Long-term planning for manual labor in the pre-school group

Long-term planning for manual labor in the pre-school group

Valentina Kartavaya

Long-term planning for manual labor in the pre-school group


1. “Basket” (made of paper and cardboard)

Objectives: To strengthen children’s ability to work according to a pattern (make a square box). Develop the ability to carefully make cuts along the pattern and glue the sides. Foster independence and initiative. Develop a caring attitude towards your comrades.

2. Packaging design. "Groceries Box"

(paper, cardboard)

Objectives: To consolidate the ability to correctly fold a square sheet of paper into 16 small squares, to independently make a pattern for a cubic box.

Develop design abilities, creative thinking, enrich speech.

Foster activity.


1. "Mushroom"

Objectives: To increase children's interest in making crafts using the origami technique; Strengthen the ability to follow the teacher’s instructions; Develop fine motor skills of the hands; Cultivate neatness.

2. “Ladybug” (walnut shell)

Objectives: Teach children to make toys according to a model, use plasticine to connect parts of the toy. To form an interest in this type of work, to develop imagination. Follow the rules for working with plasticine and handle the natural material carefully.


1. "Swan"

Objectives: Continue to develop in children the desire to engage in manual labor and use skills in working with natural materials. Continue to teach children how to make crafts based on drawings, combine different materials in one craft, and fasten them together using sticks and plasticine. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, cultivate artistic taste, patience, attention, observation.

2. “Vegetables and fruits, healthy products”

(fabric applique)

Tasks: Teach children appliqué from fabric - select color, texture depending on the image being created, outline a stencil with chalk, carefully cut it out, assemble a picture from several parts.

Develop color perception and independence.


1. "Snowman"

Objectives: To increase children's interest in making crafts using the origami technique; Strengthen the ability to follow the teacher’s instructions; Develop fine motor skills of the hands; Cultivate neatness.

2. “Fairytale House”.

(made of paper and cardboard)

Objectives: Learn to make a new toy, conveying a fairy-tale image in it (a hut on chicken legs, etc.). Strengthen previously acquired skills in working with paper. Develop children's imagination and creative abilities. Develop the ability to maintain correct posture while working and take care of the health of others.

3. “Three-sided flashlight.”

(made of paper and cardboard)

Objectives: Learn to make a toy using the technique of gluing a pattern. Develop children's imagination. Strengthen the ability to fold paper in a certain sequence and carefully iron the fold lines, carefully cut out decorations for the product. Observe safety precautions when working with scissors.


1. "Toy store"

(made of paper and cardboard)

Objectives: Teach children to make toys from paper. Strengthen the ability to fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half, smooth out the fold lines, and cut the blank along the contour. Develop creativity when designing crafts. Follow the rules for working with scissors.

2. “Tablecloth - self-assembled” (weaving from paper)

Objectives: Improve the ability to create form as the basis for a future composition. Improve applique technique: cut with scissors in a straight line, not reaching the edge, intertwine paper strips. Develop dexterity.

Cultivate a love for your home, a desire to make it cozy and beautiful.


1. “Machine” (designed

made from matchboxes)

Objectives: To fix in the process of designing from waste material using the method of volumetric modeling the names of vehicles and their purpose; to educate children in safe behavior skills in various road situations and when riding a bicycle.

2. “Rocket” (airplane)

Objectives: To teach children to create an aircraft (spacecraft, using constructive and combined methods from waste material; to arouse interest in designing ships from paper; to form moral and patriotic feelings; to instill in children pride in their country and the achievements of scientists and astronauts; to develop fine motor skills.


1. “Beads made from pasta” (bracelet)

Objectives: Educational – to develop the ability to string small and large objects (pasta) onto a thread in alternation; arouse interest in creating a beautiful handmade decoration. Developmental – develop motor skills of the fingertips, a sense of rhythm; develop aesthetic perception.

Educational - to cultivate the desire to create for a loved one - mother, grandmother; cultivate interest in constructive activities.

2. "Tulips"

Objectives: To increase children's interest in making crafts using the origami technique; Strengthen the ability to follow the teacher’s instructions; Develop fine motor skills of the hands; Cultivate neatness.


1. “Sun” (from threads)

Objectives: To develop the artistic and aesthetic capabilities of children in creating compositions from woolen threads. Learn how to make a composition from woolen threads.

2. "Wagon"

(from materials used)

Objectives: Teach children to paste over finished boxes with colored paper, after making a pattern. Develop attentiveness, accuracy, and the ability to perform crafts in a certain sequence. Strengthen previously acquired skills in working with paper, careful handling of scissors.

3. “Bookmark”

Objectives: Teach children to make bookmarks for books with their own hands. Develop fine motor skills, eye, interest in your work, imagination, aesthetic taste. Improve your skills and abilities.


1. “Fantasies from an accordion”

Objectives: Expand the experience of artistic design of various products based on a generalized method of shaping (accordion)

Develop creative abilities.

Cultivate patience and accuracy.

2. “Frame for family photo”

Objectives: Introduce children to a new way to use cardboard, make a frame for a family photo.

Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination.

Foster love for family and hospitality.

3. "Check"

Objectives: To increase children's interest in making crafts using the origami technique; Strengthen the ability to follow the teacher’s instructions; Develop fine motor skills of the hands; Cultivate neatness.

Planning work activities in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

Planning for labor education in the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions

Self-care during the washing process – once a month according to subgroups

Self-care in the process of dressing and undressing – once a month in subgroups

Other self-care skills – once a month in subgroups

Assignments related to work in nature – 3 times a month in subgroups

Instructions related to HBT – 3 times a month by subgroups

Familiarization with work for adults - 2 times a month with all children

Joint work of children and adults, manual labor - 2 times a month in subgroups

Collective work with all children: CBT - 2 times a month

Labor in nature - once a month

Manual labor - 1 time per month

A week Self-service during the washing process,

Self-service in the process of dressing and undressing, other self-service skills

Joint work of children and adults Assignments related to labor in nature Instructions related to HBT Teamwork
1 Improve your washing skills: soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, and wipe dry with a towel. Together with the nanny, clean the dressing room; wipe down the inside of your closet. Develop the ability to work together with adults. Cultivate the habit of cleanliness and order. In room

Watering indoor plants. Improve skills in caring for plants of various types (know methods of watering, determine the degree of soil moisture).

In room

Did.control "Everything is in its place." Strengthen the ability to tidy up play corners. Learn to maintain order in closets with toys and equipment.

In nature

Harvest and seed collection. Learn to evaluate the overall work, the share of your participation in it. Form a conviction in the social significance of work.

2 We teach Dunno to dress according to the weather. Strengthen the ability to dress correctly and consistently. Together with the teacher, repair torn books. Improve work skills. Location on

Harvesting in the garden.

Learn to carefully pick, pull out of the ground, and carefully place the fruits in prepared containers.

Location on

On instructions from the teacher, select toys and materials and take them out to the site and place them in designated places. Learn to act in accordance with an adult’s proposal

HBT on site

Cleaning the veranda (sweeping, wiping benches, tables, taking out trash). Learn to work in a large group of peers. Develop hard work.

3 Continue to teach how to prepare your workplace for work and clean it; neatly and conveniently lay out materials and aids, put them away in a certain sequence in a certain place.

Form a habit of order and cleanliness.

Location on

Collection of flower seeds. Promote the manifestation of joy in connection with the collection of seeds, work for the common good.

Location on

Water the sand, raise it into a pile.

Learn to show independence at work and improve your work skills.

HBT indoors

Wiping building material. Learn to participate in the organized work of a large group of peers. Form the habit of cleanliness and order.

4 Manual labor

Making counting material for classes in elementary mathematics (cutting circles, Christmas trees, etc. according to templates).

1 Didactic exercise “Let’s tell the kids how to wash themselves.” Continue to improve your washing skills: soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with a towel. Together with the nanny, wash your locker door. Develop the ability to work together with adults; jointly plan common work. Receive moral satisfaction from work. In room

Continue to improve your plant care skills (spraying, loosening the soil). To cultivate a caring attitude toward plants, curiosity, and a desire to care for plants.

In room

Did. control "We have order." Check that everything is in order before leaving for a walk. Teach to notice the disorder, offer to eliminate it, and, if necessary, help each other. Cultivate responsibility, accuracy, and the habit of cleanliness and order.

In nature

Cleaning dry tops from garden beds. Develop the ability to plan overall activities and distribute responsibilities. Cultivate hard work.

2 Conversation “Every thing has its place.” Did. control “Who will put the clothes correctly and quickly.” Improve your ability to properly place your things in your closet. Together with the teacher, make new attributes for games. Strengthen the ability to use the necessary materials (take them, put them away after work). Develop a sense of responsibility; desire to justify trust. Location on

Learn to transplant plants from the ground (dig with a ball of earth; dig away from the stem so as not to damage the roots; select pots in accordance with the root system). Develop work skills; ability to use equipment.

In room

Did. control “Our dolls are the most beautiful.” Clean up the dolls (wash, comb). Strengthen doll care skills (learn how to braid hair, tie bows).

HBT on site

Sweeping the area, removing leaves and debris. Develop relationship skills in the work process. Develop hard work.

3 After individual games, put away everything you used. Learn how to store toys, supplies, board games, etc. Location on

Digging up the beds, clearing the stems. Planting garlic before winter.

Develop work skills; ability to use equipment and rationalize work. Foster a desire to work for the common good.

Location on

Clear sand from debris. Learn to show independence at work and improve your work skills. Learn to take care of your belongings and avoid getting clothes and shoes dirty.

HBT indoors

Cleaning out toy closets. Learn to compare your activities with the work of other peers, and understand that the activities of the subgroup in which you work are part of the common cause of the whole team.

4 Manual labor

Sewing loops to new towels. Improve manual skills. Foster a caring attitude towards the results of work.

1 Continue to cultivate the habit of wiping yourself dry with a towel (removed and unfolded), and washing your hands after using the toilet. Together with the nanny, wash the chairs. Develop the ability to work together with adults; jointly plan common work, receive moral satisfaction from work. In room

Teach children, under the guidance of a teacher, to care for indoor plants: Introduce children to methods of reproduction, provide assistance in replanting plants.

In room

Did. control "Big Wash". Wash and iron doll bedding. Strengthen washing skills (sort laundry into light and dark, heavily soiled and less soiled); washing rules: wash light ones first, then dark ones; you cannot put wet laundry together if it is colored, dark and white). Learn to show integrity in your work.

In nature

Wrapping perennial bushes with foliage Improve knowledge about plants, their types, and how to care for them. Cultivate hard work.

2 Learn to clean clothes and shoes.

Cultivate neatness and the habit of taking care of your appearance.

Together with the teacher, make stamps from natural materials for the art corner. Strengthen the ability to use scissors. Cultivate a conviction in the significance and necessity of one’s work for everyone. Location on

Learn to prepare plant seeds to feed birds in winter. Create activity and initiative. Foster a desire to take care of birds.

In room

Did. control "All the buttons are in place"

Learn to sew on buttons, act on the suggestions of adults. Improve manual skills.

HBT on site

Collect toys and put them in order before going indoors.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Develop positive qualities: hard work and accuracy.

3 Did. control "How to make a bed." Strengthen the ability to make a bed: straighten the sheet, cover it with a blanket. Location on

Cover perennials for the winter with collected fallen leaves.

Continue to develop skills in working with equipment and rationalize work.

Location on

Collect toys and put them in order before bringing them into the room. Improve your toy care skills.

HBT indoors

Repair of printed board game boxes.

Improve work skills: correctly use the necessary materials (glue, scissors, etc.). Cultivate a caring attitude towards equipment.

4 Manual labor

Braiding braids from cord for physical education classes.

Learn to work collectively for the common good. Clarify ideas about the properties of the material.

Cultivate patience and diligence.

1 The game is a dramatization of A. Barto’s work “The Dirty Girl.”

Improve your ability to wash your face quickly and correctly. Cultivate neatness and the habit of taking care of your appearance.

Together with the nanny, clean the dressing room and wash the doors (each child washes one side). Continue to develop the ability to work together and realize the significance of your work. Foster a desire to work for the common good. In room

Prepare bird food (crush, cut, put in jars for storage). Learn to prepare food for birds, crush bread, dry crackers, use a grater and knife.

In room

Select boxes and toys that need to be repaired. Repair boxes, glue books.

Improve manual skills (learn to use pieces of fabric to strengthen boxes, stick fabric and then paper at the tear site).

In nature

Sowing grain for green fodder.

Improve work skills (ability to use equipment, work rationally). Create a work culture.

2 Conversation “How we clean up our closet.”

Maintain cleanliness and order in your closet yourself. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your things.

Together with the teacher, make tutorials (cut out parts, glue, decorate with elements made of paper and other materials). Form labor relationships between children and adults. Foster activity, initiative, independence, accuracy. Did. Game "Guess by description." To consolidate knowledge about the varieties of indoor plants (saxifrage, asparagus, amaralis, sansevieria), varieties of the same plants and the difference in methods of care (begonia, geranium). Teach watering plants in connection with the transition to winter and in accordance with the biological characteristics of plants . Did. control "We're in order."

Wash and wipe toys and building materials.

Learn to work carefully with water. Improve teamwork skills.

HBT on site

Set up platforms and bird feeders.

Learn to evaluate common work, your share of participation in it, and the work of a friend from the standpoint of achieving a common result.

3 Take part in changing bed linen. Learn to change the bedding on your crib and carefully make the bed. Form the habit of cleanliness and order. Location on

Feeding the birds.

Consolidate knowledge about several species of wintering birds; about the food they eat. Cultivate a desire to care for birds.

Location on

Remove snow. Clear buildings from snow.

Improve snow handling skills, the ability to operate snow shovels and scrapers. Develop friendly relationships during work.

HBT indoors

Cleaning the locker room: wiping cabinets, floors, benches.

Continue to form the habit of cleanliness and order. Teach to love physical work, to experience a sense of moral satisfaction from participating in it.

4 Manual labor

Making plumes (sewing ribbons to rings). Continue to strengthen the ability to use the necessary tools and materials; plan general work. Foster a caring attitude towards the results of work.

1 Continue to improve the ability to wash yourself properly and dry yourself with a towel, taking it from the cabinet and unfolding it in your palms.

Form the habit of behaving in accordance with the norms of behavior (do not make noise in the room, do not disturb each other, address each other politely).

Together with the teacher, glue together several boxes to store counting material for classes. Continue to improve work skills and form work relationships between children and adults. In room

Planting onions in boxes.

Learn to prepare boxes for planting onions, show independence in work, and improve work skills.

In room

Repair baby boxes. Continue to improve your manual skills (use pieces of fabric for gluing to strengthen boxes). Instill a love for children and a desire to take care of them.

In nature

Carry snow to garden beds and lawns.

Develop the ability to distribute responsibilities, work together and harmoniously. Continue to develop a positive attitude towards physical work.

2 Conversation “How to take care of your clothes.” Reading D. Krupskaya “Purity”.

Continue to learn how to dry and clean your clothes, wash, wipe and clean your shoes. Form the habit of taking care of your appearance.

Together with the janitor, sprinkle the paths with sand.

Learn to show the desire to always come to the rescue. Continue to form labor relations between children and adults.

Strengthen the ability to remove dust from plants using a damp brush and spraying.

Continue to improve your plant care skills. Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

Wash your combs. Develop work skills and the desire to carry out adult instructions quickly and efficiently. HBT on site

Clearing snow-covered buildings.

Develop relationship skills in the work process. Develop hard work.

3 Constantly monitor your appearance (neatness of clothes, hairstyle). Learn to take care of your things, cultivate neatness and neatness. Location on

Cover bushes and the lower parts of tree trunks with snow.

Develop work skills, collaborate, work at an average pace. Cultivate an interest in plants and take care of them.

Location on

Improve skills in working with shovels when clearing an area of ​​snow, raking snow into piles for caking and making buildings.

HBT indoors

Cleaning up the closet with materials for arts and crafts classes.

Develop good relationship skills. Develop positive moral qualities:

diligence, purposefulness.

4 Manual labor

Sewing bags for filling with sand.

Strengthen the ability to use tools and materials; consolidate the ability to prepare for work and clean your workplace.

1 Continue to improve the ability to use a handkerchief on time and wash your hands after using the toilet.

Develop the habit of using personal hygiene items.

Together with the nanny, wipe the window sills and furniture.

Improve work skills.

Learn to show the desire to always come to the rescue.

In room

Sowing seeds of parsley, watercress and dill in a corner of nature. Learn to grow seedlings from seeds. Bring children to understand the conditions necessary for rapid growth of plants. Develop a desire to grow plants yourself from seeds.

In room

Wash towel cabinets.

Learn to work carefully with water, develop a sense of responsibility, and the desire to carry out the instructions of an adult efficiently.

In nature

Putting order in a natural closet.

Develop the ability to work in a large team.

2 Continue to strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence.

Learn to show concern for your comrades, provide assistance, and politely ask for help if necessary.

Cut paper for appliques, tint paper for drawing.

To foster activity, independence, mutual assistance, friendliness, and a desire to help adults.

Location on

Bird feeding.

Cultivate a caring and caring attitude towards wintering birds.

Location on

Construction of snow structures.

Learn to negotiate with each other about the distribution of work, plan its stages, and develop friendly relationships.

HBT on site

Clear the paths of snow, collect dry twigs.

Learn to work in a large group of peers. Develop positive moral qualities: hard work, diligence.

3 Wash and iron your small items.

Learn to take care of personal belongings and show independence.

Cover bushes, lower parts of tree trunks, and flower beds with snow.

Improve work skills and the ability to use equipment.

Chip off the melted crust of ice.

Improve snow handling skills and the ability to use scrapers.

HBT indoors

Selecting bed linen and laying out beds.

Develop good relationship skills. Cultivate a caring attitude towards things.

4 Manual labor

Making flags from wide satin ribbons, hemmed on one side (turn over the unhemmed edge and sew on).

Strengthen the ability to use tools and materials; plan general work.

1 Reading E. Vinokurov “Bathing children.”

Improve the ability to wash quickly and accurately, and maintain order in the washroom.

Together with the teacher, make attributes for the role-playing game “Pharmacy”. Strengthen the ability to carefully use scissors and glue. Create a work culture. In room

Sowing marigold.

To consolidate children's knowledge about flower crops and their seeds. Continue to teach children how to sow flower seeds; learn to grow seedlings from seeds. Bring children to understand the conditions necessary for rapid growth of plants. Develop a desire to grow plants yourself from seeds.

In room

Teach kids to dress for a walk. Help the baby, take care of clothes and shoes.

Develop the ability to properly hang clothes to dry, clean clothes, wash and dry shoes.

In nature

Plant care (watering, spraying, washing).

Improve work skills. Develop a love for nature and respect for it.

2 Reading M. Zoshchenko “Stupid History”

Strengthen the ability to quickly and neatly fold clothes before going to bed.

Sweep the veranda, wipe down the equipment.

Continue to develop work skills.

Cultivate a belief in the importance of your work for everyone.

Planting legumes (for observations).

Learn to prepare grooves and holes for planting. Plant yourself.

Cut napkins, toilet paper

Improve skills in working with scissors.

HBT on site

Collect dry twigs from the area and take out the trash.

Instill a love of work, the ability to work in a big way

3 Did. ex. "How to help a friend."

Form the habit of taking care of your appearance, reminding your comrades about problems in their appearance, showing a desire to help them, and improving the ability to sew up clothes that have torn at the seams.

Location on

Bird feeding.

Continue to cultivate a caring and caring attitude towards wintering birds.

Location on:

Continue to teach how to select toys and materials on behalf of the teacher and take them out to the site, laying them out in designated places.

HBT indoors:

In the sports corner (washing balls, hoops, wiping shelves, physical education aids). Learn to work collectively for the common benefit, to cooperate.

4 Manual labor

Making attributes for the role-playing game “Shop”.

Strengthen the ability to plan overall work, highlight its stages, distribute work among themselves

1 Reinforce the ability to wash hands after visiting the toilet and as needed. Cultivate the habit of keeping your hands clean. Make crafts as gifts for kids.

To foster activity, responsiveness and the desire to please the kids.

In room

Learn to identify plants that need replanting (the pot is too small).

Learn to replant a houseplant. To develop the ability to work carefully, maintaining the integrity of the roots and other parts of the plant.

In room

Wash vegetables and fruits before preparing dishes from them.

Learn to wash vegetables thoroughly and improve relevant skills.

In nature

Tidy up the flowerbed with perennial flowers (collect garbage, loosen the soil, fence it off).

Improve knowledge about plants, how to care for them, and instill a love of work.

2 Strengthen the ability to quickly and neatly fold clothes before going to bed, turn out the sleeves of shirts and dresses, straighten clothes, and put shoes on. Together with the teacher, restore order in your area. Collect trash, sweep the path.

Improve work skills and ability to use equipment

Digging up soil in a flower bed, decorating a flower garden.

To develop in children the ability to accept and set a work task, present the result of its implementation, determine the sequence of work operations, select the necessary material, and independently carry out the work process with a little help from adults.

Carry and fetch items at the request of an adult. Carry out instructions and report this to the teacher.

Learn to put away materials, put the room in order, wash cans, oilcloths, put materials in cabinets.

HBT on site

Cleaning the veranda (sweeping, wiping benches, taking out trash).

Develop relationship skills in the work process.

3 Conversation “Cleanliness is the key to health.”

Take part in changing bed linen: lay out a clean sheet, put on a clean pillowcase. Learn to carefully make the bed and change bed linen.

Location on

Learn to loosen the soil in a flower bed with perennial flowers.

Learn to use equipment correctly. Work together and take care of nature conservation.

Location on

Continue to select toys and materials on behalf of the teacher and take them out to the site and place them in designated places.

Continue to teach how to act in accordance with the adult’s proposal.

HBT indoors

Labor in the gym: cleaning the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, washing balls, gymnastic sticks, wiping dust from window sills. Continue to teach participation in the organized work of a large team. Form the habit of cleanliness and order.

4 Manual labor

Making decorations for the holiday for the group and the hall.

Strengthen the ability to prepare for work and clean the workplace. Foster a caring attitude towards the results of work.

1 Improve the ability to wash quickly and accurately, and maintain order in the washroom.

Continue to form the habit of behaving in accordance with the norms of behavior (do not make noise, do not litter, do not disturb others, communicate politely with each other).

Sow parsley, plant onions in the ground. Learn to level the bed, crush the soil with a rake, and use a marker to divide the bed into grooves. In room:

Teach by the external characteristics of plants, determine their normal or diseased state, identify missing conditions and determine methods of care that can fill them. Clarify the idea that among plants there are moisture-loving and drought-resistant.

In room

Help those on duty. Prepare and clean equipment in the classroom for classes.

Improve the ability to remove materials and tidy up the room.

Cultivate a desire to help friends

In nature

Planting and watering seedlings.

Improve knowledge about plants, their types, characteristics of growth and development, methods of caring for them.

2 Learn how to independently maintain order and cleanliness in your closet. Clean the area together with a janitor (clean up the designated area of ​​the territory, take away swept-up garbage, water the area with watering cans).

Form labor relationships between children and adults. Improve work skills.

Location on

Sow radishes and carrots.

Learn to prepare furrows for sowing; sow on your own. Promote the manifestation of joy, work for the common benefit, work together.

Peel boiled vegetables for dishes to be cooked (use knives from cutlery).

Improve your knife skills.

Develop a sense of responsibility and accuracy.

HBT on site

Digging and raking sand into a pile.

Strengthen skills in working with equipment.

Develop hard work.

3 Learn to sew on buttons, loops, and mend clothes independently without reminders.

Cultivate neatness, neatness, and careful handling of your belongings.

Planting seedlings grown for a flower garden and caring for planted plants (watering, loosening)

Arouse interest in growing plants. Teach children to determine the need for one or another method of care based on the condition of plants and soil.

Location on

Collect toys, put them in order before bringing them into the room (wipe, wash, fold).

Improve your toy care skills.

HBT indoors

In the music room: wiping chairs, dust from window sills, piano. Arrangement of chairs in certain places.

Teach to love physical work, to experience a feeling of moral satisfaction from participating in it, from the physical activity with which it is associated.

4 Manual labor

Making papier-mâché heads for characters in a puppet theater for kids.

Continue to teach how to work collectively, for the common good.

Form the habit of caring for babies.

1 Reading T. Kozhemberdiev “It’s all the same.”

Consolidate and improve acquired skills, develop the habit of keeping your body clean, wiping yourself dry with a towel, taking it from the cabinet and unfolding it in your palms.

Provide assistance to a nanny working in a junior group: dusting, washing doors.

Form relationships between children and adults, cooperate, and be active.

In room

Cuttings from plants.

Fix the names of plants propagated by leaf and stem cuttings (Tradescantia, impatience, coleus, geranium, etc.).

In room

Wash and wipe toys and building materials.

Continue to improve work skills, learn to carry out assignments quickly, accurately, and diligently.

In nature

Digging up bushes and trees.

Improve knowledge about plants and how to care for them.

Develop a positive attitude towards physical work.

2 Reading by Y. Yakim “The Incompetent”

Improve the ability to quickly dress and undress, carefully hang things in the closet, and fold them on a chair.

Select and repair torn books.

Improve your skills in working with paper, cardboard, and fabric. Cultivate neatness and respect for books.

Continue to care for the plants.

Wipe dust from wide leaves, spray, water, remove dry leaves.

Improve plant care skills.

Location on

Learn, under the guidance of an adult, to participate in the preparation of containers for playing with water (fill them with water, wash the walls and bottom).

HBT on site

Sweeping the area, collecting and removing garbage.

Continue to improve your work skills.

Strengthen the ability to work with equipment.

3 Constantly monitor your appearance and troubleshoot problems.

Strengthen the ability to sew torn loops.

Location on

Water the planted seedlings and flowers.

Improve the ability to care for plants and use equipment.

Location on

Clear the sand of debris and water it. Raise in a pile.

Improve the ability to work with shovels and water handling skills.

HBT indoors

Cleaning out toy closets.

Strengthen the ability to plan collective activities and distribute responsibilities among themselves. Teach to love physical work, to experience a sense of moral satisfaction from physical activity.

4 Manual labor

Repair of attributes, boxes for board and printed games.

Improve acquired manual skills in working with paper, cardboard, and fabric.

1 Continue to consolidate and improve the acquired skills, cultivate the habit of keeping the body clean; Wash your hands after using the toilet and as needed. Clean the dressing room together with the nanny; wipe the inside of the cabinets, wash the doors.

Continue to develop the ability to work together with adults, to realize the significance of your work.

In room

Plant care

Preparing water for irrigation, loosening the soil.

Improve plant care skills and cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

In room

Put the dolls in order (wash, comb their hair; change clothes if necessary, choose another one).

Continue to strengthen the skills of caring for dolls (braiding hair, tying beautiful bows). Develop hard work and diligence.

In nature

Watering flower beds and vegetable gardens.

Continue to improve knowledge about plants, their types, characteristics of growth and development, and ways to care for them.

Cultivate hard work.

2 Reading S. Mikhalkov “All by myself”

Improve the ability to quickly dress and undress, help comrades fasten a button, straighten a collar, etc.

Together with the teacher, make new decorations for the site.

Strengthen the ability to use scissors and paper.

Form labor relationships between children and adults.

Location on

Transplanting flower plants from pots into the ground.

Continue to teach how to carefully dig up the plant along with a lump of earth; work independently using acquired skills.

Check that everything is in order before leaving for a walk, whether clothes are folded correctly in the closet, on chairs, and whether the beds are made.

Continue to teach to notice the disorder, offer to eliminate it, and help each other if necessary.

HBT on site

Digging and raking sand into a pile. Watering the area and sand.

Continue to teach how to work in a large group of peers; correlate your activities with the work of others and understand that the activities of the subgroup in which you work are part of the common cause of the whole team.

To foster friendly feelings and humane relationships.

3 Improve the ability to completely make the bed after sleep. Participate in changing bed linen. Weeding flower beds, loosening the soil.

Learn to carefully pull out weeds and use equipment correctly.

Develop observation and aesthetic responsiveness, diligently carry out the assigned task.

Location on

Wash containers for playing with water, change the water.

Continue to teach how to remove sand and debris from the bottom of the container, wash off the walls and bottom with water using a hose, and fill the container with clean water from a hose.

Learn to show diligence, conscientiousness, and purposefulness in work.

HBT indoors

Work in the group and washroom: washing toys; wiping down towel cabinets; wiping the floor in the washroom.

Continue to strengthen the ability to plan collective activities and distribute responsibilities among each other.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards equipment and inventory.

4 Manual labor

Sewing doll bed linen (clothes) using basic patterns. Sewing parts on children's sewing machines and by hand.

Strengthen the ability to use tools and materials; plan overall work, highlight its stages, distribute work among themselves; clarify ideas about the properties of materials.

Cultivate patience, accuracy, diligence, hard work, activity, and determination.

1 Continue to consolidate and improve the acquired skills, cultivate the habit of keeping your body clean, and maintaining order in the washroom. Clean the area together with the janitor (restore order in the designated area of ​​the territory, take away the swept garbage, water the area with watering cans.

Continue to improve your work skills. Strengthen the ability to use equipment.

In room

Spraying plants, washing trays and flowerpots.

Improve labor skills and plant care skills.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

In room

Carry and fetch items at the request of an adult. Carry out instructions and report this to the teacher.

Continue to teach how to carry out orders carefully; cooperate with each other.

In nature

Watering the garden, flower beds, loosening the soil.

Develop a positive attitude towards physical work. Continue to cultivate hard work.

2 Improve the ability to quickly dress and undress, and independently maintain cleanliness in your closet. Repair the attributes together with the teacher.

Continue to form working relationships between children and adults. Develop a sense of responsibility and duty; desire to justify trust.

Location on

Caring for planted plants (watering, loosening)

Arouse interest in growing plants. Teach children to determine the need for one or another method of care based on the condition of plants and soil.

Cut paper for drawing, appliqué, and handicrafts.

Improve skills in working with tools, cultivate a desire to help comrades.

HBT on site

Sweeping, wiping benches, tables, washing toys.

Continue to learn how to work in a large group of peers.

3 Continue to teach how to wash your soiled clothes, iron them, and sew torn buttons on your own without a reminder. Location on

Harvesting the first harvest in the garden.

Learn to carefully pick, pull out of the ground, and carefully place the fruits in prepared containers. Promote joy in the harvest.

Location on

Clean the area, veranda, buildings.

Learn to show independence at work and improve your work skills. Foster initiative and independence.

HBT indoors

Repair of books, boxes of board games.

Improve work skills: correctly use the necessary materials (glue, scissors, etc.). Cultivate a caring attitude towards equipment.

4 Manual labor

Making counting material (cutting out Christmas trees, butterflies, mushrooms, etc. using stencils).

Continue to teach how to work for the common good. Improve manual skills in working with stencils, paper, cardboard, scissors. Learn to use materials carefully and keep your work area in order.

Designing “Trees” from paper (preparatory group).

Author: Andryushchenko Anastasia Nikolaevna

Educational institution: MADO No. 26

Location: Kemerovo, Kemerovo region

Topic: Designing “Trees” from paper (preparatory group).

Library Section: Lesson Developments

Publication date: 03.04.2019

Relevance: The public of the city of Kemerovo is widely discussing the issue of the future fate of the relict forest area Sosnovy Bor. Many citizens express their position through creating petitions, collecting signatures, and publishing on social networks. It is very important to make children aware that every citizen can participate in making decisions that affect the entire city.

Goal: Learning to design various types of paper trees.


To introduce your hometown, its nature, to cultivate patriotic feelings of empathy and inclusion in the life of your city.

Improve skills in working with scissors, accuracy and precision in working with paper,

Continue teaching how to use a dictionary and practice reading

Progress of the lesson

Guys, we have Sosnovy Bor in Kemerovo. Who's been there? And who can answer Is Sosnovy Bor a forest or a park? Sosnovy Bor is located almost in the center of the city and occupies a large area (video) And when is a place for a walk called a park? We can’t answer this question exactly... what do educated people do when they realize that their knowledge is inaccurate? (check in the dictionary).

But who wants to read for themselves and accurately answer what is called a park? (A park is a large garden and a planted grove with alleys, flower beds, etc. A grove is a small, usually deciduous forest.) Can you and I build a park? What will you build in the park? (Gazebo, carousel, etc.) (the teacher places it on the table, draws lines with a pencil) So paths, paths, paths will be trampled... Will there be beauty? what about the amenities? Will not be. It will be both inconvenient and ugly. That’s why architects say: “The park needs to be laid out: alleys should be created (the gesture of drawing an alley), some squares should be designed, with fountains or gazebos...” And what else is needed in the park? (trees) Of course, what kind of park is this? what if there are no trees? We'll line the main alley with fir trees, and the side alley with trimmed linden trees... Or maybe we'll plant groves somewhere... Birch trees would be nice...! And you can make trees (the teacher quickly shows the finished workpiece and makes the desired tree shape from the workpiece). And in a regular park, trees were trimmed in different shapes (cubic, triangular, round...(showing pictures of a regular and landscape park).

Let's stand in a circle, close our eyes and imagine ourselves as trees. (music sounds of the forest sounds). What kind of trees are you, what would you tell park visitors?

I propose to make two workshops. in one we will make trees like this (demonstration). In another one like this (show). First I'll explain how to make each tree. See how to make FIR. I fold the triangle in half. I make slanted cuts like this. Now I unfold the triangle and begin to bend the branches: I press my finger on the fold line at the top and turn the branch out. I press the branch so that the paper remembers the folds. I skip one branch and press on the next fold... and so on until the end. Then I put the finished tree on the table and iron all the folds again.

See how to make a LEAVED TREE. 3-4 rectangles folded together are stapled together like a book. Then we close the book, take it by the fold line and cut out the silhouette of the tree by eye. Like this: stand, trunk, crown. Now we unfold the book and place the tree. I'll clean up my workplace.

Whoever wants to make a spruce will stand on the left, and whoever wants to make a deciduous tree will stand on the right.

What do we need?

The game “There was a birch tree in the field” while the attendants are preparing the group for the lesson. Children take places at the table, prepare everything they need for work. Trees are made. They clean up the workplace and put their own trees in the place of the proposed park.

We have a park. Now guys, let's remember the video. What did Sosnovy Bor look like? Does it look like a park? I suggest you think about it and take part in the discussion along with other Kemerovo residents: Should Sosnovy Bor be left, preserving its pristine nature, or should the green area be improved, making it convenient for visiting: add sculptures, pave paths, etc. It's time for us to go for a walk, we will answer this question when we return to the group.

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