Child labor, its types and forms of organization in preschool educational institutions

The forms and methods of labor education are varied. They depend on the age and other characteristics of the children being raised; are aimed at developing the following qualities: hard work, discipline, conscientiousness, desire for results.

Fostering hard work begins early in life. In the family, then in a preschool institution, basic skills are instilled: ideas about responsibilities, responsibility and discipline. In the future, the forms become more complex and have a specialized character.

The main goal of instilling industriousness is the formation of a little person’s psychological and practical readiness for work . Labor education is very closely connected with civic and moral education; it forms the foundation of creative activity, productivity in studies, sports, amateur performances, and other areas of activity. It is a component of the moral development of the individual.

New trends in labor education methods

Economic, social, environmental conditions determine the constant improvement of labor training and education methods: the emergence of new technologies, the introduction of the latest forms, methods, and techniques. They are based on the principle of variability.

While maintaining the unity of state requirements and their typical nature, labor education programs are drawn up taking into account the composition of those being educated, their age, regional characteristics, and traditions. This opens up opportunities for reducing the use of reproductive methods and increasing the proportion of research and creative forms of work. Inclusion in the labor sphere is carried out taking into account the physiological characteristics , psychological and social readiness of children, taking into account interests and inclinations.

Conditions for successful educational activities

When upbringing, the order of actions, the distribution of responsibilities in the team, the appointment of those responsible, and the availability of forms for summing up are of particular importance. Practical demonstration, training in the main methods, techniques, and compliance with safety are important. It is necessary to use incentives and, if necessary, punishment and censure. Public recognition of work results and approval by adults play an important role.


The main condition for success is the inclusion of the child in activities that are feasible for his age and physical capabilities. If it is organized correctly, it will contribute to the formation of the necessary moral qualities: hard work, accuracy, discipline, diligence, perseverance.

Labor becomes educational under several conditions:

  • It must be significant and socially useful. This is the only way to realize the significance of the work. Understanding that it brings benefits to people gives additional motivation for work activity;
  • The result should be something useful, of value for the team, for oneself and for adults. If the child does not see results, there is not much benefit from the work, the desire to work may disappear;
  • Work must be collective. This is the implementation of assigned tasks together, capable of uniting with a common goal. It provides an opportunity to gain experience of interaction, mutual assistance, and solidarity;
  • He must be proactive, preferably creative, various forms of self-government and self-organization must be used;
  • Labor must be feasible, if possible connected with educational or other educational activities, it cannot be coercion, and punishing a child with it is unacceptable;
  • You need to demand not just that the assigned task be completed, but that it be completed carefully and conscientiously.

Problems of labor education in preschool educational institutions and schools

Only if these conditions are met can labor be considered a real means of shaping the personality of a new generation.

We recommend “Problems of labor education of preschool children.”

Forms of organizing the labor activity of preschool children

Inna Borisova

Forms of organizing the labor activity of preschool children

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The choice of one form or another of organizing children’s work depends primarily on:

1) age and psychophysiological capabilities of children;

2) the level of work experience of children;

3) specific educational tasks set by the teacher organizing work activities;

4) content of work.

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The content of labor is realized in different forms of organization:

- assignments (for individual children, small groups,

- duty (in the dining room, classes, corner of nature, children taking turns performing duties,

- collective work (organized by the teacher and the children themselves, small groups and the whole group).

Depending on the age of the children, one or another form of organization of children is used. Thus, at a younger age, great preference is given to assignments; at an older age, work increasingly acquires a collective character.

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1. Instructions are tasks, requests that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual capabilities, experience, as well as educational tasks. This is the first form of organization of labor activity.

Orders can be:

· by form of organization (individual, subgroup, general);

· by duration; (short-term, episodic, long-term);

· according to difficulty (simple, complex).

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Taking into account some features of orders, they can be grouped:

Group 1 – instructions related to the implementation of one method of action:

give, bring, carry, help a friend. They are short-term, episodic, caused by temporary necessity.

Group 2 – instructions that contain several methods of action,

several labor operations. This may include the instructions of the following

maintenance: feed animals, water indoor plants, etc.

Group 3 – assignments related to the results that children achieve

not immediately: sow, plant, bring a postcard, comb, etc. from home.

Assignments are widely used in all age groups of kindergarten:

— In the younger group they are the leading form of labor organization. Therefore, work with children on labor education should begin with individual assignments, which the child carries out together with the teacher, and only much later move on to other forms. In younger groups, the instructions are individual, specific and simple, containing one or two actions (lay out the spoons on the table, bring a watering can, remove the doll’s dresses for washing, etc.). Such elementary tasks involve children in activities aimed at benefiting the team, in conditions where they are not yet able to organize work on their own.

— In the middle group, the teacher instructs the children to wash their doll’s clothes, wash their toys, sweep the paths, and rake the sand into a pile. These tasks are more complex, because they contain not only several actions, but also elements of self-organization (prepare a place for work, determine its sequence, etc.).

— In the older group, individual assignments are organized in those types of work in which children’s skills are not sufficiently developed, or when they are taught new skills. Individual instructions are also given to children who need additional training or especially careful control (when the child is inattentive and often distracted), i.e., if necessary, individualize the methods of influence.

— In a preparatory group for school, when carrying out general assignments, children must demonstrate the necessary self-organization skills, and therefore the teacher is more demanding of them, moving from explanation to control and reminder.

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2. Duty is a form of organizing children’s work, which involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the entire group.

On duty, to a greater extent than on assignment, the social orientation of work, the real, practical care of several (one) children for others are highlighted, therefore this form contributes to the development of responsibility, a humane, caring attitude towards people and nature.

In the younger group, in the process of running errands, children acquired the skills necessary to set the table and became more independent when doing work. This allows the middle group to introduce canteen duty at the beginning of the year. There is one person on duty at each table every day. In the second half of the year, duties are introduced to prepare for classes. In older groups, duty in a corner of nature is introduced. The duty officers change daily, each of the children systematically participates in all types of duty.

Having learned all this, children master the ability to coordinate their actions, negotiate, and distribute responsibilities independently. It is important to maintain consistency and promptly transfer children from one level of difficulty to another. The teacher pays attention to the pace and quality of work. Duty duty contributes to the systematic inclusion of children in work activities. The tasks, duration and content of duty depend on the age of the children and the educational purpose. The main meaning of duty is caring for others.

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3. General, joint, collective work primarily contributes to solving the problems of moral education. General, joint and especially collective work creates favorable conditions for the development in children of the ability to coordinate their actions, help each other, establish a uniform pace of work, and complete a task within a certain time frame.

Common work presupposes an organization of children’s work in which, with a common goal, each child performs some part of the work independently and at the end of the work the overall result is summed up.

Example: The teacher invites the children to restore order in the group and distributes responsibilities. After finishing work, the teacher draws attention to the fact that everyone is working well. And here is the result - the group is clean and beautiful

Joint work involves the interaction of children. In the process of work, children become dependent on each other: on the pace and quality of the work of others. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to cultivate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely address each other with requests, agree on joint actions, and help each other.

Example: who to assign Nastya to work with - she gets distracted, what task is best to give to Yura - he doesn’t know how to work quickly, etc.

Collective can be called a form of labor organization in which children, along with labor ones, solve more complex - moral - problems: they agree on the division of labor, help each other if necessary, turn to peers for help, rejoice at their successes, the general results of work, They are worried about the quality of common, joint work. The collective form contributes to the targeted development of collective relationships and creates a positive emotional mood.

So, not every common and not even every joint work is collective. But every collective work is common and joint. It is important that the teacher knows how to organize truly collective work of children.

Types of labor education

The typology of labor education is determined by the type of work performed by the child. It is customary to highlight:

  • educational work (physical, mental);
  • socially useful;
  • production (work to create significant material assets.

Education in educational work is the assimilation, acquisition of the necessary skills, a means of preparation for social labor activity, creativity.

Education through socially useful labor (domestic, social and organizational) includes practical training, work in canteens, on school grounds, collecting scrap metal, planting forests, helping with cleaning, caring for the elderly. This type is intended to show the importance of work activities for society and allows the child to receive moral satisfaction from his activities.

Household work , part of socially useful work, is aimed at satisfying the everyday needs of both the child himself and the team.

Productive work is more suitable for high school age. It is usually paid and is a transition to the real work of an adult.

Early childhood education

Labor education of preschool children includes the following types of activities:

  • Self-care – servicing oneself (washing, caring for oneself and others);
  • Household - maintaining cleanliness and order at home, in a preschool institution;
  • Work in nature: caring for plants, feeding animals;
  • Manual, artistic and applied labor contributes to the development of basic skills, abilities, knowledge (work on crafts from different materials, modeling, drawing and other types).

The work of preschool children: types, forms of organization, tasks of labor education

Kalinina Natalia

The work of preschool children: types, forms of organization, tasks of labor education


Hard work and the ability to work are not given to a person by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Understanding the huge role of labor in educating the younger generation, the great teachers K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others often touched on this topic in their works.

The great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky argued that “the material fruits of labor constitute human property; but only the inner spiritual life-giving power of labor serves as a source of human dignity, and at the same time morality and happiness.” Quoted from: Education of a preschooler at work / Ed . V. G. Nechaeva, R. S. Bure. - M., 1991. P. 24.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky also wrote about this: “ work becomes a great educator when it enters into the spiritual life of pupils , gives the joy of friendship and camaraderie, develops inquisitiveness and curiosity, gives rise to the exciting joy of overcoming difficulties , reveals more and more new beauty in the world around us, awakens the first civic feeling - the feeling of the creator of material wealth, without which human life is impossible.” Right there. P. 25.

Labor has always been the basis for human life and culture. Therefore, in educational work it should be one of the most basic elements,” believed A. S. Makarenko. Right there.

Labor is the most important means of education , starting from preschool age ; in the process the child’s personality is formed and collective relationships are formed.

The entire process of raising children in kindergarten can and should be organized so that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity of work for themselves and for the team. Treating work with love and seeing joy in it is a necessary condition for the manifestation of a person’s creativity and talents.

Labor education is a necessary and essential condition for the successful preparation of children for school. Children raised to work from an early age are distinguished in school by their independence, organization , activity, neatness, and ability to serve themselves. Labor is what develops a little person, supports him, helps him assert himself. That is why the topic of instilling hard work in children will always remain relevant.

1. Concept and tasks of labor education of preschool children

Among the educational tasks put forward by society, the issues of labor education of children always come first.

Labor is a central social phenomenon. All values ​​embodied in objects of material and spiritual culture are created by human labor .

The concept of labor is interpreted as “expedient human activity aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to satisfy one’s needs.” Markova T. A. Cultivating hard work in preschoolers . - M., 1991. C12.

The work of adults differs significantly from the work of children . The work of people in society is always aimed at creating material and spiritual values. The work of children does not and cannot have such significance. The results of work satisfy the needs of the child himself or those around him.

An objective assessment of the results of a child’s work is extremely difficult . But at the same time, the preschooler, in the process of labor, makes a true labor effort , begins to realize its significance, the focus on satisfying his needs. His inclusion in work is always ensured by motives that are essential for him, and, finally, the child experiences a high emotional uplift and joy from the results achieved. Work captivates the child , allows him to feel his capabilities, experience the joy of the results achieved, and joint activities unite children with common emotional experiences, thereby contributing to the formation of a children's society.

In the work of a preschooler, a connection with play is clearly revealed. labor in nature : they contain imaginary labor operations . But not only this exhausts the meaning of the game, in which the child, in role-playing actions, reflects the work of adults . Taking on the role of an adult, he becomes imbued with an emotional attitude towards the actions being performed: he worries about the patient, pays attention to passengers, etc. He experiences emotional uplift, excitement, joy, his feelings correspond to the feelings of a worker, although they are not associated with labor efforts .

Hard work and the ability to work are cultivated from early childhood. Labor education is “a joint activity of the teacher and pupils , aimed at developing general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work , the formation of a responsible attitude towards work and its products , and a conscious choice of profession” Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. - St. Petersburg, 2000. P. 116. .

Preschool pedagogy identifies the following main tasks of children's labor education : familiarization with the work of adults and instilling respect for it ; training in simple labor skills ; nurturing interest in work , hard work and independence ; education of socially oriented motives for work , the ability to work in a team and for a team. Kozlova S. A. Kulikova T. A. Preschool pedagogy . - M., 2004. P. 214.

Based on the classification of Yu. K. Babansky, V. I. Loginova, V. G. Nechaeva, two groups of tasks of labor education of preschool children :

1. Helping the child master work activities : mastering the structure of activities, acquiring work skills and abilities.

2. Development of the child’s personality in work : development of personality traits and qualities; forming relationships ; acquisition of social experience of interaction. Right there.

The labor education of preschoolers does not end in kindergarten. In kindergarten, in the family, in the social environment accessible to him - everywhere the child encounters the work of adults , uses its results. At first, the attention of children is attracted only by external aspects: the process of labor actions , the movement of mechanisms, machines. Consistently familiarizing children with the work of adults in their immediate environment, and then outside the kindergarten, allows them to form of labor actions , to explain, using specific examples, the attitude of adults to work and its social significance.

Teachers of a preschool educational institution must cooperate with the family in the process of labor education of preschoolers .

The knowledge of preschool children about the work of adults should have a great influence on the formation of their correct attitude towards work , however, it can remain formal if familiarization with work activities is not combined with the work of the children themselves .

" Kindergarten education "

reveals the scope
of labor skills that children of each age group must master. So, for example, when developing in younger preschoolers the skills and abilities of household work , the teacher teaches them to wipe toys with a damp cloth, rinse clothes, etc. In the middle group, children rinse and wring out the cloth used to wipe toys, soap doll clothes, and wash them. . Older preschoolers wash toys with a sponge and soap, wash small items, prepare the necessary equipment for classes, work , games, and then put it in order.
When determining the content and sequence of teaching children labor skills , the teacher must take into account the characteristics of their age, the availability of the proposed labor , its educational value , as well as the sanitary and hygienic requirements for its organization .

In the course of teaching labor skills, the teacher creates in children the desire to do independently everything that they can do, coming to help whenever they need it. Preschoolers should not be allowed to experience disappointment from unsuccessful attempts to independently cope with the proposed task, since in these cases, self-doubt and reluctance to work .

It is necessary to remember that work should bring children joy: from the results achieved, from their usefulness to others.

In kindergarten, the task of developing in children the ability to work in a team . This happens gradually, by uniting children in the labor into small groups with a common task (if they already have experience working together, then a group of 6-7 participants can perform task In the process of such work, the teacher forms in children the idea of ​​shared responsibility for the assigned task, the ability to act independently and in a coordinated manner, to distribute work among themselves, coming to each other’s aid and striving to achieve results through joint efforts. All this enriches their experience of relationships in activities and gives them a positive character.

Thus, work activity is one of the important factors in personal development . By getting involved in the labor process , a child radically changes his entire understanding of himself and the world around him. Self-esteem changes radically. It changes under the influence of success in work , which in turn changes the child’s status in the peer group. In the process of labor, the physical strength and mental activity of children are activated.

In the process of work , abilities, skills and abilities are developed. New types of thinking are formed in . As a result of collective work , the child gains skills in work, communication, and cooperation , which improves the child’s adaptation in society. Labor is an equivalent subject in the kindergarten curriculum.

2. Types of work of preschool children

The work of children in kindergarten is varied. This allows them to maintain their interest in activities and provide them with a comprehensive education . There are four main types of child labor : self-service, domestic labor , outdoor labor and manual labor . Kutsakova. L.V. Moral and labor education in kindergarten . For working with children 3-7 years old. - M., 2007. pp. 16 - 24.

Self-care is aimed at caring for oneself (washing, undressing, dressing, making the bed, preparing the workplace, etc.). The educational significance of this type of work activity lies, first of all, in its vital necessity. Due to the daily repetition of actions, self-service skills are firmly acquired by children; self-care begins to be recognized as a responsibility.

Household and household work of preschoolers are not so noticeable in comparison with other types of their labor This work is aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises and area, helping adults in organizing routine processes . Children learn to notice any violation of order in a group room or area and, on their own initiative, eliminate it. Household work is aimed at serving the team and therefore contains great opportunities for cultivating a caring attitude towards peers.

Labor in nature involves the participation of children in caring for plants and animals, growing plants in a corner of nature, in a vegetable garden, in a flower garden. This type of work is of particular importance for the development of observation, nurturing a caring attitude towards all living things, and love for one’s native nature. It helps the teacher solve the problems of children’s physical development, improving movements, increasing endurance, and developing the ability for physical effort.

Manual labor develops children's constructive abilities, useful practical skills and orientation, creates interest in work , willingness to do it, cope with it, the ability to evaluate one's capabilities, the desire to do the job as best as possible (stronger, more stable, more graceful, more accurate)


Through experience, children learn elementary concepts about the properties of various materials: the material undergoes various transformations, a variety of things can be made from it. Thus, while learning to make useful items from thick paper, children learn that it can be folded, cut, and glued.

Wood can be sawed, planed, cut, drilled, glued. When working with wood, the guys use a hammer, saw, and pliers. They learn to compare details by superposition, by eye, using a ruler. Working with natural materials - leaves, acorns, straw, bark, etc. - gives the teacher the opportunity to introduce children to the variety of its qualities: color, shape , hardness.

Thus, there are four main types of child labor : self-service, household labor , labor in nature and manual labor . However, these forms are not limited to the work activity of preschool children , which is characterized by diversity. This allows them to maintain their interest in activities and provide them with a comprehensive education .

3. Forms of labor organization for preschool children

The work of preschool children in kindergarten is organized in three main forms : in the form of assignments , duty, and collective work . Kutsakova. L.V. Moral and labor education in kindergarten . For working with children 3-7 years old. - M., 2007. pp. 38 - 49.

Assignments are tasks that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual capabilities, experience, as well as educational tasks .

Instructions can be short-term or long-term, individual or general, simple (containing one uncomplicated specific action)

or more complex, including a whole chain of sequential actions.

Carrying out work assignments helps children develop an interest in work and a sense of responsibility for the assigned task. The child must concentrate his attention, show strong will in order to complete the task and inform the teacher about the completion of the assignment.

In younger groups, the instructions are individual, specific and simple, containing one or two actions (lay out spoons on the table, bring a watering can, remove dresses from the doll for washing, etc.). Such elementary tasks involve children in activities aimed at benefiting the team, in conditions where they are not yet able to organize work on their own.

In the middle group, the teacher instructs the children to wash doll clothes, wash toys, sweep paths, and rake sand into a pile on their own. These tasks are more complex , because they contain not only several actions, but also elements of self-organization (prepare a place for work, determine its sequence, etc.)


In the older group, individual assignments are organized in those types of work in which children’s skills are not sufficiently developed, or when they are taught new skills. Individual assignments are also given to children who need additional training or particularly careful supervision (when the child is inattentive and often distracted)

i.e., if necessary, individualize methods of influence.

In a school preparatory group, when carrying out general assignments, children must demonstrate the necessary self-organization , and therefore the teacher is more demanding of them, moving from explanation to control and reminder.

Duty duty is a form of organizing children’s work , which requires the child to perform work aimed at serving the team. Children are alternately included in different types of duty , which ensures systematic participation in work . The appointment and change of duty officers occurs daily. Duties have great educational value . They place the child under conditions of obligatory fulfillment of certain tasks necessary for the team. This allows to develop responsibility towards the team, caring, and an understanding of the necessity of their work for everyone.

In the younger group, in the process of running errands, children acquired the skills necessary to set the table and became more independent when doing work. This allows the middle group to introduce canteen duty at the beginning of the year. There is one person on duty at each table every day. In the second half of the year, duties are introduced to prepare for classes. In older groups, duty in a corner of nature is introduced. The duty officers change daily, each of the children systematically participates in all types of duty.

The most complex form of organizing children's work is collective work . It is widely used in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, when skills become more stable and the results of work have practical and social significance. Children already have sufficient experience in participating in various types of duty and in carrying out various assignments. Increased capabilities allow the teacher to solve more complex problems of labor education : he teaches children to negotiate upcoming work, work at the right pace, and complete a task within a certain time frame . In the older group, the teacher uses such a form of uniting children as common work , when children receive a common task for all and when at the end of the work a general result is summed up.

work takes on special importance when children become dependent on each other in the process of work. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to cultivate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely address each other with requests, agree on joint actions, and help each other.

Thus, the main forms of work for preschoolers are : running errands, being on duty, and collective work activities .


Labor education is one of the most important aspects of raising the younger generation. In a preschool educational institution, labor education consists of familiarizing children with the work of adults , introducing children to the work activities .

The main types of work in kindergarten are self-service, household work , work in nature , manual and artistic labor .

Forms of its organization : orders; duty roster; collective work of children .

Properly organized and feasible work unites children , promotes mutual assistance , discipline, the ability to distribute forces and overcome difficulties , promotes independence , initiative, the desire to do a good job, and the habit of cooperation . Reasonably directed feasible work promotes the physical development of children, the growth of overall performance and endurance of the body , accuracy and coordination of movements. In the process of work , children acquire the necessary skills, including the skills of caring for plants and animals, master the simplest operations with objects (pencil, hammer, learn about materials and their properties.

In the process of familiarizing themselves with the work of adults, the teacher forms in children a positive attitude towards their work , a caring attitude towards its results, and a desire to provide adults with all possible help. By including children in work activities , the teacher develops work skills , develops the habit of work effort , responsibility, caring, thrift, hard work , willingness to participate in work , without avoiding unpleasant work, and forms positive relationships between children.

In order for children to work with pleasure , it is necessary to create an emotionally positive atmosphere. Properly organize the material environment and work equipment . It is important to take into account the load, avoiding overloading children. It is imperative to take into account the individual interests and inclinations of children for one or another type of work .

In a preschool educational institution, specially organized work with parents ; they must be explained what a huge role work plays in the upbringing of preschoolers , how important it is to jointly create all the necessary conditions under which work would truly become a means of moral education of children .

Forms of labor education

Even Makarenko A. was looking for forms of organization that contributed to the formation of a developed and purposeful personality. The main idea of ​​his system was education through labor in the team and through the team. Not everyone knows what form was proposed by Makarenko for the effective education of the younger generation. This form became a combined detachment, which received a modern continuation in the form of squads and volunteer detachments.

All forms aimed at developing hard work are combined into several groups:

  • Individual (fulfillment of orders, individual tasks and requirements);
  • Collective (socially useful type of work) is aimed at the child’s adaptation in society and the team;
  • Group (holidays, matinees, competitions).

There are many forms of education. They are subject to certain conditions. The most popular forms: individual assignments, various types of social work (volunteer teams, shifts, holidays, cleaning, landscaping, landscaping, repairing furniture and textbooks).

Effective forms of developing the right personal attitude towards work are:

  • work in units to perform work;
  • development of labor traditions;
  • shows, exhibitions, competitions;
  • detachments and labor landing;
  • individual orders.

The labor education system uses the maximum possible number of forms to ensure the education of responsibility, hard work, organization, and collectivism in the younger generation.

Forms of work with preschoolers

The number of forms for preschool children is also quite large. They are distinguished by their simplicity and at the same time invaluable power in educational impact. The most used forms in preschool education:

  • Assignments (individual, group and general; short-term, long-term);
  • Duty - organization of activities that involve work to serve oneself and the children's team;
  • Collective, joint activity is the activity of a group of children united by one goal.

Creativity can also be called one of the forms of developing labor qualities in a preschool educational institution.

Forms of organization of work for preschool children.

Forms of organization of work for preschool children.

The work of preschool children in kindergarten is organized in three main forms: in the form of assignments, duties, and collective work activities.


- these are tasks that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual capabilities, experience, as well as educational tasks.

Instructions can be short-term or long-term, individual or general, simple (containing one simple specific action) or more complex, including a whole chain of sequential actions.

Carrying out work assignments helps children develop an interest in work and a sense of responsibility for the assigned task. The child must concentrate his attention, show strong will in order to complete the task and inform the teacher about the completion of the assignment.

In younger groups, the instructions are individual, specific and simple, containing one or two actions (lay out spoons on the table, bring a watering can, remove dresses from the doll for washing, etc.). Such elementary tasks involve children in activities aimed at benefiting the team, in conditions where they are not yet able to organize work on their own.

In the middle group, the teacher instructs the children to wash doll clothes, wash toys, sweep paths, and rake sand into a pile on their own. These tasks are more complex, because they contain not only several actions, but also elements of self-organization (prepare a place for work, determine its sequence, etc.).

In the older group, individual assignments are organized in those types of work in which children have insufficiently developed skills, or when they are taught new skills. Individual assignments are also given to children who need additional training or particularly careful supervision (when the child is inattentive and often distracted), i.e. if necessary, individualize methods of influence.

In a school preparatory group, when carrying out general assignments, children must demonstrate the necessary self-organization skills, and therefore the teacher is more demanding of them, moving from explanation to control and reminder.

Duty roster

- a form of organizing children’s work, which requires the child to perform work aimed at serving the team. Children are alternately included in different types of duty, which ensures systematic participation in work. The appointment and change of duty officers occurs daily. Duties have great educational value. They place the child under conditions of obligatory fulfillment of certain tasks necessary for the team. This allows children to develop responsibility towards the team, caring, and an understanding of the necessity of their work for everyone.

In the younger group, in the process of running errands, children acquired the skills necessary to set the table and became more independent when doing work. This allows the middle group to introduce canteen duty at the beginning of the year. There is one person on duty at each table every day. In the second half of the year, duties are introduced to prepare for classes. In older groups, duty in a corner of nature is introduced. The duty officers change daily, each of the children systematically participates in all types of duty.

The most complex form of organizing children's work is collective work

. It is widely used in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, when skills become more stable and the results of work have practical and social significance. Children already have sufficient experience in participating in various types of duty and in carrying out various assignments. Increased capabilities allow the teacher to solve more complex problems of labor education: he teaches children to negotiate upcoming work, work at the right pace, and complete a task within a certain time frame. In the older group, the teacher uses such a form of uniting children as common work, when children receive a common task for everyone and when, at the end of the work, a general result is summed up.

In the preparatory group, joint work takes on special importance when children become dependent on each other in the process of work. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to cultivate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely address each other with requests, agree on joint actions, and help each other.

Methods of labor education

There are several groups of methods:

  • Methods of forming consciousness, used to form views, ideals, beliefs, attitudes. They contribute to the formation of feelings and moral experiences. Methods of personality formation are methods of persuasion: they convince the child of the correctness of actions, allow him to understand the need for work as an obligatory part of society . Persuasion can be achieved using methods: stories, explanations, suggestion, instruction, example, conversations;
  • Methods of organizing socially significant activities allow the child to understand the role of his work and the benefits it brings;
  • Stimulation methods: proper encouragement or punishment, competition. Approval from adults is always important; as a result, the child can experience inner satisfaction, the realization that he has achieved success in completing the task. Blame is also important.

Labor education at school

The choice of methods depends on the goals and objectives, the individual characteristics of the individual child, and the level of work readiness.

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