Summary of an integrated lesson on the basics of life safety, preparatory group.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Sopina Elena Valerievna - teacher, MBDOU "TsRR - d/s No. 31 "Berezka" Gelendzhik, Krasnodar region. Educational area: “Safety”, “Health”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”, “Cognition”. Topic: “Every little child should know this from the cradle” Goal: To consolidate the concept of “dangerous objects” and the ability to resolve problem situations. Discuss with children various dangerous situations that may arise when playing at home or on the street. Develop the ability to protect yourself from possible dangers, develop children’s speech, and the ability to answer with complete answers. Foster a sense of self-preservation and discipline. Create a positive, emotional attitude in children.

Equipment: cards with tasks, “Black Box”, pictures showing the rules (broken and not broken), cards showing first aid for a cut and bruise, chips. Progress of direct educational activities: Leader. Guys, I invite you to take part in the game “Lucky Chance”. To do this we need to split into two teams. I have a box with cards of 2 colors, please come to me and choose one card each. Whoever has red sits at the table on the left side, who has green sits at the table on the right side. And so, we have 2 teams. I suggest you come up with names for your teams and choose a captain. (Children give names to their teams.) And in order to determine which team will be stronger and more friendly, we invited a jury. Presenter: Ready for the test! Children: READY! Host: Now let's join hands and wish each other good luck. And the theme of our game is “The basis of life safety.” And today we will remember what rules must be followed. I want to remind teams that answers are accepted as long as you have your hand raised nicely. Exercise 1. "Warm-up." The main thing here is speed. In this task, I will give chips for the correct answer. At the end of the game we will add them to your points. • Small, nasty, loves dirt. (Microbe) • A device that helps you see a microbe. (Microscope.) • The part of the road along which traffic moves. (roadway.) • An animal whose name denotes a section of pavement. (Zebra.) • A device that plays an important role in regulating traffic. (Traffic light.) • The sounding instrument of a traffic police officer. (Whistle.) • The silent tool of a traffic police officer. (Rod.) • People of the heroic profession, passing through “fire, water and copper pipes.” (Firefighters.) • Model of the Earth. (Globe.) 2. Presenter: 2 minutes are given for preparation. The completeness of the answer is taken into account. The second team can complement. Often adults make comments to you that you will now hear, and you need to explain why adults make these comments to you. (We listen to the children’s reasoning and evidence.) Don’t talk while eating! Cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough! Don't look at the book lying down! Don't watch TV for too long! Don't touch the cat! Don't eat too much sweets! Stay away from the stove! Don't eat unfamiliar berries and mushrooms! 3. “Black box” (you ask me questions with which you can determine what object is in the box. I answer you only “yes” or “no”). ATTENTION is important in this task!!! I'll give you a hint: you can cook food with this item. Tip 2 - this item is not a toy for children! (Children's answers) • Is this a box of matches? - Yes. 4. “Smart guys and smart girls.” You will now see pictures in which the rules are broken and not broken, and explain them. (Show pictures). In this task, completeness of the answer, speed and accuracy are important.

5. “Rules of first aid.” Leading. Place the “action” models in the correct sequence in the expected situations. The team that completes the task first raises its hand. (The presenter hands out cards to the teams depicting first aid for a cut or bruise) 6. “Both with participants and spectators.” Leading. And now I want to test your knowledge of some more rules. And I propose to play along with the audience. The game is called “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” I read you a poem, if you do it correctly, then you say: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends! And raise your hands up. If this is not necessary, then you remain silent. It's clear? 1.Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition? 2. Does anyone know that a red light means there is no movement? 3.Which of you, walking home, follows the pavement? 4.Who will obey the traffic light instructions without arguing? 5.Who flies forward so fast that he doesn’t see the traffic light? 6.Who knows the rules of movement like the multiplication table? Leading. And on this cheerful note our game came to an end. I invite the jury to sum up. Everyone can find their own definition: from the most active to the most passive, from the most decisive to the most cautious.

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