Summary of GCD in the senior group “Home Safety” outline of a lesson on life safety (senior group) on the topic

Safety at home and on the street

1. Cognitive development (Acquaintance with the surrounding world.)


"Take care of yourself".

Educational field.

Cognitive development.

Integration of areas.

Speech, social-communicative, physical, artistic and aesthetic.

Integrated tasks.

To clarify and expand children’s understanding of home – as a person’s dwelling. Beliefs about what behavior is dangerous. Fix the number of the unified rescue service 112. Develop the ability to avoid danger and take precautions. Cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself and others.

Types of children's activities.

Playful, communicative, motor, perception of fiction and folklore, cognitive and research.

Preliminary work.

Reading the poem “Uncle Styopa” by S. Mikhalkov, looking at illustrations about the fire.

Vocabulary work.

Fire, fire truck.

Materials and equipment.

Illustrations depicting household appliances.


Organizing time.

Conversation with children about fire, about firefighters.

Examination of illustrations depicting household appliances. “What can happen in the kitchen if you don’t follow safety rules.


Discuss with your children various situations in the apartment, on the playground, if you are left alone.

Bottom line

Methodological support.

A. A. Vakhrushev s. 290

2.Physical Culture

(according to the plan of the FC instructor).

3. Drawing.


“A cloud of dust mixes with the smoke, fire trucks are rushing”

Educational field.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of areas.

Speech, cognitive, physical, social and communicative.

Integrated tasks.

Systematize children's knowledge about life safety. Learn to draw fire, smoke, figures of people in motion. Establish fire safety rules.

Develop creative abilities. Develop the ability to evaluate your own drawings and the drawings of other children.

Cultivate respect for brave people - firefighters who come to the rescue at any moment.

Types of children's activities.

Productive, motor, communicative, cognitive-research, visual.

Preliminary work.

Reading the poem “Uncle Styopa” by S. Mikhalkov, looking at the illustrations.

Vocabulary work.

Fire, fire truck.

Materials and equipment.

Black paper, red, yellow, white gouache, film, white paper, pencil.


1. Organizational moment.

2. Conversation with children about fire, about firefighters.

3.Reading the poem by S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”

4. Physical training

5. Showing how to draw a fire at home. Fire truck, people.

6.Children’s independent work.

7. Exhibition of finished works.

8. Summary

Methodological support.

V. N. Volchkova p.39

Class hour on the topic “Safety at home and on the street” for elementary school children

  1. Class hour for the promotion Attention teenager!
  2. On the topic “Safety at home and on the street” for elementary school children

Goals and objectives: to introduce children to the basics of safety at home and on the street, to bring them to the understanding that safety depends on themselves, to prepare children to get out of unforeseen situations, to develop attention, memory, intelligence.

Equipment: pictures and slides depicting safety rules, a crossword puzzle, pictures with puzzles, pictures with dangerous objects.


Task 1. -Solve the crossword puzzle. 1. I am needle's relatives, but I have no ears. (Pin)

2. Look at me - I’m all full of holes. But I deftly rub carrots for you. (grater)

3. They hit Yarmulka on the back of the head, He doesn’t cry, He just hides his nose. (Nail)

4. Who is ready to cross their two swords over a piece of paper? (Scissors)

5. Four small fires are calling us to dinner: “It’s time” (Stove)

6. On the table in a cap and in a glass bottle, a friend settled - the Cheerful Light. (Lamp)

7. What is dangerous about me If there is no soup at the bottom? Only if the soup is hot, hide me from the children. (Pot)

8. Don’t touch him again! Not a toy - sharp... (Knife)

9. I am the most spirited worker, I beat as hard as I can. (Hammer)

10. I am pot-bellied and puffing, Rotozeev does not tolerate. If I want, I’ll pour boiling water over you. (Samovar)

11. At night, if I want, I’ll click once and turn it on for the day. (Switch)

12. Two legs conspired to make arcs and circles. Keep two legs in a pencil case, not on an armchair, on the sofa. (Compass)

— The topic of our lesson will appear in the highlighted column. Task 2. - Solve riddles about kitchen items that can be dangerous.

I have a sharp, iron blade. Handle with care, because you can cut yourself with it. (Knife.) Outside I am steel, Inside I am water, I am standing on the stove I will give everyone tea. (Kettle.) This is a cramped, cramped house, A hundred sisters huddle in it. And any of the sisters can flare up like a fire. (Matches) Four blue suns In grandma's kitchen, Four blue suns Burned and went out. The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling, the sun is not needed until tomorrow. (Gas stove.) Task 3. -Look at the picture and find violations of the rules for safe handling of appliances.

Task 4. -Name five safety rules in everyday life that begin with “NOT”.

Task 5. -Solve the puzzles and explain what danger these objects pose. BACK" + 'GLASSES (MATCHES) DUCK" + SOUTH (Iron) ROSE' + 'BRANCH (ROSETTE) WHALE' + 5″ + CURRENT (BOILING WATER) 'MIG + 'WOLF + A (NEEDLE) L=N FALSE' (Knife ) 'ONION + JUICE' + MUSTACHE' (Vinegar) Task 6. -Name the rules of behavior on the street starting with NOT

-Here are a few more rules. • DO NOT linger on the street on your way home from school. • DO NOT play outside when it is dark. • DO NOT let a stranger into your home. • DO NOT go anywhere with a stranger. • DO NOT get into a car with a stranger. • DO NOT meet people on the street. -And if suddenly an unpleasant situation happens, you need not to get lost and be able to quickly find a way out. Remember some rules. -Don't be too self-confident, don't act provocatively. -Try to suppress the enemy psychologically. -Speak to him boldly, don’t get confused, don’t let yourself be intimidated. -You can apply psychological pressure. Let the criminal believe that you are waiting for your dad or an adult relative, looking for a dog. You need to show that you are not afraid and say in a loud voice: “Rex! Leopard! To me!" Or run up to any house (as if it were your house) and shout under the windows: “Dad!” -How to get outside help? -First of all, you need to attract attention. -What is the best way to shout to get attention? (Fire!) -What can you do while running past a car? (Hit it to make the alarm sound.) -You are running past a group of people, what are your actions? (It’s better to crash into this group.) -What if you run past a shop window? (Hit the glass to make the alarm sound.) -How else can you attract attention to yourself? Task 7. -Decipher the warning text: coast + 'height(s) + no' + sign + 'comet'" + "'street (Beware of the stranger.) Task 8. -Listen to the quatrain: Gleb’s mom is at work. Suddenly his aunt approaches him: “Here’s some candy, dear, Let’s go with you to the zoo!” -Assess this situation. What would you do? Listen to the continuation. The boy didn’t go with his aunt: That’s very good! There is no need to take sweets and chocolate from strangers! The teacher will take us to the zoo, to the cinema, or on a hike. There is no way to forget, who are enemies and who are friends. Task 9. -Game “Finish the poem.” Every literate child must know firmly from the cradle: If you are invited to go swimming, To appear in TV, They promise to give you candy, Answer firmly... (“HET!”) They will offer you a monkey, Or even a bank of money, Or even a ticket to the circus Answer firmly... (" NO!”) They will invite you to fly to the Moon, Ride an elephant... There is a simple answer to everything, You must answer... (“HET!”) -Let’s talk about what to do if they are trying to lure you somewhere. -On the street, a stranger (man, woman, peer) approaches you and offers to watch an interesting film together, go for a ride in a car, go to a cafe, buy something cheap, or look at kittens. -Remember! A normal and decent stranger will never invite you without your parents: not to the sports section, not to the ballet school, not to the museum, not to the zoo, not to play on the computer at work! - Of course, the most reliable thing is not to enter into conversations with a stranger at all, it’s better to step aside. Very often they try to catch children with a cunning hook: “Yeah, so you’re afraid, scared, right?” You must remember once and for all that courage and stupidity are two different things. -Never allow a stranger to touch you. Know how to say “no” to anyone who makes you suspicious, hurts or harms you. You can interrupt the unwanted actions of a stranger by running away from him or loudly calling people for help. Task 10. -You saw a package on the street, or a beautiful toy, or a cell phone, what would you do? Anton was walking in the yard and he saw the suitcase. But Katya said sternly: “Don’t touch the suitcase, Anton, it’s dangerous to open it! This is clear even to a cat: By opening it, you can cause a terrible explosion!” Task 11. - Listen to the proverbs and explain their meaning. “Trouble comes to those who seek it” “Not every find is a treasure” “Not every person you meet is a dear friend” “Beware of troubles while they are not there” - Remember all the rules of behavior that we remembered today.

Teacher-psychologist, State Budgetary Institution of Further Professional Education of the Russian Orthodox Church: _______________ N.S. Zubrikhina

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