed to the girl that it would never end. The next day Marina returned to kindergarten. The guys around were again discussing something interesting. - Marina! The whole group of us went to the children's railway and rode the train there... and then walked through the park!.. and in the park we met a squirrel! And on the children's train there are comfortable tables... and the conductors told a funny story... and the train was also driven by a boy, he was only 13 years old! – the guys said excitedly. The girl was upset to the point of tears: how could this be, again the whole group was happy and discussing an interesting event, but no one cared about Marina... Day after day, Marina went to kindergarten again. How long, how short, only again Marina begs her mother: “Mommy, can I stay at home for the day?” “Stay,” mom answered, “but remember that it was your decision.” When Marina reappeared in the group a day later, she saw that there were very beautiful plasticine figures on the shelf - there was a bunny, a fox, and a bear!.. - Oh, what a beauty!!! – Marina froze in admiration. – Look, Marina, I made this bunny myself! - Oksana’s friend said to the girl, pointing to the same bunny that Marina liked so much, “yesterday a special teacher came to us and showed us how to do this!” And Andryushka blinded this little bear, and Tanyusha made that little fox. Marina couldn’t stand it and started crying: “Why do I always miss all the interesting things!? I won’t miss kindergarten again!” From that very day, Marina always went to kindergarten, and even if she was sick, she always tried to get better as soon as possible, so as not to miss anything interesting.

A fairy tale about a kitten who did not want to go to kindergarten

Once upon a time there were kittens. And they had a mother, Cat. While the kittens were small, they played, frolicked in the summer meadow, and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Then the kittens grew up, and it was time to take them to kindergarten. All the kittens were happy about this, because in the kindergarten there are a lot of cheerful, good children, interesting toys, the aunt teacher tells good fairy tales and teaches how to sculpt from plasticine, sing and draw. And only the kitten Tishka pouted: “I don’t want to go to the garden! I’ll stay at home!” “Okay,” said Mother Cat. - Stay at home, only you will sit at home alone until the evening, because I need to go to work. And so, the next day all the kittens ran to kindergarten, Mother Cat went to work, and Tishka stayed at home. He was sad, he was tired of all the toys at home, and it was boring to play alone. He began to look out the window, just in the kindergarten all the kittens went out for a walk and began to play catch, then hide and seek, and then ride down the slide! “That’s how much fun they have,” thought the kitten Tishka. - And I’m sitting here at home... Alone... I miss you... In the evening, all the kittens came home from kindergarten cheerful and brought interesting gifts for their mother. Grishka drew a beautiful picture, Mishka made a car out of plasticine with real wheels, and Masha cut out a flower from paper. Mama Cat was very happy with such wonderful gifts and said a big thank you to all the children! Over dinner, the kittens began to talk about how they spent the day in kindergarten, what was interesting, who they met, what they played, where they went, what they ate, how they did exercises. And only Tishka, who did not go to kindergarten, had nothing to tell, because he sat at home all day and did nothing interesting. “I also want to go to kindergarten,” said Tishka. “Of course, let’s go,” the kittens called him. “Tomorrow we’ll wake up early and early, and we’ll be the very first to come to the garden so that we have time to do all the interesting things!”

The Tale of Sadness

Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha. At first she was just a baby, and then she grew and grew and grew. She had grown so much that she could now go to kindergarten with the kids and play. Mom and Dad were so happy that Masha was big. We had a celebration. Mom baked a cake, and Masha even blew out the candles herself. The next day Mashulya went to kindergarten for the first time, and she liked it there so much that she didn’t even want to leave. She played with toys and ate delicious porridge. And she also had a friend there - Semyon, such a cheerful boy with curls. They played together all day long. Semyon sat at one end of the room and pushed a large truck to Masha. Masha caught him, loaded him with cubes and sent him to Semyon, and he built a large tower. They had fun together. Even falling asleep was not boring, because the beds were next to each other, and they closed their eyes together and slept. And then one rainy autumn day, when the leaves turned completely yellow, the wind brought Sadness to the kindergarten. She was so small, gray, like a microbe, she flew into the window and hid in Masha’s pocket. And then Masha was replaced. She felt sad, for some reason she was upset, she lost her mother and let’s cry. All the kids and the teacher calmed her down, calmed her down... But the tears kept falling by themselves, so drip-drip-drip... And Masha still knows that her mother will come soon, she’ll just go to work, then buy delicious yogurt and come running for Masha. Masha knows this, but for some reason she’s still sad - she wants her mother to come right now... And all this sad Sadness sits in her pocket and upsets Masha, makes her cry. Semyon tried to cheer Masha up: he offered to play loaf, rolled a doll in her stroller - but Masha was still sad. And then Semyon saw that Mashulya’s eyes were completely wet. And he decided to help her: “Give me,” he says, “I’ll get your handkerchief and wipe away your tears, don’t cry!” Syoma Mashin pulled out a handkerchief, and together with it, Sadness shook herself out of her pocket and flew out the window again. And Masha immediately smiled, and then laughed and became cheerful again. And Syoma and the other kids, of course, were very happy that Sadness had completely flown away, and they all ran together to watch cartoons. Since then, Masha always checks her pocket to see if Sadness is stuck there and is never sad in kindergarten anymore.

Bunny in kindergarten

One day Bunny and the mother bunny were going to kindergarten. Bunny was very worried and upset that his mother would not pick him up from kindergarten in the evening. He kept asking: Mom, will you pick me up in the evening? - Of course, I’ll pick you up, Bunny. I'll definitely come pick you up after work. But the bunny still couldn’t believe it and asked again and again. By chance, the Elephant's Child overheard this conversation. He went to the same group as the bunny and asked Bunny during a walk: “Bunny, are you really afraid that your mother won’t take you home?” “Yes, I’m very afraid that my mother will leave me here,” answered Bunny. To this the Baby Elephant said: What are you talking about, Bunny. It can not be so. All the children are taken home by their mothers and fathers in the evening. At night the kindergarten is completely empty. Only in the morning do the children come. Bunny asked: Completely, completely empty? The little elephant answered: Absolutely, absolutely. Children only come to kindergarten in the morning. Let’s see in the evening whether they will take absolutely all the children home. When the animals had dinner in the evening, Little Elephant and Little Hare began to wait to see who would be taken away first. On this day, the first cat was taken away. Mom came for her. Then they took a bear cub, a lion cub, a squirrel, a rabbit, a mouse and a penguin. Everyone was very happy that mom and dad came for them. Elephant and Little Bunny were unable to see who was taken away last. Because their mothers also came for them. And they happily ran home. The little bunny loved this moment when his mother took him home in the evening. He was so happy and in the evening he told his mother what interesting things had happened to him all day in kindergarten.

How Alla fell in love with going to kindergarten

- Mom, well mom!!!! “I don’t want to go to kindergarten anymore,” Alla begged my mother. - Let's stay at home! Come on! “Okay,” mom answered. And from that moment on, Alla stopped going to kindergarten. Two weeks passed like this. One day, Allochka and her mother went to the grocery store together. - Allah, Allah, hello! - came from somewhere on the side. The girl looked around and saw Inna. - Why don’t you go to kindergarten now? – asked Alla Inna. - We, all the guys, are waiting for you! And we have a problem! Do you remember the cubes you loved to play with? They disappeared yesterday. We've already searched everything, they're nowhere to be found! - How did you disappear? - Alla was alarmed. – Where could they be? “I don’t know,” Inna answered sadly. - So what? Will you come tomorrow? “I’ll come, I’ll definitely come,” the girl said thoughtfully. The next morning, Alla woke up very early and asked her mother to take her to kindergarten. She came, said hello to the teacher and the kids, and immediately went to look for her favorite blocks. There are none in the closet, under the closet either... - Cubes, where are you? – Alla asked sadly. But they never showed up. In the evening, the mother came to take her daughter home. Allochka got dressed and they left. They walk through the park, the rain is drizzling. Suddenly Alla sees that her favorite cubes are lying on a wet and cold bench. - Mom, look! – the girl exclaimed. – There are blocks from our kindergarten there! Don't have a package? I want to pick them up and take them back to kindergarten tomorrow. The mother gave her daughter a large bag and the girl immediately rushed to collect multi-colored cubes from the bench. - Oh, cubes! How did you end up here? Who brought you here? - Hello, Alla! The toys were happy! We are so glad to see you! Nobody brought us here! We waited and waited for you, but you still didn’t come to visit us in the kindergarten. We were very upset and went to look for you, but got lost. - That's it! – the girl laughed! – I’ve been looking for you in the group all day today! Don't run away anymore! Now I will definitely go to kindergarten! And at night, Alla had a dream about how she, together with the teacher and other children, learned a song for her mother for the holiday of March 8, how they were given gifts for the New Year, how fun she played with the children, how she built a large fortress from cubes and much, much more. In the morning, waking up and getting ready to go to kindergarten, the girl thought: “It’s good in kindergarten!” And, taking the bag with the cubes, she joyfully ran to catch up with her mother.

Adventure in kindergarten

*** Gleb was five years old, and he had already been to kindergarten for two years. And, by the way, I walked with pleasure! After all, Mitka was there - his comrade from the cradle. And Marinka, a pretty girl, but very harmful. But all this was in the past. Gleb's parents moved to another area, and the boy had to go to another kindergarten. It’s been a week since Glebushka went to kindergarten No. 5, which was located next to the house. But now, of course, everything was sad and sad. Neither Mitka is there, nor the harmful Marinka. Of course, there are other guys there, but Gleb had no intention of communicating with anyone. He didn’t want to go to this kindergarten at all! He especially did not like the strict teacher Lyubov Vasilievna, who tried to force him to recite a poem for Maslenitsa. *** - Don't want! I won't! Will not go! - the sleepy boy was capricious. – Mom, don’t go to work today. Let's stay home together! - Glebushka, dear! I promise next week I will take Friday off and you and I will spend the whole day together. But today you have to go to kindergarten. Why don't you like him so much? - Because I don’t want to go there! – said Gleb. – I’m not friends with anyone there! Why can’t I go to kindergarten with Mitka? - Honey, well, you now live in different areas. And now your kindergartens are also different,” seeing the sad look of her son, his mother hastened to add. - But now we have a two-room apartment. And you have your own room! “I don’t want to go to this kindergarten,” Gleb just muttered and reluctantly got out of bed. Fluffy slippers were also not in favor today, so they immediately went under the bed. All! Another ruined morning! Already the 5th this week! Gleb pretended to brush his teeth and headed to the kitchen, where oatmeal was waiting for him. The boy sat down at the table, turned on the TV and pointedly turned away from the plate. Now my mother’s mood was ruined too. In fact, Glebka didn’t want to behave like that and anger his mother. He just had to somehow show that he wasn’t joking: he wasn’t going to be friends with anyone in the kindergarten, and he wouldn’t listen to the new teacher either! And especially to learn some kind of rhyme! *** On the way to the garden, Gleb didn’t say anything, although he, of course, really wanted to ask his mother something. For example, where will they go next Friday? And when will this Friday be, how many times will he need to sleep for it to come? But the boy did not dare to speak first; he knew that his mother was angry with him and therefore decided to also pretend to be angry. Moreover, the cold March wind blew so unpleasantly in my face that I didn’t want to open my mouth again. This year winter was in no hurry to go away. She was very flattered when both adults and children wrapped themselves in warm clothes when leaving the house. - Gleb, I ask you to behave well! – approaching the kindergarten, my mother asked. – You’re good and obedient to me! - Yes! – the boy agreed. - Well, that's good! And in the evening, dad and I will pick you up and go eat ice cream. This promise pleased Gleb a little, and he forced himself to smile. - Good morning! Glebushka, run to the guys! We'll start rehearsing soon! – Lyubov Vasilievna said affectionately, approaching Gleb and his mother. But the boy, without saying hello, scowled and ran away. – Lyubov Vasilievna, good morning! Excuse us! - Mom asked. “He’s really worried about the move.” – Anna Sergeevna, don’t worry! “I understand everything,” the teacher reassured Gleb’s mother and added. – Please don’t forget that we are waiting for you for the holiday! *** All the children were happy to perform the poems they had learned in front of Lyubov Vasilievna. Everyone wanted to show what a great guy he was! Only our Glebushka looked angrily at the teacher. And as soon as his turn came, he immediately declared: “I haven’t learned anything!” Don't want! - Then maybe you don’t want to perform? – asked the teacher. Gleb only nodded in response. – Can you imagine how upset your parents will be?! Gleb, well, you’ll let your comrades down too! After all, our group has always been praised. And now what will they say that an ignoramus has appeared in group 15? The kids laughed and clapped their hands. - Ignorant! Ignoramus! – they began to tease Gleb cheerfully. And Gleb, instead of telling the poem and showing everyone that he was not ignorant, and that he had no intention of offending or letting anyone down, turned and ran “wherever they look.” *** Glebushka’s eyes did not disappoint! They led him straight to the Assembly Hall, which for some reason was not closed now. The boy knew that behind the scenes there were always a lot of interesting things and costumes left behind after the guys’ performances. Gleb and Mitko were somehow already making their way into the Assembly Hall after the New Year's performance. What the guys didn’t find there! And masquerade masks, and Santa Claus’s staff (which for some reason he forgot with them, although later, as the teachers said, he took it away) and all sorts of garlands, and Christmas tree decorations. In general, what was not there! Of course, the boys’ teacher then scolded them, because under no circumstances should you run away from the group and hide in the Assembly Hall! But it’s so interesting to do something that adults don’t allow! “Or maybe Grandfather Frost has left something behind? – Glebushka thought. “Maybe some kind of toy?” The boy quickly ran into the Assembly Hall, closed the door behind him and hurried backstage. *** While teachers and children were looking for Glebushka, he calmly looked at the magical world that had opened up to him behind the scenes. Of course, there was no gift from Santa Claus. But there was already something to see there. The boy sat down more comfortably and pulled towards him a large box with all sorts of things left behind by fairy-tale characters. Glebushka found there: Baba Yaga’s handkerchief, and a red cap, and dwarf shoes! - "Wow! This means that fairy-tale heroes will return here to pick up their things! Well, how will Little Red Riding Hood walk without her Little Red Riding Hood? – the boy reasoned quite rightly. Suddenly a wand caught his eye. But she was not simple. Magical! Gleb understood this immediately. A simple wand couldn’t shine so brightly! "Magic wand! “The boy rejoiced, waving it in all directions.” Suddenly a cold wind blew strongly from somewhere and snowflakes fell right from the ceiling. Everything around began to spin and spin. Glebushka closed his eyes in fear, and when he opened them, a tall, very pale and thin woman stood in front of him. She had such a piercing gaze that the boy immediately felt somehow uneasy. She was dressed in a long silver dress and a white fur coat that looked like it was made of cotton wool. – You are the Snow Queen, right? – the boy asked in a quiet, frightened voice. – I am the coldest and most harmful of the four seasons! I am Winter! – the guest answered majestically. – And you, it seemed to me, are a very mischievous and playful boy! - No, I'm not like that! – the boy denied, backing away and tightly clutching the magic wand in his hands. - Such, such! You're hurting your mom! You don't listen to the teacher! You can't learn poetry! You're not friends with the guys! Well, don't worry, I like these kids! “You will help me,” said Winter and suddenly became very menacing. – I’ll show my beautiful sister what I’m capable of! -Who is your sister? – Glebushka was sincerely surprised. - Like who?! Of course, Spring! Well, hasn't she come for a magic wand yet? - No, this is my wand. I found her first! – the boy suddenly boldly declared. Winter laughed loudly, and such coldness suddenly wafted from her mouth that Glebushka immediately trembled, but this made him clutch the magic wand in his hands even tighter. “How dare you contradict me, you little naughty boy!” Come on, my faithful assistants, grab him! - Winter ordered. Behind the scenes, someone immediately moved and some strange sounds were heard, reminiscent of crunching and ringing. *** The boy did not waste another minute; he jumped out of the Assembly Hall and ran to his group. – Lyubov Vasilievna, help! – Gleb wanted to scream, but he couldn’t do anything. - Here, quickly! – approaching the locker room, the boy heard. Gleb turned to his group and saw that all the toys from the shelf were jumping out to meet him. The boy was at first frightened, thinking that these were Winter’s assistants, and therefore stopped, not daring to go towards them. - Why are you delaying? Faster! – the doll called him. -Are you afraid of us? - muttered the big teddy bear. – Aren’t you afraid of ice men? - Who? – Gleb was surprised. But the toys only waved their arms vigorously, pointing to the door to the locker room. The boy turned and saw several ice men sliding right along the wall! Suddenly an icicle fell on Gleb’s head! And the boy, not so much from pain as from surprise and resentment, began to cry loudly, clutching his head. The magic wand fell out of his hands, and the ice man immediately hurried after it. But the toys were also ready for battle! Little gnomes drove up on a tractor and, having laid down the stick, quickly rushed into the group. The ice men ran after the gnomes, and there was such a crunch as if they were running not on the floor, but on the snow. They threw sharp icicles at the toys, and they fell, unable to get up anymore. Glebushka also ran. Almost as he walked, he took off his boot and threw it at one ice man with all his might. There was a deafening ringing sound, and the little man disintegrated into small pieces of ice. But from these icicles new little ice men appeared. - Lyubov Vasilievna! Help! – the boy finally managed to scream. The teacher immediately responded to Glebushka’s desperate call. *** Lyubov Vasilievna didn’t look the same as in the morning. Now she was wearing a long green dress with beautiful bright flowers. In her hand she held a magic wand, which the gnomes still managed to give to her. She aimed it at one ice man, who was trying to freeze the poor doll with his icy hug. And the little man immediately melted under the clear and warm beam emanating from the magic wand. Glebushka wanted to apologize for his behavior in the morning, but then Winter appeared. Seeing the magic wand, she became very angry with Glebushka. - Oh, you little crappy boy! You still managed to give the magic wand to my sister Vesna! – Lyubov Vasilievna, so you are Spring?! Hooray! – Glebushka was delighted and rushed to his teacher. Spring cheerfully picked up the boy in her arms and was about to leave with him, when suddenly Winter said: “Where have you taken my assistant?” This boy wasn't expecting you at all! - Oh, it’s true! – Spring suddenly responded sadly. Her breathing made everything around her feel so warm and cozy that Glebushka pressed tightly against her, not wanting to let go. - Well, why are you afraid of me, you bad boy? – Winter asked coldly. - I'm not that bad! Wouldn't you and I have fun? You love skating, sledding and ice-skating! Play snowballs and sculpt a snow woman! And with Spring, all this will be impossible. – But I don’t want it to be always cold! - said Glebushka. “I like you, Winter, when you’re not angry, of course.” But I also love Spring very much! Winter laughed, and her ice helpers began to ring along with her. - How is it, I wonder, do you love her, even if you refused to learn the poem? – she asked through laughter. And then she said sternly: “That’s it!” Stop talking, I'm starting to melt! Winter grabbed Glebushka by the hand and dragged her to the window. The boy began to kick and push away his captor, but she bound him with her cold chains so that soon he could not move. The ice men, laughing and ringing, ran after their mistress. Along the way, they continually scattered their sharp icicles. And the toys bravely defended themselves, throwing cubes and balls at them. - Lyubov Vasilievna! Help! I want to you! - the boy shouted. - Tell me a poem about our Spring! - the toys suggested. “Then Spring will believe that you were waiting for her.” And the boy immediately began to remember the poem. It’s so good that he still taught him yesterday with his dad. - Go away, gray winter! – the boy began quietly. - What, what did you say? – Zima asked in surprise, stopping. - Louder! Tell me louder! - the toys screamed. - Go away, gray winter! The beauties of Spring, the golden chariot, rushes from the heights above! Should the old, frail one argue with her - the queen of flowers, with the whole army of airy fragrant breezes! Glebushka blurted out in one breath and suddenly everything around him became so clear and light. Winter has evaporated somewhere. But Spring picked the boy up in her arms and began to spin him around. - Glebushka! You scared me so much! – the gentle voice of Lyubov Vasilievna was heard. The boy opened his eyes and saw that the kind teacher was holding him in her arms. And he himself was still behind the scenes. He just fell asleep while sorting out all sorts of interesting things. - Lyubov Vasilievna, forgive me! I have learned everything and will tell you everything! From that very day, Glebushka enjoyed going to kindergarten. He made friends with all the kids and always obeyed his favorite teacher. Fairytale therapy for children experiencing a period of adaptation to kindergarten will help cope with stress. Therefore, read to your child a fairy tale about the boy Slavik, who did not want to go to kindergarten. Children identify themselves with the main characters of fairy tales, so listening to stories about children similar to them makes it easier for them to deal with their fears and worries. Therefore, if you are reading a fairy tale to your daughter, then replace the main character with a girl (for example, Sonya), and the railroad with a doll house. Once upon a time there lived a little boy Slavik. Slavik lived with his mom and dad. Mom and dad loved him very much, played with him, fed him, read books to him and told him fairy tales. More than anything else, Slavik loved to play with toys! He had cars, cubes, balls and even colored paper and plasticine! But Slavik always wanted to have a railway. The one on which trains travel. Only Slavik was small and did not know how to tell his parents about the railway. We had to play with cars and cubes! And Slavik did it with pleasure. One morning, Slavik’s dad woke him up and called him into the kitchen. Mom was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Slavik’s plate contained porridge (which he didn’t really like) and berries from jam (which he really liked to enjoy). Slavik began to move the spoon around the plate - beautiful stains were obtained. But Slavik’s parents did not let him admire the resulting beauty. “Today we need to hurry,” said my mother. “You are going to kindergarten today!” Dad announced solemnly. Slavik did not want to go to kindergarten. Firstly, he didn’t know what it was... Secondly, his toys were waiting for him today. He wanted to build a house out of blocks, ride all his toys on cars, color the picture he started drawing on the wallpaper next to the radiator. But the parents didn’t want to listen to anything: “We have to go to work!” Aren't you going to stay home alone?" Slavik was combed and dressed. Although Slavik already knew how to dress himself. It was a shame. Will adults always wear it now? On the way to kindergarten, dad explained to Slavik that there would be an aunt-teacher in the kindergarten, as well as other children and a lot of toys. Slavik didn’t like it in kindergarten. The room was small, there were cabinets with pictures in it, there were no children, and no toys either! However, the teacher came to the meeting: “Hello, Slavik! My name is Irina Ivanovna. Iwaited for you. Here’s your locker, take off your clothes quickly!” Mother of Slavik's section. Slavik was surprised again: he can do it himself! Then my mother said: “Well, that’s it, Slavik! Now dad and I are going to work, and you will stay here. We'll come back for you in the evening. Do not be bored!". Then Slavik realized that he did not want to be left without mom and dad in kindergarten. Besides, he doesn’t want to stay here until the evening with Irina Ivanovna. What will he do? All his toys are left at home! Slavik realized that he would be very, very missed, and decided to make his parents understand this. Slavik cried! Well, yes! Boys don't cry. But in such situations, anyone would cry! Mom and Dad were scared. Slavik looked at them and saw that if he cried louder, they would take him home. Slavik took a deep breath and prepared to say “AAA!!! I won't go!!! I don't want to!!! Mamaaa!!! I want to see you!!!” But then a girl and a boy ran into the room. They played with a big red ball. Slavik looked into the room from which they ran out and saw more guys there. And he also saw a lot of toys. Slavik became interested. He forgot about mom and dad for a while and went to explore the new room. There were tables, chairs, cubes, books, dolls, soft bears and bunnies, and in the middle of the room... In the middle of the room there was a large railroad. And the boys drove trains along it! Slavik ran up to the boys. And Irina Ivanovna gave him a small train and invited him to play with the guys. Of course, Slavik happily agreed! Too-too! The locomotive is coming! Traveling to distant lands! And behind him are Maksimka’s train and Yura’s train. Slavik found new friends! They played with trains, then ate (porridge again!), then went for a walk and while walking they built a garage out of sand! And when mom and dad came for Slavik, Irina Ivanovna read to all the children an interesting story about a little boy who did not want to go to kindergarten. And this boy’s name was also Slavik! Discuss with your child what he remembers from the fairy tale. What did he like? What didn't you like? Let the child figure out how the events unfolded the next day. Did Slavik want to go to kindergarten? What was he doing there?

A fairy tale about toys in kindergarten

Every morning in kindergarten is a real holiday. The toys, who missed the kids so much overnight, will soon meet them again. The children are looking forward to the toys in the garden and are very happy when they come to them. And the teachers, waiting for the children, prepare the group for their arrival. They carefully arrange tables and chairs, wipe down toys and prepare materials for creative activities. What an interesting and joyful day it will be in kindergarten today! And only the boy Misha did not go to kindergarten in the morning. As soon as he woke up, he began to whine: “Mom, leave me at home today, I don’t want to go to kindergarten!” - But why, dear? - Mom was surprised. “Because I want to rest today,” Misha answered. - Okay, but who will you stay at home with? “After all, I have to go to work today,” my mother said with annoyance. “Let’s stay at home today, let’s relax together,” the boy answered. “Okay, I’ll take time off from work today, but keep in mind that no one will give me money for my vacation, and I won’t be able to buy you any goodies today.” “We agreed, today we’ll do without treats,” Misha exclaimed joyfully and stretched sweetly in his crib. Meanwhile, Misha’s favorite toy in kindergarten did not wait for the boy and was very upset. While other toys played with the children, this one sat in the corner and cried quietly. She was very sad without Misha! And she was also very upset that the guys played with other toys, but not with her. Meanwhile, the boy leisurely had breakfast, watched cartoons, played with his toys and... suddenly got bored. Mom cooked at home, ironed clothes, and did the cleaning, so she had no time to entertain Misha all the time. Meanwhile, in the kindergarten it was very lively and fun. After breakfast, all the children began to make crafts for their parents, and then went for a walk. How nice and sunny it was outside! Fresh air, outdoor games, sunshine - beauty! And only Misha and his toy were sad. One is at home, the other is in kindergarten. The boy was bored sitting at home, and his mother could not go out with him because she was busy with business. And Misha’s toy was also bored without the boy. She was waiting for him so much! In the evening, all the children were taken home by their parents, the toys said goodbye to the children, and in joyful anticipation they remained to wait for the next morning. And only Misha’s toy cried, because she didn’t know whether her friend would come to the garden the next day. And in the evening Misha asked his mother for candy, and she answered: “No, dear, there will be no candy today, because I didn’t earn any money for it while I was sitting at home.” But today in kindergarten you had sweets and cookies for an afternoon snack, but you decided to stay at home today. The toys were probably missing you there too. “Probably,” the boy said sadly. – Tomorrow I will definitely go to the garden and won’t miss it again. It's only fun at home on the weekends, when we all relax. And today I was very bored, because you were busy, and sad, because there were no sweets. And I also miss my toy in the garden. The next morning Misha woke up and quickly got ready to go to the garden. When the toy saw the boy, her joy knew no bounds. This is happiness, this is a meeting! All day in the garden Misha and his toy were having fun, interesting and joyful. Meanwhile, mom went to work and bought the boy various treats. Questions for a fairy tale about a kindergarten for the development of a child’s emotional intelligence: Why was Misha’s toy upset in kindergarten? Why was the boy upset when he didn't go to kindergarten? Why was it fun and interesting in the garden? Why is Misha bored at home? What did the boy decide and why? Let the child speculate on this topic.

Wonderful kindergarten

Iris Review

I have always liked the wonderful house called “Kindergarten”. In the mornings and evenings, light bulbs burned merrily in it. Adults brought their children to this house as soon as the sun rose, and in the evenings they took them home. There were many children; it was a real children's kingdom. In the mornings I had fun going to kindergarten with my mother, but when my mother left, I became sad. One day I came to kindergarten earlier than other children. There was no one in the group except the teacher and the nanny, and I felt bored. Suddenly the toy bear smiled, and the Katya doll said to me: Dasha, come play with us. I found myself in a real toy world. We played in fairyland. I felt good and happy with toys. I stopped being sad. When the children arrived, I was in a wonderful mood. I immediately got involved in the fun “Fun Train”, which Masha, Vitya and Egor played. From that day my life changed. The kindergarten became my second home. And now I've grown up. On a nice autumn day I will go to school. I say: “Goodbye kindergarten, goodbye, dolls and bears, bunnies and mice, pencils and books. Goodbye, teachers and nannies, cooks and watchmen! Thank you for the happy years spent in kindergarten! Good luck to you, my dear kindergarten!”

Questions for the fairy tale “Wonderful Kindergarten”: What was the name of the wonderful house to which mother brought Katya? Why is this house a real children's kingdom? What is the name of the doll that invited Dasha to play? Why did Dasha go to kindergarten sad, and then she became happy? What was the name of the game that Masha, Vitya, and Yegor played? Why is Dasha saying goodbye to kindergarten? Do you love your kindergarten? What's your favorite toy?

05/31/2021 at 23:53. Headings: Poems and stories.

What does the fairy tale The Fox and the Crane teach?

This fairy tale teaches you to be attentive to others, because this is the key to strong friendship! It shows the short-lived friendship between a cunning fox and a wise crane. Once a cheat invited a feathered friend to visit, and she put the treat on a flat plate so that he could only knock with his beak. The crane repaid his friend in kind for such hospitality, offering the red-haired guest a treat in a narrow jug...

The fox and the crane became friends. She even became his godfather when the she-bear gave birth to a cub. So one day the fox decided to treat the crane, and went to invite him to visit her: “Come, little kuman, come, dear!” How I can treat you! The crane is going to a feast, and the fox made semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. Served and treated: - Eat, my darling kumanek! I cooked it myself. The crane slammed its nose, knocked and knocked, but nothing hit. And at this time the fox is licking the porridge for itself and licking it all off itself. The porridge is eaten; The fox said: “Don’t blame me, dear godfather!” There is nothing more to treat! - Thank you, godfather, and that’s it! Come and visit me now. The next day the fox comes, and the crane prepared okroshka, put it in a jug with a small neck, put it on the table and said: “Eat, gossip!” True, there is nothing more to treat. The fox began to spin around the jug, and would come in this way and that, and lick it and smell it; nothing is enough! My head won't fit into the jug. Meanwhile, the crane pecks and pecks until it has eaten everything. - Don't blame me, godfather! There is nothing more to treat. The fox was annoyed: she thought that she had enough to eat for a whole week, but she went home as if she was slurping unsalted food. As it came back, so it responded. Since then, the fox and the crane have been apart in their friendship.

Man and bear

(Russian folktale)

A man went into the forest to sow turnips. He plows and works there. A bear came to him:

- Man, I'll break you.

- Don’t break me, little bear, better let’s sow turnips together. I’ll take at least the roots for myself, and I’ll give you the tops.

“Be it so,” said the bear. “And if you deceive me, at least don’t go to the forest with me.”

He said and went into the oak grove.

The turnip has grown large. A man came in the fall to dig turnips. And the bear crawls out of the oak tree:

- Man, let's divide the turnips, give me my share.

- Okay, little bear, let's divide: the tops for you, the roots for me.

The man gave all the tops to the bear. And he put the turnips on a cart and took them to the city to sell.

A bear meets him:

- Man, where are you going?

- I’m going, little bear, to the city to sell some roots.

- Let me try - what kind of spine is it?

The man gave him a turnip. How the bear ate:

- Ahh! - roared. - Man, you deceived me! Your roots are sweet. Now don’t go to my forest to buy firewood, otherwise I’ll break it.

The next year the man sowed rye in that place. He came to reap, and the bear was waiting for him:

- Now, man, you can’t fool me, give me my share.

The man says:

- Be so. Take the roots, little bear, and I’ll take even the tops for myself.

They collected rye. The man gave the roots to the bear, put the rye on a cart and took it home.

The bear fought and fought, but could not do anything with the roots.

He got angry with the man, and from then on the bear and the man began to have enmity.

The Man and the Bear is a Russian folk tale that explains why animals stopped making friends with people. This story is about how a bear helped a man plant a garden twice, and each time the cunning man deceived him. In the first one they planted turnips. The man took all the roots for himself and gave the tops to the poor bear. The dissatisfied bear didn’t want to take the man’s tops the next time. But again he made a mistake: the man, having collected the wheat, took the “delicious” tops for himself, and gave the useless roots to the clubfoot. The bear got angry with him and did not help him anymore. Would you split the harvest equally with the bear?

An old one-year-old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each bird has its own special name. The old man waved for the first time, and the first three birds flew away. There was a whiff of cold and frost.

The old man, a year old, waved a second time - and the second troika flew off. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared in the fields.

The old man waved a third time - the third troika flew. It became hot, stuffy, sultry. The men began to reap rye.

The old man waved for the fourth time, and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain fell, and fog settled in. But the birds were not ordinary. Each bird has four wings. Each wing has seven feathers. Each feather also has its own name. One half of the feather is white, the other is black. The bird flaps once and it becomes light-light; if it flaps again, it becomes dark-dark.

What kind of birds flew out of the old man's sleeve? What kind of four wings does every bird have? What are the seven feathers in each wing? What does it mean that each feather has one half white and the other black?

An owl flew with a cheerful head; So she flew, flew and sat down, turned her head, looked around, took off and flew again; she flew and flew and sat down, turned her head, looked around, but her eyes were like bowls, they couldn’t see a crumb! This is not a fairy tale, this is a saying, but a fairy tale lies ahead.

Spring and winter have come and well, drive it with the sun and bake it, and call the grass-ant out of the ground; The grass poured out and ran out into the sun to look, and brought out the first flowers - snow flowers: blue and white, blue-scarlet and yellow-gray. Migratory birds reached out from across the sea: geese and swans, cranes and herons, waders and ducks, songbirds and a titmouse. Everyone flocked to us in Rus' to build nests and live with families. So they dispersed to their own lands: through the steppes, through forests, through swamps, along streams.

The crane stands alone in the field, looks around, strokes its head, and thinks: “I need to get a farm, build a nest and get a mistress.”

So he built a nest right next to the swamp, and in the swamp, in the hummocks, a long-nosed heron sits, sits, looks at the crane and chuckles to himself: “What a clumsy one he was born!” Meanwhile, the crane came up with an idea: “Give me, he says, I’ll woo the heron, she has joined our family: she has a beak and is tall on her feet.” So he walked along an untrodden path through the swamp: he hoe and hoe with his feet, but his legs and tail just got stuck; when he hits his beak, his tail pulls out, but his beak gets stuck; pull out the beak - the tail will get stuck; I barely reached the heron’s hummock, looked into the reeds and asked:

- Is the little heron at home? - Here she is. What do you need? - answered the heron. “Marry me,” said the crane. - How wrong, I’ll marry you, the lanky one: you’re wearing a short dress, and you yourself walk on foot, live frugally, you’ll starve me to death in the nest! These words seemed offensive to the crane. Silently he turned and went home: hit and miss, hit and turn. The heron, sitting at home, thought: “Well, really, why did I refuse him, because it’s better for me to live alone? He is of good birth, they call him a dandy, he walks with a crest; I’ll go to say a good word to him.”

The heron set off, but the path through the swamp is not close: first one leg gets stuck, then the other. If he pulls one out, he gets stuck in the other. The wing will be pulled out and the beak will be planted; Well, she came and said: “Crane, I’m coming for you!” “No, heron,” the crane tells her, “I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want to marry you.” Go back where you came from! The heron felt ashamed, she covered herself with her wing and went to her hummock; and the crane, looking after her, regretted that he had refused; So he jumped out of the nest and followed her to knead the swamp. He comes and says: “Well, so be it, heron, I’ll take you for myself.” And the heron sits there, angry and angry, and doesn’t want to talk to the crane. “Listen, madam heron, I take you for myself,” repeated the crane. “You take it, but I’m not going,” she answered.

There is nothing to do, the crane went home again. “So good,” he thought, “now I’ll never take her!” The crane sat down in the grass and did not want to look in the direction where the heron lived. And she changed her mind again: “It’s better to live together than alone. I’ll go and make peace with him and marry him.”

So I went to hobble through the swamp again. The path to the crane is long, the swamp is sticky: first one leg gets stuck, then the other. The wing will be pulled out and the beak will be planted; She forcibly reached the crane’s nest and said: “Juronka, listen, so be it, I’m coming for you!” And the crane answered her: “Fedora won’t marry Yegor, and Fedora would marry Yegor, but Yegor won’t marry.” Having said these words, the crane turned away. The heron has left. The crane thought and thought and again regretted why he could not agree to take the heron for himself while she wanted it; He quickly got up and walked through the swamp again: hoe, hoe with his feet, but his legs and tail just got stuck; If he pushes his beak, pulls out his tail, the beak gets stuck, and if he pulls out his beak, the tail gets stuck. This is how they follow each other to this day; the path was paved, but no beer was brewed.

- END -

Alexey Tolstoy

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

Game based on the Russian folk tale “Kolobok” for younger preschool age

Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

The game is intended for
children of primary preschool age; the game is made of dense material, which is safe for children to play independently.
The game is made of magnetic material, following this it can be attached to any metal... Plan for self-education of a teacher of a middle mixed-age group “Development of children’s speech through reading a Russian folk tale” MBDOU PGO “Trifonovo kindergarten”

Plan for self-education of the teacher of the middle mixed-age group Irina Vasilievna Zemova “Development of speech
of children 3-4 years old through reading Russian folk tales .” 2021-2022 academic year. 2021 Topic: “Speech development 3-4 year old children

Lion and mouse

The lion was sleeping. A mouse ran over his body. The lion woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask: “If you let me go, I will do good to you too.” The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do good to him, but let it go.

One day, hunters caught a lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, came running, gnawed the rope and said: “Remember, you laughed, did not believe that I could do good to you, but now you see, good can come from a mouse.”

- END -


The brother and sister had a pet jackdaw. She ate from her hands, let herself be petted, flew out into the wild and flew back. Once my sister began to wash herself. She took the ring off her hand, put it on the sink and lathered her face with soap. And when she rinsed the soap, she looked: where is the ring? But there is no ring. She shouted to her brother: “Give me the ring, don’t tease me!” Why did you take it? “I didn’t take anything,” the brother answered. His sister quarreled with him and cried. Grandma heard. - What do you have here? - speaks. - Give me glasses, now I’ll find this ring. We rushed to look for glasses - no glasses. “I just put them on the table,” the grandmother cries. -Where should they go? How can I thread a needle now? And she screamed at the boy.

- This is your business! Why are you teasing grandma? The boy got offended and ran out of the house. He looks, and a jackdaw is flying above the roof, and something glitters under her beak. I took a closer look - yes, these are glasses! The boy hid behind a tree and began to watch. And the jackdaw sat on the roof, looked around to see if anyone was watching, and began pushing the glasses on the roof into the crack with her beak. The grandmother came out onto the porch and said to the boy: “Tell me, where are my glasses?” - On the roof! - said the boy. Grandma was surprised. And the boy climbed onto the roof and pulled out his grandmother’s glasses from the crack. Then he pulled out the ring from there. And then he took out pieces of glass, and then a lot of different pieces of money. The grandmother was happy with the glasses, and the sister was happy with the ring and said to her brother: “Forgive me, I was thinking about you, and this is a thief jackdaw.” And they made peace with their brother. Grandmother said: “That’s all them, jackdaws and magpies.” Whatever glitters, they drag everything away.

What fairy tales should you listen to before bed?

Wishing good night to their child, mom and dad try to create all the conditions for the baby to have good dreams. Based on this, audio fairy tales for children intended for evening listening must meet the following requirements:

  • Calm and simple plot.
  • No tense or scary moments.
  • High quality dubbing and soft, pleasant voices of the actors.
  • Soothing, quiet musical accompaniment.
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