Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the senior group Topic: Frog (origami technique)

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the senior group Topic: Frog (origami technique)

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the senior group

Topic: Frog (origami technique)


— formation of a holistic picture of the world;

- introduce to verbal art;

— enrichment and activation of the dictionary;

— to develop the ability to understand cause and effect relationships in the text read;

- to form a stable interest in the reading process, memorizing what has been read;

— promote the development of a caring attitude towards living nature;

- continue to teach how to perform movements in accordance with the text;

— continue to get acquainted with the origami paper folding technique;

- develop the ability to design according to plan, taking into account the characteristics of the material;

- develop fine motor skills;

- encourage and strengthen the desire to work;

— teach children to rejoice in the results obtained.

Material: text of the story “Zhaleikin and the Frog” by N. Sladkov, illustrations for the story;

handout: green origami sheet, felt-tip pens.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of frogs; Didactic games “Who lives in the water”, “The fourth odd one”; Reading fiction: about mammals that live in water; outdoor game "Frogs".

Program content:

Educator: - Guys, listen to one very interesting story written by Nikolai Sladkov.

This story is called “Zhaleikin and the Frog.”

Under a hummock in a damp swamp, Zhaleikin noticed a small, weak frog. - Poor, unfortunate baby! – exclaimed Zhaleikin. - How bad it is for you, poor thing, in this dirty swamp! Dark, damp, cold! But don't be discouraged! I will save you, you will feel good and cozy in my home. At home, Zhaleikin put the little frog in the most beautiful painted box, laid soft dry cotton wool on the bottom, put the box in the warm sun and laughed cheerfully with joy. - Remember, little frog, my worries! You will now live in warmth, dryness and cleanliness. Not like in your dirty swamp! But the frog is not happy. But the frog is not having fun. He feels very bad, he is barely alive. It overheated in the sun, dried out and became entangled in cotton wool. When Zhaleikin saw him, he roared. He poured tears all over the little frog, and just in time: a little more and the little frog would have died. Zhaleikin rushed with the frog to the swamp. The very same place where it’s damp, dirty and cold, but where the frog feels just as good as Zhaleikin in his warm and clean room.

— Guys, what is the name of the story you just listened to? (“Zhaleikin and the Frog”)

-Who is it about?

- What did Zhaleikin do? (took the frog from the swamp to his home)

— Is the little frog happy? What happened to him? (the little frog overheated in the sun, dried out and almost died. The little frog feels bad at Zhaleikin’s house)

- What did Zhaleikin do? (carried the frog back to the swamp)

— Why can’t we take frogs from the swamp? (because the swamp is the home of frogs, they feel good and cozy there)

- Guys, let's make a frog that will be good in our home. We will make it from paper using the origami technique. But first, we will imagine ourselves as little frogs:

Physical school

Here is a frog jumping along the path with its legs stretched out. She saw a mosquito and screamed...Kwa-Kwa-Kwa!

-Now come to your tables - let's start designing.

-Now you need to draw the frog’s eyes. To do this, take felt-tip pens.

-That’s how beautiful our frogs turned out. And most importantly, such frogs will be very happy in our home. You did a very good job, Well done guys.

Summary of an origami lesson for the senior group “Hare” lesson plan (senior group)

Summary of an origami lesson for the senior group “Hare”

Educator: Tsvetkova Elena Pavlovna.

Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Objectives: To develop children’s ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions, in different ways. Develop constructive thinking, creative imagination, artistic taste.


Educator: Today we have a difficult lesson. we will be wizards with you. Look at your tables, you have previously prepared sheets of paper and scissors.

And to understand what we will do with their help, you need to guess the riddle:

The long-eared one is very dexterous In the morning he gnaws at carrots. He quickly hides in the bushes from the wolf and the fox. Who is he, this gray one, who rushes head over heels? Gray in summer, white in winter, Tell me, is he familiar to you? (Hare)

Educator: Correct. Today we will make a hare

In summer the hare is gray, reddish-gray, slate. In winter - white.

“The little gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree,” the children sing. In fact, the hare is not such a coward. In nature, this happens: an eagle attacks a hare, but it lies on its back and fights back with all its might with its hind legs.

The hare's habitat is predominantly floodplain meadows (located in the river floodplain) and sparse forests. The hare has more than enough enemies. Wolves, foxes, birds of prey, he is afraid of them all. But catching up and catching a hare is not easy. His paws are wide and fluffy. For example, in winter. Sometimes he runs like he’s skiing. There are a lot of snowdrifts in winter, nothing for the hare, and dogs cannot overtake him.

In order to hide from winter frosts, the hare digs a hole in the snow. As a rule, he sleeps during the day and goes out to have a snack at night.

It is difficult to feed yourself in winter. But in the summer it’s paradise. Grass, branches, tree bark, clover, peas, mushrooms, blueberries - you never know what the scythe will find in the forest. Anything will do for food.

“Cowardly as a hare”, “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either”, “Hare nature” - this is what people say.

What do bunnies like to do? Breed offspring. The first babies appear when the snow has not yet melted, the next generation - in the summer, and also in the fall, hares are born.

Look at your tables, you have previously prepared sheets of paper and scissors.

  1. Take your squares and fold them diagonally. To make a triangle. Unbend.
  1. Bring the top sides down to the fold line. Look, you got “ice cream”
  1. Now lower the top corner down to the tops of the two corners.
  1. Then bend the corner so that it extends slightly beyond the top side.
  1. Bend the side corners diagonally
  1. Turning the figure over
  1. Turning the figure over

Bend the corner to the opposite line

  1. Fold in half away from you
  1. We extend our “ears”
  1. Cut with scissors

bend it diagonally.

  1. Widen the "ear".
  1. Straighten and bend the “ear”, giving the hare volume.
  1. We make the second “ear”.

These are the beautiful bunnies we got. Let's put them in our green meadow.

Summary of educational activities in the senior group on manual labor (origami) “Flowers for Mom”


1 Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution “Poltava Kindergarten “Rodnichok”” Abstract of the educational activity in the senior group on manual labor (origami) “Flowers for Mom” Educator: Lydia Viktorovna Skull 2013

2 Goal: continue to introduce children to the Japanese art of origami. Program educational objectives: 1) Communication to expand and activate the vocabulary of adjectives, consolidate the ability to answer questions; 2) Socialization to develop coordination of speech with movements, fine and gross motor skills; cultivate love and respect for the mother, as for the closest and dearest person; 3) Knowledge to form children’s ideas about the national holiday of our country, Mother’s Day; 4) Artistic creativity continue to teach children to fold paper in different directions; develop children's creative abilities. Materials and equipment: illustrations of tulip flowers; squares of colored paper 10x10 and 13x13; glue, napkins; phonograms: musical theme from the film “Mama”, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by Tchaikovsky; yellow circle and rays. Preliminary work: talking about mom, reading poems, proverbs, sayings

3 Move NOD (Children sit on chairs near the carpet) Educator: There are quite a few kind words in the world, But one thing is kinder and more important than all of them. A simple word made of two syllables And there are no words in the world more valuable than it. - What kind of word is this? Children: Mom! Educator: Very soon the whole country will celebrate a national holiday - Mother's Day, and you and I too. Therefore, today we will talk about your mothers, you all love them very much, but tell me, what do you affectionately call your mother? Children (sample answers): Mom, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, caring, kind, etc. (the teacher signs these words in the form of rays from the sun around a yellow circle) Educator: What did we get on the board? Children: Sun! Educator: Mom is the dearest person in the world; my mother’s smile makes us feel warm, joyful, and calm in our souls. (the teacher and the children sing a fragment of the song “From a Smile” to a soundtrack) Educator: Guys, do you know how you can please your mother?

4 Children (sample answers): - behave well, do not receive criticism. - give flowers. -sing a song, read a poem. - obey your mother. - give gifts. - hug, kiss, say “I love you.” - help with housework. Educator: Do you help your mothers? Children: Yes. Educator: Then let's wash your clothes. (Children go out onto the carpet, stand in a circle, a game is played) Game “Mom’s Helpers.” We decided to help mom (they depict unscrewing the tap with their fingers) And they poured water into the basin, They poured powder down, (they make small movements with a pinch of fingers) All the laundry was soaked (hands down, they depict immersing the laundry in water) We washed it for a long time, (rubbing fist on fist) They even rubbed it on the board. (rubs fist on palm) They didn’t tear anything, (shakes index finger)

5 And how much they rinsed! (Bend down, shake their hands from Here to here, back and forth, side to side) The water in the basin boiled (hands to the cheeks, shake their heads) But only, brothers, here’s the problem (they lower their hands down, shake their hands) Foam fell on the floor! (Sit down) Let us collect it (sitting, imitate collecting foam with both hands) And squeeze it into the bucket (“twisting” movements with our hands) To become like a mother (stand up to full height) You have to work hard! (The index finger is raised up) (children sit on chairs) Educator: Mom is the first word the baby says. Mom is protection, support from various adversities. Mom is the kindest in the world, Children cannot live without mom. - Let's remember the proverbs and sayings about mother. Children (sample answers): - When the sun is warm, mother is good. - Maternal care does not burn in fire, nor does it drown in water. - The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about the mother. “A mother’s affection knows no end.” - For a mother, a child is a child up to a hundred years old.

6 - You can’t find a better friend than your own mother. Educator: Well done! You know a lot of proverbs, but are you always kind, affectionate and obedient children? Children: Yes. Educator: And you like to have fun, then I suggest you play a fun game. (children go out onto the carpet) Game “Do this!” If life is fun, do this / show / If life is fun, do this / show / If life is fun, we will smile at each other If life is fun, do this / show / (gestures and movements can be like this: - 2 claps in front of the chest, 2 showing "Pinocchio's nose", pulling back the ears, moving the tongue left and right, stroking the stomach, showing the thumb of both hands. After the game, the children sit on the chairs) Educator: Guys, what holidays for mothers do you know? Children: March 8, birthday, Mother's Day. Educator: It is customary to give gifts to the most dear and beloved ones for the holidays. I suggest you make your own tulip flowers from colored paper as a gift. Do you agree? Children: Yes.

7 (children sit at tables prepared for making tulip flowers, a soundtrack from the film “Mama” sounds) Educator: Origami is the art of paper plasticity, which was born in Japan.8) Despite the fact that the paper itself appeared in China, it was in Japan that they figured out how to fold amazingly beautiful figures out of it. And today I invite you to become real origami masters and create a whole bouquet of tulips for your beloved mother with your own hands! The word origami is made up of two hieroglyphs: ori - “paper” and kami - “folding”. Origami is also wonderful because making paper figures is cheap, beautiful and not as difficult as it seems at first glance. All you need is paper. Why is it not difficult - yes, because everything is done according to a certain scheme. Today we will together try to master this original creative process. Take a square of red or yellow paper. 1) Fold the square in half 2) Now fold the triangle in half and we will find the center of the triangle 3) Now bend the corners of the bottom layer up 4) You have a tulip flower bud 5) Now we make the stem of the tulip 6) Mark the center line diagonally of the square. 7) Fold the right and left sides of the square towards the center. Fold the bottom sides towards the center.. 9) Fold the shape in half lengthwise. 10) Bend the stem away from the trunk. 11) The bottom part is ready. 12) Place the upper part onto the lower part. And our figurine is ready. (children follow instructions)

8 Educator: our tulip is ready. You did a good job, you got wonderful gifts for moms. Educator: What holiday will the whole country celebrate soon? Children: Mother's Day. Educator: Who should we not forget to congratulate on this day? Children: Moms, grandmothers. Educator: What do you think will be the most desirable gift for mothers? Children: Our love, care, respect.

Methodology and options for constructing classes

Before you start making origami with your children, you need to master the basic rules of folding and working techniques, basic forms.
The implementation of the origami making technique for the senior group consists of the following points:

  • carrying out system work;
  • folding figures from simple to complex;
  • searching for an individual approach to everyone;
  • providing independent choice;
  • organization of interaction;
  • creation of thematic cycles.

When implementing the methodology for conducting origami classes for older preschoolers, you can use the following types of work:

  • individual;
  • group;
  • with parents (there may be consultations, group meetings);
  • creative activities together with children and their parents (for example, a circle).

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Lord of Paper Sheets

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Training with children, structured according to the methodology, should have three stages : initial, main, final.


Children need to be told that the birthplace of origami is Japan . Here you can create a thematic album, watch a cartoon, play a game. The teacher can tell the children why paper is needed, what it is made from and what crafts can be made from it.

The following classes are conducted:

  1. The production of basic forms and simple crafts begins. It could be a book, candy or ice cream. The site for the exhibition is being prepared.
  2. A parent meeting is held. Parents are encouraged to collaborate with their children. A consultation is being held on the topic “Why activities with paper are so important for children”, “What can be made from paper”.
  3. Methodological literature is selected. A long-term plan for classes in the circle is developed, and didactic material with different levels of complexity is selected.
  4. A designated corner is created in the group. It will display crafts of different levels that the children were able to make. Additionally, a file cabinet with finger exercises is installed in the corner.


At this stage of training, the teacher and children face the following tasks:

  • read and learn poems related to animals, flowers and insects;
  • conduct experiments with paper, create a collage;
  • make and present paper crafts in the shape of animals;
  • organize and conduct a theatrical performance with products;
  • make a panel with handicrafts made by children;
  • create holiday cards;
  • conduct role-playing games with products;
  • organize environmental activities using origami;
  • complete homework with the participation of parents;
  • organize a parent seminar on the topic “Joint activities with children at home.”

If you wish, you can make a miniature museum , which will contain crafts made in the garden and at home. This is where you can display paper gifts for parents.


At this stage, children can already “play out” new figures on their own. New goals are set for them:

  • find a new way to fold it yourself;
  • make a picture or card using only a specific piece of paper.

During this period, it is important to consolidate the acquired knowledge in the learning process. To do this, you can organize a competition in which crafts that children make at home with their parents will be presented. After the competition, all children are awarded certificates for having explored the magical world of origami.

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Lord of Paper Sheets

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The implementation and construction of classes can be carried out using different techniques. One of the most successful is the production of “transformer toys” . Children like this approach, since most modern toys have this property and they are already familiar with the principle of transformation.

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