Outline of educational activities for cognitive development (FEMP and design) on the topic: “Geometric figures” in the senior group

Summary of the Oud "Magic Figures"

Summary of organizational educational activities for FEMP “Magic Figures” (second junior group)

Educational area:



Teach children to distinguish and correctly name geometric figures, consolidate knowledge of primary colors: green, red, blue, yellow, exercise children in examining patterns of figures in different ways (tracing the outline of a figure with a finger; drawing the outline of a figure in the air; rolling a geometric figure; feeling a geometric figure with hands ), name objects of round, square and triangular shape, consolidate the ability to determine the size of objects, reflect the result of comparison in speech: large, small, smaller, high - low, shortest, longest and longest. To develop imaginative thinking, imagination, and memory in children. Cultivate perseverance and cognitive interest in the lesson.

Morning circle:

- Hello, sun!

- Hello, sky!

- Hello, all my land!

We woke up very early! - And we welcome you!

Progress of the lesson:

Surprise moment: I invite the children to join the group.

Guys, look how beautiful it is in our group. An exciting journey awaits us today. Look at the balls, what color do you see the balls? That's right, our group is decorated with red, green, blue and yellow balls. Look, there are still three paths that lead to the houses. Guys, are the tracks all the same?

- What are they like? (Children's answers).

— That's right, they are all different in color and length.

- Let's take the shortest path.

-Look at the house we came to (the small one).

-Do you want to know who lives in the smallest house?

- And for this you need to guess the riddle:

Jumps deftly, gnaws carrots... who is this? (Hare)

- Guys, the bunny has prepared cards for us and wants to see how we know geometric shapes (shows geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle). (Children, without difficulty, name geometric shapes).

- Well done, the bunny is very glad that you know geometric shapes and has prepared a surprise for you:

Physical exercise:


One day the mice came out.

See what time it is.

One, two, three, four - the mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible thunder -

The mice ran away.

-We rested a little, and now you and I are going further and will follow the blue path.

-Tell me, please, which track is longer, red or blue?

-That's right, the blue path is longer.

-Which house do you see? (big)

-Let's find out who lives in this house: I'll tell you a riddle and you can guess it. Fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village! (fox)

-Well done! The fox invites you to play a game called “Build Houses.”

— There are geometric shapes in a box on the table, you will need to make a house for the fox out of them.

-What beautiful houses you have made!

-Andryusha, what color is your house? What figures does it consist of?

- Guys, did your houses all turn out the same or different?

- Guys, look, we have one more path left, what is its size and color?

— That’s right, this path is the longest and it’s green.

— Follow me along the green path. What house do you see near the green path? (big)

-Now tell me, which house is bigger, on the blue path or on the green one? (children's answers)

- I wonder who lives in such a big house, let's solve the riddle and find out who lives here:

Clumsy, clubfooted, when he sleeps, he sucks his paw,

He eats raspberries, loves honey, and his name? (bear)

-Mishka wants to play the game “Find Your Place” with you, for this I will give you medals with the image of a geometric figure, and you will need to find a chair with the same figure and sit on it.

— Guys, who did we visit today?

- How many paths have we walked? Let's count.

— What color were the paths?

—Which path was the longest?

- Which path was the shortest?

- Well done! The bunny, fox and bear really enjoyed playing with you today, but they need to go to the forest to see their children. Children say goodbye to animals.

Lesson summary: Geometric figures.


Consolidating and systematizing children's knowledge about the geometric shapes circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle.


Teach children to use their knowledge about the properties of objects (shape, color, size), and apply their skills to solving simple problems.

Develop memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking.

Continue to develop in children constructive thinking, the ability to think, reason, and express their opinions.

Foster independence and a desire to help.

Methodological support:

medallions with geometric shapes, writing, photographs of animals made from geometric shapes, geometric shapes, princess of a magical land, task cards, educational games.


There's a knock on the door.


Yes, yes, come in! Strange, no one comes in. (Opens the door), no one is there. And what is it?


Envelope, letter.


: I wonder who it's addressed to. Guys, let's read the address on the envelope.

-The village of Choya. Kindergarten "Fairy Tale". Preparatory group. Guys, who is this letter to? Educator

: Guys, are you wondering what’s in this letter? Let's read it.

Help, help! Guys, someone needs our help. What should we do? Let's finish reading the letter.

-Dear guys, a misfortune happened in our country of “Geometric Figures”, an evil wizard created chaos in our country, mixed everything up. The cheerful music stopped playing. But for our country this is unacceptable. And in order to restore order, you need to complete his tasks. And the tasks are very difficult, but you are smart, savvy, quick-witted children and can help us. In order for you to get to our country, I am sending you magic medallions that will help you complete tasks and take you to a magical land.


: Children, do you like to travel?




: Then let's go! Put on your magic medallions, stand in a circle, hold hands and close your eyes.

One, two, three, fly to the magical land!

(Children open their eyes and see a real mess in front of them, geometric shapes are scattered)


So you and I found ourselves in the land of geometric shapes, there is such silence here. This is a mess. What it is?


Geometric figures

: Which ones?

(Children name geometric shapes)

- Guys, let’s put things in order here, choose and take the same geometric figure as you have on the medallion and place it in the house from which she ran away. Let's count the houses. How many are there? What geometric shapes are pasted on the roof of these houses. On the first, second, third...

-So they put things in order, well done!

Guys, look, what happened here?

Geometric shapes are lost. Guys, let's all put everything in its place together. Didactic game “Fill in the empty cells.”

Well, well done!

- Guys, can you hear someone crying? Someone is calling us for help. The crying is coming from here. Let's see, guys, who's crying there? On the envelope it is written - Help, help, gather us together as soon as possible. (the teacher takes out geometric figures and portraits of the inhabitants of this country)

-What beautiful, unusual people live in this country, let’s help them. (children collect inhabitants from geometric shapes)

-But they are kind of sad, what else happened to them?

-They say that an evil wizard destroyed their houses, what to do?

-Make new houses.

-What will we make them from? (from geometric shapes) Which ones?

Let's build houses in the lower right corner. (Children make and glue houses)

-And to get to this house the guys will draw you a plan map.

The residents thank you guys and invite you to play the interesting game “Let’s inflate the ball.”

The recreational and recreational game “Let’s inflate the balloon” is being held.

Children hold hands and stand, huddled closely together. Holding hands, children take a deep breath in through their nose and exhale through their mouth, as if inflating a balloon.

The ball is inflated. (2-3 times) Let's turn the circle into an oval. What needs to be done for this? (step to the center of the circle). Circle again. (2-3 times) and so on. Triangle. Stand in pairs, put your hands on each other's shoulders, make a square, make a rectangle, bend backwards.

Well done! (Residents give children a magic envelope, which they can open only in their group.)

Well, now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. But how will we return to kindergarten, because we don’t know the way back, let’s remember how we got here?

Let's all hold hands and say the magic words: one, two, three, four, five, let's fly to kindergarten again. (Children repeat the magic words) - Open their eyes.

- Here we are again back in our favorite group. They open a gift from the inhabitants of a magical land. They review and complete the task on it.

-Let's sit comfortably on the rug and share our impressions of the amazing country of geometric shapes. Where were we guys? Why did we go there? Who did we meet there and who did we help? What did you like? You are the nicest and smartest guys, you always come to the rescue and help those in trouble. Well done!

Lesson notes for educators and teachers

Topic: Geometric shapes

Goal: To consolidate concepts about geometric shapes. Summarize knowledge about the properties of shapes

(color, size). Strengthen ordinal counting within 10. Enrich your vocabulary.

Develop logical thinking, tactile and long-term memory, proper breathing, listening skills, fine motor skills.

Cultivate accuracy and self-control.



-Look how many guests have come to us, say hello to the guests. -Sit more comfortably on a chair, close your eyes and listen - how is it in our office? Quiet or loud?

-Now close your eyes and listen to what is happening behind the door. - Loud, why loud?

-Someone is knocking on our door, someone is probably late for our lesson. Let's invite a guest.

-Look, this is a box, what geometric shape does the side of the box resemble? And this?

A box with something written on it. -Let's read it! Can you help me?

  • Parcel for Maxim.
  • Who is Maxim? So this is for you. Let's see what's inside it. -This is a package of tasks and we need to complete them.

Envelope No. 1

-There are geometric shapes in the envelope, name them.

-Using the same figures, you can create new geometric


-Attach these figures first. Then, without looking into the bag, by touch find the figures that I will name.

-Well done, you completed the task! Let's move on to the next task

-Take the envelope with the number 2 written on it.

Envelope No. 2

-What do I have? This is a frame. What shape is it? What geometric shapes does it consist of?

-Now we will make a square from different figures. What color is the square, what shapes did you make it from, how many corners, how can I say it differently?

- Well done, you did it. Let's put our squares in the parcel.

-Now what number is the next envelope?

Envelope No. 3

-Look what's in the envelope? We need the lace for the next task.

-After all, with the help of geometric shapes, you can not only create new shapes and assemble the shapes themselves using different ones. But the objects of our life themselves symbolize geometric shapes. Now, we need to match the figure with the object using laces.

-Well done! Let's move on to the next task. Envelope with number 4

Envelope No. 4

-What is this? What do we need the tube for? You can also breathe into it.

-You will blow into the tube so as to roll the ball to the top and hit


Envelope No. 5

-Here we have drawn figures, you need to draw them with the help of a ball, but at the same time close your eyes.

-Well done!

Envelope No. 6

-We have a marker. And we need to solve examples.

-I really liked the way you solved the examples.

-Let's see what we have in the next envelope under the number 7

Envelope No. 7

And we have geometric shapes. Tell me we can make something out of

these figures. Build what you want.

What or Who did you depict? What else can be built?

And what's in the last envelope? What number...

Envelope No. 8

And here is a cutaway picture. Let's collect it. And we will have the task on the computer.

  1. Help the car get to the house by choosing the correct path from the shapes
  2. Help the car get to the house by choosing the correct path by color.
  3. Look at the lights of the house and remember them. Now put them the way they were for me.

4. Tell me what time of year it is? It's cold outside and icicles will appear soon. I already have icicles, I just need to paint them.

Result: name the figures we talked about. Which group can we unite into? What is another name for them? What are these figures?

Maxim, look at our parcel - it has become a great parcel of your knowledge.

Source: https://konspekty-zanyatij.ru/uchebnye-materialy/konspekt-zanyatiya-po-femp-v-starshej-gruppe-geometricheskie-figury/

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