The Tale of the Star Who Didn't Want to Sleep

The Tale of the Star Who Didn't Want to Sleep

Once upon a time there lived in the kingdom of the stars the Golden Moon. As soon as it got dark around him, he went on night watch to check if all the stars were sleeping and seeing sweet dreams. One day he left the house, walked along the Milky Way, looked around. He will adjust the pillow for one star, tuck in the blanket for another, and quietly begin to hum a lullaby to the third. The stars sleep sweetly. The Golden Moon is pleased that everything is calm in his kingdom. Suddenly I heard some noise. He went in the direction from which cheerful laughter was heard. He sees that the little star is having fun, playing, and singing songs. The Month was surprised:

“Why aren’t you sleeping,” asks Laughing Star.

- This is boring! “I’ll sleep during the day, and at night it’s so fun to play,” the Star answers in a ringing voice.

- It’s a mess not to sleep when everyone else is sleeping. I'll come tomorrow and check. If you don't sleep, we'll have to punish you!

Asterisk missed the words of the Golden Month and ran on to play.

The next night came. I went on patrol again for a month. What's happened? Again there is noise, din, and laughter.

-Are you awake again? - The Month became more angry than ever at Zvezdochka.

“I slept during the day,” she answers as if nothing had happened.

“I’m warning you for the last time,” threatened the Golden Moon.

The third night has arrived. The month comes again to inspect its possessions. Once again, boisterous laughter is heard. The little star is jumping from one leg to another, rejoicing.

- All! I’ve had enough,” the Moon became seriously angry. “All stars should sleep at night and illuminate children’s dreams with their magical twinkling.” I’m depriving you of daytime sleep for this, you won’t be able to rest when you’re tired of playing.” He said this, turned around and went home.

Since then, Asterisk has stopped sleeping during the day, but in the evening it appears first in the sky, and in the morning it burns longer than the others - it sleeps and restores its strength. Everyone should sleep at night, both children and stars. After all, even the Golden Month, finishing its night watch, returns to its home and falls asleep in a warm, cozy bed.

Fairy tale for children “Star”

Kristina Naumtseva

Fairy tale for children “Star”


High, high in the sky, where thunderclouds are born, a little star was born.

She was so beautiful that even her fellow stars admired the amazing beauty of the Star. Our beauty grew quickly, and the older she became, the more magnificent she was.

Stars are very hardworking people. In the morning they get up, clear the sky of clouds, warm everything around with warmth, shine brightly, show the way to wanderers setting off on a long journey. They really love to work and always do the work together.

But Star didn’t want to work; it seemed to her that she was special. And so she thought that there was no place for her with simple Stars and decided to leave home:

“I’ll go where I’m valued and loved!” - Star exclaimed and went home.

- Wait, Star! We love and appreciate you, but mothers need to work and do good! - the other Stars shouted after her, but she no longer listened to them, walking off into the distance.

Whether long or short, she walked and walked and reached the edge of the sky. The little star looked at its reflection in the Heavenly River and accidentally fell to the Earth.

She splashed down a lot, and while she was getting up, rubbing her bruised sides, she saw people and animals crowding around her:

-What kind of wonderful miracle is this? What a beauty! - exclaimed in the crowd.

- I am a real star . I fell from the sky! – explained the fallen Star.

- You are beautiful, Star ! - people admired.

From that day on, everyone came to admire the Star: people painted pictures from it, photographed the Star , wrote poems, odes and poems in honor of the extraordinary guest, sculpted sculptures and monuments to the Star .

Now our Zvezdochka has become a real star


This is how the star traveler’s life on Earth began. During the day, Zvezdochka was surrounded by many people, animals and even birds. And at night they dispersed, scattered and crawled into their homes, holes and nests. A " star "

I was left completely alone. She wandered through deserted streets and roads, hoping to surprise at least someone with her beauty, but everyone was busy with their own affairs or shared this time with their friends and loved ones.

Time took its course and the Stars began to get used to the splendor, because external beauty is not so valuable compared to internal beauty, which is confirmed by good deeds and good deeds. They began to admire our beautiful Star less and less, and visit her less and less. And the star guest herself was tired of being just star

. No one became her friend, no one saw her as a person, no one expected help from her.

And she yearned so much for her Stars in her native sky that hot tears began to roll from her beautiful eyes.

And Zvezdochka decided to definitely return home. She got ready for a long journey, said goodbye to the people, animals and birds, and went to where Heaven meets Earth.

Asterisk walked for a day, walked for a second, and on the third day, at the end of the day, she approached a dense forest. It was very dark in the forest, but the Star was bright and easily passed through the gloomy forest jungle.

Suddenly she heard desperate crying nearby.

-Who is this crying? – asked Star.

It was a little girl:

- It's me! I'm lost. I decided to take a shortcut home from my grandparents, and I still don’t know how to get home. What should I do? - the girl sobbed.

“I’ll help you, girl, don’t cry.” I will light your way and you will find your home! – our Star reassured her.

Together, things go well. Less than half an hour had passed before the girl returned to her home.

- Thank you, dear Star, I will never forget you! – the girl thanked her assistant.

And Star felt so pleased by her words that she began to shine even more beautifully and boldly continued on her way.

And the star traveler began to help everyone she met on her way.

In one town she met an unhappy lover wandering in the night. He shed bitter tears because he had lost the ring he was carrying to his beloved. The star illuminated the earth for him, and the unhappy lover found what he had lost.

In another city, she warmed the poor beggars, chilled by the terrible cold. The star hugged them with her warm rays, and with her kindness warmed not only the body, but also the heart.

And in the third place, passing by the house, she heard quiet crying. The Star Traveler looked out the window. It was a small blond boy with frightened, tear-stained eyes.

- Why are you crying? – asked Star.

“I’m afraid of the dark, I’m very scared alone.” - the baby stammered.

- Let me stay with you until the morning. I'm bright and you won't be scared.

And Zvezdochka sat until dawn with the little boy, who, having calmed down, immediately fell asleep, snoring pleasantly.

The next morning, Star continued on her way. She now realized that the greatest happiness is giving joy to others.

And finally, she reached the place where Heaven meets Earth. Time passed towards evening.

- How I would like to be with my Stars now! – the traveler sighed.

And suddenly she saw the brightest and most amazing thing she could ever see in her life - Star Light . These were lovely Stars. They had been waiting for her to return home for a long time.

- Forgive me, dear ones. – said the Star.

And they, of course, forgave her, because they had been waiting for Zvezdochka back for a long time.

And the Star now began to work from the heart, to shine brightly with all its might, because it was now an adult and smart Star .

This is the end of our fairy tale . And whoever listened and read it is truly a great guy!

Tale of the Lone Star

Far , far away in space there lived one little star. Of course, it is small only in comparison with some other stars; it would seem huge to you and me.

It is larger than trees, and houses, and even our Sun. Well, that's not what we're talking about. More than anything else, Star loved to look at other stars and think about how they live, what they see around them, what they dream about. But she didn't know how to ask them about it, so she felt very alone.

Of course, there were several planets orbiting around her, and she had tried to get them to talk before. But the conversation did not work out: the planets were not interested in what was far from them. As a rule, all communication ended with their arguing about who should revolve after whom and whose trajectory (that is, the path around the star) is more correct and beautiful. But Zvezdochka got tired of this, and she stopped annoying the planets with conversations about things that didn’t bother them at all.

But one night (or maybe during the day, it’s hard to say, because it’s always night in space) a comet flew past the star. She was very surprised, because she had never seen anything like this before.

Hello! My name is Zvezdochka, and who are you?

She greeted the stranger.

I'm a comet. Have you never seen a comet before?

The interlocutor answered with surprise in her voice.

No. I only see planets that revolve around me.

Asterisk answered sadly.

Very strange. There are so many of us flying all over space! But, apparently, it is so large that even we cannot fly into its far corners... Comets are celestial travelers. We are a little like planets, only much smaller and lighter, so we don’t revolve around one star, but fly wherever we want! I am an ice comet, but there are also comets made of stone and metal.

The comet said.

How interesting! I envy you so much, you've seen so much! Tell me, are you in a hurry? Maybe you can stay with me for a little while and tell me about the wonders you have seen?

Asterisk held out.

The Comet was in no hurry and accepted Asterisk’s invitation. She began to rotate with the planets around her and told her amazing stories every day. The star learned that, it turns out, all stars are different: there are very young ones (like her), and there are old ones, almost like the Universe itself.

Some are very hot, some are almost cold; There are small ones, and there are simply gigantic ones, such that a comet takes several years to fly along one such star. And most importantly, many of the stars that our Little Star loves to watch so much, it turns out, have long gone out, they no longer exist! It’s just that they are so far away that the last light that they emitted before extinguishing reached her only now...

These stories fascinated Zvezdochka and bewitched her. And then one day she decided to ask the comet:

Tell me, do other stars somehow communicate with each other? I would really like to talk to them...

Yes, sure. If you look carefully at the sky, you will see that the stars do not burn evenly, but constantly twinkle. Sometimes they flash brighter, sometimes they almost go out... This is the language of the stars, this is how they communicate with each other.

The comet answered calmly.

Comet, how can I learn this language?

Star asked excitedly.

Well, unfortunately, I don't know him. This is a special language, only stars speak it, there are no textbooks on it. I think you need to look at them carefully, try to understand what they are blinking about... In 200 years you will learn everything!

The comet hesitated.

The star was a little sad. But she had little choice - either listen to the comet, or again vegetate in melancholy and loneliness. Soon her new friend flew away, and Star began to peer into the dark sky with redoubled attention.

The years passed - but for the Star they were the same as days for us - she looked at other stars and tried to unravel their mysterious language. And then one night (or maybe it was day, who knows) she admired a bright red star. And suddenly I saw that it began to blink. Three short, weak flashes, one bright... And suddenly another star, small, silvery-white, also began to blink.

Three short, one long and bright flash... “Hello to you too,” answered Asterisk to herself. And suddenly she realized: it really was a greeting! Yes, that’s how they said hello, and you need to blink back at them so that they understand that she heard them! Apparently, the years she spent looking at the dark sky were not in vain.

She flashed three short flashes, one long... That's it, now just wait. The star knew that the answer would not be immediate; Moreover, it may not come from some of these stars, if suddenly it has already gone out. But Zvezdochka was sure that not in a hundred, but in a thousand years, not from one star, but from another, but she would receive an answer. And these years of waiting will no longer be as painful as before.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Author: Shinina Ulyana, 6 years old, illustration made by the author using plasticineography technique. MADOU "Kindergarten No. 35, Novaya Melnitsa village, Novgorod district, Novgorod region

A TALE ABOUT A LITTLE STAR Once upon a time there lived one small curious star in the night sky. Every night, the star tried to fly closer and closer to the Blue Planet. She admired the white fluffy clouds, green forests, blue seas, high mountains. It was dark and cold in space, and there flowers were blooming, butterflies were circling above them, and birds were singing beautifully. And then one night, she heard someone quietly crying. The little star flew up to the window and saw a little boy sitting on the windowsill, looking at the sky with sad eyes. This boy's name was Misha and he had sore legs. And then the little bright star realized that she really felt sorry for this boy. Every evening the little girl watched the boy sitting on the windowsill, turning his sad gaze to the sky.

The little star really wanted to help the stranger, but she didn’t know how yet. From her heavenly friends she heard a legend that when a star falls from the sky, people make a wish - and it will definitely come true. “But then you’ll die,” her friends said. - But I will be of great benefit! – she answered joyfully. The little star really wanted to help the sad boy at the window, for this she was even ready to give her life. Having looked at the crying boy for the last time, the star began to rapidly fall down. Misha saw a star falling and made his deepest wish. “Star, make sure my legs don’t hurt anymore, and I can run as fast as other children.” The little star’s deed was not in vain - the boy’s wish soon came true... And another little star appeared in the sky, even brighter than the previous one... Who knows, maybe she will be able to fulfill my innermost wish. Shinina Ulyana


Once upon a time there lived one small curious star in the night sky.

Every night, the star tried to fly closer and closer to the Blue Planet. She admired the white fluffy clouds, green forests, blue seas, high mountains. It was dark and cold in space, and there flowers were blooming, butterflies were circling above them, and birds were singing beautifully.

And then one night, she heard someone quietly crying. The little star flew up to the window and saw a little boy sitting on the windowsill, looking at the sky with sad eyes. This boy's name was Misha and he had sore legs.

And then the little bright star realized that she really felt sorry for this boy. Every evening the little girl watched the boy sitting on the windowsill, turning his sad gaze to the sky.

The little star really wanted to help the stranger, but she didn’t know how yet.

From her heavenly friends she heard a legend that when a star falls from the sky, people make a wish - and it will definitely come true.

“But then you’ll die,” her friends said.

- But I will be of great benefit! – she answered joyfully.

The little star really wanted to help the sad boy at the window, for this she was even ready to give her life.

Having looked at the crying boy for the last time, the star began to rapidly fall down.

Misha saw a star falling and made his deepest wish. “Star, make sure my legs don’t hurt anymore, and I can run as fast as other children.”

The star’s deed was not in vain - the boy’s wish soon came true...

And another little star appeared in the sky, even brighter than the previous one...

Who knows, maybe she will be the one to fulfill my deepest desire.

Shinina Ulyana

Next >



food, grandpa!
- Olya called loudly, almost shouted, pointing with both hands to the dark evening sky. - The stars are flying! It turns out they fly! Throwing her head back far, Olya looked at the stars and stumbled at every step.

“No,” said grandfather. - It only seems that they are flying because you are walking. Just stop...

- You always argue with me! - Olya exclaimed dissatisfied and offended, stopped, was silent for a long time, looking up, and sighed. - Still, they are a little...

“No, no,” grandfather objected firmly. Olya was about to be completely offended when he said: “But it happens that stars fall.”

- How? - Olya was amazed. -Where are they falling? Is it possible to catch them?

She and her grandfather slowly moved further down the street. Olya only occasionally glanced at the sky, and at these moments it still seemed to her that the stars were moving.

“Sometimes stars fall,” grandfather repeated thoughtfully. “They fly down to the ground and burn along the way.”

- All? - Olya was scared. - Everything, everything... burns?

“Imagine,” answered the grandfather.

Olya stopped and hesitantly objected:

- Can't be. Will not a single star reach me?

“Just imagine, it won’t make it,” answered the grandfather, “not one.” But there is such a belief. If you see a star falling from the sky and manage to make a wish before it burns out, your wish will definitely come true.

- Like this? - Olya asked.

- Yes, just as I said. Make a wish while the star is falling, and your wish will definitely come true.

It was winter, it got dark early, and every evening during her walks Olya did not take her eyes off the sky. There were many stars, but none of them seemed to be about to fall.

“I think you’ve got something mixed up,” Olya said one day. - I looked through everything, all my eyes, but...

“I warned you that this happens rarely,” said grandfather, “even very rarely.” If my memory serves me correctly, stars fall mostly in the fall.

“And I’ve already come up with a wish...” Olya took a deep breath. - So that Edik Sumkin stops being evil. You see, he knows how to skate very well, but he’s evil!

“It’s strange,” grandfather was a little surprised. — He knows how to skate very well, but he’s angry. Why?

- Nobody knows this. Even himself. But it’s very unpleasant when a person is evil. I feel sorry for him.

- Well, what is his anger expressed in?

- Yes, in everything! - Olya exclaimed indignantly. - He's just angry all the time. You will tell him: “Hello, Edik!” - and he answers: “Stomp, stomp out of here!” It's unpleasant, isn't it?

“Of course, it’s unpleasant,” grandfather agreed. - But it’s also unclear. If he is evil now, what will happen to him when he grows up?

“He boasts that he will be a trainer and that even wolves will be afraid of him.” There, there he is...” Olya whispered.

Under the lantern stood a small, thin boy in a red jacket and a red cap with a white tassel. He kicked the post with both feet.

“Hello, Edik,” Olya said quietly as she and her grandfather approached the boy.

- Stomp, stomp out of here! - Edik responded angrily, jumped away from the post, ran up and again began to kick it with both legs. - Stomp, stomp out of here! - he shouted even angrier.

- Have you seen it? - Olya began to breathe heavily and frequently from resentment, and grandfather asked in bewilderment:

- Edik, what are you actually doing?

- I do what I need to do! - Edik answered quite angrily. - And since you have nothing to do, just go where you went!

- Who are you being so impolite about? - Grandfather asked.

- To yourself!

- Who are you so angry at? - Olya asked sternly, and Edik shouted, almost shouted:

- None of your business! I don’t talk to little ones!

“Then talk to me,” suggested the grandfather, “after all, I’m not a little thing.” Please explain to us why or why you are kicking the pole?

- And just like that! I want everything!

“Well then, kick yourself to your health,” the grandfather said mockingly and continued gloomily: “It’s a stupid thing to do, really, but if you can’t think of anything smarter...

- I can, I can, I can, I can, I can! - Edik even jumped with anger. - I’ll go push the girls into the snow!

And running.

Grandfather and Olya were silent in confusion and dejection.

“Will he really push girls into the snow?” - Olya asked in fear.

And grandfather answered gloomily:

“Unfortunately, he’s capable of anything.” And yet why is he so angry? He’s still small, but already angry.

“He skates very well,” Olya whispered pitifully, paused and said decisively: “I will try to see a star that has fallen from the sky.” I will make a wish for Edik to stop being evil.

“You see...” muttered grandfather guiltily, “this is something like a fairy tale.”

“Let it be,” Olya said, barely audible, but with despair. - I’ll guess anyway. I want Edik to stop being evil.

“Let’s hope,” said grandfather hesitantly.

All the way home, Olya kept glancing at the sky; several times she whispered in fear:

- It’s terrible if he pushes girls into the snow! “And suddenly she cried out joyfully: “Oh, he’s flying!” - she tripped and fell.

- Here you go! - Grandfather said sadly. — Are you hurt? Hurt?

- Unpleasant... But I saw a star falling from the sky! How quickly the star flew by... it burned out so quickly... I didn’t have time to make a wish... But if I had made a wish, he wouldn’t have pushed the girls into the snow!

Grandfather helped her get up, brushed the snow off her fur coat and muttered in confusion:

- Well, what are you... what are you... Why be upset?

- If they all do it so quickly... I’ll never have time to make a wish!.. Does that mean Edik will remain evil forever?

“It depends on him,” grandfather replied sternly. - Let's go home. We've probably already been lost.

Grandmother, as soon as she opened the door, asked worriedly:

- What's happened?

“I fell, but it didn’t hurt, it was just unpleasant,” Olya responded embarrassedly and, while her grandmother was undressing her, she talked about the star that had fallen from the sky and the evil Edik.

“Nasty boy,” said the grandmother disgustedly, “completely spoiled.”

- But he skates great! The best!

“I don’t know how he skates, but he’s a very bad person.” His grandmother was simply exhausted with him.

Olya didn’t answer anything to this, although deep down she still felt sorry for the evil Edik and hoped that he would reform if she saw a star falling from the sky and managed to make a wish.

“You just have to make a quick, quick, quick guess when you see a star falling,” she thought. “So that Edik is not evil... so that Edik is not evil...”

But for now Edik was angry, and even very angry. Soon Olya herself became convinced of this, and it brought her a lot of grief.

One day she was happily digging snow at the entrance with a shovel. Grandfather lingered in the entrance, talking with one of the neighbors.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Edik appeared next to Olya and shouted:

- Yeah, I got it!

And he pushed her in the back with both hands. Olya fell face down into a snowdrift and was terribly scared, so scared that she couldn’t even move. Snow filled her mouth, nose, and covered her eyes.

- Bad boy! - She heard her grandfather’s angry voice at that very moment. - Aren `t you ashamed!

- So that’s what she needs! So that's what she needs! — the voice of the evil Edik came from afar.

Grandfather lifted Olya out of the snowdrift and began to carefully wipe her face with a handkerchief, saying:

- Just don’t cry... just don’t cry... so that this evil guy doesn’t hear... so this evil guy doesn’t see... that you’re crying because of him... that you’re crying because of him...

“I won’t,” Olya said with difficulty with frozen lips, although tears were already sparkling in her eyes and were ready to flow. - I won’t do it for anything.

But at home Olya burst into tears, no matter how hard she held back. She stopped crying only because her grandparents stood nearby and were silent.

- Why don’t you console me? - Olya asked in a trembling voice. - Why don’t you feel sorry for me? Do you know how scared and hurt I was?

“They pity the weak,” said the grandmother, “but you are strong.”

- I'm strong? - Olya was delighted. - Really?

“The main thing is that he didn’t see the evil one and didn’t hear you crying because of him,” said the grandfather.

And Olya spent the whole evening cheerfully: it was very pleasant for her to realize that she had done the right thing, no matter how difficult, offensive and scary it was for her.

She became sad only just before she went to sleep: after all, it was a great pity that the boy Edik lived so angry.

But she remembered how he pushed her into a snowdrift, how he shouted: “So that’s what she needs!” - I firmly decided that I would not think about him when I saw a star falling from the sky. He doesn't deserve this.

And from now on she will dream that at least one, even the smallest, star will fly to the ground and Olya will find it, fallen from the sky...

In her dream she saw many, many, many flying stars. They seemed to be flying in a race, twirling in cheerful round dances and even seemed to be dancing, like girls in a kindergarten at a holiday... And suddenly one star separated from everyone, froze to the side, as if looking closely at something, and quickly, quickly rushed down , flared up brighter with every moment. The star was flying towards Olya!

And Olya woke up...

— Shall we go to kindergarten on foot? - she suggested to her grandfather. “Maybe today I’ll see a star that has fallen from the sky?”

Grandfather said that if they walked, and Olya looked at the sky and stumbled at every step, then they would definitely be late. But grandfather promised to stand by the kindergarten for a while and look at the sky.

So they did. They looked and looked at the huge, huge sky - everything was covered in stars, but how could they guess where exactly one of the stars would rush down from?

“Still, this is very interesting,” Olya said with a sigh when she felt that it was time for her and her grandfather to say goodbye. - Much more interesting, in my opinion, than kicking a pole or pushing girls into a snowdrift.

“That’s the trouble with him,” agreed the grandfather, “this evil guy in a hat with a tassel.”

“He may not even know that there are stars in the sky,” Olya said half-questioningly. “And even if he does know, he doesn’t understand anything.” Although he is very good at skating.

A few days later, Olya fell ill, did not go to kindergarten, and when she began to get better, her grandmother allowed her to briefly go out onto the balcony in the evenings to breathe fresh air.


The Tale of the Star

Look at the night sky. If you can’t see it now because it’s still light, or it’s covered by clouds, it’s okay! If you close your eyes, you can easily imagine him!

And now, when you see thousands of stars in the dark, beautiful sky, take a closer look: they shine in different colors: both bright white and yellow. And red, and blue, and purple, and blue..... Great, right?

And then one day in such a sky, in a vast and endless Universe, a young, bright and very beautiful Star appeared. And her name was exactly the same as yours!

This Star was very joyful, bright, bright and kind! She enjoyed every moment, every second of her life. And she sent her light throughout the Universe with great pleasure!

Its rays reached other planets and stars, and this immediately made them feel warmer and brighter. All the Stars around her rejoiced at her, because her light was especially warm, joyful and filled with love.

All the Stars of the Universe rejoiced and also sent each other their wonderful light. And there are Stars that do not know how to emit light themselves, but they are very good at reflecting light from other shining stars. And that’s why they also look wonderful and sparkle.

And our new wonderful star with your name was shining and rejoicing, but one thing puzzled her a little: she didn’t know who she was?

She really liked all the stars around her, and she admired them and was glad that they were so beautiful. She didn’t have a mirror to see herself in it, and she didn’t dare ask anyone who she was?

And then one day she saw the cheerful traveler Meteorite approaching her. He joyfully flew throughout the Universe and shouted:

- Greetings to everyone! Are you shining? And I love to fly! Travel! What could be better?

When the cheerful Meteorite saw our Star, he was even more happy and shouted:

- Hi beauty! How long have I been flying, but this is the first time I’ve seen such a beautiful, warm and joyful Star! Let's be friends!

- Let's! Are you talking to me?

- Of course with you! Hello, Star!

- So I'm a star? – our Star was delighted. - How happy I am! I thank you, my kind and cheerful friend!

The star was so happy - both because she now knew who she was and because she was a star! And immediately she became even brighter and more joyful!

They chatted cheerfully with Meteorite. He told her about what he saw - what Stars, Black Holes, heaps of other meteorites, planets. And she said that she was born quite recently, and that she really likes to radiate light, love, and joy, and give them to the whole Universe!

In order not to fly away, the Meteorite circled around the Star. And he really liked it - he felt so warm and joyful from her delightful light!

Having talked enough and had fun, Meteorite remembered that he needed to wander in the Universe and fly further. He fell in love with Star so much that now she will always live in his heart. And Zvezdochka forever retained her love for the cheerful Meteorite in her loving heart.

But they both know that when you truly love, it doesn’t matter where you are, because everyone shines themselves and also shines with their love. And, of course, it warms another. No matter where it is.

And the Meteorite, when it was flying in the Universe, now told everyone about its most beautiful Star. And then - a miracle happened! The meteorite flew around the entire Universe, and its love increased all the time. A lot of time has passed. And when he saw his beloved Star again, he suddenly burst out of joy with a wonderful light and fire of love and also turned into a beautiful and shining Star.

Now, when people from different planets, different magical creatures and stars of the Universe look with hope at the sky or around them. When they want to remember about joy and love, if they suddenly forgot, then they definitely find these two beautiful, bright Stars sparkling with the light of joy and love.

And everyone’s soul becomes warmer and brighter, because each of us is also a Star! Some people just forgot about it. But now, having read this fairy tale, we remembered, didn’t we?

My precious and shining Star!


After all, you are the only one - the most necessary, unique and beautiful!

(written January 4, 2014)

With love, Yulia Naberezhneva

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