Lesson summary for visual arts in the middle group

Summary of an art lesson in the middle group on a winter theme

Summary of an open lesson in fine arts in the middle group “Magic Patterns”

Goal: To introduce children to a new technique of drawing on glass. Objectives : To arouse children's interest in the drawing process. To develop aesthetic perception, to convey the phenomena of reality using white paint. Learn to draw simple pattern elements with a hard brush. To consolidate children's knowledge about the season (winter), the ability to hold a brush correctly and use gouache. To cultivate attention, accuracy and interest in fine art activities, the desire to complete the work started. Activate children's vocabulary. Material: Dudu Monkey (toy).
Hard brush No. 3, white gouache, glass (according to the number of children), photography summer, winter. A drawn house with slots for windows. Musical composition. Progress of the lesson
Educator: Guys, this morning the postman brought us a letter. Do you want to know who this letter is from? Let's read it. Hello guys! Greetings from Africa! I'm arriving today. Meet us! About. Dudu. (there is a knock on the door) Dudu : Hello, guys! Did you get my letter? Educator Educator: Yes, but it’s kind of strange. What does ob mean? Dudu? Dudu: That's my name - Monkey Dudu.

I came from Africa to my friends - a bunny, a fox, a wolf cub and a bear cub.

But I can’t understand anything, my friends sent me photographs, they show green grass, flowers all around, and the bright sun is shining. And on the street everything is white, something crunches underfoot.

Maybe I got to the wrong place? Educator: Guys, what time of year is it in the photo?

(summer). And now?

(winter). It seems Dudu doesn't know what winter is. Dudu : Yes, in Africa, there is never any winter, it is always warm, the sun is shining, bananas are growing.

Educator : Guys, let's tell Dudu about a wonderful time of year, about winter. What winter is like (cold, snowy, frosty, everything around becomes white, ice appears on the rivers, frost turns silver on the trees, white fluffy snow falls). Let's close our eyes and imagine that we have snow in our hands, what is it like? (fluffy, light, silver, warm under the snow like under a blanket). Dudu : But in winter it’s not at all interesting, I like to play, jump, have fun. Educator : Well, why are you upset, in winter you can also play, jump and have fun, guys, tell the monkey what games you can play in winter (ride a slide, sled, ski, sculpt a snowman). Dudu : Wow, I’ll definitely learn to play all this. Oh, who painted such beautiful patterns on the windows?

(Grandfather Frost) Guys, I know one riddle, but I don’t know how to solve it! You will help me guess it. (Yes). The old man doesn't sleep all night; he has a job. He sits under the tree and draws something. He takes a magic brush and paints in his hands And he draws different drawings on the windows. He must paint all the windows in the houses by morning So that all the children can see this beauty. Who draws on the windows?

(Father Frost). Santa Claus breathes on the windows, writes on the glass of the painting: Arrows, towers and flowers, Of unprecedented beauty! Santa Claus is a little tired. He looks quietly at us through the window. Look, Santa Claus with a beard has grown to the glass! Dudu : Oh, interesting, but you can draw such patterns yourself and help Santa Claus, it’s probably difficult for him to paint so many windows? Educator : Of course, you can try. Dudu, you’re probably tired, and so are the guys, let’s take a rest. I know an interesting game. (Physical minute) A snowball is falling quietly into a meadow The snowflakes have settled down White fluffs. But the wind blew and the snow began to swirl. All the fluffs are dancing, White snowflakes Will soon die down, the breeze The snow will fall quietly. Educator : Have you rested? Now let’s go, let’s all sit down at the tables and try to draw patterns. What did Frost draw on? Dudu: I know, on the glass. Educator : What did he use to draw with? (brush and paints). Look, do we have everything for this? (Yes). And to make it easier for us to draw, we will remember what patterns there are (arrows, twigs, fir trees, snowflakes). What color will we use to draw the patterns? (white). Let's get to work. Take a brush and dip the tip of the brush into the paint. We will try very hard to make it as beautiful as Santa Claus (music sounds).

Educator : Look, Dudu, did the guys turn out beautiful patterns? Guys, I have a house,

but there is something missing in it. What do you think is missing in the house? (windows). Let us install the windows ourselves and admire how beautiful it turned out. After all, your work turned out to be the most beautiful, similar to real windows. (We insert windows into the slots of the house on whatman paper). Guys, did it turn out to be a beautiful house? (Yes). Dudu : Oh, I like the house too. I would like to live in it. Educator : Shall we give the monkey a home? She will live in it with her friends. Dudu : Thank you guys! And I also prepared a surprise for you. Educator : Let's say thank you to the dudu. Stay with Dudu and stay with us. Let's play snowballs together and go on a slide. Dudu : With great pleasure!

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(Children complete the task, commenting on their choice, hang the pictures in the appropriate order)

(In the work “The Seabed” blue, cyan, and violet paints are used. These colors are cold, which means the picture was painted by the artist Ldinka, he likes to paint with cold colors)

— Artist Ldinka, did the guys correctly identify your work? Whose answer did you like better?

Ice: That's right, that's my job. I paint with cold colors. I liked the answer the most...

(In the work “Chicks for a Walk” we see a lot of yellow and orange. These colors are warm, which means it was painted by the artist Ogonyok)

— Artist Ogonyok, do you agree with the guys’ choice? Is this your job? Whose answer did you like?

Ognyok: That's right, this is my job, I paint with warm colors. I liked the answer...


- That's right, well done!

Fairy tale "Porcelain Factory"


develop children's creative abilities through decorative drawing.

“Children, in the country of Drawing, where Ogonyok and Ldinka live, there was a porcelain factory where they made very beautiful porcelain dishes.

(The teacher shows several porcelain cups, saucers, a teapot, a sugar bowl, etc.)

Look at the beautiful patterns the dishes are decorated with. Wouldn’t it be nice to drink tea from such a cup?

(Children look at dishes decorated with various patterns, express their opinions, choose their favorite patterns)

(The teacher summarizes the children’s reasoning, while paying attention to the various details of the patterns on the dishes (flowers, leaves, geometric elements) and the color combination of the patterns (cold or warm colors))

One day, the director of a porcelain factory invited the artists Ogonyok and Ldinka to his place and gave them an order: to paint a large batch of dishes with patterns. The artists agreed, but said that they definitely needed assistants. And the artists also reminded that one of them paints only with cold colors, and the other - only with warm ones.

Guys, do you agree to help the Artists with their work?


(Artists Ogonyok and Ldinka recruit assistants. (All children are divided into two teams and sit in two working groups))

(The teacher gives the children blanks for creative work - white silhouettes of dishes pasted on colored cardboard. The first group (“Ice Artist”) receives blanks on cardboard in cool colors (blue, dark blue, violet; the second group (“Ogonyok Artist”) receives blanks on cardboard in warm colors (yellow, orange, blue))

- Children, you must now paint your sample of dishes with a pattern, while not forgetting that the work should be done either only in cold or only in warm colors (in accordance with the color of the cardboard).

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