Summary of a lesson in fine arts (drawing) in the middle group “Dress for a doll”

Conducting a creative lesson “Clothes and shoes” in the middle group

Drawing classes in the middle group are often playful in nature. The kids will not be interested in the task “We need to draw boots,” but communicating with the toy character and making boots for him will definitely be to their liking. Thus, the introductory part of classes on drawing clothes is aimed at repeating the features of objects on the topic and at the same time motivating children for practical work.

Table: motivating start of the lesson

Lesson topicVariant of the introductory part
"Scarf for matryoshka"Solving a problem situation. Dolls (toys or pictures with plain scarves) come to the group and tell the children that an exhibition will soon be held at the local history museum, but the masters do not have time to paint them. Children offer help.
"Sweater Decoration"Surprise moment. A package for children and dolls arrives in the play corner. It contains sweater blanks. The dolls complain that they are all the same and ask the guys to decorate them.
"Dress for my beloved mother"Studying visual material: photographs, postcards or presentations with women's dresses. Conducting a conversation:
  • What styles of dresses are there? With what pattern?
  • Do mothers wear dresses?
  • What dress would you give to your mothers?

Studying visual material requires mandatory discussion

Drawing lesson notes

Lesson outline for the middle group:

  • Goals and objectives.
  • Preliminary work.
  • Didactic materials and drawing tools.
  • GCD plan:
      Organizational moment - 1 minute.
  • Introductory information stage - 3–4 minutes.
  • Practical part - 13–14 minutes.
  • Display of works, summing up - 2 minutes.

Table: drawing lesson “Decorating a Sweater” in the middle group (fragment)

AuthorIvanova E., teacher at MBDOU D/s No. 458, Nizhny Novgorod.
  • Strengthen children's ability to decorate a piece of clothing using lines, strokes, dots, circles and other familiar elements;
  • decorate clothes cut out of paper with stripes;
  • develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative.
  • Sweaters cut out of thick paper
  • gouache,
  • brushes,
  • water jars,
  • napkin.
Preliminary work
  • Examination of clothes decorated with decorative patterns;
  • painting of Dymkovo and Filimonov toys.
Progress of the lessonA doll comes to visit the children. K.: Hello, guys. Children and teacher: Hello. V.: What is your name? K.: Masha. V.: We are glad to see you, Masha, as our guest. But it seems to me that you are sad. What has happened with you? K.: We went to the store and wanted to buy sweaters, but they were all white. And we wanted beautiful, colorful ones. V.: Don’t be upset, Masha. Our guys are so smart and will help you. Guys, can you decorate the sweaters? D.: Yes. V.: Well, then let’s go visit the dolls. Children with a teacher and a doll go to visit the dolls. V.: So we came to visit. What kind of store is there? What's on sale here? D.: Sweaters. Q: What color are they? D.: White. V.: Indeed, they are all white. There are so many of them! And when do you guys wear warm clothes? D: When it’s cold. V.: That's right, in the cold season. In winter and autumn. Guys, do you want to decorate them so that the dolls wear beautiful sweaters? D.: We want to. V.: Then take your seats. The children sit at the tables. The teacher asks what can be done to make the sweaters beautiful. Q: How can you decorate a sweater? D.: Dots, wavy lines, circles, dots. The teacher says that each child decorates the sweater as he or she wants, beautifully choosing the colors and arranging the pattern. The teacher helps the children choose paints when doing work. He praises the children and says that the dolls are very happy about such beautiful gifts. Physical education <…> At the end of the lesson, children examine and emphasize the beautiful combination of colors and patterns. The doll thanks the children and says goodbye to them. Children and teacher: It’s time for us to return to the group. Goodbye. The lesson is summarized. Children share their impressions.
Quote from:

The summary of the given lesson is a classic example of decorative drawing in the middle group. There is one significant remark - it is recommended to conduct physical education in the middle of the lesson, and not at the end (after the theoretical and practical parts). A dynamic pause is necessary for children as a change of activity and a way to relieve tension.

The dolls will be happy: the guys created unique things

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