Summary of educational activities on manual labor “Gift for Masha” (middle group)

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

GCD integrated lesson on mathematics and labor education in the middle group: A fairy tale in a new way: “How Kolobok chose his profession.”

Program content:

- practice ordinal counting from 1 to 5, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting, correctly answer the questions: “How much?” , “What’s the count?”

- develop the ability to see geometric shapes in the shapes of surrounding objects, symbolic images of objects.

— expand children’s understanding of the work of adults and different professions.

- develop the ability to compare objects of contrasting and identical sizes in size, width, height, length, color.

- learn to use comparison results in speech: big, smaller, smallest.

- consolidate the ability to distinguish and correctly name the parts of the day.

— teach children to relate tools to people’s professions.

- continue to teach the difference between the right and left hand.

- consolidate the ability to determine the position of an object relative to oneself.

- develop the ability to act together in the game; teach children to coordinate speech with movements.

— to instill in children a positive attitude towards work and a desire to work.

- develop speech, logical thinking, imagination, attention.

Material and equipment:

Demonstration material: “Find Kolobok’s house” , “Pick up the key” . Wide and narrow paths. Puppet theater: hare, wolf, bear, fox, grandmother, grandfather. Toys: bun, bear, fox, hedgehog. Basket. Balloons – 11 pcs. Three-dimensional models of three houses of different sizes. Easel, typesetting canvas, magnetic board.

Handouts: cards with images of apples – 5 pcs, mushrooms – 5 pcs; teddy bear masks for P/i “Teddy bears” - 10 pcs, and 1 mask for an adult; cards for D/i “Who needs what?” ; mittens for D/i “Find a Pair” ;

Mathematical games: “Pick up the key to the lock”

"Find a Pair"

"Who lives where?"

Outdoor game: “Bear Cubs”

Didactic/game: “Who needs what?”

Progress of the lesson. The teacher enters the group with the children:

Voss: Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Say hello to them, and now everyone look at me. Do you recognize me? Yes. That’s right, I’m a storyteller grandma, remember, I already came to visit you. And today I came for a reason. I want to tell you a fairy tale. Now I will tell you a riddle, and you will have to guess it:

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side,

Rolled... (Kolobok).

Voss: That's right, guys, I want to tell you a fairy tale about “How Kolobok chose his profession . Listen carefully:

Once upon a time there were grandfather and grandmother. And they worked in a kindergarten. Grandfather was a watchman and grandmother was a cook. And they had a granddaughter, Kolobok.

- Guys, look at the microdistrict where grandparents and Kolobok live. Count and tell me, please, how many houses are there? (Children count).

- Only five houses.

- Guys, Kolobok lives in the tallest house.

- Guys, what house does Kolobok live in? Let's do the math. (1, 2, 3).

— Kolobok lives in the third house.

- Well done, guys, you correctly found the house where Kolobok lives.

- Now listen to the story further. While grandparents were at work, Kolobok wanted to take a walk and visit his friends. He wanted to open the door, but he couldn’t find the key to the lock.

- Let's guys help Kolobok find the key to the lock. Look, there are keys on the table, and here is the lock. Let's find the right key. (Children select the correct key).

-Well done, guys, you found the right key. And here is our Kolobok. (The Kolobok toy appears from behind the screen.)

- Hello, guys, here I am Kolobok, thank you for helping me find the right key. I'm tired of studying, I want to go to work, but I don't know who I should be. I want to invite you to come with me to visit my friends: the hare, the wolf, the bear and the fox. I made friends with everyone and I want to find out from them: What do they want to become when they grow up? And what profession is the most important and necessary? Will you come with me?

- Hello Kolobok, do you guys agree to go? Yes. And I will help you with Kolobok. Look at the paths in front of us. How many tracks do you see?

— We see two paths. (Children's answers).

— Guys, how wide are the tracks?

— One path is narrow and the other is wide.

- What about the length?

— One path is short, and the other is long.

Voss: That's right, guys, now we need to choose which path we will take? A narrow and short path leads to a field, and a wide and long path leads to a forest.

Voss: Well done, guys, you are right. In order for us to get into the forest, we will go along a wide, long path. Let's go. Well, we found ourselves in the forest. Look how beautiful and quiet it is in the forest. Guys, do you hear someone rushing to visit us? Who is this? Listen to the riddle: “A ball of fluff, a long ear, jumps nimbly, loves carrots . Who is this?

Voss: That's right, guys, this is the Hare. Hello Hare, how are you doing?

Hare: Hello guys. Hello Kolobok, how are you doing?

Kolobok: My Hare is doing well, he’s just tormenting me, and I think guys, one question: “What profession is the most important and necessary?” .

Hare: What can I think? I think that the most necessary profession is a salesperson. I will become a salesman.

Voss: Why is Hare the seller?

Hare: Well, why? You know how much I love apples, cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, but winter is coming and they can only be bought in the store. True, to work as a salesman you need to be able to count well, and I still don’t know how to count well. So I bought a whole basket, but I don’t know how much there is?

Voss: Dear Hare, we will help the guys count and compare whether you have more apples or mushrooms in your basket.

Hare: Of course I want to.

Voss: Guys, let's help the Hare. Yes, we will help. Look, I will take apples and mushrooms out of the basket one by one, and you will count and compare what is more.

Children: One, 2, 3, 4, 5 – apples. How many apples? Five apples. Now let's count the mushrooms. One, 2,3, 4 – mushrooms. How many mushrooms? Four mushrooms.

Voss: Guys, tell me what more? There are more apples than mushrooms, but what needs to be done so that there are the same number of apples and mushrooms.

Children: To the 4 mushrooms you need to add one more and there will be 5 of them.

Voss: Guys, how many apples do we have? Five. What about mushrooms? Also five. How can you say this in one word? There are equal numbers of them.

Voss: Well, Hare, now you know that you have equal amounts of apples and mushrooms in your basket.

Hare: Thanks, guys. And you Kolobok, think about it, I think that salesman is the most necessary profession. Goodbye Kolobok, I have to go.

Voss: Goodbye, Hare. And for us guys, it's time to move on. Kolobok is rolling along the path, and towards a meeting? Riddle: “Who walks around gloomy and hungry in the cold autumn?” (Wolf).

Vos: Hello, Wolf. How are you doing and why are you so sad?

Wolf: Hello, guys. Hello Kolobok, I heard from the Hare that you are concerned about one question: “What profession is the most important and necessary?” . You know, I think that a driver is the most necessary profession, and I want to become one.

Educator: Why?

Wolf: Because I know my way around the forest very well, I know all the paths, all the paths, who lives where? And for the driver this is very important. And I’m sad because my animal friends invited me to visit. I'm confused about who lives in what house. Maybe you can help me?

Voss: Children, let's help the Wolf find out who lives where. We'll help. (We put up a toy bear, a fox, a hedgehog, opposite there are three houses. One large, smaller, even smaller.

- Guys, what house do you think the Bear lives in? (Does the bear live in the biggest house?).

- Why do you think so? (Because the Bear is big).

-Guys, what house do you think Lisa lives in? (The fox lives in a smaller house).

- Why do you think so? (Because the Fox is smaller than the Bear).

- Guys, what house do you think Hedgehog lives in? (The hedgehog lives in the smallest house).

- Why do you think so? (Because the Hedgehog is smaller than the Fox and the Bear).

Wolf: Well done, guys, now I know where my friends live, and I can go visit. Well, Kolobok, just think about it, I think that being a driver is the most necessary profession.

Kolobok: Thank you Wolf, I'll think about it. Goodbye.

Voss: And Kolobok rolled on.

Kolobok: Guys, do you remember who I met in my fairy tale after the Wolf.

Children: Yes, it was the Bear.

Kolobok: Let's call him. Bear, bear, come out, we want to play with you.

The Bear toy appears and says: Hello guys. Kolobok, I heard from the Wolf that you don’t know what profession to choose when you grow up. But I decided that I wanted to work in the circus, perform in the arena. Circus is so fun, fabulous, magical. Let's turn into bears and have a little fun and relax.

— The teacher puts on bear cub masks for the children and a large mask for himself and says the following words:

1. The cubs lived in the thicket, turning their heads (head turns

Like this, like this, they twisted their heads. left-right)

2. The cubs were looking for honey and shook the tree together. (imitate rocking

Like this, like this, they rocked the tree together. tree paws)

3. We waddled around and drank water from the river. (imitation as

Like this, like this, they drank water from the river. bears drink water)

4. And then they danced, raising their paws higher. (raise their legs

Like this, like this, they raised their paws higher. and spin)

Voss: Well done, guys. Let's take off our masks and become children again.

Thank you, Bear, your exercises were interesting.

Bear: Well done, the guys performed the movements well, now sit down on the chairs, I have a game for you and Kolobok: “Who needs what?” . Guys, show and tell us what professions you know and what is needed in order to work, what subjects.

Voss: Bear, let me help you. He hands out cards to the children and invites them to come up and choose the items for which profession they are needed.

- Well done, guys, tell me what geometric figure the wheel looks like, a circle, and the teacher’s board looks like a rectangle, etc.

- Well, Mishka, you see how smart these guys are. Thank you, but it's time for us to move on. Come on guys, goodbye Bear.

- Guys, look, someone is hiding behind the bush. Yes, this is Lisa.

  • Yes it's me. Fox and I have needles

The whole forest calls me a dressmaker.

I sew, sew, cut, throw.

I accept any order.

And I do it right on time

The fox does not break his words.

Lisa: Yes, I am. Kolobok, I heard that you don’t know who you want to be. So join me, I’m such a needlewoman and I know how to knit. I can teach you a lot. I have so much work that I can’t count it. Look how many mittens I have tied on, how confused I am, where is which pair.

Voss: Chanterelle, the guys and I can help you and find a pair for each mitten. Shall we help you guys? Yes, sure.

Lisa: Guys, you will help me out a lot. Thank you.

Voss: Guys, take one mitten each and find a pair for it, and then we’ll see what you got.

- Well done boys! Let's see if you did it right and compare the mittens by color and shape.

Lisa: Thank you Kolobok, you brought such smart guys to visit me. And to thank you, I want to give you something. Guess what it is?

Fox: This object is round, red, light, transparent, can it fly away? What is this?

Children: This is a balloon.

Fox: That's right guys, here's one inflated balloon for you, and in a bag there are others that you will inflate in the group. Kolobok I'm going to open a fashion studio soon. If you decide to become a tailor, come.

Kolobok: Thank you Lisa for the gift, I’ll think about it for the invitation. Goodbye.

Voss: Guys, I also want to play with you. For example: where is the ball now? (up). And now? (at the bottom). In which hand? (on the right). And now? (on the right). What if I hide it behind my back? (behind). And now? (ahead).

Voss: Well done guys! Kolobok, I think it’s time for us to go home. It's already getting dark, the sun is setting. What time of day is it guys? Evening.

Voss: And in the evening it’s scary in the forest, so we’ll hurry home. Yes, and my grandparents were waiting for us.

Guys, what time of day is it when you go to kindergarten? (Morning).

And when do you eat in the d/s and go to bed (Day). Are you going home with your parents? (Evening). What time of day is it when you sleep? (Night).

- What great guys you are! You know everything, and here is the path home. Look, here comes grandma to meet us.

Grandma: Hello, guys. Where have you been for so long? Who did you meet along the way? Well, that bun you decided what you want to become when you grow up. Kolobok: Yes, grandma, my friends know so many professions, they gave me so much advice. But I decided that first I need to go to kindergarten and learn everything the kids know. And then I will decide what profession I should choose.

Voss: Well done, Kolobok, you made the right decision. And the guys and I offer you to stay in our group, and we will teach you everything.

Grandmother: Guys, thank you very much for helping Kolobok and inviting him to visit you. Accept from me the treat of delicious and rosy pies for you and all our guests. Goodbye.

Voss: Guys, let's say goodbye to our guests, Kolobok, and go to the group to drink tea and pies.

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