Drawing in the senior group, residents of the friendship house. Lesson summary on the topic: “Friendship” in the senior group. in the senior group on the topic: “About friendship and friends”

Progress of classes in the senior group of kindergarten

1. Organization of children. Creative beginning.

We go into the room. There is a chest and balloons there.

Educator. What it is? Who is all this from? There is also a letter from someone. Yes, it is also sound. Let's listen to him.

“Hello, dear children. Pinocchio is in trouble. After the performance, the evil Karabas Barabas locked it in a chest. We dolls couldn't help him. Children! Help Pinocchio! I give you balls with tasks. If you complete them, you will be able to open the chest and free the cheerful Pinocchio. Thank you. Malvina."

Educator. - Shall we help Pinocchio?

What is the task on the first ball? (microphone)

Let's see. Malvina offers to play a game.

Game "Say the opposite".

But you will speak words into the microphone that have opposite meanings (good, evil, brave, gentle, honest, tears, sadness, trouble, greedy, evil, hatred.)

Educator. - So we have completed the first task.

Let's see what second task Malvina has prepared for us (a TV is drawn)

What do you think these tasks might be?

Yes, she invites us to watch a cartoon (the children sit in a semicircle on chairs)

2. Watching a cartoon.

3. Conversation based on the cartoon.

What is the name of the cartoon you just watched?

Can the heroes be called friends? Why?

Did they do the right thing?

How would you do it? What way out of this situation would you find?

Perhaps this happens when you quarrel with your friends? What words are you saying?

Sorry, I won't do this again. Please forgive me. Make up, make up and don’t fight anymore.

Lena will recite a poem about magic words.

Who wants to write poems about friends?

4. Telling poems about friends.

You're all friends in the same group. All friends. And I suggest you take a short trip.

5. Physical school

Educator. — Our journey is over. Let's each give our friend a good feeling now. (Children stand in a circle.)

6. Game “Give a second good feeling”

But we have one more task left.

What is this, let's see.

What do you think we need to do? (Written sentence diagram).

I suggest you name the proverbs that you know about friendship.

Now, please, lay out diagrams based on your proverbs. (Children sit at tables).

7. Writing proverb diagrams.

Well done, we completed all the tasks.

Let's try to open the chest. And in order to open it we need to say the magic words (the chest opens and Pinocchio appears)

Pinocchio. Good afternoon. Thank you, dear children, for rescuing me. And for this I want to give you sweet gifts. May you always be kind and come to the aid of everyone.

8. Summary of the lesson.

Thank you Buratino. Come with us to the group. You will be a true friend to us.

Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, other holidays, preparatory group, senior group, games about friendship for children
Svetashova Elena Aleksandrovna

Friendship forever! International Friends Day is June 9th. Notes for senior and preparatory groups.

Age: senior preschool age


— updating and expanding children’s knowledge about International Friends Day;

- developing an understanding of friendship as an important feeling in the life of every person;

- That's right, that means it's a holiday. And not only in our kindergarten, but throughout the world! What holiday is today?

Children's guesses.

- But listen to the hint.

A child reads Olga Travina’s poem “Friendship.”

Children's guesses.

- Right! Every year on June 9th the whole world celebrates International Friends Day! Are you guys friends with each other?

Children's answers.

- Then let's say “hello” and shake hands with each of our friends!

Children perform an action.

— International Friends Day dates back to 1958. This holiday was born in the USA and became worldwide. After all, a true friend will always support you in difficult times, rejoice with you, and help with advice and deeds. And the memory of these moments will always be kept in your hearts. You will never forget your preschool friends, will you?

Children's answers.

View the presentation.

- Which . How do you understand it?

Children's answers.

- Who can you be friends with?

Children's answers.

— I also have a dog, and I named him Buddy. Let's call my four-legged friend!

Buddy appears with a basket in his teeth. Welcomes children.

- My friend, what do you have in your basket?

- Today I woke up early, ran around all the countries of the world and collected proverbs about friendship!

- What a great fellow you are! (takes cards out of the basket) Oh, there are not enough words here!

- They probably fell out when I was in a hurry to attend your holiday!

- Don't be upset, my friend! The guys and I already know how to read, and we will help you restore all the proverbs.

Game “Guess the proverb about friendship”

- My mood has somehow disappeared. Eh, I'm confused!

- Guys, let's cheer up Buddy and sing him a funny song!

Song "Friendship" (Barbariki)

- Great! Let's play now!

Title of the lesson: Notes on friendship in preschool educational institutions for senior preschool age

Outdoor game “Friendly relay race”.

Overcoming a series of obstacles, the guys must carry the friendship balloon to the finish line.

Friend (holding a friendship ball in his hands):

- How fragile this ball of friendship is! And to preserve it, you need to follow the rules.

What rules of friendship do you know?

Children's answers.

- Now I will show you a cartoon about real friends.

Watching the cartoon “The Greatest Friend”

Analysis after viewing.

- Are you real friends? Now we will check it!

Game "Friendship Crossing".

- You are the truest true friends! I wonder how your friendship began?

Children's answers.

- And I know where friendship begins!

Watch the video clip “Friendship begins with a smile.”

- Let's have a big friendly round dance!

Festive disco.

Festive tea party.


Summary of a lesson about friendship in kindergarten for children of senior preschool age
International Day of Friends - June 9, Friendship Day holiday, games about friendship for children, preparatory group, senior group
Position: teacher Place of work: MADOU MO Krasnodar "Kindergarten" No. 196" Location: Krasnodar
Olga Shchavelyuk

Summary of the final lesson in the senior group “About friendship and friends”

Shavelyuk Olga Alekseevna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 98"

Sverdlovsk region


Program content:

To instill in children a sense of conscious need for each other, an understanding of mutual assistance and friendship


Develop dialogical speech, the ability to maintain a conversation, activate the vocabulary;

Strengthen in children the ability to express their thoughts in complete sentences;

Understand the meaning of proverbs about friendship

, associate the meaning of a proverb with a specific situation;

Improve the ability to dramatize a fable, expressively conveying the images of the characters;

Learn to find a way out of conflict situations;

Teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partner when doing work together.

Preliminary work:

Reading works: “Aibolit and the Sparrow”

K. Chukovsky,
“Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring”
by K. D. Ushinsky,
“Cube upon cube”
by Y. Taits,
“Two Comrades”
by L. Tolstoy,
“They Quarreled”
by A. Kuznetsov,
by N. Durov, “Sheep”
by S. Mikhalkov,
by K. Tangrykuliev, etc.

Conversations: “A good word heals, but a bad word cripples”

“Stupid people quarrel, but smart people come to an agreement”

D/games and exercises: “Recognize your friends by their voices

, "This day without you"
"Finish the sentence"
"Show gestures and facial expressions"

Equipment: trees; bear costume; illustrations about friendship

books: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”
“The Silver Hoof”
“Three from Prostokvashino”
“The Little Humpbacked Horse”
“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”
“At the Command of the Pike”
“Fire Dogs”,
cassette with the song “Song of
; cards for the task “Find the differences”
; drawings with mittens; pencils; easel; cards with graphic depictions of emotions.

summary of educational activity with children “Tree of Friendship”

Abstract of the educational activity “Tree of Friendship”


children 6-7 years old.


bringing children together.


- clarify ideas about friendship and friendly attitude towards others;

— develop communication skills;

- activate auditory and visual attention, logical thinking, imagination;

— improve fine motor skills;

— cultivate a desire to value good relationships with children.

Materials, equipment:

— a list of statements for the game “True Friend”;

- ball;

— demonstration drawings “Tree with roots” (color version), “Tree with roots” (black and white version);

— handout cards “Tree without roots.”

Preliminary work: conversations on read fairy tales and stories about friendship, study of the structure of a tree and the purpose of its parts.

GCD move


Everyone stands in a common circle, holds hands and says in unison: “Good morning, everyone!”


The psychologist draws the children’s attention to a color image of a tree with roots and asks the children: “What is shown here?”, “What is the name of the lower part of the tree, which is located underground?”, “Why does a tree need roots?”

Main part.


. The adult invites the children to listen to the proverb: “A tree is strong with its roots, and a person is strong with its friends.” Then the guys say how they understand this expression.

Game "True Friend"

. The specialist offers to raise their hands to those children who want to be like this tree, strong, i.e. have friends. The psychologist further says that only a true friend can make a person strong, and therefore you need to make sure what a real friend should be like. If the guys think that a real friend should be like an adult says, they need to clap their hands; if they don’t, they should stamp their feet. A true friend... - kind

- understands his friends - caring - cowardly - grateful - knows how to keep secrets - greedy - fights with friends - patient.

The specialist generalizes: “You noticed everything correctly, a true friend should be kind, caring, grateful, he understands his friends and knows how to keep their secrets.”

Game “Name your neighbor affectionately.”

The adult offers to show that the guys are kind to each other. You need to pass the ball to your neighbor, calling him by name affectionately, looking into his eyes, for example: “Olenka.”

Game "Pass the ball in a circle."

The psychologist asks to pass the ball to the neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it. Whoever drops it is out of the game. The second time, turn your back in a circle, point your hands behind your back and pass the ball to your neighbor. The third time is to remain in the same position, but close your eyes.

Game "These are all my friends."

If the child thinks that this is about him and his friends, he answers: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” If he thinks otherwise, he remains silent:

Summary of a lesson on drawing with palms. Collective composition “Tree of Friendship”

Pivaeva Olesya

Summary of a lesson on drawing with palms. Collective composition “Tree of Friendship”

Summary of a drawing lesson ( collective composition )

using non-traditional
drawing (
palm painting ) Tree of Friendship


Goals and objectives: to introduce children to an unconventional drawing ( palms )


— Learn to draw with your palms . Form friendly relationships in the team .

-Cultivate neatness; develop children's creative activity.

Materials: yellow, red, orange and green paints, prepared Whatman paper with a painted tree , napkins for each child.

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