Mood corner in a kindergarten groupconsultation

"School of Friendship and Kindness"

Game “Who Gave Kind Words?”

Goal: harmonization of relationships in children’s communication, teaching the ability to show kind feelings towards another person.

Age: 4–7 years.

Description Children stand in a circle. A driver is selected, sits on a chair in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. Participants in the game walk in a circle saying:

Here the game will begin now, The rain of kind words will fall. Guess who came up and gave kind words.

The child, whom the psychologist (or teacher) touches with his hand, approaches the driver and, touching him gently, gives kind words. For example, “Petya, you are caring, smart and kind.” The driver must recognize by the voice the one who gave the kind words. If the driver recognizes the player, the game continues with a new driver.

Game "Adults and Children"

This game is often used by practical psychologists (unfortunately, I cannot indicate the author). It has improved the part with the “magic” hand massage that children perform, as well as the final part of the game.

Goal: development of imagination, creation of goodwill and mutual understanding in children’s communication with each other.

Age: 5–7 years.

Description The group is divided into two subgroups: the first is “children”, the second is “adults”. “Children” sit on chairs placed in a circle. “Adults” stand behind the seated “children.” Before starting the game, they stroke and knead their hands, turning them into the gentle, kind hands of loved ones. A psychologist can show children how a “magic” hand massage is performed and accompany the actions with the words:

I will stroke my hands, Be kind little hands, To caress and gently stroke My little children.

After this, the “adults” begin to gently stroke the shoulders and arms of the “children.” After a few seconds, the “adults” change their charges. After 2–3 shifts, the “children” in their care determine: a) which “adult” is the most affectionate and gentle; b) with whose hands can the hands of an “adult” be compared: mother, father, grandfather, grandmother.

Then the “children” and “adults” change roles.

Game "School of Friendship"

Goal: children’s awareness of the value of friendly relationships in communicating with people.

Age: 5–7 years.

Description Children stand in a circle. All of them are students at the School of Friendship. An adult offers children cards with pictures of family members (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister). Psychologist (or teacher):

Be careful, look: There is a family member in the picture. What can you do to become a reliable friend?

Each child takes turns telling what he can do for this or that person to become his friend.

You can also use photographs of group children and kindergarten teachers.

Comment: all games can be used in work with children by both psychologists and kindergarten teachers and parents of preschoolers.

Tatiana SHIROKOVA teacher-psychologist, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 17, Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region

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