Project “Winter Sports” methodological development (senior group)

Winter sports for children are an opportunity to combine business with pleasure. This includes physical activity, fun time, communication on interests, and hardening.

Many parents are afraid of the temperature conditions in which training takes place, however, cold (if all the rules are followed) has a beneficial effect on all systems and processes occurring in the body. In addition, outdoor winter sports will help improve your child’s health after staying in urban conditions, although most of them are considered extreme and have a high degree of injury. The top most popular are luge; skiing; snowboarding.

Speaking about indoor sports, the choice for children is hockey; skating; figure skating.

Benefits of winter sports

Winter sports for children, like any sports in general, are the first necessity for a developing body, because constant activity is the key to good health and excellent physical shape. The impact of sub-zero temperatures should not be underestimated: they trigger the body’s defense processes, strengthening the immune system no worse than the vitamins that pharmacists so diligently pour into bright jars. Such sports will never make a child bored: he is constantly on the move and is never left alone for a minute. As a result, you always have a good mood, no stress, and good sleep.

Contraindications for exercise

Before enrolling your child in the coveted figure skating section or placing him under the responsibility of a snowboarding coach, you must consult a doctor. Winter sports cannot be called safe, but if you focus on this, even playing the piano will harm the child - you can even get your fingers pinched by the lid! The list of main contraindications includes:

  • Problems related to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Disturbances in the development of connective tissue.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Respiratory system disorders.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Previous injuries (most often head injuries).

How to use a laptop on a sports theme when working with preschoolers

A laptop is a manual that can be created not only by a teacher, but also by parents. In this case, the directions of its use will be identical:

  • to get acquainted with the topic of sports in general (for children 1.5–4 years old), to expand their understanding of sports, sports games, types of Olympic sports;
  • to practice and consolidate the information received through games, solving riddles, and puzzles;
  • for organizing independent activities for children.

In kindergarten, a whole lesson can be built on the basis of a lapbook: the introductory stage is reading a poem or solving riddles, the main stage is working with the text of a fairy tale or information sheet (reading by a teacher, a conversation based on what has been read), performing a practical task to consolidate the material (solving puzzles, coloring pictures).

Designing a lapbook in the form of a project can be based on creative understanding of sports topics in the form of doing crafts

At what age can you engage in winter sports?

Winter sports for children have age restrictions, however, some types can be practiced from the age of four. The difference in indicators is determined by the child’s physical health (development of the musculoskeletal system, stability of the nervous system, etc.) and his readiness from a psychological point of view: the ability to communicate, awareness of possible danger and responsibility for one’s actions.

Of course, a lot depends on the purpose for which you send your child to sports - for the soul or in order to raise a future Olympic champion. You can equip him with a hockey stick and puck as early as 4 years old, but professional training should begin at 9 years old, and then take into account parameters such as weight, muscle mass, endurance and ability to work in a team. By the same principle, you can put a child on skates immediately after he has learned to walk, although it is better to think about serious activities from the age of 6. And, for example, skiing and luge are available for children from 5-6 years of age, snowboarding is possible practice since age 7.

Lapbook “Types of Sports” for the first junior group

Objectives of studying the topic:

  • introduce the concepts of “winter and summer sports”, “athlete”, “athlete”;
  • form ideas about the main sports equipment;
  • enrich vocabulary on the topic, sensory experience;
  • cultivate interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Contents and forms of organization of material

In the first junior group, the lapbook includes:

  • information block;
  • a block of visual materials (pictures, videos that are shown to the children and described);
  • poems, riddles;
  • games (didactic and active);
  • templates for coloring (without unnecessary details in the pictures).

A laptop for younger preschoolers may include a large number of cards and inserts

Information block

These materials can be organized in the form of cards with texts on the main concepts of the topic:

  • definitions of what sport is, sports equipment;
  • a short story about what individual sports are, indicating the names of the athletes (up to 5 sentences);
  • fairy tales on the topic.

Examples of information block content

  1. Sports are exercises and games that improve health, that is, help not to get sick.
  2. Football is a game played by teams using the ball with their feet or other part of the body, but not with their hands. Participants strive to score a goal against the opponent. 11 players take part in the game. Skiing is a sport in which the participant wears special boots attached to ski runners. The skier, picking up the poles, pushes off the ground and skis.
  3. Tale by M.S. Plyatskovsky “How Chernoburchik played football.”

Poems and riddles on the topic

For the first junior group, rhyming is one of the most productive ways to develop speech. Children hear an adult’s speech and try to repeat words and phrases:

  • Oh, my skis, my skis, - Without you I am not myself. Well, what in the world is closer to me in the snowy winter? You put crispy belts on your felt boots and you drive all day long, and all day long. Well, then you breathe a little, you barely stand on your feet... Oh, my skis, my skis - There are no better skis in the world!
  • We are friendly guys, we came to kindergarten, and everyone is very happy to do physical education! We will do physical education in the garden. Exercising in the morning Strengthen yourself, temper yourself.
  • Sports are important for health. To fight back diseases, you need to play sports and stay healthy!

Using riddles you can reinforce the material you have learned:

  • Now jumping, now squatting Children do... (Exercise).
  • If you throw it, it will jump. You throw it again, it rushes at a gallop, Well, of course, it’s... (Ball).
  • Who rushes quickly through the snow and isn’t afraid of falling through? (Skier).

Riddles can be added at the end of studying a topic, when children have already accumulated a certain amount of information on the topic.


At any preschool age, visibility occupies a leading place in the list of techniques for interacting with children. For pupils of the first junior group who do not yet speak speech, the basis for working with a laptop will be pictures and posters with images:

  • sports equipment (skis, skates, football - ball, goal, volleyball - ball, net);
  • athletes - skier, football player, track and field athlete, gymnast, speed skater;
  • equipment - hoops, dumbbells, ribbons.

The visual block can include a disk with recordings of cartoons on the topic.

Video: Three cats - a collection of episodes about sports

Photo gallery: pictures for a visual block for the first junior group

Using a picture, you can make a story about the basic rules of the game

Based on the picture, we can conclude about the time of year when you can skate on the street

In the picture, kids see the main attributes of playing football.

It is important to point out that both boys and girls can join different sports

Based on this picture, you need to bring the children to the idea that volleyball can be played both in the hall and on the street


In the first junior group, the emphasis is on outdoor and indoor games. In the form of a description of the conditions, they are inserted into separate pockets of the laptop.

Table: examples of games for the first junior group

Type of gamesNameConditions
Movable"Bring the Flag"
  1. To a group of children (4–6 people), the teacher shows a flag and invites them to play.
  2. Children stand near a line drawn at some distance from the wall, and on the opposite side of the room the teacher places a flag. Sticks (2–3 pieces) are laid out between the line and the chair at a distance of 1 m from each other.
  3. The teacher calls one by one who will follow the flag and makes sure that everyone carefully steps over the obstacles.
  4. Taking the flag from the high chair, the child returns the same way.
  5. When all the children return with flags, the teacher offers to raise them and march (the teacher can rhythmically hit the tambourine or say: “One-two, one-two”).
"Catch the ball"
  1. The teacher shows the children a basket with balls and invites them to stand next to it along one side of the playground.
  2. Then with the words: “Catch the ball!” - throws balls out of the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions, away from the children.
  3. Children run after the balls, take them and put them in the basket.
  4. The game repeats itself. There should be as many balls as there are children, so that each child can catch the ball and put it in the basket.
Didactic"Who needs these things"The teacher begins the phrase, the children finish:
  • Skis are needed... (the skier).
  • Skates are needed... (skater, hockey player).
  • The ball is needed... (football player, volleyball player, basketball player).
  • A stick and a puck are needed... (hockey player).
"Who will say more about the ball"The teacher throws a ball to the children one by one and asks the question:
  • What kind of ball? (Round, rubber, elastic, beautiful, big, light, children's, sports, football).
  • What can the ball do? (He can jump, jump, ride, swim, fly).

Children catch the ball and answer.

Photo gallery: templates for coloring on the theme “Types of Sports”

You can use pencils or paints for coloring.

Templates must be selected so that they depict the main attribute of the sport

A variant of the task for this template could be to color only the ball

Working with a coloring template, children name the athlete's equipment

How to design a lapbook for the first junior group

The laptop for the first junior group is intended more for use by adults, so materials can be organized in the form of pockets of different shapes (with a hole horizontally or on the side) . To extend the service life of the manual, pictures should be laminated or covered with wide tape.


Each of us remembers how fun it was as a child to sled on snow-covered hills. However, luge is not a joke of entertainment with a group of friends, but quite a serious sport, which has its own subtypes: classic, natural and skeleton. At its core, each of them is a downhill sled run, but with its own characteristics.

Your child will learn to control his own body, which, by the way, will need to be regularly trained: driving a sled is not an easy task.

Before enrolling your child in a section, objectively assess his physical fitness and be prepared that his weight along with equipment and equipment will be taken into account. But this sport is good for both boys and girls from the age of 5, however, for professional activities you will have to postpone the idea until the age of 10.

Lapbook “Olympians” for older groups

In the senior and preparatory groups, the topic of sports is systematized and generalized, so the principles for preparing a lapbook will be similar.

Objectives of creating the manual:

  • introduce the country’s outstanding athletes and unusual sports;
  • give an idea of ​​extreme sports;
  • introduce the symbols of the latest Olympic Games;
  • develop imagination, logical thinking;
  • provide the need for physical activity;
  • develop respect for sports.

Contents and forms of organization of material for the lapbook “Olympians” in senior groups

In addition to traditional blocks, the lapbook for older preschoolers includes:

  • proverbs, sayings about sports;
  • puzzles;
  • a section with the results of the achievements of the group’s pupils (many children at the age of 5–7 attend sports clubs and already have their first successes).

Information block for older preschoolers

The information content of the lapbook concentrates on information about:

  • unusual sports;
  • unusual sports specifically for children;
  • interesting facts from the history of the Olympic Games;
  • lives of famous athletes (including fellow countrymen).

As for fairy tales, their content, compared to previous groups, becomes more complex: problematic issues are raised, there are more characters.


Poems can be differentiated by type of sport:

  • Cyclists. Once again, the distance is waiting for us from the start, And under the sky, along the earth, Spin the pedals more vigorously, Come on, steer, steer! There are rocks and cliffs nearby, And below there is fog, Wheels are spinning quickly On the roads of different countries!
  • Canoe rowers. Canoe rowers During other times, they rowed far along the rivers. But sometimes in sports, In sports canoes, It’s not easy for us!
  • Sambo and judo. Again the athletes in kimonos fought on the tatami. This sport was born a long time ago, It has been with us ever since. The color of the skin and eyes is not important in it, What is more important is the spirit and mind, But the color of the belt for us will say a lot at once!


Riddles are aimed at systematizing what has been learned:

  • I hold not a rocket, but a racket with my hand. Once - and the ball flies over the net. One more time! And the set is behind me. (Tennis player).
  • Here are the runners, the back, the slats - And all together this is... (Sled).
  • Just as there is no soldier without a gun, there is no hockey player without... (Stick).

Video: riddles about winter sports

Proverbs, sayings

In a sports-themed lapbook you can include:

  • In a healthy body healthy mind.
  • If you want to be healthy, toughen up.
  • If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick.
  • Anyone who plays sports gains strength.
  • Anyone who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.
  • Whoever hits the ball deftly can handle anything.


Solving puzzles can be an option for organizing independent activities for children in the afternoon or an additional task for children who show interest in completing this type of task.

Photo gallery: samples of puzzles for the older group

Puzzles can be solved at speed

It is important that children know the names of all objects depicted in the rebus

You can create puzzles yourself by selecting suitable pictures and adjusting the number of letters needed

To interest the children, you can offer them a rebus coloring book.

Visual materials in older groups

The block of visual materials contains photographs of athletes, pictures with images of different sports (unusual, extreme), symbols of the Olympics of different years, as well as game materials.

Photo gallery: visual examples for laptops in older groups

The 1980 Olympic Bear is considered one of the most touching symbols of the Olympic Games

Bunny, Polar Bear and Leopard became the mascots of the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014

Vinicius and Tom are the mascots of the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2021

The symbols of the Sydney Summer Olympics in 2000 - Sid the Platypus, Ollie the Kookaburra and Millie the Echidna - are found only in Australia

The mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver were Kuatchi, the legendary Bigfoot (Bigfoot), and Miga, a small and playful creature who combines the features of an orca and a polar bear.

The mascots of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London were Wenlock and Mandeville - two one-eyed creatures resembling aliens

Video: cartoon about the symbol of the Moscow Olympics “Who will receive the prize”

Video: how the Polar Bear became a symbol of the Olympics in Sochi

Table: lapbook games on the topic “Sports” for older preschoolers

Type of gamesNameContent
Didactic"Sports Uniform Designers"
  1. Children receive a cut-out template of a boy and a girl.
  2. The players’ task is to draw fashionable clothes for the characters to practice any sport, explain why this particular style and color was chosen, and how the suit will help the athlete.
"Collect a chamomile"
  1. Each child receives a picture of an athlete; this is the middle of the flower.
  2. The teacher takes a petal from the lapbook pocket and shows it to the children.
  3. Anyone whose sport is associated with this subject takes the petal for himself. The player who collects his daisy faster than the others wins.
"Pyramid of Success"
  1. The material for the game is a pyramid cut into 6 horizontal stripes. Each strip is cut into several parts. These parts show images of the daily routine (1st row), diet (2nd row), physical education class (3rd row), a child independently training for a walk (4th row), athletes in training (5th row), pedestal (top).
  2. The teacher invites children to put together a pyramid and see the path to high achievements, which begins with following a daily routine, proper nutrition, and training. This is the main thing for achieving victories in sports.
Movable"Ball for a neighbor"
  1. Players line up in a circle at arm's length from each other. Two participants standing on opposite sides of the circle each have a ball.
  2. At a signal, children pass the ball in a circle in one direction as quickly as possible, trying to get one ball to catch up with the other. The player who has two balls loses.
  3. The game repeats itself.
  1. Players line up in 2-3 lines around the perimeter of the court.
  2. On command they disperse or scatter in different directions, and at the sound signal they form a line in their place.
  3. The team that lined up faster and more smoothly is recognized.

Photo gallery: templates for coloring in older groups

While coloring, kids can come up with names for their characters.

In the process of coloring, the children reinforce the information that sports games can be amateur

In addition to popular sports, preschoolers also get acquainted with those that are not so widespread, for example, golf, curling, etc.

In the older group, the guys work with images that convey the character’s emotions

How to design a lapbook for older preschoolers

Since there are a lot of materials in a lapbook for older preschoolers, it is more convenient to collect them in a folder, in which a separate folder can be filed with certificates for the children for their achievements in a particular sport, as well as with entertaining information on the topic. Proverbs and sayings can be arranged in the form of book pages: on one - the beginning of a sentence, on the next - the continuation.

Lapbook materials for middle and senior groups can be combined depending on the children’s level of knowledge of the topic, as well as the degree of interest in sports and everything connected with it. Moreover, the same coloring templates can be used by children of early-middle or middle-old age.


Even if you buy the necessary equipment, and the child suddenly decides not to go further along the ski trail, ski poles can be taken for recreational walks in the forest or in the park. Due to the growing popularity of ski resorts, this type of activity has become popular with both adults and children - boys and girls are invited to study from the age of 5-6. At this age, the main thing is to learn how to stand on skis and maintain balance.

Skiing promotes the comprehensive development of all muscle groups, especially the legs, arms and abs. The positive effect on the body is obvious, in addition to this - the development of such important qualities as determination, self-confidence and motivation to move forward without leaving a difficult path. Perhaps the only drawback is the dependence on seasonal conditions: no snow - no skis. Hence the rather large costs: the thirst for snowy slopes can lead you to other countries or sports complexes with artificial conditions.

Lapbook on the theme “Sports” for preschoolers of different ages

The topics “Sports”, “Winter and Summer Sports”, “Sports Games” are studied from the younger groups of kindergarten. At the same time, due to the age characteristics of the students, the content and form of the lapbook differ slightly depending on the purposes of considering the topic.

The manual can be compiled:

  • teacher (usually for children of the first junior group);
  • teacher with the assistance of parents in printing and searching for materials (second youngest);
  • the teacher, with the help of children, in the arrangement of blocks of information, design (secondary, senior);
  • children and parents as an option for completing project assignments (middle, older).

Teachers call the laptop a book of little secrets and big discoveries.

Material placement logic

The logic of the arrangement of the material, that is, the content, does not play a special role, since the materials of the manual can be used depending on the objectives of the lesson, the time allocated for working with the lapbook within the framework of the topic, as well as the preferences of the children - some like riddles and others I would love to play. However, there is still a general principle for systematizing information on a topic: practical activities are concentrated around the information block. For example, for the older group, the first page with pockets is devoted to the history of sports, outstanding athletes, interesting facts about sports, and then there are blocks with riddles, puzzles, proverbs, sayings, poems, etc. The final sections include games and templates for coloring. Or the information part may be in the middle of a folding book, and other blocks extend from it, like rays from the sun.

Photo gallery: samples of design of lapbooks on the theme “Sports”

If a lapbook is a form of presentation of a project for children and parents, then the topic can be narrowed, for example, to a selection of materials on the Olympics in Sochi

The most convenient way to place handouts, for example, coloring books, riddle texts, poems, are pockets

For kids, it is better to design a lapbook in the form of an open folder.

The laptop can be designed as a sliding folder

You can purchase a ready-made lapbook, for example, made from felt

Children of senior preschool age can design pockets for information themselves during drawing and appliqué classes.


Snowboarding, as an Olympic sport, is not inferior to alpine skiing in terms of popularity. Have you noticed your child's love for skateboarding? Then he will definitely like moving from dry asphalt to a snowy slope! You can start conquering your first, albeit small, peaks from the age of 5.

This sport is one of the most dangerous and extreme, so the first few years of training will take place on flat surfaces or on small slopes. Such systematic and leisurely exploration of snowy areas develops courage in the child and gives motivation to develop, honing his skills. Therefore, during this period, parents can remain calm, but not for long - after the first two years of training, not only your child will grow, but also the degree of risk: the slopes become steeper, the speed is higher, the tricks are more difficult.


There are many benefits to playing hockey, even if your child doesn't want to go all the way to the big leagues. And this is the ability to skate, work in multitasking mode, develop communication skills and being in a team.

Since during the first few years children learn to stand on the thin blades of skates, the preparatory stage can begin at 3-4 years old. By the age of 6-7 years, the child will begin to be taught the basics of hockey. It seems that such an intense game is an exclusively male sport, however, girls are in no way inferior in it. Women's hockey is gaining popularity not only in Russia, but throughout the world, and much attention is paid to the education of girls, whose game, perhaps, will bring gold to the country in the future. Like any team sport, hockey is not only about physical health, but also about character, which is strengthened in a team, where it is important to show leadership qualities, but also not to forget about mutual assistance.


Children can learn to skate confidently from the age of 3-4, and who knows, maybe your child will be so carried away by the process that he will decide to connect his life with hockey or figure skating. Spending time at the skating rink is a panacea for all ailments. This type of load has a beneficial effect on all body systems: from cardiovascular to immune.

Many children have problems with posture, and skates for its formation and maintenance are a real godsend. It is also important that smooth gliding on ice calms and relieves stress, therefore, after receiving a bad grade at school or quarreling with a friend, the child will not withdraw into himself. Of course, ups, let alone downs, cannot be avoided. Only a vigilant coach and good equipment can protect children from injury.

Lapbook “Sports competitions and athletes” for the middle group

The goals of studying the topic “Sport” in the middle group are:

  • expanding ideas about winter and summer sports, the program of the Olympic Games;
  • speech development (the emphasis is on exercises in the formation of words-names of athletes);
  • demonstration of the relationship between sport and health;
  • familiarity with fiction on the topic;
  • nurturing interest in sports.

As a basis for a lapbook, you can use a large cardboard box, inside which you can place informational game materials

Contents and forms of organization of material for the “Sports” laptop in the middle group

The list of materials for the lapbook in the middle group is the same as for the second. Only the information content is expanding.

Information part

In the middle group, children get acquainted with the types of winter and summer sports that are included in the Olympic program. Therefore, it is appropriate to include in the lapbook a list of these sports with pictures, as well as brief descriptions:

  • Winter Olympic program (bobsleigh, alpine skiing, curling, speed skating, Nordic combined, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, luge, skeleton, snowboarding, figure skating, freestyle, hockey, short track, biathlon);
  • summer Olympic program (basketball, gymnastics, aquatics, athletics, weightlifting, golf, judo, football, field hockey, rowing, etc.).

You can also include fairy tales about sports in the information block, for example, “The Hare Track”.

Poems, riddles

Children of the middle group (4–5 years old) try to imitate adults and peers in everything, so methodologists recommend focusing on poems in the first person:

  • I am a track and field athlete, I am five (six, seven) years old, I go to training to become strong and agile. I pump up my abs, do push-ups, squat, bend over, train my leg muscles, so that I can run faster, run and jump, move equipment... Sports is hard work: My shirt is wet with sweat. Now, answer me, Track and field or not Track and field athletics? Hello everyone! (V. Pakhomov).
  • “Fan Mom” by A. Barto.

Riddles are selected both on the theme of attributes and on the theme of athletes:

  • In a fair fight I will not be afraid, I will protect two sisters. I hit a punching bag in training, Because I... (Boxer).
  • There is deep snow all around, but it easily runs on top. You just can’t get off the track, Who rushes to the finish line, sliding? (Skier).
  • It’s a fine winter morning—the sun is pouring onto the skating rink. I’m no longer a passer-by here - I’m an ice expert! (Figure skater).
  • What kind of game is this? I play the ball cheerfully, and throw it into the hoop, flying up as I go. Yes. I'm a good player! My growth helped me! (Basketball player).

Visual materials in the middle group

Despite the fact that acquaintance with famous athletes, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, is planned for the senior and preparatory groups, in the secondary group it is recommended to include images of famous athletes with their names in the lapbook. This way, the kids will be able to quickly match the name and the person when they meet outstanding athletes. Compiling descriptions based on pictures in the middle group expands to 5–6 sentences.

Photo gallery: examples of visual materials for the middle group

Hockey player Pavel Bure was nicknamed “Russian Rocket” for his skill.

Viktor An is the Olympic record holder for the most gold medals in short track speed skating, as well as the only male athlete to win three gold medals at the Winter Olympics as a member of the Russian team.

Elena Isinbaeva - holder of 28 world records in women's pole vault

Alexey Nemov - Russian gymnast, 4-time Olympic champion

Svetlana Khorkina is a Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion in parallel bars, 9-time world champion, including three times in the all-around championship and five times in parallel bars, and 13-time European champion

Alexander Popov - Soviet and Russian swimmer, four-time Olympic champion, six-time world champion, 21-time European champion, one of the dominant swimmers at the world level in the 1990s

Irina Rodnina is the most successful figure skater in the history of pair skating, having not lost a single competition in which she participated with partners.

Video: cartoons about sports “Baba Yaga vs.”

Games for the middle group

In play activities with children 4–5 years old, the emphasis is on working in mini-groups and teams.

Table: games for the laptop “Sports competitions and athletes” for the middle group

Types of gamesNameContent
Didactic"Sports mosaic"Children in groups of 3-4 people choose from the proposed pictures those that are related to a specific sport (ball, boots, goalkeeper gloves - football, swimming trunks, swimming cap - swimming, etc.)
Puzzle “Collect the Olympic flag”Children quickly assemble a puzzle - the Olympic flag.
"Find the odd one out"The guys look at a row of five pictures and determine the extra sport - summer in a row of winter ones or vice versa.
Movable“Charging with pictures”Children take turns taking pictures with images of movements, show it to the group - the rest repeat.
"Ball over the net"
  1. At a distance of 1 m from the net, on a line on both sides, groups of children stand opposite each other.
  2. At the teacher’s signal “Begin!” the child throws the ball over the net to the participant standing opposite. He, having caught the ball, throws it to the person standing next to him, etc.
  3. When the ball reaches the last player, the teacher notes what mistakes were made by the groups of players.
  1. Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The trap is in the center of the circle, with a bandage on the arm. The players move in a circle and say: We, funny guys, love to run and jump. Well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three - catch it!
  2. The children run away, but the trap catches up. The caught one temporarily moves aside.
  3. The game continues until the trap catches 2-3 children. Duration 5–7 minutes.

Photo gallery: coloring templates for the middle group

You can give children the task of coming up with a biography for their coloring book character.

Coloring can be a way to organize independent activities for preschoolers

The children enjoy coloring pictures depicting their favorite cartoon characters.

How to design a lapbook for children 4–5 years old

The design of the lapbook for the middle group is also focused on the fact that the children themselves will use it, so it is important that all the cards and pictures are dense. An interesting option for organizing a manual could be a folding book: when unfolded, a lapbook can resemble the letter “M,” which allows you to hide all the materials inside the “cover.”

Figure skating

Figure skating is one of the most graceful sports. It seems that it was created exclusively for fragile girls in richly embroidered dresses, however, this is a misconception: who, if not a faithful partner, will help to do the difficult support in a pair performance?

The section is open to children of all ages, although the optimal category is 6-7 years old. It is important to understand that figure skating is a sport bordering on art, so an atmosphere of competition and a demanding coach will only contribute to the formation of strong-willed qualities and the desire to be first. Pleasant bonuses are improved coordination, which in the future will be required to perform fancy figures, as well as alignment of posture - even if the child does not become a professional figure skater, holding his back proudly will already become a habit.

Often the spirit of competition and failure lower self-esteem, contributing to the emergence of complexes. In addition, professional figure skating will speed up your growing up: there will be practically no free time, and you will have to completely forget the taste of sweets.

How to keep your child safe when playing sports in winter

Winter sports for a child are not only an opportunity to express themselves, but also a constant risk of injury or bruise. We remember that training takes place in sub-zero temperatures, so one of the most important factors is warmth. Rule No. 1 - we spare no expense on high-quality clothing and equipment - thus, we reduce the risk of frostbite to zero and ensure the normal course of metabolic processes in the body. Another thing that you should not spare money on is skates. They should be selected by age and, most importantly, by size.

If your child is just taking his first steps in winter sports, choose a good coach for him - this will make the process go faster and avoid any troubles. At ski resorts, be careful when choosing a slope: there should not be a large number of obstacles and ice. Avoid frozen bodies of water and any questionable icy surfaces. The child must learn that they can only ride in specially designated areas. And most importantly, don’t forget to talk to your children, explaining to them what is “good” and what is “bad”!

Tips for parents

  • To attract a child to winter sports, you should start from afar, for example, by watching movies and competitions together.
  • When leaving your comfort zone, do not torment yourself with worries. Accept the fact that at first you cannot do without falls. Who promised that it would be easy?
  • Your arsenal should always include anti-frostbite remedies, various ointments, and an elastic bandage.
  • Do not put pressure on the child - his choice should be conscious. His personality should be formed by trial and error, and not by parental whim.

Note to parents

  • Have you decided to buy your child alpine skis or put him on skates? First of all, you should be concerned about finding the right equipment, a competent trainer and take care of the necessary protection. After all, the main thing at the initial stage of training is to avoid serious injuries and not discourage the child from wanting to play sports. It is better to choose an instructor who is specially trained for teaching children, and the equipment set should include special protection for children’s fragile spine, which saves them from injury in case of unsuccessful falls.
  • And, of course, we must not forget about such necessary items in the first aid kit as an elastic bandage, plasters, ointment for bruises and sprains, special sunglasses with an ultraviolet filter and means to protect against frostbite.
  • And the third important point is not to go too far in forming a courageous personality. By unnecessarily frightening a child with injuries, it is impossible to raise a worthy athlete and an integral personality. But it is also necessary to remember simple caution - the risk should always be justified.
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