Summary of collective work in the preparatory group

Summary of classes on labor education preparatory group.

Summary of classes on labor education preparatory group


“You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty

Goal: to consolidate the skills of independently performing the full work process (from goal setting to result)

develop an interest in cooking; strengthen the skill of using a knife correctly and cutting vegetables into cubes; contribute to the development of a child’s hygienic culture during cooking; to form socially significant motives for work
, the ability to work carefully, diligently, and in a friendly manner; expand children's ideas about professions; develop auditory memory, imagination, thinking and speech.

Vocabulary: cutting vegetables into cubes, vinaigrette, technological map.

Products: boiled vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets; onions, salted cabbage, peas, salt, vegetable oil.

Material for the lesson

: aprons, caps, knives, cutting boards, bowls, spoon;
subject pictures for the game “Guess the Profession”
, crossword puzzle, letter, package, crow, musical accompaniment.

Models: labor process

: preparing vinaigrette; model of safety regulations.

Preliminary work: examination of thematic albums “Vegetables, fruits”

, didactic game
“Find out the taste”
“What grows in the garden”
, application
“What autumn brought us”
, reading and solving riddles about vegetables and fruits, memorizing proverbs and sayings about
, visiting the Museum of Fine Arts theme
“Still Life”
, task for parents to bring vegetables and fruits for salads.

Move for the lesson:

The wise Raven came to visit the children and tells them that their forest was attacked by the old woman Lenya. Because of this, the plants stopped growing, the animals did not feed their young, all the trees were covered in cobwebs, the entire forest became as if dead.

Raven asks children for good deeds, his hard work

free the forest from the old woman Leni and help the inhabitants of the forest.


: -
“Well, guys, let’s help the forest inhabitants?”
Children: - “Yes”



: —
“And for this you need to complete tasks”

Task 1 – “This is a crossword puzzle from a raven. If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, you will read in the vertically shaded cells what type of agricultural work it talks about.”

Children solve a crossword puzzle and find words - clues (words are written on paper and stuck on with Velcro)


1. It is a seasoning for vegetables, and for appetizers, and for borscht, but it is also good for mushrooms, for pickling cucumbers (dill)


2. Reproduces by means of whiskers, see for yourself. Of the fruits, her jam is simply delicious (strawberries)


3. It ripened on its bush and flew into the basket. In the fairy tale he was called Signor - red-cheeked (tomato)


Collective work plan-lesson summary (preparatory group)

Summary of collective household work in a preparatory group for school. Educator: Voitovich M.V. Topic: Household service “Sun” Goal: developing a positive attitude towards work and its results. Objectives: to teach children to participate in the organized work of a group of peers, to correlate their activities with the work of others and to understand that the work of the subgroup in which you work is part of the team; improve labor skills and abilities in the labor process, learn to plan their activities, distribute responsibilities among themselves, evaluate the work of their group and the team as a whole; consolidate the skills of proper use of materials and equipment for work; to form beliefs in the social significance and necessity of domestic work; cultivate friendly relationships in the process of work, a desire to come to the rescue, a positive attitude towards one’s own work and the work of one’s peers.

Equipment: application cards, aprons according to the number of children with emblems, 6-7 basins, rags, brushes, a tray, oilcloths, soap, soap dishes, clothespins, large buckets of water, small buckets, doll clothes, doll dishes.

Preliminary work: conversation about work, memorization of proverbs and sayings about work, didactic games.

Progress of work: Educator: Guys, today a welfare service is opening in our group. -How do you understand what a household service is? (children's answers.) That's right, the household service provides assistance to people in washing clothes, repairing clothes, and cleaning premises. -What do welfare workers do? (help people) Guys, do you want to work in the consumer service and help people? Today I propose to open a household service for cleaning toys “Sun” in the group and help our Larisa Vasilyevna and the kids.

— Do you know how welfare workers organize their work? (Answers).

They fulfill requests received from people. Our consumer service also received requests from Larisa Vasilievna, Victoria Valerievna and the kids. I suggest you look into them. There are three of them in total, which means you need to divide into three brigades. Educator: I will be the director. And I will choose the foremen. The foremen come to the table and pull out a piece of paper for their team - an application. -The first team washes the doll’s dishes, the second team washes the doll’s clothes, the third team wipes the cabinets, wipes the toys and arranges them beautifully.

Before starting work, I propose to discuss who will do what, what is needed for the work, what materials and how much is needed, I say that the quality of the work performed by the entire team depends on the work of each individual.

Educator: - Before work, we need to remember the labor rules that will help us cope with the work quickly and efficiently.

Children: - You cannot be distracted from work;

- any work must be completed to the end with high quality and accuracy;

- handle water carefully;

- bring the job started to completion,

- help your friend if he cannot cope with the work with advice or action;

- whoever finishes the work the fastest must help those who have not yet finished their work; accept help with gratitude.

- After work you need to clean your workplace.

Practical work. Educator: Now, go to your workstations, put on your aprons and get to work. A recording of cheerful, playful music is playing.

During work, the teacher gives advice, helps with organization, and gives instructions on how to stand near the basins more conveniently so as not to disturb each other. He asks the children to tell and show the techniques for washing by hand (wet the item, soap it, rub it, rinse off the soap, wring it out). I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white laundry. What should you do with rinsed laundry? That's right, straighten it, shake it and hang it on a rope.

Summing up the results of the work, assessing the implementation of the application. Educator: - Now, please, put things in order in your workplaces, pour out the water. Now come to me and let's see if all the requests have been completed.

The foremen take turns telling what they did and giving their own assessment of their team.

—Whose team put the toys in order? Foreman, please tell us how you worked? Were there any difficulties?

— Who washed the clothes? Have you done everything yet? Well done!

—Did the team washing the doll dishes complete their task?

Educator: Each of you did your own little thing, but together we did a big thing. This is how clean and beautiful the group is now! I, as the director of the consumer service, express my gratitude to you for the services provided. Thanks to all the workers of the Solnyshko consumer service.

“It turned out that everyone did their own little thing, but everyone did one big thing together.” Our group is now clean and beautiful.

Children remember proverbs and sayings about work: “What one can’t do, we’ll do together!”, “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without work,” “Labor makes a man,” etc. We have cleanliness and order in our group, because you worked without quarreling, quickly, efficiently, helping each other. It’s not for nothing that people say, “Patience and work will grind everything down!” ", "Friendly - not burdensome! »

Let's now ask our Larisa Vasilievna to accept your work. Larisa Vasilyevna, are you satisfied with the work of our consumer service? Has your request been completed? (Answer from the junior teacher) Now let’s ask Victoria Valerievna.

Do you accept our work? And now we will ask Tatyana Viktorovna to accept our work.

— Guys, did you like helping? Then let's keep our group clean. And now for you a little surprise for your good work.

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