Project “Hello, summer!” project (senior group) on the topic

Summer health project in the senior group “Red Summer - Safe”

MKDOU "Mikhailovsky kindergarten No. 1"

Mikhailovskoe village, Mikhailovsky district, Altai Territory

Teachers: Zhavoronko Galina Aleksandrovna,

Dolina Tatyana Timofeevna, Kokhas Natalya Aleksandrovna

Summer health project for the senior group

“Red summer is safe”

Project information card:

Project duration: June – August.

Project type: educational - health-improving.

Project participants: students, group teachers, physical education instructor.

Children's age: 5 years

Relevance of the project: The problem of physical and mental health, as well as the safety of the younger generation, is very relevant today due to the fact that children of preschool age are at risk. Preschool children find themselves completely unprepared for responsibility for their own and other people's lives. You can teach a child to correctly answer questions on safe behavior and how to act correctly in a certain situation, but a small child does not have the ability to recognize the type of dangerous situation and immediately act in it. It is impossible to work with children on every possible situation they may find themselves in. Therefore, it is very important to form in a child the concepts of “danger - safety”, allowing him to independently determine the status of the situation in different areas of life and act in it.

Every person must take care of his own safety. Children of senior preschool age are open to acquiring new knowledge. Therefore, in the summer, it is simply necessary to remind them of the rules of safe behavior on the street, in nature, at home and with the road alphabet!

This project will help children gain knowledge on safe behavior. Since a preschool institution is the first stage of public education, it is we who are entrusted with both educational and health-improving tasks. One of the forms of work to implement the assigned tasks is the organization of a safe, healthy summer holiday for children. It is important that children spend most of their time outdoors. Increasing time in the fresh air will provide an opportunity to develop a healthy image, increase physical activity, and enrich children’s knowledge about summer sports. In childhood, a person carries out more intense, more complex work on self-construction, self-control and self-regulation than an adult. If a child is passive in this process, then his socialization is deformed and his health is destroyed. Therefore, it is at the preschool stage that the priority tasks are to develop children’s health motivation and orient their life interests towards a healthy lifestyle. However, unlike an adult, a child will not run “for health”. There is a need for a technology for forming a culture of motor activity of the individual in accordance with the age characteristics of preschoolers, which would be focused on their self-preservation and self-development. It is necessary to teach the knowledge, skills and abilities to ensure and maintain the health of a preschooler through exercises with a ball, which will allow him to successfully solve the problem of forming his own philosophy of life, his own philosophy of health. It is advisable to solve this problem in various types of children’s activities, where the ball is an integral attribute, by systematizing information about the ball, conducting exercises, games, relay races, and conversations. This approach is more justified, given the overload of preschool education programs in recent years with information and educational activities. Participation in entertainment and leisure activities will enrich children’s knowledge with new impressions and develop creative abilities.

Problem: In summer, the likelihood of a dangerous situation occurring increases significantly. As practice shows, children often do not know how to behave with a stranger on the street, what to do in case of a fire, or how to cross the road correctly. Therefore, there is an urgent need to implement the “Red Summer – Safe” project.

The goal of the project: to develop in children the conscious implementation of rules of behavior that ensure the safety of their lives and health in modern conditions of the street, transport, nature, and everyday life. Improvement of children's health during the summer health campaign. Developing children's interest in summer sports.

Objectives: familiarization with household sources of danger, formation of ideas about methods of safe behavior at home

- education of a competent road user;

- fostering a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie;

-improve children’s knowledge of how to behave correctly in dangerous situations, such as contacts with strangers;

-develop skills in careful handling of fire, expand understanding of the causes and consequences of careless handling of fire.

-develop cognitive interests;

- create conditions that ensure the protection of life and strengthen the health of children through the use of natural factors: air, sun, water;

-encourage children to be conscious of their own health;

- to form in children the need for daily physical activity;

- develop motor skills in children that promote health through exercises and ball games.

Expected result of the project: Children know and practice the rules of safe behavior, on the street, at home, in nature. They are conscious about their health and healthy lifestyle.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage:

• Determining the theme of the project

• Formulation of goals and definition of objectives. Selection of materials on the project topic

• Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project.

• Instructing children to prevent injuries when playing with sports equipment.

Selection of consultations and recommendations for parents

• Making a didactic game “Name the “extra” sport.”

• Preparation of presentations “Introduction to sports equipment and equipment necessary for practicing summer sports games and sports exercises”, “Summer sports”, “Road rules - everyone without exception should know” Selection of exercises, games, relay races with the ball.


Project on the topic: Summer for kindergarten. Preparatory group

Sub-project: “Our Book Summer” on the topic: “WE AND SUMMER.” Implementation period: 3 months. Project type: informational and creative Project type: frontal Developed by teachers of group No. 7 I.V. Mikhailyuk, O.V. Tsyganova, Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 3 “Rucheyok”, Vyksa urban district Project participants: Children of preparatory school group No. 7 Teachers of group No. 7: Musical director: A.Yu. Radosteva Psychologist: S.V.
Zueva Project Passport Type of project: informational and creative All activities planned for the implementation of this project are aimed at achieving the goal - to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics, to fully satisfy the needs of the growing body for rest, creative activity and movement. By participating in activities, children will be able to develop motor skills and abilities, acquire an interest in acquiring new knowledge about the environment through conversations, and demonstrate existing knowledge in the process of outdoor games and entertainment games. In a friendly, relaxed atmosphere of involvement in games, children are given the opportunity to cooperate with each other and with the teacher, as well as to help, support and empathize. The project is carried out: inside a kindergarten with children 6-7 years old Project duration: long-term 3 months Expected result: - Strengthening the physical and mental health of children. — Increasing the child’s body’s resistance to various types of diseases. — Enriching students with new knowledge and vivid impressions. — Increasing your professional competence in the field of organizing summer holidays for children. — Increasing the competence of parents in organizing summer holidays for children. Hypothesis: increasing the time children spend in the fresh air in the summer will provide an opportunity to develop a healthy lifestyle, increase physical activity, as well as enrich knowledge and activate thought processes in preschool children. Relevance of the project - WHY IS SUMMER NOT ENOUGH FOR ALL THE CHILDREN? — SUMMER, LIKE CHOCOLATE, MELTS VERY QUICKLY! V. ORLOV Summer is the most favorable time for the strengthening and development of children. Work in a preschool educational institution during the summer should be organized so that children spend it with joy and pleasure and receive a charge of vigor and health. It is important that children spend most of their time outdoors. Increasing time in the fresh air will provide an opportunity to develop a healthy image and increase physical activity. Participation in entertainment and theatrical performances will enrich children’s knowledge with new impressions, contribute to the development of creative abilities, and form communication skills. And it is very important to organize the life of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content, so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives will delight children for a long time. One of the most important issues in the work of a preschool institution in the summer is the organization of children's leisure time. On the one hand, good weather and the opportunity to spend enough time outdoors largely alleviate the severity of this problem. However, children quickly get bored with their usual games, and if their activity is not used, they strive to fill their time with a variety of forms of activity. The implementation of the project provides ample opportunities for strengthening the physical, mental and social health of pupils, developing their intellectual, creative and communication abilities. Goal: — Creating optimal conditions for maintaining the strengthening of the physical, mental and social health of preschool children in the summer. Objectives: — Formation of safe behavior skills on city streets and in nature. — Formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle, promoting the development and accumulation of motor experience in children. — Preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health, increasing their emotional and positive attitude. — Development of cognitive interest: promoting the accumulation in children of ideas about the world around them (objective, social, natural world). — Ensuring every child has the opportunity to live a joyful and meaningful summer. — Increasing the competence of parents in organizing summer holidays for children and involving them in participation in the educational process based on cooperative pedagogy. The main directions of the project implementation: Physical education and recreation
“The sun rises early - it calls everyone to exercise!”
Musical and theatrical
“We dance and sing - we live a very happy life!”
Artistic and aesthetic
“Our hands do not know boredom!”
“How beautiful this world is - look!”
Objectives of the project implementation in the main areas
The sun rises early - it calls everyone to exercise!
We dance and sing - we have a lot of fun! Our hands never get bored! How beautiful this world is - look! — Continuation of work to improve health, develop motor abilities and qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, flexibility). — Formation in children of the need for daily physical activity. — Acquaintance with ways to improve health available to preschool children. — Development of children’s creative abilities in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities. — Acquaintance with various types of theater and theatrical activities. - formation of a stock of musical impressions in children, their use in various activities. — Forming in preschoolers the ability to create simple images, encouraging them to independently convey images in drawing, modeling, appliqué — Creating conditions for the development of fine motor skills and skills in mastering collective creativity. — Development of speech and verbal communication in preschoolers. — Development in children of the ability to listen to literary works of various genres, to take part in the storytelling of familiar works. — Stimulating children’s interest in understanding the world around them through ideas about nature and man. — Instilling in children interest, attention and a friendly attitude towards the environment, a desire to preserve and protect nature. Approximate content of the week “Children on the planet are friends!” Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day of interests and wishes Day of creativity and fairy tales Day of experimentation and experiments Day of health and sports Day of fun and entertainment Sports and music. exercise in the fresh air “One, two – don’t yawn! Repeat everything after me!” Conversation: “Friendly guys.” Observations: “Sunshine”, “Magic Clouds”. Psycho-gymnastics: “Children on the planet are friends!” “The sun is shining” Outdoor games: “Entertainers”, “Cat and Mice”, “Sparrows and a car”. Finger gymnastics: “Friendly family”, “Funny names”. Singing songs about summer, sun, friendship. Reading fiction on the topic of the week. Sports-music exercising in the fresh air Conversation: “Children on the planet are friends.” Observations: “Behind the shadow” “Sunny bunnies”. Drawing on asphalt: “Colorful childhood”; "The world is like a colorful meadow." Plastic sketch “Sun” - the affectionate names made me feel warm, like the sun. We will all now become rays of sunshine and warm each other. Outdoor games: “Sun Rays”, “Sun and Shadow”, “Burners with a Scarf” Singing songs about summer, sun, friendship. Reading fiction on the topic of the week. Sports-music exercise in the fresh air “One, two – don’t yawn! Repeat everything after me!” Conversation: “What are friends for?” Experimentation: “When the water is warmer” (heating surrounding objects during the day and evening), “Water in a vessel” (heating water with the rays of the sun), “Shadow” (examining and comparing the size of shadows from objects in different time of day). Didactic games: “Say it differently”, “It happens, it doesn’t happen”, “One, two”, Outdoor games: “Sun circle”, “Day-night” Singing songs about summer, sun, friendship. Reading fiction on the topic of the week. Sports-music exercise in the fresh air Conversations: “Types of sports.” “Vitamins for health” Labor: “Let’s collect dry sticks on the site.” Observations: “Marathon on the sand” - traces of insects and birds in the sand, viewing through a magnifying glass. “How does a grasshopper move?”, “How do other insects move?” - at the request of the children. Experimentation: “The Journey of a Droplet” - properties of water, its different states. Exercises on the “Health Track”: prevention of flat feet. Summer vernissage: Drawing: “Children of the whole earth are friends” Breathing exercises: “Blow harder”, “Soap bubbles” Sports games: “Football”, “Basketball”, “Badminton”, “Towns reading art. literature on the topic of the week Sports and music. exercise in the fresh air Conversation: “Why does a butterfly need a flower” Observations: “For butterflies”, “For a grasshopper” Work: “Cleaning the kindergarten area” Didactic games: “More - less”, “Week, month, year”, “Who what do you need?”, “From A to Z” Musical games: “Sun, rain, wind”, “Sun and rain”. Entertainment: “So summer has come” Outdoor games: “Come on, catch up!”, “We walk, we walk, we dance in a circle,” “Cloud and droplets.” Independent motor activity of children Preparation of a report folder for the month of June Consultation for parents: “What should children do in the summer?” Approximate content of the week “In a fairy-tale kingdom - an unprecedented state” (based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin) Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day of interests and knowledge Day of creativity and fairy tales Day of experimentation and experiments Day of health and sports Day of fun and entertainment Sports.- music exercise in the fresh air “Rise up with the sun” Conversations: “How we composed fairy tales.” Observations: “An amazing bird on our site.” Psycho-gymnastics: “Pictograms”. Outdoor games: Outdoor games: “Burners”, “Hide and Seek”, “Forged Chains”, “Fishing Rod”, “We are funny guys”. Didactic games: “More - less”, “Week, month, year”, “Who needs what?”, “From A to Z”. Examination of illustrations for A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale Reading art. literature on the topic of the week. Sports-music exercise in the fresh air “Rise up with the sun” Conversations: “Fairy tales that live on our bookshelf” Virtual excursion: “On the roads of fairy tales.” Observations: “Rain, rain, pour, pour, you and I have more fun!” Labor: “Sweeping paths.” Singing songs about summer, about rain. Outdoor games: “Dashes”, “Ball for the driver” Reading thin. literature: learning poems, rhymes about summer, guessing riddles. Sports-music exercise in the fresh air “Rise up with the sun” Conversations: “Our light is our sun” Observations: “A cloud is like ...” Experimentation: “The power of sunlight” Didactic games: “What do you see around” “Is it true or not?”, “ Finish the sentence" Outdoor games: "Frog and Herons", "Fox in the Chicken Coop", "Crucian Carp and Pike" Listening to an audio recording with the voices of the forest (birds singing, the murmur of a stream, the cracking of twigs, etc.) Singing songs on the topic of the week Reading . literature on the topic of the week Sports and music. exercise in the fresh air “Rise up with the sun” Conversations: “Cleanliness and health.” Summer vernissage: Modeling: “My favorite fairy-tale hero” Observations: “Sun and cloud”. Ecological games: “Zoological Lotto”, “Which flower should we put in a vase”, “Whose children?” Exercises “About a narrow path”, “Along a forest path”. Outdoor games: “Mousetrap”, “Colors”, “The Sea is agitated” Breathing exercises: “Bird voices” Outdoor games Reading art. literature Sports and music exercise in the fresh air “Rise up with the sun” Conversations: “Grandmother’s tales”, “Magic words” Observations: “Such different insects.” Musical games: “Burn, burn clearly” Outdoor games: “Sly Fox”, “Sun and Rain”. “We are not afraid of the cat” Entertainment: “Russia Day” Fairytale quiz “Journey along the roads of fairy tales” based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkina Preparation of a report folder for the month of June Consultation for parents: “Children’s safety in summer. Behavior rules". Approximate content of the week “Sun, air and water are niches’ best friends!” Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day of interests and knowledge Day of creativity and fairy tales Day of experimentation and experiments Day of health and sports Day of fun and entertainment Sports and music. exercise in the fresh air “Wake up, let’s exercise!” Conversations: “Sunny mood.” Observations: “Sunny bunnies.” Outdoor games: “Planes”, “Carousels”, “Breeze”, “Cloud and Droplets”. Experimentation: “Heating water in the sun” Work assignments: “Taking care of the flower garden plants” Listening to music on the topic of the week Physical education, “The wind blows in our faces.” Breathing exercises: “Blow on the shoulder”, “Pump”. Sports-music outdoor exercise “Wake up to exercise!” Conversations: “What is air?” Didactic games: “Correct the mistake”, “Day, night - day away” Observations: “The deeds and tricks of the sun” Labor: “Cleaning up dry branches on the site.” Outdoor games: “Sun and Rain”, “Planes”. Reading fiction and singing songs about air, wind, sun, water. Proverbs and sayings on this topic. Sports-music exercise in the fresh air “Wake up, let’s exercise!” Conversations: “The invisible wind.” Experimentation: experiments with air: “Blow up a balloon”, “The wind blows - the boat floats” Labor: “Cleaning up order in the sandbox” Observations: “Behind the wind”, “Behind the weather” Didactic games: “Rainbow-arc”, “Where is whose house” , "Find the butterfly." Outdoor games: “The wind blows - the boat floats”, “Traps”, “Traps with tails” Reading thin. literature on the topic of the week Sports and music. outdoor exercise “Wake up to exercise!” Conversations: “Let’s play sports.” Summer vernissage: Application: “The sun is radiant” Observations: “The wind shakes the trees”, “How big children do exercises”. Psycho-gymnastics: “I am a cloud”, “Outdoor recreation”. Speech therapy games: “Tongue”, “Delicious jam”. Breathing exercises: “Blow on a feather”, “Blow a soap bubble”, “Blow up a balloon”. Singing songs and reading. literature about summer, sun, water, and hardening. Sports-music exercise in the fresh air “Wake up, let’s exercise!” Conversations: “Summer Rain.” Observations: “Droplets of dew” “Behind the shadow” Didactic games: “Mazes”, “Find an object of the same shape”, “Nature and man” Experiments: “Sunny bunnies”. Outdoor games: “Planes”, “Cloud and droplets”, “Come on, catch up!”. Entertainment: Soap bubble show Making a report folder for the month of June Consultation for parents: “Children’s clothing in summer” Approximate content of the week “Country of polite words and deeds” Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day of interests and knowledge Day of creativity and fairy tales Day of experimentation and experiences Day of Health and Sports Day of Fun and Entertainment Sports and Music. exercise in the fresh air Conversation: “Who came up with the rules of behavior and why.” Didactic games: “You can - you can’t”, “Objects are sources of fire”, “Home helpers”, “Who needs what”, “I’ll start, and you finish” Outdoor games: “Kind words”, “Who can name the most polite words” - with a ball, “Pass the letter” Role-playing games: “Supermarket”, “Beauty Salon” Observations: “Over the soil and sand”. Labor: “We help the assistant teacher change the towels.” Reading literature on the topic of the week. Sports-music exercise in the fresh air Conversation: “My good deeds.” Observations: “What’s the weather like today?” Labor: “Let’s clear the toys from sand”, Exercises: “An unexpected meeting” (counter walking), “On the thorns” (barefoot) Examination of the plot pictures “Good and bad”. Didactic games: Kind words”, “Who can name the most polite words” - with a ball, “Pass the letter” Outdoor games: “Carousel”, “Owl - owl”, “Walking in circles” Reading fiction on the topic of the week Sports and music exercises in the fresh air Conversations: “Know how to apologize” Observations : “Plants are our friends.” Experiments: “Water is a magician.” Game “Show your child an example of a good deed.” Didactic games: “How to be able to read well!” “Say it differently” “Connect the dots” Outdoor games: “Stream” , “Jump over the stream”, “Find your house”. Balance exercises: “Don’t fall”, “On a stump”, “On a narrow path”. Reading fiction on the topic of the week. Sports and musical exercises in the fresh air Conversations: “Why do people get angry?” Summer vernissage: Application “Gift for a friend” Playing with sand and water, pouring water on hands and feet Observations: “Insects on our site.” Exercises: “Lost” (running in all directions). Finger gymnastics: “Who can run faster”, “Fingers play hide and seek.” Breathing exercises: “Let’s play with our nose,” “Watch,” “Blowing out a candle.” Outdoor games, singing songs, reading art. literature on the topic of the week. Sports-music exercise in the fresh air “The sun is shining through the window” Conversations: “You can’t offend girls.” Observations: “How kids play” Didactic games: “Fold the picture”, “What’s missing?” Entertainment: “Visiting the Sun.” Round dancing games “Loaf”, “Bubble” Outdoor games: “Sun and Rain”, “Cloud and Drops”, “Owl - Owl”, “Little Bunnies”. Entertainment: Making a report folder for the month of June Consultation for parents: “Poisoning in the summer” Approximate content of the week “Everyone should know the rules of the road!” Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day of interests and knowledge Day of creativity and fairy tales Day of experimentation and experiments Day of health and sports Day of fun and entertainment Sports and music. outdoor exercise “We follow each other.” Conversation: “Rules of the Roads - Right Right” observations: “What different cars”, examining illustrations about the types of city transport didactic games: “We teach traffic signs”, “Guess what a sign”, “Put the road sign” outdoor games: ““ “ Find your color ”,“ Broken traffic light ”,“ Stop ”Reading Hood. literature on the topic of the week. Sports.-Muz. Charging in the fresh air "We walk one after another." Conversation: “Types and names of transport” didactic games: “What is the traffic light talking about”, “Which car is caring?” Observations: "Our street in the summer." Game exercises: "Do not play on the road." Design: "Road signs" Singing songs about summer, roads, vehicles. Outdoor games: “Pedestrians and cars”, “Stop-go”, “color cars”. Sports.-Muz. Charging in the fresh air "We walk one after another." Conversation: “On the streets of the big city” Observation: “Soil in different weather” didactic games: “Pick up a wheel for the car”; “What am I traveling to”; “Talking signs”; "Who needs what" finger gymnastics: "Passengers on the bus." Games with sand: “road”, balance exercises: “dark glasses” (walking with eyes closed), “do not fall” (walking on a rope). Outdoor games, singing songs, reading thin. literature on the topic of the week. Sports.-Muz. Charging in the fresh air "We walk one after another." Conversation: “Visiting the traffic light” Observation: “Cars near the kindergarten”. Didactic games: “moves - does not move”, “it is possible - it is impossible, right - not right.” Summer vernissage: drawing: “intersection” Exercises for hardening: “On the paths (walking and running between items of a snake),“ On the path - barefoot ”,“ On the path on one leg ”, outdoor games, reading hoods. literature on the topic of the week. Sports.-Muz. Charging in the fresh air "We walk one after another." Conversation: “My friend Bike” Observations: “Where is the wind hiding.” Musical games: "Fun traffic light." Didactic games: “On the ground, by water or by air”, “Who controls with what” outdoor games: “Colored cars”, “Day and night”, “Funny train”. Entertainment: drawings competition on the asphalt "Road Signs". Consultation for parents: “Caution Crossroads” The approximate content of the week “Family, Love and Fidelity” Days Monday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Day and Knowledge Day and Tales Day of Experimentation and Experiments Day of Health and Sports Day Sports Sports. . Charging in the fresh air "Good afternoon! Wake up soon! ” Conversation: “My family”, observations: “My friend”. Outdoor games: “Catch a butterfly”, “Lovishka”, “Fox fled”. Didactic games: “Let's get acquainted”, “A wonderful bag”. “Kuvshin of Kindness” Plug-playing games: “Family”, “Daughters-mother”, “Our house” photo exhibition “My family” Reading thin. literature on the topic of the week. Sports.-Muz. Charging in the fresh air "Good afternoon! Wake up soon! ” Conversation: “Family, this means together” observations: behind the sky didactic games: “What color is summer”, “Pets”, “Guess and name”. Considering illustrations about happy childhood. Games with sand and water. Singing songs about mom, family, friends. Reading literature on the topic of the week. Sports.-Muz. Charging in the fresh air "Good afternoon! Wake up soon! ” Conversation: "Underfective family." Observations: “What are we dressing in”, “If you are lost”, “My street”. Design: “Castle for a large family” outdoor games on the topic of the week. The target walk in the kindergarten. Examination of photographs from the life of the group. Games with sand and water. Reading literature on the topic of the week. Sports.-Muz. Charging in the fresh air "Good afternoon! Wake up soon! ” Conversation: "How do we rest with mom and dad." Observations: behind trees, behind shrubs. Summer Vernissage: Drawing: “Family Portrait” of didactic games: “Find the same”, “Who lives where”. Respiratory gymnastics: “breeze”, “smell of fields”. Exercises: “Remember the movement”, barefoot. Sanding therapy: "Find the treasure." Reading literature on the topic of the week. Sports.-Muz. Charging in the fresh air "Good afternoon! Wake up soon! ” Conversation: “The whole family is together and the soul in the place” of the observation: “Birds are small.” Outdoor games on the topic of the week. Didactic games: “Whose children”, “Name the flower”, “What is superfluous?” Entertainment with parents: "Family day, love and fidelity." Design of the Folder-report for July month consultation for parents: "Family, love and fidelity day." Approximate content of the week "Magic music of the summer!" Days of Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Interesting and Wishes Day of Creativity and Tales Day of Safety Day of Health and Sports Day of Music, Games, fun sports and musical exercises in the fresh air conversation on the topic: "What do we know about summer?" Experimentation: "When is the water warmer?" (Heating of surrounding objects during the day and evening) Observation of the clouds (develop observation) Reading poems about summer and sun Singing songs about summer games: “Tell me to the other way”, “One, two”, “First -grader” the game “About the dangers And the benefits of the Sun ”Respiratory exercises“ Breeze ”,“ We’ll blow into the balls ”... outdoor games:“ Football ”,“ Basketball ”,“ Badminton ”. Reading literature on the topic of the week. Start making a book of fairy tales with the hands of children sports and musical charging in the fresh air conversation on the topic: "What does it mean to be adults?" Analysis of situations. To invite children to comment on the statement: "The main sign of growing up is independence." KVN “On the roads of fairy tales” (with children of group No. 10) Composition of the fairy tale “Underground Residents”. Sanding therapy: “Find the treasure”, “excavations”. Didactic games: more - less ”,“ Week, month, year ”,“ Who needs what? ”,“ From A to Z ”outdoor games:“ burners ”,“ hide and seek ”,“ forged chains ”. Reading The literature on the topic of the week is the production of fairy tales with the hands of children athletic and musical charging in the fresh air conversation on the topic: “Safety rules in nature”. Experimentation: “soil properties” - examination and study of raw and dry soil. “What will 5 rainworms do with the soil?”, “What are the traces of the sand?”, “What kind of sand is it?” Observation of air is to give children to prove that the air is free, it has no smell, weightless. Didactic games: "Who will call actions more?" “Reply quickly” “Come up with the sentence” outdoor games: “Cunning Fox”, “At the Bear in Bor”, “Through the Bosss to the Forest”, “Loves with ribbons” Reading thin. Literature on the topic of the week Making a book of fairy tales with the hands of children sports and musical charging in the fresh air summer vernissage: drawing “Sunny day” Experimentation: “Drive travel”-its properties of water, its different states: dew, puddle, rain, river, pond, swamp and swamp and swamp and swamp. etc. Exercise for relaxing "nettles" - shaking of hands and relaxation. Psycho -gymnastics “Meeting in the Forest” - the development of expressiveness of movements, attention, imagination. Exercise “in different languages” - teach children to imitate the sounds made by animals. Outdoor games: “Twisting of the rope”, “centipede”, “scum”, “wolf in the moat”, “third extra”. Reading literature on the topic of the week. Sports and musical charging in the fresh air conversation with children on the topic: "Who writes music and who composes fairy tales?" Competitions of drawings on the asphalt "The world looks like a color meadow." Experience: a treat for an ant - to sprinkle the path with sugar and salt, find out where the ants crawl and how quickly. Dunno invites everyone to the theater: invite children to beat any favorite fairy tale, use dolls - bibabo, screen, desktop theater, finger theater, development of the emotional side, prosodic, speech, imagination, attention, memory. Reading literature on the topic of the week. Making a book of fairy tales with the hands of children Interaction with parents: “Summer is red for health Beautiful” approximate content of the week “Olympiad in the“ stream ”Days of Monday week Wednesday Thursday Friday Day and Wishes Day of Creativity and Tales Day of Safety Day of Health and Sports Day , games, fun sports and musical charging in the fresh air walking “Health path” (barefoot on pebbles, sand, grass). Conversation: with children on the topic: "What is the Olympics?" Didactic games: “Correct a mistake”, “Come up with a word” Experimentation: a series of experiments: “Where is it easier to jump: on sand or on the grass?” Outdoor games: “We are funny guys”, “The third extra”, “An empty place”. Physical education of the poem according to the methodology “Tell the verses with your hands” - “Young athletes” reading thin. literature on the topic of the week. Making a book of fairy tales with the hands of children sports and musical charging in the fresh air walking “Health path” (barefoot on pebbles, sand, grass). Conversation: with children on the topic: “History of the Olympic Games” Learning a poem: S. Medvedev “There are no short ways of short” speech therapy games: “One - a lot”, “Name according to the model”, “Who does what?”, “Confusion” - Develop a grammatical structure of speech. Exercises for posture: “Aladdin” (sitting, crossing the arms and legs), “invisible hat” (walking with a bag on the head) facial gymnastics “chicken and chickens”. Physical Games: “Forged chains”, “The most accurate.” “Who will leave further?” Reading literature on the topic of the week. Making a book of fairy tales with the hands of children sports and musical charging in the fresh air walking “Health path” (barefoot on pebbles, sand, grass) conversation with children on the topic: “What is the stadium?” Didactic games: compiling didactic games at the request of children. Olympiad in the stream Sports competitions with children of group No. 10 are outdoor games: “Felce”, competition “With a backpack”, “Fortress” Physical education hardening procedures: air baths, barefoot, nasal breathing ... Reading is thin. literature on the topic of the week. Making a book of fairy tales with the hands of children sports and musical charging in the fresh air walking “Health path” (barefoot on pebbles, sand, grass) conversation with children on the topic: “Why do we love physical education?” Summer vernissage: Application: “Olympic rings” finger gymnastics: “Who will run faster?” (fingers run), “Fun Hands” (breeding fingers) Psycho -gymnastics in combination with the point of massage “Gymnastics of little wizards” Physical mobile games with the ball: “Catch up the ball”, “My cheerful, sonorous ball” ... Reading thin. literature on the topic of the week. Making a book of fairy tales with the hands of children Sports and musical charging in the fresh air walking “Health path” (barefoot on pebbles, sand, grass) a quiz with children of group No. 10 “Olympic Fire”-to give the children to name Olympic sports, countries that take part in Olympics. Relaxation exercises: “Imagine that the bake”, “Rest in nature” (with the inclusion of calm music). Musical and mean exercise “If you want to be healthy” Physical education under the musical accompaniment “If you like it, then do so ...” Musical warm-up “Funny Chlopushka” R.N.M. Reading literature on the topic of the week. Making a book of fairy tales with the hands of children Interaction with parents Consultation “The influence of playing massage on children's health” approximate content of the week “Connoisseurs of Nature” Days of Monday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day and Wishes Day of Creativity and Tales Day of Safety Day of Health and Sports Day, Game, Game, Game Fun sports and musical charging in the fresh air conversation with children on the topic: “What is under our feet?”, (We live in a city where all the streets are paved, cars drive along them, people walk, but there are islands where the flowers grow, Trees, grass, is a living land. It is called soil). Didactic games “Name in one word”, “Find the sound”, “Who?” Observations: “mountain ash” - to offer the children to guess why Ryabina received such a name that the word “pockmarked” means. Help to identify changes taking place with mountain ash. Outdoor games: “Bowns”, “surveyors” - the measurement of the plot with sticks, “Fox running” - a run between the segles. “Find your home” - stone, flower, sand, stump, etc. Labor orders: cleaning on the kindergarten section Reading Hood. literature on the topic of the week. Begin the manufacture of the book by the hands of children “Summer and Summer months” Sports and musical charging in the fresh air. The reading of V. Bianka “Owl” to continue to form an idea of ​​the relationship and interdependence of living creatures, the idea of ​​the literary genre “Cognitive Tale”; Experimentation: air experiments: “inflate the ball”, “the wind blows - the boat floats (check the influence of the wind force on the movement of sailing ships, boats in the basin). Didactic games: “Find by the description” “What do you see around?”, “Is it true or not?” Psycho -gymnastics: Exercises for relaxation “sticky clay” (stroking the body with his palms alternates with shaking brushes). Riddles about the colors of the game-improvisation of “butterflies and moths” (the development of plastic, self-expression). Reading literature on the topic of the week. . Sports and musical charging in the fresh air Observation "Friends of Flower". Speech therapy games: “drive the ball into the gate”, “boats” -binding the air stream. Finger games: “A tall flower has grown in a clearing”, “Flowers bloom”. Psycho -gymnastics: “icons” - to develop the emotions of children. Didactic games “Pour - Water”, “Finish the proposal”, “Good - bad”. The mobile game "Sun and Flowers", "Funny bumblebees" Labor activity: to loosen the ground in a flower garden. Labor orders: cleaning on the kindergarten site reading is thin. literature on the topic of the week. Making the book by the hands of children “Summer and summer months sports and musical charging in the fresh air summer vernissage: drawing:“ signs of nature ”. Examination of illustrations about poisonous plants finger gymnastics “Flowers” ​​didactic games: “I know 5 names”, “Dorish”, “Plant, insect, bird”, “edible - inedible”. Respiratory gymnastics "Dandelions". Observation of the nettle and plantain of the game with sand: “Sand Castle”, “Archaeologists” (searching with a brush of objects in the sand). Exercises for posture (walking with a bag of sand on the head). Outdoor games: "Distribution", "The Ball to the Drive." Collection of medicinal plants for herbarium reading is thin. literature on the topic of the week. Sports and musical charging in the fresh air conversation with children on the topic: Theater on the flannelographer “Thumbelina Competition“ Sand Fantasy ”-the construction of the sand city by layouts. Psycho -gymnastics: “Holidays in nature” (lie down, close your eyes and imagine yourself in nature a musical game “On the lawn” Listening to music: “Flowers” ​​by N. Bakhutov, “Venochka” (Hungarian folk song). Didactic games: “Wonderful bag”. “Guess and name”. “Guess the mystery.” “Magic pencil.” “Make a still life.” Outdoor games: sports games: “football”, “basketball”, “badminton”, “towns”-manufacture of the book by the hands of children “Summer and Summer and Summer months Interaction with parents folder - Moving “Caution, Poisonous Plants” approximate content of the week “Miracles on the beds” Days of Monday Monde Wednesday Thursday Friday Day and Wishes Day of Creativity and Tale Day of Health and Sports Day of Music and Sports Day, Games, Funny Sports -MUZICAL Charging in the fresh air conversation with children on the topic: “What vegetables are growing in the garden?” Didactic games: “Wonderful bag”, “The tops are roots.” Reading Y. Put “Vegetables”, S. Mikhalkov “Once the Mistress from the Bazaar I came ”,“ as in our garden ”, the physical education games“ Find, where you are hidden ”,“ edible - inedible ”reading of thin. literature on the topic of the week. Registration of the book by the hands of children “Summer and summer months, sports and musical charging in the fresh air situational conversation“ How to grow a good harvest? ” Didactic games: “Find by the description”, “Puzzles”. Outdoor games: “edible - inedible”, “Find a couple”. Observation of the apple tree experimentation: "What likes to eat a flower?" - To teach children to observe and draw conclusions. Physical education finger gymnastics "Orange" staging the children "Turnip" Reading Hood. literature on the topic of the week. Registration of the book by the hands of children “Summer and summer months sports and musical exercises in the fresh air conversation with children on the topic:“ edible-inedible ”theater of vegetables. Observation of the rosehip labor: collect sand in the sandbox didactic games: compiling didactic games at the request of children. Didactic game “What grows where?” Clushed pictures ”,“ Domino ”. The mobile game “We are funny guys”, “Cucumber”. Reading literature on the topic of the week. Registration of the book by the hands of children “Summer and summer months sports and musical charging in the fresh air conversation with children on the topic:“ Delicious and healthy fruits and vegetables ”. Summer vernissage: Modeling “Vitamins from the garden” outdoor games “Mice in the pantry”, “Golden Gate”, “Do like me”. Didactic games: “Day-night”, “Fourth extra”, work: to collect toys on the site reading thin. literature on the topic of the week. The design of the book by the hands of children “Summer and summer months sports and musical charging in the fresh air conversation with children on the topic:“ Vitamins I love, to be healthy, I want ”a puppet performance by the tale of V. Suteev“ under the fungus ”didactic games:“ Who is faster? » “Fill the window”, “labyrinths” of the finger games: “The goat jumped into the garden”, “pancakes”. Outdoor games: sports games: “Football”, “Basketball”, “Badminton”, “Cities Musically mobile game:“ Musical guys reading thin. literature on the topic of the week. Registration of the book by the hands of children “Summer and summer months Interaction with parents Consultation“ Vegetables and fruits - valuable products ” List of literature used: 1. Grizik T.I., Lavrova T.V.
I recognize the world. A developing book for children 6-8 years old - 48 p.: Il. - Reg. M.: Education 2015 2. V.K. Polynov “Fundamentals of the safety of the life of preschool children” St. St. Petersburg childhood - press 2010 3. M.N. Dedulevich “Play - Do not yawn” Moscow “Education” 2007 4. E. A. Alyabyeva “Logoritmic exercises without musical accompaniment” Moscow “Sphere” 2006 5. L.A. Lamin “Folk Games in kindergarten” Moscow “Sphere” 2009 6. I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva ”Ladushka.

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