Educational - research project in the preparatory school group “Water is the source of life”"

Educational - research project in the preparatory school group “Water is the source of life”"

Kunavina Larisa Yurievna,

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 9" Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region,


Cognitive and research project in the preparatory school group
“Water is the source of life”
We must remember water with a capital W, since it is not only necessary for life, it is life itself.


Project theme: Water - the source of life"

Project type:

Cognitive-research, group.

Project participants

: children of the preparatory group, parents, teachers.


: medium term (3 weeks)

Relevance of the topic:

Water is one of the main resources on Earth. Water is a word we have known since birth. Sometimes we don’t even think about what it means and what it means to us. But water is the main component of all living things on our planet. Without water, no one and nothing on earth can exist. Our ancestors drank only clean, living water, and created legends and fairy tales about it. It is impossible to imagine what would happen to our planet if fresh water disappeared. But such a threat exists. There is only 3% fresh water in the world. These reserves are being depleted, and fresh water is becoming less and less. All living things around us suffer from polluted water. Therefore, water is our main wealth.

Based on the results of conversations with children, we found out that children know little about what happens to water in nature; what properties does it have; can a person and all living things live without water; how much water is on earth; how water gets into our apartments. We decided to find out how to use it carefully. For the study, we chose the topic: “Water is the source of life.”

Objective of the project:

Formation in children of knowledge about the importance of water in the life of all life on earth: water is the source of life, as well as a conscious, careful attitude towards water as an important natural resource, that is, the education of environmental consciousness.


To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about water and its properties.

Introduce the water cycle in nature.

Give an idea of ​​the role of water in human life and living organisms.

Continue to introduce children to the basic rules of hygiene and behavior on the water.

Develop children's cognitive abilities, teach them to show independence in acquiring knowledge during experiments.

To develop children's curiosity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions.

Foster respect for water.

Formulation of the problem:

Life on earth without water is impossible. Can we live without water? Who needs water? Where do we find water in nature? What state is water in? Should we conserve water and why?


if there was no water, there would be no life on Earth.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Short-term project “Water Sorceress” for the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Project participants: teacher and senior children.

Project duration: week


Scientific and practical progress is constantly expanding the use of natural resources, and also contributes to the involvement of ever larger territories in human economic activity. The result of this process is the increasing destruction of natural ecological systems. In this regard, issues of caring for nature, preserving its pristine beauty, and improving the protection of biodiversity require urgent solutions

Preschool childhood is the first stage where knowledge about the world around us is intensively accumulated and a multifaceted attitude towards people and nature is formed. The components of the ecological culture of a preschooler’s personality are knowledge about nature and its environmental orientation, the ability to use it in real life, in behavior, in various activities.

Object: Water in our lives.

Hypothesis: We assumed that it is impossible to live without water

Problem: Children lack ideas about the importance of water in human life, about the properties and qualities of water and a careful attitude towards it.

Justification of the problem:

Insufficient knowledge on the physical properties of water, as well as its significance;

Deterioration of the environmental situation

Project goal: To generalize and expand the cognitive interest of preschool children in water as an object of inanimate nature.


  • Develop ideas about the properties (taste, color, smell, fluidity) and states of water (solid, liquid, gaseous);
  • To develop in children knowledge about the importance of water for all life on earth;
  • Develop basic experimentation skills;
  • To form a conscious, careful attitude towards water as an important natural resource;
  • Development of creative abilities of adults and children in the process of joint activities;
  • Improve work on interaction with parents, intensify the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten;
  • Create conditions for the development of children's cognitive interest, creative imagination and thinking, as well as communication skills.

Expected results:

  • Expand and deepen the child’s knowledge and understanding of the world around him, including water.
  • Master basic experimentation skills
  • Gain experience in humane treatment of plants and living beings.
  • Increased knowledge in the field of research skills (establish cause-and-effect relationships).

Project implementation principles:

The principle of differentiation and individualization presupposes the creation of conditions for the full manifestation of the abilities of each child and timely educational work.

The principle of conformity with nature indicates that the educational process corresponds to both internal nature and external conditions.

The principle of dialogic communication as an integral condition for the interaction of subjects, which reflects the close connection between mutual and reciprocal openness, sincerity, mutual understanding of the teacher and the child, and projects an attitude towards reasonable assimilation.

The principle of accessibility provides for the implementation of environmental work taking into account the characteristics of age, preparedness, as well as the individual characteristics and mental development of children.

Systematic principle. Achieving the goal is ensured by solving a set of health, educational and educational tasks with appropriate content, which allows us to obtain a predictable result.

The principle of consistency is to gradually increase requirements in the process of environmental activities.

Project implementation forms:

Ecological activities.

Observations and ecological excursions.

Educational reading.

Laboratory "Experiments" (experiments and experiments).

Outdoor, didactic, simulation games, environmental dramatizations.

Project implementation stages:

Stage I: preparatory

Project resource support:

  1. Corner of ecology and experimentation in a group
  2. Methodological tools selection and compilation (card files of didactic games, lesson notes, entertainment scripts, etc.).
  3. A selection of literature on the topic (encyclopedias, maps, diagrams, fairy tales, poems, puzzles, sayings, etc.).
  4. A selection of experiences and experiments “Experiments with water”
  5. Collection of illustrative material

Stage II: main

Direction of work Purpose Benefits and equipment

Block I – Social and communicative development

Conversation “Water, water - water all around” To give children an idea of ​​the importance of water in our lives and the form in which water exists in the environment (states of water - liquid, gaseous, solid).

Develop children's curiosity, thinking and speech; introduce the following words into the children's active dictionary: liquid, colorless, tasteless, transparent.

Foster respect for water. Abstract

Conversation “How does water in the seas and oceans differ from river and lake water?” Give an idea of ​​some types of natural reservoirs, rivers, seas, lakes. Clarify children's knowledge about the location of water in nature and everyday life. The concept that water in reservoirs has different temperatures; depending on the temperature of the water, different plants and animals live in reservoirs. Abstract

Conversation “Cleanliness is beauty” to instill in children the habit of washing themselves, washing their hands with soap before eating, when dirty, after using the toilet; consolidate the ability to use a comb and handkerchief; teach children to turn away when coughing and sneezing and to cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief. Ensure that children consciously observe the rules of personal hygiene and understand their importance. Cultivate neatness and neatness. Teach the basics of an aesthetic attitude towards your appearance; make it clear to children that a person’s appearance plays an important role in life; continue to consolidate knowledge of cultural and hygienic rules.

Assemble the “Boat”

Development of motor dexterity of the index and thumb of the child’s dominant hand; developing the child’s ability to arrange a mosaic pattern in accordance with the pattern


Finger game “Water - water” , “Washing hands” , “river and fish” , “On the water” Introduce children to new finger gymnastics, teach them to play it, while developing speech and evoking an emotional response. —

Block II – Cognitive development

Riddles “About Water” Effectively exercise the mind, develop thinking abilities. Promote the active development of figurative speech, enrich the vocabulary by deepening and clarifying knowledge about the subject. Help to master the imagery of words, acquire knowledge about word formation, develop a poetic ear and poetic perception Pictures depicting answers

Experiment No. 1: “Properties of water” Introduce children to the properties of water (takes shape, has no smell, taste, color, surface tension, etc.). Several transparent vessels of different shapes, water, three glasses, salt, sugar, a spoon, an odorous solution, dye of different colors

Experiment No. 2 “Water of Life” Introduce children to the life-giving properties of water. Freshly cut branches of quickly blossoming trees, a vessel with water, the label “Water of Living”

Experiment No. 3 “Evaporation” Introduce children to the transformation of water from liquid to gaseous state and back to liquid. Burner, vessel with water, lid for the vessel.

Experiment No. 4 “Aggregative states of water” Prove that the state of water depends on air temperature and is in three states: liquid - water; hard – snow, ice; gaseous - steam. Saucer, snow

Experiment No. 5 “Purification of dirty water” . Reinforce knowledge about the process of water purification in different ways. Plastic tubes, plastic funnel, plastic lid, plastic cup, bag of pebbles, bag of marbles, paper filters, sponge, measuring cup; for a glass, bandage, cotton wool, a glass of dirty water, a plate, oilcloth, a measuring spoon.

Block III – Speech development

Poem by S. Pogorelsky “Spring Stream” , L. Lyushin “Droplet” , E. Moshkovskaya “Drop in the Sea” , G.K. Anderson “Thumbelina” , story by N.A. Ryzhov “How People Offended a River” , “The Story of One pond” , “Once upon a time there was a River” , A fairy tale about the water cycle in nature Nadezhda Boltacheva Formation of interest and need for reading (perception) of books Books

A set of cards with images of a puddle, drops, flowers, steam, mountains, etc.

"Give me a word"

Develop children's speech and motor skills of the speech apparatus Book

IV block – Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing by dots “Sea inhabitants” Formation of elementary mathematical concepts Sheet of paper, colored pencils

Drawing life-giving moisture Activate thought processes Sheet of paper, colored pencils

Applique “Beautiful fish in an aquarium” Introduce the technique of applicative mosaic. Colored paper, glue

Origami “White Water Lily” Improve your skills in creating three-dimensional paper crafts White paper

Block V – Play activities

Cut-out pictures Develop mental activity, consolidate knowledge about different bodies of water, cultivate a caring attitude towards water Photos of different bodies of water, cut-out pictures of water bodies, flags

Animals of reservoirs To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the inhabitants of reservoirs, their adaptability to their environment; develop mental activity A set of cards for inhabitants of reservoirs and land, a model of a reservoir

Where are the snowflakes? Reinforce knowledge about the different states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity Cards depicting different states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.

Block VI - Physical development

Outdoor game: “We are droplets” Develop children’s imagination and activity in the game.

Outdoor game: “In the swamp” Teach children to copy the movements of the inhabitants living in the swamp.

Outdoor game “We are big whales” Teach to follow the rules in outdoor games, develop children’s activity in the process of physical activity.

Ball game “Air, earth, water” To consolidate children’s knowledge about natural objects. Develop auditory attention, thinking, intelligence Ball

Creating snow figures Reinforce techniques: rolling, creating a ball, as well as knowledge about the properties of snow; encourage decorative design of the created image; develop the aesthetic and artistic taste of children. Snow, shovels, buckets

Joint activities of parents and children

1. Making a model of individual parts of the aquarium (algae, stones, fish, etc.)

Goal: To develop visual and effective thinking, to stimulate the search for new ways to solve practical problems by making various models, mastering the technique and skills of three-dimensional modeling, acquiring skills in working with paper, cardboard and using various available materials; development of spatial thinking.

2. Finding the necessary materials and collecting the waterfall

Stage III: Final

During the implementation of the “Water Sorceress” , children developed a careful and economical attitude towards water resources. Children mastered simple ways to experiment with water. The children developed age-appropriate research skills (they began to ask natural history questions and establish cause-and-effect relationships). The educational competence of parents in environmental education of preschool children has increased.


  1. Enriched and systematized knowledge of children about water, its properties, meaning, etc. A steady interest in studying this topic has been formed
  2. Increasing the competence of educators on the presented topic
  3. Developed methodological and didactic support on this issue
  4. Participation of families of pupils in the educational process.
Next >

Plan – scheme of the “Underwater World” project


We will play various outdoor games:

  • outdoor games “Crucian carp and pike”, Brook”
  • simulation game “We are droplets”
  • sketches “In the swamp”, “The sea is agitated” SCIENCE CENTER
  • consider the globe,
  • consider books, pictures, postcards about the underwater world
  • Let's do experiments with water: transparency, fluidity, change of states, water pressure, salt and fresh water, wave formation, water cycle in nature NATURE CENTER
  • Let's watch a film about the inhabitants of the Volga River,
  • Let's observe the inhabitants of the aquarium: “Who lives in our aquarium”, “How fish swim and how they rest”, “How fish breathe”
  • Let's take care of the aquarium - “Let's put things in order in the aquarium.”


  • we will ask riddles about the inhabitants of rivers, seas and oceans;
  • we will read poems about reservoirs and their inhabitants, we will read books about underwater inhabitants: A. Glebova “Pebbles”, G. Snegirev “Little Monster”, “Brave Stickleback”, “Octopus”
  • we will read fairy tales, epics “Sadko”, “Snow Maiden”,
  • make up stories based on pictures

Underwater world GAME CENTER

We will play various board games:

  • didactic games “Where, whose house is”, “Recognize the fish by description”, “Whose tail (torso, head)”, “How does the fish appear”
  • role-playing game “Travel by boat”


  • we will make inhabitants of the underwater world from natural materials and paper,
  • we will design the composition “Seabed” ART CENTER
  • let's draw an aquarium,
  • Let's draw tales about the inhabitants of the sea;
  • Let's make an applique "Dolphins"
  • consider paintings depicting rivers, seas, oceans;
  • We will listen to music (from the series “Oceanic”, “Sounds of Nature”) KNOWLEDGE CENTER
  • Lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world “Water around us”
  • Lesson on getting to know your surroundings: “A droplet is walking in a circle”
  • Lesson on familiarization with fiction.

Reading the story: “How people offended the river.”

  • Conversation on the basics of safe living “Water is a friend - water is an enemy”

Results of the “Underwater World” project.

By the end of the “Underwater World” project, the children of the preparatory group learned:

  • that water in nature exists in various forms: reservoirs, precipitation (rain, snow, hail, dew), icicle, cloud, etc.;
  • the main properties of water are liquid, transparent, colorless, odorless and tasteless, dissolves some substances, has density, pressure;
  • water in nature can move from one state to another (ice - water - steam), there is a water cycle in nature;
  • there are reasons for water pollution, the simplest ways to purify it;
  • how animals and plants adapted to live in water, learned the classification of fish, their habitat, their structure, habits, nutrition, the difference between sea and river inhabitants.


  • independently explain the connection of facts (they use simple causal reasoning because: objects are visible in the water, because the water is transparent);
  • independently establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships and relationships (if..., then...: if it’s frosty outside, then the water freezes; if the water is well purified, then it can be drunk);
  • do simple experiments using a verbal description or a model; upon completion of the experiment, draw appropriate conclusions;
  • notice changes in the aquarium that worsen the life of its inhabitants, care for aquarium fish.

The children in our group began to pay attention to whether the tap was closed properly, and if they noticed that water was dripping from the tap, they reported it to adults. We also noticed that children began to pour less water to drink, explaining that they did not want to pour the remaining water into the sink.

With great interest, the children began to be on duty in the corner of nature: they were careful when watering flowers, trying not to spill water from the watering can. They carefully monitor the aquarium fish and have come up with a name for each fish.

They carry out simple experiments independently and tell each other the results of these experiments. They bring new books to the group about rivers, seas, oceans, and sea voyages, look at the pictures with pleasure, and share their impressions of what they saw.

At the end of the project, the children had a question about what and who else needs people’s help, what needs to be done to make our planet Earth better, cleaner. Therefore, we decided to learn more about the life of animals, birds, and plants. These topics will become the topics of new projects.

Appendix 1. Outdoor games, sketches.

1. Outdoor game “Crucian carp and pike”. One child is chosen as a pike, the rest are divided into “pebbles” and “crucian carp”, which swim inside the circle. At the signal “pike”, it runs into the circle, trying to catch crucian carp. And the “crucian carp” are in a hurry to hide behind the “pebbles”. The crucian carp caught by the pike go outside the circle. The game is repeated with another “pike”.

2. Low mobility game “Stream”. Children stand in pairs, one after another, hold hands and raise them, forming a hoop. One child, the leader, goes through the gate and chooses any player from the pair, leading him along to the end of the corridor. The child left without a partner becomes the leader.

3. Game - simulation “We are droplets.” Give children paper crowns with droplet designs. The teacher puts on the same crown with a pattern of a cloud - mother, and the children are her teardrop children. The guys surround the cloud mother and dance around her. Then she lets them go for a walk on the ground, gives instructions to water the plants, wash the ground and come back. Children scatter to the sides, then gather together, stand one after another, forming streams. Then, at the teacher’s command, the streams join together to form a river. The river flows into the ocean (children make a wide circle). Mother Cloud reminds them that they are droplets and calls them home. The children spin around, one by one returning to the cloud. The circle is closed.

4. Sketch “The sea is agitated.” Goal: expand the content of the game, develop imagination, creativity, plasticity of movements.

5. Sketch “In the swamp”. Children, as the teacher explains, imitate the habits of animals living in the swamp through expressiveness and plasticity of movements.

Appendix 2. A series of observations of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

1. “Who lives in our aquarium.” Goal: identify all the inhabitants of the aquarium (fish, snails, plants), their names, clarify the living conditions of the inhabitants of the aquarium (lots of water, soil in which plants grow, lighting, compressor, feeder). Clarify the features of the external structure of fish.

2. “How fish swim and rest.” Purpose: to clarify that fish move in water easily, freely, and can swim in different directions. Their streamlined shape, smooth body surface, and fins help them move. The fish uses its tail to make turns. Show children that fish need rest and sleep. They rest standing motionless near the grass bushes, at the bottom, and sleep with their eyes open.

3. “How fish breathe.” Purpose: To give an idea that fish need air to live. They breathe air in the water using gills. The gill wings that cover them are located on the sides of the head. They constantly open and close - this is how the fish breathes.

4. “Clean up the aquarium.” Goal: To learn to notice changes in the condition of the aquarium - dirt on the bottom, plaque on the glass, decrease in water, dust and stains on the glass, to evaluate these changes as a deterioration in the living conditions of aquatic inhabitants. To form a desire to take part in the work of adults, to receive satisfaction from joint work. Instill a sense of responsibility and a desire to justify trust. To foster activity, initiative, independence, accuracy, and friendliness.

Appendix 3. Experiments with water.

1. “What will we see through the water?”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the property of water - transparency, through the consolidation of geometric shapes and colors.

Equipment: basin with water, geometric shapes of different colors.

Questions for children: what is in the basin (water). What can you tell us about water? Then throw the cube into the basin. What happened to him? (Fell to the bottom). Is it visible? What colour is he?

Invite the children to take turns putting various objects into the water. While one child lowers the object, the other children close their eyes.

Question for children: why do we see all these objects even through the water? (The water is clear).

2. “How to give Ivanushka clean water to drink?”

Goal: get acquainted with water purification processes in various ways.

Equipment: paper napkin, paper funnel, rag, rubbish, starch, containers.

Invite the children to see how cloudy the water is in the jar. It needs to be cleaned so that Ivanushka can drink it without fear of getting sick. How to make a cleaning device?

Children come up with different options for water purification. Invite children to make various cleaning devices - filters (from a paper funnel, a rag, a paper napkin). Children make filters and test their effect. Find out which filter purifies water better?

3. “Water pressure.”

Goal: to introduce children to the property of water - pressure.

Equipment: plastic bottle, knitting needle, colored water.

Tell children that water has a wonderful property: it always tends to flow as low as possible. Have children encountered this property? What did it look like?

Water puts pressure on any object immersed in it. The greater the depth, the stronger the water pressure. The deeper a diver dives, the more pressure the water puts on him. You can estimate water pressure by the force with which the stream escapes from the hole. To do this, you need to poke three holes in the bottle and fill the bottle with water. Invite children to think about where the water pressure is greater at the top or bottom.

4. “Floats or sinks.”

Goal: to introduce children to the property of water - density, to show the difference between fresh and salt water.

Equipment: two transparent glasses, warm water, salt, raw egg.

Tell children that salt water is denser than fresh water, therefore it is easier to swim in salt water, since water holds objects or people better, as if pushing objects out of the water. Invite children to dissolve as much salt as possible in one glass of water, then try to lower an egg into this glass, then transfer the egg to a glass of plain, fresh water. What happened to the egg in salt water, what happened in fresh water? Lead the children to the conclusion that salt water is denser than fresh water.

Appendix 4. Quiz “What do we know about fish.”

Goal: To repeat and generalize children’s ideas about the underwater inhabitants of rivers and seas, to evoke a feeling of joy from collective play, and to intensify cognitive interest. Create conditions for the realization of ideas about the world in creative activity.

Task 1. Remember proverbs and sayings about the water world.

  • The fish looks for where it is deeper, and the person looks for where it is better.
  • The fish rots from the head.
  • Silent as a fish.
  • And you can’t catch crucian carp from a pond without difficulty.
  • From a bony fish, the ear is sweet.
  • In the absence of fish and cancer, fish.
  • Only crayfish go back.

Task 2. Remember fairy tales in which aquatic inhabitants are found.

  • The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
  • Mermaid
  • Aibolit
  • Confusion
  • Moidodyr
  • By magic
  • Sadko

Task 3. Musical break.

Plastic sketch “The sea is agitated”.

Task 4. “Name the fish that live in our reservoirs.

Task 5. “Collect and name.”

Each team must collect as many fish images as possible from the parts and name them correctly.

Task 6. “Guess the riddles.”

Look, the house is standing, filled to the brim with water. Without windows, but not gloomy, transparent on four sides. The residents of this house are all skilled swimmers. (Aquarium)

In the wild sea - the ocean, a terrible fish lives, It has a big belly, A mouth with terrible fangs. (Shark)

Very good-natured, I am soft, obedient, But when I want, I will even wear out a stone. (Water)

In calm weather we are nowhere to be found. The wind blows - we run on the water. (Waves)

He was friendly with sailors, for which he is famous to this day. Of the sea animals, to whom in the world was the monument opened? (Dolphin)

I pressed myself all the way to the bottom in the darkness of the sea depths. I tried to be invisible - I turned into a flat pancake. (Flounder)

Across the sea - the ocean - a miracle - a giant - is swimming, Hiding his mustache in his mouth, Stretched out for a mile. (Whale)

Whether it’s winter or autumn, In the depths of our native river We proudly wear vests, We are dashing sailors. (Perches)

And at the bottom of the deep sea, And at the very shores Which fish drives away enemies with electric current? (Scat)

Task 7. Outdoor game “Crucian carp and pike”.

Summing up the quiz.

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