Project “Introducing children to their native land as a means of instilling patriotic feelings in a preschooler.” project (senior group) on the topic

Formation of a developmental environment in the group

Serious attention should be paid to the formation of a developmental environment in the group, which promotes the cognitive development of children, enriching and consolidating their knowledge of their native land:

  • in the book corner there are collections of postcards about the city, homemade books “Streets of our city”, “Memorable places of White Kholunitsa”, literature about the city and thematic albums.
  • in the corner of artistic creativity, a large material of Belokholunitsky artists can be placed, such as landscape artist V.P. Belorybkin, artist L.P. Shkoldin.

In terms of working with parents, you need to use all kinds of forms: parent meetings using presentations, conversations, consultations, surveys, joint quizzes, crafts and drawing competitions, etc. Folding folders and consultations with information about city streets, memorable places, workdays of city residents, the history of the creation of the coat of arms and flag of the Russian Federation will also be available, and a library of educational literature for parents about the cultural values ​​of the city will be selected. Together with parents, it is possible to create a photo exhibition “We are the inhabitants of Belaya Kholunitsa”, perform a joint quiz “Experts of our hometown”, and also organize exhibitions of children’s works made in collaboration with parents: “My hometown”, “Nature of the native land through the eyes of a child” .

A virtual tour is a type of productive interactive learning method. A virtual excursion is an excursion in which the excursion program provides not only for the process of perceiving words and visualization, but also for involving children in activities through various means and participants in the event. Thanks to the virtual excursion, variety is introduced into the process of assimilation of educational material, the horizons are developed, and new material is consolidated through the use of visual methods. Preschool children, through the use of virtual excursions, have the opportunity to be completely immersed in new material through the use of a form that is interesting to them. When children have the opportunity to experience the full atmosphere, children can understand new learning material more and more deeply.

A modern virtual excursion is more reminiscent of an exciting journey or a fairy tale, in which children can participate in rescuing the main characters, solving unusual riddles, drawing, designing, sculpting from various materials and much more. The teacher can take on the role of a guide or the main character of the trip, which is the difference between a regular tour and a virtual one.

If you carry out work to familiarize yourself with your hometown systematically, and approach it wisely, then children will have an enriched stock of knowledge about the world that surrounds them, about the features of the city from the perspective of history and nature, a cognitive interest in studying the city will be formed, a love for the city will be cultivated, pride in outstanding people, ordinary workers who live and work for the good of the city. Purposefully carried out work in this direction can become the basis for instilling true patriotism in children.

Objectives of patriotic education

The tasks of patriotic education in the Program are considered within the educational field of Social and communicative development by age. Let's look at them in more detail in the older group (from 5 to 6 years):

  • At this age, it is planned to expand children's views about their small Motherland. The teacher tells the children about the sights, culture, and traditions of their native land; about magnificent people who glorified their region. The child’s views broaden about what his native country is, about what public holidays are traditional for the country (March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, New Year, etc.). The teacher is engaged in the formation of a feeling of love for the Motherland;
  • to form views that the Russian Federation (Russia) is a large, multinational country. Tell the kids that the main city, the capital of our Motherland, is Moscow. Children are told about the flag and coat of arms of the Russian Federation, introduced to the melody of the anthem;
  • expand the child’s views about the Russian army. Cultivate respect for the defenders of the fatherland. Talk about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, protect its peace and security; about how during the wars our grandfathers, great-grandfathers and fathers heroically fought and protected our country from enemies. Invite military veterans from among the children’s close family members to the kindergarten. The teacher examines paintings, reproductions, and albums on military topics with the children.

Methods for forming ideas traditionally include:

  1. Observations (for example, observing the working life of city residents, changes in the appearance of the city, district, street, new buildings being erected, etc.);
  2. A story, explanations from the teacher, combined with a demonstration of the necessary objects and direct observations of the child;
  3. Conversations with the guys about the country, hometown;
  4. Reading children's works of art, looking at reproductions of paintings;
  5. The teacher learns songs, poems, sayings, proverbs with the pupils, fairy tales are read to the children, and relevant musical works are listened to with them;
  6. Children are introduced to the types of folk decorative paintings;
  7. It is possible to involve children in participating in socially useful work in an environment that is closest to the children (children can work on the site in a kindergarten, participate in collective work with their parents, the purpose of which is to improve the territory of the kindergarten, etc.);
  8. Children are given approval if they are proactive and strive to independently maintain order in their immediate environment, if they take care of public property, if they honestly carry out assignments, and behave well in public places;
  9. The teacher must show his own example of love for his work, his street, his city, and he himself must actively participate in social life (it is important not to forget that the teacher’s views on life, his beliefs, judgments, active life position are a very strong factor in education);

An important question is the content of children’s ideas about their hometown. Let's look at the example of children getting to know the city of Belaya Kholunitsa.

The city is rich in attractions and monuments, to which you can organize virtual excursions: to the monument to the fallen soldiers in the Great Patriotic War; to the monument to Chernobyl victims from Belaya Kholunitsa; to the memorial to the fallen residents of Belaya Kholunitsa in the city center during the Great Patriotic War; to the monument to those who fell in the struggle for Soviet power in 1918; visit the Local Lore Museum.

In your work, you should actively use didactic games, which can help not only to record acquired knowledge about your native land, but also to learn a lot of new things.

So, for example, the didactic game “Sights of Belaya Kholunitsa” helps to intensify a child’s interest in the historical monuments of the city, historical and cultural heritage; contributes to the emergence of a sense of pride in the architectural monuments of the city of Bela Holunica.

The role-playing game “Enchanted City” is aimed at strengthening the child’s knowledge about the sights of his hometown; contributes to the emergence of a sense of pride in the architectural monuments of the city. These and many other games can be used independently and in joint activities.

Getting to know your native land in kindergarten during physical education classes


  1. Improve skills in walking, running, jumping, leaping, crawling in a playful, plot-based form;
  2. To form knowledge about the surrounding nature in the process of physical activity.
  3. Develop fine motor skills during the outdoor game “Sun Rays”.

Equipment: “Trapezoid” exercise machine - 4 pcs., “backpacks” - homemade posture correctors filled with buckwheat - according to the number of children. Individual mats, gymnastic benches – 2 pieces. “Rainbow” is the author’s soft module, a hoop with ribbons (red, yellow, orange). Skittles – “daisies”, 3 pins for the game (yellow, red, orange). Cube height 40 cm, gymnastic mat. Physical map of Crimea, walnuts for self-massage.

PROGRESS OF THE CLASS Instructor: Hello guys, look what I brought you. Do you know what this is? That's right, this is a map of Crimea. What do you think this dark streak is? That's right, these are mountains, our Crimean Mountains. This is Mount Ai-Petri, and this is Mount Boyka. They are so dark on the map, but in reality they are all covered with vegetation and right now, in the spring, they become green, very beautiful and fascinating. Today, I want to invite you on a hike to the most amazing and beautiful mountain - Ai-Petri. Are you ready to become tourists? Well, then put on our backpacks and hit the road!!! (Children stand in a circle and join hands.) We are brave guys, Well done! We’re doing all the exercises, Well done! We’ll go on a hike, Well done! We’ll cope with difficulties, Well done! (Walking one after another in a column one at a time) - The path to the mountains begins with a mountain serpentine, i.e. winding road. (Walking “snake”) - The road to the mountains is very dangerous and narrow, so you need to follow the trail (exercise “path”) - A strong mountain wind broke many branches. (Walking with high knees) - Look, what a wonderful clearing, this is the beginning of the Grand Canyon, let’s take a break. (Reform into two columns. We took off our “backpacks” and took our places on the trapezes.)


  1. How nice it is to relax in the fresh air, on the green grass! Let's close our eyes. Exhale calmly through your mouth, while saying: “Ah-h,” hold your breath a little, calmly inhale through your nose. Now open your eyes, let's look around.

IP: lying with your back on the trapezoid, smoothly turn your head to the right and left. 2. Quiet in the forest. It has just rained, droplets are dripping from the wet branches. IP: lying with your back on the trapezoid, raise your arms up and gradually lower your hands, saying: “drip-drip-drip.” 3. Dry, broken twigs that have fallen to the ground crunch underfoot. I.P.: the same. Bend and straighten your arms at the elbows and legs at the knees at the same time.

4. How many different trees grow in the forest: slender birches (raising straight legs up, pressed to each other), mighty oaks (spreading legs raised up to the sides).

5. Both birches and oaks bend from the wind. IP: lying on your back, hands behind your head, holding the top of the trapezoid. Rotate your legs, bent at the knees, to the right, to the left.

6. But the prickly hedgehog saw us and decided to scare us: he curls up into a ball and puffs. I.P.: lying with your back on the trapeze, bend your knees, clasp them with your hands, arch your back and say: “F-f-f.”

7. But a curious squirrel has stretched out its tail and is looking forward, as if looking for something. IP: standing on your knees, leaning on your arms bent at the elbows, which are on the trapezoid. Bend back, lifting your right leg with a swing - inhale, return to standing position. - exhale. Same with the left foot.

- Guys, crawl here, look, this is what the squirrel was looking for. (The instructor takes out a basket of nuts.) She hid these nuts back in the fall, and we will definitely give them to her.


“Now let’s put the nuts back so the squirrel can pick them up. Let’s continue on our way.” Guys, then we will have to walk along the bank of a mountain river. The river is fast and noisy and you won't hear me, so you should look at the signs, they will help you.


  1. Walking on your toes on a trapezoid - walking on pebbles - walking on your heels on a trapezoid.
  2. Jumping into the “BATH OF YOUTH” - jumping from a cube onto a gymnastics mat.
  3. Jumping over a bench (from the side), moving forward.
  4. Pull-ups along the bench - ENTRANCE TO THE SKEL CAVE (on the stomach - girls, on the back - boys).
  5. Walking on a soft module - walking along the BELBEK river.

After walking two circles, they enter a clearing under the RAINBOW OF WISHES on their haunches (they make a wish under it, jump up and clap their palms).

Forming in a circle, performing breathing exercises: “RAINBOW HUG ME!”

The sun ordered: stop! The Seven-Color Bridge is steep! The bridge hugged me tightly - it immediately became even brighter.

I.P.: o.s. 1 – take a full breath through your nose with your arms spread to the sides; 2 – hold your breath for 3-4 seconds; 3 – stretching your lips in a smile, say “ssss”, exhaling air.


My sunny little bunny, jump on your palm. Children extend their palm forward.

My sunny little bunny, small as a baby. Place the index finger of the other hand on the palm.

Jump on the nose, on the shoulder. Oh, how hot it got! Jump on the forehead, and again let’s jump on the shoulder. Follow the finger with your eyes and touch it in accordance with the text. The head is in a fixed position.

So we closed our eyes, And the sun is playing. Warm rays gently warm our cheeks.

Cover your eyes with your hands.


We walk happily and raise our feet, We have fun from the heart, How good we are!

Let's quickly approach the sun, take the rays of the sun, twirl them around sticks, let's see who is faster.

1-2-3 – start!

RELAXATION. (Children lie down on the floor or lean on a support, close their eyes. A recording sounds - the sounds of the forest). We climbed the mountains, We gained health. We breathe easily, evenly, deeply. Our hands are resting, Our legs are also resting.

We rested peacefully, fell asleep in a magical sleep. We had a good rest! But it’s time to get up! We clench our fists tighter, we raise them higher. We stretched! We smiled! And we woke up completely!


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