CARD INDEX “Finger gymnastics” for the first junior group card index (junior group)

Techniques used in finger games

In many ways, the choice of techniques depends on the stage at which the group teacher is working on finger play during the school year. Conventionally, it can be divided into three stages:

· Introductory (September-November). The teacher’s task at this stage is to arouse children’s interest in finger games and the desire to participate in them, to teach the simplest movements of fingers and palms. The main technique at this stage is direct demonstration, when the teacher takes the child’s hand in his own and directs the actions of his fingers.

· At the second stage (December-February), children are given more independence, they perform play actions, and the teacher pronounces the text of a nursery rhyme, poem or fairy tale. Not all children need direct demonstration anymore, so they introduce methods of explanation, reminders, and demonstration based on a model.

· The third stage (March-May) involves the manifestation of activity and independence of students: they not only perform the movements themselves, but also partially pronounce the text of the game. At the third stage, it is important to support the child’s desire for creativity and improvisation.

For this, successful techniques would be asking questions to the child, changing and creatively unfolding the plot of a fairy tale or nursery rhyme used during the game: “The magpie-crow cooked a lot of porridge, fed everyone, because all our fingers are hard-working, well done!” (stroking fingers). The bun rolled and rolled along the path, and hid behind Olechka’s back. Where is Kolobok? You can’t see him, the little fox won’t eat him (the child hides the ball or toy behind his back).” Such creative techniques, in addition to increasing interest in the game, create the prerequisites for the formation of creative and innovative thinking, which will greatly help the child in the future.

The use of visual aids (preferably objects, toys, mitten dolls), artistic expression, and folklore is mandatory at all stages. An indispensable condition is the emotional, correct speech of the teacher. Without encouragement, praise, and support, classes with younger preschoolers are impossible. Even the youngest children should feel like they are in a “success situation.” This will give an incentive, a desire to engage in interesting activities again.

Finger gymnastics file for the first junior group

Ivanova Nadezhda

Finger gymnastics file for the first junior group

Finger gymnastics file for the first junior group

Finger gymnastics : “Grandfather and Grandmother”

Here are grandma's glasses (connect the thumbs and index fingers of both hands into rings and apply to the eyes,

And here is her cup (cup hands)


She likes to fold her hands together (put one palm on top of the other)

And put on your knees (then put your hands on your knees)


Here grandfather has glasses (similar to the previous step, only make the glasses larger,

And there is his stick (put one straight hand down and clench a fist)


He likes to read (bend his arms in front of him, with his open palms facing upward, pretending to be a book,

And then sleep a little (put your palms under your cheeks and close your eyes)


Finger gymnastics : “Autumn leaves”

One, two, three, four, five (we begin to bend our fingers to count )

Let's go collect leaves (clench and unclench your fists)

Birch leaves, aspen leaves (bend fingers )

Poplar and rowan leaves,

We will collect oak leaves

And we’ll bring the bouquet home (stretch your arms forward, clenching your fingers into fists )


Finger gymnastics : “fish”

The fish swam and dived

In clean, warm water (fold your fingers into a pinch , making wave-like movements with your whole hand - from shoulder to hand):

Then they will squeeze (clench your fingers ,

Unclench (spread your fingers to the sides ,

Then they will bury themselves in the sand (put your fingers together and alternately make movements with your hands, as if you were digging up sand).

Finger gymnastics : “Greeting”

Hello, golden sun (spread your fingers in different directions )

Hello, the sky is blue (raise your hands up)

Hello, fresh breeze (shake your raised hands)

Hello, curly oak (join your fingers above your head , rounding your arms)


We live in our native land (spread your arms in different directions)


I love you all (hug yourself with your arms)


Finger gymnastics : “Treat”

Drying, drying, drying, drying (alternately we connect the thumb with the rest with a , starting with the index finger, you can use both hands at the same time,

Pies (put your palms together, slightly rounding them, in the shape of a pie,

Pancakes (slap your right palm on your left hand, then vice versa,

Cheesecakes (stretch both open palms forward)


Finger gymnastics “Toys”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

I play with toys: (Hands in front of you, clench and unclench the fingers of both hands .)

I throw the ball to you, (We stretch our arms forward - “throw the ball”


I assemble the pyramid (we place straight hands, palms down, on top of each other several times.)

I drive the truck everywhere. (We move the slightly open hand of our right hand in front of us - “rolls the car”


Finger gymnastics “Toys”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

My funny round ball, (With one hand we hit an imaginary ball.)

Don't hide your round cheeks! (Change hands.)

I’ll catch you, (With both hands, joining the fingers , we show the ball.)

I'll ride it in my hands! (Roll an imaginary ball between your palms.)

Finger gymnastics “Berries”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

I remove the berries from the branch ( Fingers are relaxed , hanging down. With the fingers of the other hand, stroke each finger from the base to the very tip, as if removing an imaginary berry from it.)

And I collect it in a basket. (Cup both palms in front of you.)

There will be a full basket, (Cover one palm, folded into a boat, with another also folded palm.)

I'll try a little. (One folded palm imitates a basket, the other hand

I’ll eat a little more, take out imaginary berries and put them in my mouth.)

The path to home will be easy! (Imitating legs, the middle and index fingers on both hands “run away”

as far as possible.)

Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

Red, red fly agaric - (We connect our fingertips - we draw a mushroom hat.)

White speckled pattern. (One hand - “mushroom cap”

, with the index
finger of the other hand we show “speckles”

You're beautiful, but don't tear! (They shook their finger .)

And we don’t put it in the basket! (Straight palm away from you - moving away gesture.)

Finger gymnastics “Autumn”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

Autumn came out for a walk, ( "Let's go"

index and middle
fingers of one hand .)
She began to collect leaves. (With one hand we “pick”

leaves and
in another.)

Finger gymnastics “Trees”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

Hello, forest, (Raise both hands with your palms facing you, spread your fingers .)

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Finger gymnastics “Vegetables”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

I am green cabbage, (Hands form a circle in front of you.)

Without me the pot is empty. (We bowed our heads - “we look into the pan”


Take the leaves off me, (We spread our arms to the sides.)

And only I will remain!

Finger gymnastics “Fruits”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

Yellow-yellow is our lemon, ( Fingers are connected with pads - we show the lemon.)

It splashes with sour juice. ( our fingers sharply to the sides.)

Let's put it in tea (We connect the thumb, index and middle fingers of one hand and “dip the lemon into the tea”


Along with yellow skin. ( Fingers in the same position , we make a rotational movement “stirring the tea”


Finger gymnastics “Vegetables and fruits”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

There are many beds in the garden, (Clench and unclench fingers .)

There are turnips and lettuce here, (Bend your fingers one by one .)

There are beets and peas here,

Are potatoes bad ?

Our green garden (Clap their hands.)

It will feed us for a whole year.

Finger gymnastics “Clothes”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

I’ll put on boots, (We point to the legs, torso, head.)

Jacket and hat.

And on each hand (One hand with straightened fingers up , the other runs along the little finger and the edge of the palm, showing the direction of putting on gloves.)

I'll pull on the glove. (Change hands.)

Finger gymnastics “Shoes”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

We put shoes on our feet to run on the track. ( They “walk” fingers

on the table.)

Repeat the words after me: (Clench and unclench your fingers .)

Leg - one, leg - two! (Put two fingers on the table and raise one at a time.)

They buy in the store (They clench and unclench their fingers .)

And they put it on your feet

Dad, mom, brother and me - (Bend their fingers .)

The whole family loves shoes. ( They “walk”
with their fingers on the table .)
Finger gymnastics “Dishes”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

From the plates, as one, (Palms together in front of you “plate”


We eat soup with spoons. (Rotational movements of the hand with an imaginary spoon.)

We eat cutlets with a fork (index and middle fingers are straightened , the thumb holds the ring and little fingers - “hold the fork”


The knife cuts our omelettes. ( "We cut"

straight palm back and forth.)

Finger gymnastics “Food”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

Knead the flour into the dough, (Clench and unclench your fingers .)

And we made them from the dough (They clap with their palms, “sculpt”


Pies and buns, (Alternately extend the fingers , starting with the little finger.)

Sweet cheesecakes,

Buns and rolls - (Both palms are turned up.)

We will bake everything in the oven.

Delicious! (They stroke their bellies.)

Finger gymnastics “Winter”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

Snow falls on the houses, (We spread our arms to the sides, palms down.)

Streets and rooftops. (Hands "house"


Winter is quietly approaching us, (Finger to lips. “Let’s go.”

index and middle
fingers of one hand .)
We don’t hear her... (Hand behind ear.)

Finger gymnastics “Winter fun”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

What do we like to do in winter? (Alternately connect the thumb with the rest.)

Play snowballs

Running on skis

Skating on ice,

Race down the mountain on a sled.

Finger gymnastics “New Year’s holiday”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

- Hello Dedushka Moroz! (The palm strokes the chin - “beard”

Santa Claus.)

What did he bring us as a gift? (Hands forward, palms up.)

- Loud crackers, (Clap your hands.)

Sweets, toys. (We twirl our brushes.)

Finger gymnastics “Body parts”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

I have a head, (We listen to the poem and point to the corresponding parts of the body.)

Chest, stomach, and then the back,

Legs for jumping

Handles - for playing.

Finger gymnastics “Pets”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

Here, having removed the scratches, ( "Washing hands"


The cat washes its paws.

Muzzle and ears (Circular movements of the palm over the face.)

On the top of your head. (Slightly bent palms move behind the ears - we show how a cat washes its ears.)

Finger gymnastics “Cubs of domestic animals”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

They ran along the river (Move their index and middle fingers along the surface of the table from themselves to the edge. Repeat several times.)

Kittens racing.

Finger gymnastics “Wild animals of our forests”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger .

A hare and a hedgehog towards each other (The index and middle fingers of both hands “go”

towards each other.)

We walked along a path through a field, through a meadow.

They met and they were scared. (Knock fists.)

They ran fast - come catch up! ( The fingers “go”

, but now in different directions.)

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