Long-term planning “Application” in the preparatory group

What and how to make an applique from leaves

What we need:

  • 1. Natural material: leaves of various sizes, shapes and colors (they can be dried in advance), twigs, flowers, herbs, seeds.
  • 2. Colored paper, felt, glue, scissors, paints, pencils, cardboard.
  • 3. Varnish can also be useful to fix the finished work and give it shine.

How to work with leaves:

To start working on crafts from leaves, they must first be dried. This can be done between the leaves of books, or using an iron. Store the leaves between the pages of books or newspapers.

Types of applications made from natural materials

  • Overlay applique. A simple look that does not require additional work with leaves - they are glued to a sheet of paper or cardboard, creating the intended plot. These can be animals, trees, mushrooms. You can add some details.
  • Mosaic or modular application. This technique involves gluing leaves that are identical or similar in shape. This way you can make a bird's tail or fish scales.
  • Symmetrical applique. In this case, it is necessary to select similar leaves to create mirror images. This way you can make an image in water, a butterfly, a dragonfly.
  • Ribbon applique. A type of symmetrical applique, but in this case you can make several similar images.
  • Silhouette applique. The leaves are trimmed to create the desired pattern or shape.

Children become interested in applications and crafts even at the stage of collecting material. Kids like to collect leaves on the paths while walking, look for cones and chestnuts. Therefore, it will not be difficult to persuade your child to use all this to create a beautiful applique.

Simple autumn applications for kids

It is always more difficult to work with the youngest children and you need to find an approach to them. They cannot be forced to sit on one job for a long time. Therefore, the craft should be as simple as possible. How to make an interesting autumn-themed craft in just a few minutes to inspire your child to continue.

It seems that nothing simpler than this application can be found.

Take one beautiful yellow leaf. Turn the wide part down. Glue it onto cardboard. You can finish drawing the arms and legs, and insert the drawn umbrella into your hand.

A leaf like this with eyes will look funny. They can be made from plasticine or cardboard, or maybe you can find small buttons and glue them on. Don't forget to make it cheerful by drawing a smile.

Autumn from palms: applique

We will need:

  • Colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Sheet of cardboard

1. We need brown paper to create a tree trunk.

2. Trace children's palms on colored paper, making several multi-colored blanks.

3. Glue the tree trunk and leaves onto the cardboard

Options for appliqué on the theme of autumn made from palms:

Application for the younger group: autumn tree

Another applique option for the little ones is a tree.

It’s easy to make: collect thin branches of approximately the same size and glue them in a bunch on cardboard. We lay the leaves above like a crown. You will get an autumn tree from leaves.

You can make a torn applique from colored paper.

Using cereals you can make a beautiful autumn tree.

Paint the millet with different colors. Draw the trunk and branches. Using PVA, glue the cereal to create a tree crown.

Corrugated paper aster

  • Secrets of builders: working with couplings
  • DIY New Year's crafts - 9 best options
  • Crafts from cocktail straws for children

You will need: corrugated paper of purple, yellow, green and light green, scissors, wire, glue gun, pencil, ruler, watercolor paints, brush.

Master Class

  1. Prepare a strip of purple corrugated paper 4 cm wide.
  2. Tint one edge of the strip with purple paint and set aside to dry.
  3. Fold the strip several times.
  4. Make cuts along the unpainted edge. The first blank is ready.
  5. Make the second blank in the same way, only take a purple strip 6 cm wide.
  6. Prepare a strip of yellow paper 3 cm wide.
  7. Fold the yellow strip several times and make cuts.
  8. Wrap the wire with a light green piece of corrugated paper and secure with glue. This will be the stem.
  9. Wrap a yellow blank around the end of the stem - these will be the stamens.
  10. Twist the ends inside the purple piece, which is 4 cm wide, using a pencil.

  11. Step back from the base of the stamens and glue the petals.
  12. Take a 6cm wide purple blank and wrap it around the bud as shown in the photo.
  13. Twist the ends of the petals and straighten the middle.
  14. Cut out 6 sepals from green paper, then glue them on.
  15. Cut 6 long leaves of different sizes from light green paper and glue them to the stem.

The corrugated paper aster is ready! You will find even more flowers HERE.

I recommend watching this video!

Note! Bubble Film Crafts

Application for the younger group on the theme of autumn

Applications made from natural materials in kindergarten are not very complicated. For them you can use not only leaves, but seeds, acorns, twigs. Colored paper and cardboard are also used.

Autumn flower applique

Beautiful colorful leaves that fall to the ground from trees can be transformed into an autumn flower. You can create such a flower using glue and a sheet of cardboard.

If one flower is not enough, then you can make a vase with flowers from autumn leaves.

Beautiful umbrellas will be made from pieces of colored paper. This type of applique is called cut-off.

DIY autumn crafts for the garden and school

Autumn crafts

- These are works made most often from natural materials. Acorns and chestnuts, cones and nuts, seeds and berries, and even colorful leaves - all these are universal craft materials that autumn is so generous with. The section presents master classes and photographs from exhibitions from kindergartens and schools. If you were asked to make a craft with your child in kindergarten on the themes: “Gifts of Autumn”, “Pantry of Autumn”, “What Autumn Brought to Us”, “Golden Autumn”, etc. — be sure to look at the materials from this section.

The change of seasons brings variety to our lives and serves as a source of creative inspiration. Autumn is a special time. The energy accumulated over the summer is looking for a positive outlet, and nature pleases with an abundance of bright colors. Clear days alternate with monotonous rains, and cheerful walks with quiet homework. This is the best time to make crafts from natural materials with your children.

Autumn inspires

Contained in sections:

Includes sections:

  • Leaves. Crafts and applications from leaves 834
  • Autumn bouquet. Fine art, compositions, drawing 455
  • Autumn wreath 55
  • Crafts from vegetables and fruits 418
  • Rowan. Fine art, crafts, rowan drawings 410

Master class: application “Autumn Forest” for children of middle preschool age

I bring to your attention a simple application for children of middle preschool age on the themeAutumn ”: 1) To work you will need: colored paper in red, orange, yellow, brown and blue, scissors, glue, black felt-tip pen. 2) On yellow and red paper.

Collective work with children of the middle group “Autumn has come to us” Topic: “ AUTUMN ” Materials: whatman paper, colored pencils, wax crayons, leaves, clover flowers, berries, maple and birch seeds, PVA glue, glue brush, oilcloth, rags for hands Goal: To develop the ability to arrange leaves of different colors and sizes on the background, to move them in search.

Autumn applications: preparatory group

Applications made from natural materials in kindergarten occupy a large part of the children's development program. Autumn gifts of nature open up many possibilities for activities with children. Therefore, autumn fairs are a place where you can show off your talents.

You can invite the children to come up with a real composition of leaves.

If you combine drawing and applique, you can make such a cute hedgehog from seeds.

Using flower petals and grass sprigs, you can make beautiful applications

In 3-4 grade

Simply gluing pieces of paper onto paper will no longer captivate ten-year-old children. The tasks need to be more challenging and creative.

The most popular options:

  • modular appliques - complex silhouettes from parts;
  • mosaic of geometric shapes;
  • ornamental panels with a selection of colors;
  • 3D applique craft made from leaves folded into a cone.

Combined techniques can be proposed in one work. Joint creativity will also arouse interest - a proposal to implement one idea together or three. This activity will also teach children to negotiate and work in a team. Gluing corners for a voluminous appliqué will promote perseverance and develop fine motor skills.

Dress for a doll

Children can make a dress for a girl even in kindergarten, so in elementary school the task needs to be complicated. It is necessary to convince children in advance that the dress must have an original cut, details, and accessories. Children can already come up with and depict the silhouette of the Queen of Autumn on their own.

Another complication of the topic is three-dimensional work. Old Barbie will probably be found in any family with girls.

Procedure for working on a three-dimensional model:

  • Sketch, selection of material.
  • Making a base from fabric or paper napkin.
  • Gluing the leaves to the base.

Accessories can be chosen from natural or doll-like ones. For a formal outfit, sparkles, beads, and beads are useful. In addition to the dress, you can come up with a spectacular umbrella, fan, and hat. The doll itself will not suffer from such work.

Beauty Autumn

Children in grades 2-3 can also draw a face on their own. It is proposed to use the leaves to create a hairstyle and accessories. Despite its apparent simplicity, the work requires a creative approach, selection of colors and shapes. It is worth discussing in advance how students see this person - a fairy fairy in a light dress, a girl wrapped in a collar, or a queen in a ball gown.

Other photo ideas

The teacher planning the lesson needs to take into account that the leaves brought by the children may be of the same type - collected in the yard next to the school. To have a larger assortment of shades, you will have to take care of unusual colors and textures personally, starting the collection in the summer. To prevent crafts made from natural materials from losing their shape, finished works can be sprayed with hairspray.

Leaf applications: senior group

Leaves are the most accessible material for embodying your talent in creating bright and colorful paintings and applications on the theme of autumn. By choosing leaves of the correct shape, you will get a variety of animals and insects.

Applique: fox made of colored paper

It is very convenient to make applications with children using ready-made templates. To do this, just print the blank and cut it out.

Another version of the fox template made from colored paper made of geometric shapes.

The fox cubs may turn out completely different, but adding them with a drawing will result in interesting works:

Unusual three-dimensional applique made of colored paper

Applique Autumn tree: middle group

The change in nature in autumn is noticeable to everyone and even children see the difference when the trees turn yellow.

We will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors

Create a tree trunk and branches from brown construction paper.

Glue the tree onto a background sheet of cardboard, having previously made a tree crown

Glue leaves of different colors onto the branches of the tree.

Autumn mushroom: applique

You can always find mushrooms under a tree in the fall, so learning how to make mushroom appliques is also useful.

Mushroom cutting templates for appliques

If classic appliqués are already boring and you want some variety, then you can combine drawing and gluing natural materials. Such works are quite suitable as applications made from natural materials for elementary school.

Children can already give a gift to their mother by drawing her portrait and adding leaves and other natural materials to the picture.

Simple paper applique ideas for little ones

A good idea for a child’s first job is cutting out various geometric shapes from colored paper and chaotically gluing them onto a sheet of cardboard. This is how the child can begin his acquaintance with this creativity. While working, he will slowly learn to hold scissors correctly, how to use them, and understand how to handle glue correctly. After this, it will be easier and easier for the child to make such crafts and improve them every time.

A fairly easy applique - a Christmas tree with toys.

To begin with, you should draw a Christmas tree on a colored sheet of paper or use a template. Cut it out and glue it onto a piece of cardboard. To decorate the Christmas tree, cut out circles from paper of different colors and glue them in random order onto the forest beauty. Cut out a star from red paper and glue it to the top of the tree. This simple applique can become a decoration for the New Year holidays.

Instead of a Christmas tree, you can create other trees, for example, fruit trees with fruits: apple, cherry, pear.

An interesting applique option is a caterpillar.

To create it, you need to cut out a circle with a diameter of approximately 6-8 cm - this will be the head of the caterpillar. Cut out smaller circles, but you can use different colors and a sufficient number - this will be the body of the caterpillar. First glue the head onto the cardboard, and then the parts of the body, circle by circle. Using felt-tip pens, draw: horns, eyes, nose, mouth.

Applications made of cotton wool and cotton pads

On the Internet you can find a variety of photos of crafts made from these materials, and applications are quite common. These can be works on different topics, of varying complexity and of varying volume. Children's hands enjoy working with such materials; for them it is unusual and interesting at the same time. With the help of cotton wool and cotton pads it is interesting to create a bunny, a ram, a dandelion, trees in the snow, a snowman, snowflakes, clouds...

An interesting application on a winter theme - a snowman.

To create it you need to prepare: a sheet of cardboard, cotton pads, a felt-tip pen, colored paper, glue, scissors, a pencil. You need to glue 3 cotton pads onto a sheet of cardboard in the shape of a snowman. Draw a bucket on colored paper, cut it out and glue it just above the top ball of the snowman. Using a felt-tip pen, draw eyes, nose, mouth and buttons for the snowman. The background of the fake can be supplemented with small pieces of cotton wool, so to speak, to depict a snowball.

Applications from cereals, plant seeds, pasta

Such materials can be found in every home, and no additional money is required. The child will only be happy to work with a variety of cereals, seeds, and dipped products. Often used for applications: semolina, rice, sunflower seeds, peas, beans, buckwheat, small pasta... Using these materials you can create various crafts using this technique: animals, trees, a vase with flowers, an aquarium with fish, transport...

It's easy and simple to depict a bunny using rice.

To do this, you need to draw a bunny on cardboard, you can print a template from the Internet and use it. Next, glue the grains of rice along the contour, and then fill the entire base of the animal with rice. Instead of eyes, glue small black beans or you can take a bead. Instead of a spout, glue halves of peas or buckwheat.

Plasticine applications

Almost every little craftsman loves to work with such a soft, flexible material as plasticine. With its help you can create such type of crafts as applique. The basic principle of operation is to smear plasticine over the base of the application with your finger. For the first works, it is better to choose such images that you only need to use one color of plasticine, after which you can take blanks for several colors. You can depict almost any object, the main thing is to choose one to your liking.

To get acquainted with this technique, a good applique option is chicken.

You need to draw a chicken on cardboard. Take yellow plasticine, pinch off a small piece, roll it into a ball and place it in the center of the chicken. And gently spread it into a thin layer with your finger. And thus, gradually fill the entire base of the chick. Make the eyes from small grains of black plasticine, and also make the beak from plasticine. Using a felt-tip pen, draw the paws.

Children's applications are a type of craft that captivates children of all ages. There are a lot of materials, techniques, online lessons and diagrams for this work. You just need to allocate time, stock up on materials and you can create masterpieces on various topics.

Autumn applications made from natural materials

With the help of activities with natural materials, you can also strengthen children’s understanding of changing weather conditions, explain to them what the seasons are and what happens with their changes.

The late autumn applique will help reveal to the child a new stage of nature that precedes winter weather. After all, in late autumn we observe a cooling, the leaves become less and less and the last leaves are blown away by the wind from the branches of the trees.

Application: autumn has come

An application on this topic will reveal to the child the concept of how summer changes to autumn, what happens in nature during this period. After all, there are still many leaves on the trees, some green, but also red, orange and burgundy.

Take unnecessary puzzle pieces, paint them with different colors, whatever color you want the leaves on the tree to be. The tree trunk can be drawn, or it can be glued from paper.

Volumetric applique on the theme of Autumn

Autumn is accompanied by rains and an attribute that can be found in any apartment is an umbrella. It’s quite simple to depict an umbrella and create a voluminous applique on an autumn theme.

Take a white sheet of paper. Starting from the corner, draw any pattern. You need to cut the corner in a semicircle. We fold the cut out part of the sheet like an accordion.

Glue this part onto a piece of paper

You can draw raindrops on a piece of paper.

You can also use a ready-made template to make an umbrella.

We cut out the template, having previously printed it, and make patterns on it.

Just like in the previous version, we fold the umbrella blank like an accordion

You can make such funny umbrellas

Draw or print out an image of a girl and glue an umbrella to her hand.

Crafts on the theme of autumn with your own hands: 70 photos

Golden autumn has arrived, which means it's time for long evenings at home due to bad weather. We invite you not to waste time, but to get creative. DIY crafts on the theme of autumn will be useful for both mothers of children in kindergartens and schoolchildren, and complex compositions will perfectly decorate the house and make it cozier and warmer. Such crafts can reduce autumn depression, because any kind of creativity calms the nervous system.

  1. Autumn craft ideas for kindergarten
  2. Crafts on the theme of autumn for school
  3. Photos of crafts on the theme of autumn for the home

Leaves applique: autumn

It is not necessary to use only whole leaves for appliqués. There is a separate direction in creativity - broken applique. You can use not only leaves, but also colored paper. Its principle is that the silhouette of the figure is created from torn material.

To make the application, we will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard
  • Leaves
  • Glue
  • Dye

Dried leaves must be crumbled.

Draw a tree trunk and branches on cardboard.

Once the paint is dry, apply glue to the trunk and branches where you want the leaves to be.

Sprinkle pieces of leaves onto the glue.

Press down the leaves a little to secure.

Shake off excess leaves from the appliqué.

The same tree can be made using colored paper.

It is not so easy to cope with such an application. The main thing here is to choose the right leaves

Applique Autumn bouquet

This craft is quite suitable as a gift for a teacher or mother from a schoolchild. After all, such a bouquet of leaves will last much longer than a fresh bouquet of real flowers.

Pre-dry leaves from different trees. Prepare glue, scissors and a sheet of cardboard.

Form a vase from the leaves by gluing them onto cardboard. And then help your child create a beautiful bouquet of leaves. To make it bright and neat, use light leaves for the craft, without holes or stains.

A vase for an autumn bouquet of leaves can be made from colored paper, or you can create a bouquet not only from leaves and do without a vase.

DIY autumn crafts

Crafts on the theme Autumn

Autumn crafts with children

Crafts made from natural materials

Autumn crafts from natural materials for schoolchildren. Master classes with photos

Autumn gives us many beautiful ideas for creativity. What beautiful autumn leaves are in the fall, you can look at them endlessly. Nature has spread a beautiful golden autumn carpet of leaves in front of us.

In autumn, you can collect not only leaves, but also acorns, cones, chestnuts, acorns and other natural materials for children's creativity.

DIY autumn flowers made from threads

Work from waste material “Autumn stars”

The work is intended for children 6-7 years old.

Can be used as a group decoration or as a gift

Goal: to promote the development of creative imagination.

Objectives: develop coordination of movements, fine motor skills of fingers, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Master Class. Panel “Wonder of Autumn”

For work you will need: cardboard, fabric, scissors, pencil, Moment-Crystal glue, tree leaves, wood shavings, pencil shavings, a cutout of a woman's face from a magazine, braid.

Draw a contour figure of a girl on thin cardboard and cut it out, cut out the base for the panel from box cardboard of the desired size.

From an opaque plain fabric, cut out the background for the panel, 1.5 cm. larger than the panel size.

DIY autumn crafts at school

Master class: “Leaf fall”.

Application: Work for exhibition, interior decoration.

Dear friends, in childhood we all launched paper airplanes, made wallets, boats and steamboats out of paper, made caps and hats from newspapers. And only many years later they learned that paper folding is called a beautiful word - origami.

And I offer you a master class of work made using the modular origami technique - “Falling Leaves”.

Material: For work you will need colored paper in “autumn” shades, a ruler, a simple pencil, glue (glue stick), gouache, and a brush.

Modular origami is a style of origami in which a whole figure (work) is assembled from separate parts - modules. There are many varieties of origami modules, both flat and three-dimensional.

Master Class. Composition “Autumn Sun” (natural material).

The master class is designed for students in grades 2-3.

This craft can be used for an exhibition at the Autumn Ball holiday.

Step-by-step manufacturing process

Prepare dried flowers or dried flowers (small leaves are fine).

Materials we will need: scissors, yarn, Titan glue, any lid from large paint cans (I used a lid from Façade Paint).

DIY crafts made from natural materials.

Master class “Butterfly made from natural material”

The master class is designed for school-age children, teachers, and parents.

Purpose: Decoration in a corner of nature, interior decoration, gift.

Goal: To develop fantasy, creativity, imagination.

— Introduce a new way of using natural materials;

— Develop fine motor skills, attention, intellectual and creative activity;

— Foster a sense of love for nature.

Corn leaf doll. Master class with step-by-step photos

Crafts from talasha. DIY doll

Master Class. Corn leaf doll

This master class will be useful for additional education teachers, technology and primary school teachers, and passionate and creative parents. The doll can be made together with children over 8 years old.

The product can be used to decorate the interior or as a souvenir

Application on the theme “Applique of autumn leaves”

Master Class. Application of autumn leaves “Fairy”.

Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.

The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,

The aspen trees are purple, only the oak is green.

Autumn paper crafts in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Master class “Autumn trees”

Making autumn trees in different ways.

Technique: Paper plastic.

The master class is designed for preschool children aged 6-7 years.

Purpose of the master class: interior design of kindergarten groups for the autumn holiday.

Goal: development of artistic and creative abilities of children.

Crafts for the autumn school exhibition

Purpose: the master class is designed for craftswomen who have experience in threading and weaving beadwork and are passionate about this technique, since the work requires a lot of patience and some theoretical knowledge and practical skills in this field of art.

Note! Craft astronaut. craft for Cosmonautics Day

“The sky was already breathing in autumn...”

Crafts made from natural materials for primary schoolchildren

Master class: Volumetric applique made from natural material using paper mosaic “Vase with flowers”.

The master class is designed for students of primary school age.

Goal: to create conditions for unleashing the creative potential of children through artistic creativity.

— deepen students’ knowledge and skills about paper mosaic, volumetric applique and techniques for using natural material in work;

DIY rose bouquet from maple leaves

Roses from maple leaves. Master Class

Autumn bouquet “Roses for you” Master class

Master class: DIY autumn crafts from natural materials.

Bouquet! It can be so different: candy, floral, fruity. And this bouquet is special, deciduous. It is beautiful and unusual, made of crimson autumn leaves.

Such an autumn bouquet can be a pleasant gift for your loved ones, a decorative decoration for a table and not only for autumn, show your imagination and it will delight you all year round.

Application on the theme “Autumn”. Master Class

DIY Autumn tree applique

The master class is designed for children of middle and senior preschool age, teachers and parents.

Purpose: interior decoration.

To work you will need:

DIY autumn crafts for elementary school

Application made from natural material “Trees in autumn”

Materials needed: glue, scissors, colored or white cardboard, dry leaves, a small tree branch, paints

Roses from maple leaves. Master Class

DIY crafts made from natural materials

Goal: learn to create flowers from different materials: colored napkins, maple leaves, threads and wooden sticks; work carefully.

Materials: tree leaves, threads, colored napkins, scissors, wooden sticks, tape, stapler.

Autumn paintings, panels: applications

Using the appliqué technique, you can create beautiful and original paintings from a variety of natural materials.

Collect various leaves, twigs and flowers, dry them as a herbarium and start creating real panels and paintings.

The following are perfect for such a picture: moss, straw, spikelets, seeds, small flowers

Painting “Autumn Girl”

Volumetric applications of vegetables and fruits in the preparatory group

Every child will be interested in making a variety of fruits and vegetables out of paper, which they eat from an early age. They can be made as appliqués on paper or in volume.

How to make an apple out of paper

We will need a sheet of red double-sided paper. Fold it in half and cut it. We also fold the halves in half and draw the silhouette of half an apple with a pencil.

Glue the apple halves onto a piece of paper and create a core, stalk and leaf.


Children of the seventh year of life are able to notice characteristic signs in objects and phenomena around them. They are distinguished by observation, the ability to compare and consciously remember the main thing. In the process of various activities, more subtle movements of the hand and fingers develop. This allows you to cut out and paste small parts and improve the technique of creating appliqués.

Program tasks

In this group, it is necessary to continue to clarify children’s knowledge about familiar geometric shapes.

It is also necessary to teach them to see, identify and correctly name polygons with different numbers of angles, to distinguish a rhombus from a square, a parallelogram from a quadrilateral, and a trapezoid. Thanks to the fact that children will acquire quite extensive knowledge about geometric shapes, they will learn to identify them in different objects and toys, they will better understand the designs of objects and will be able to use their knowledge in applique. Knowledge about shape and color will enrich children’s appliqué work and help make it more varied and meaningful.

Children need to be taught to differentiate the shades of the main spectral tones, continue to learn to distinguish between cold and warm colors, light and dark. Learn to correctly name shades, use figurative names (for example, poppy, scarlet, raspberry, cherry, etc.). It is important to teach children not only to distinguish and correctly name the colors of paper, but also to actively use color as one of the means of expressiveness in applications.

Children in the preschool group must continue to be taught orientation on the plane of a sheet of paper, achieving correct and accurate definitions. Particular attention should be paid to what children have learned poorly (for example, lower right corner, upper left corner). It is necessary to teach children to understand different terms: on the contrary, in pairs, at the same level

and others. Children's understanding of these terms will make it easier for the teacher to provide verbal guidance in class.

Much attention must be paid to the expressiveness of children's works, the transfer of dynamism, imagery, creative solutions in color, successful composition, and the development of children's individual abilities. It is also necessary to develop in children artistic taste, creative activity, and independence not only in the process of visual activity, but also in the formation of a culture of perception of works of art and the surrounding reality. Solving these important problems is impossible without expanding children's knowledge about color, shape, structure, proportions of objects, their characteristic features and relationships.

When defining the main program tasks, attention should be paid to the further complication of cutting techniques and to the imposition of higher demands on the quality of work. Along with this, a more difficult task must be solved: to transform scissors from a technical tool into a fine one. It is necessary to teach children how to draw with scissors, to master the skills of silhouette cutting without first drawing a contour line to convey the characteristic features of various silhouettes.

It is necessary to develop in children the ability to independently plan an image, begin work by cutting out and gluing the main large elements, gradually complementing the smaller ones and ending with details to convey characteristic features and create an expressive image. The demands on organizing the applique manufacturing process itself are increasing; work quickly, carefully, use rational cutting techniques, use paper wisely, and tidy your work area carefully.

Completion of the program

The number of classes in the preparatory group is again reduced to approximately 19. Appliqué classes are held once every two weeks. At the beginning of the school year, it is necessary to repeat and consolidate the cutting techniques that children mastered in the older group. Then children must master a new, more complex silhouette cutting technique.

The choice of lesson topics is determined by seasonal phenomena and events that children observe, as well as technical skills.

By performing applications with subject content, children learn to convey simple movements and find a successful pose. They cut out and paste various toys, household items, and animal figures. Using the technique of cutting out parts, children can depict cars, planes, ships, a dog, a cook, Pinocchio, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, and a rooster.

To reinforce the techniques of cutting out symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half, children are offered the following themes: “Parsley”, “Girl in a Hood”, “Cosmonaut”, “Skier”, “Matryoshka”, “Cipollino”. In object appliqué, the technique of silhouette cutting can be used (fish, rooster, hare, car, pigeon, bear, fox).

To decorate some object images with small figures and to add details, children should use the technique of cutting out accordion-folded paper. For example, children can decorate parsley, a matryoshka doll, and a girl in a hood with decorative elements.

In classes in this age group, children are offered more applications with plot and landscape content. During the school year, children can perform various thematic compositions: “Golden Autumn”, “Festive Street”, “At the Bottom of the Sea”, “New Year’s Round Dance”, “Parsleys Dancing”, “Winter Landscape”, “Winter Entertainment”, “Zoo” , “Cosmodrome”, scenes from familiar fairy tales – “Kolobok”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “Teremok”, “The Stolen Sun”, trees in bloom, an icebreaker in the ice, the arrival of rooks, a meadow with flowers. With interest, children make silhouettes of various fairy tales to play shadow theater.

Children perform work in classes and in everyday life both individually and collectively.

Decorative applique takes on a more applied character in this group. During design classes, children model various crafts from paper - boxes, arrows, wallets, houses, Christmas tree decorations. They then decorate these crafts at will with appliqué patterns. For the holidays, children make greeting cards for parents, friends, and kindergarten staff. Based on the experience of children, they should be involved in the festive decoration of the group, in decorating the veranda and buildings on the site.

To create appliques, various cutting techniques with scissors and a method of tearing paper are used (depending on the theme).

Teaching methods and techniques

In everyday work, the teacher must organize an examination of various objects, toys, works of decorative and applied art, handicrafts, and examination of illustrations. In the process of examination and examination, he emphasizes the characteristic, figurative, expressive. For example, when examining a toy fox, children’s attention is drawn not only to the structure, magnitude relationships, color, shape, but also to the figurative characteristics: the fox is cunning, nimble, crafty. The teacher invites the children to look at the toy again and tell how these properties can be guessed from this toy. Children begin to associate the external signs of a fox with its figurative characteristics and notice that its muzzle is elongated, elongated, the ears on the top of its head are pointed, its body is elongated, its tail is not only beautiful, but also streamlined and long. While doing the appliqué, children remember this and achieve greater expressiveness in their work.

In classes, where necessary, examination of objects, toys, illustrations, and folk appliqué art products is used. Children learn to independently analyze what they perceive. Particular attention should be paid to the contour line of objects. Children are encouraged to trace the contour line from right to left, as it is easier to cut in this direction (this is especially important in silhouette cutting). Sensory analysis is aided by figurative verbal explanation. For example, when analyzing the outline of a rooster, you should start from the back; The rooster's back is arched, the neck is high, immediately turns into a small head, and then again a high neck, a chest like a wheel, an oval body, a rounded high tail. When cutting, children whisper (or silently) pronounce the sequence of actions.

Drawing children's attention to the visual and expressive characteristics of objects, they need to be encouraged to simultaneously think about cutting methods and the stages of work in general. It is important to activate children more and develop their independence.

The demonstration of cutting techniques should generally be partial. Children themselves can recall well-known techniques. In silhouette cutting, the teacher, resorting to demonstration, draws the children's attention to the contour line, to the spatial position and magnitude relationships, to the movements of the scissors. The resulting image from the teacher’s demonstration can be attached to a flannelgraph so that children can see it.

The word plays a leading role in classes in the preparatory group. The teacher, asking children questions, teaches them to think, reason, and find independent solutions. If necessary, you can use verbal reminders, instructions, and advice. For example, to perform the fairy-tale firebird, the teacher advises children to use warm paper colors (red, orange, yellow) in combination with some cold ones (purple or blue background) to enhance the impression of brightness and contrast. Tips can be used especially widely in plot, landscape applique and in appliqué according to design: the teacher recommends that children, before starting work, think about what will be in the image, what color paper is needed, what techniques should be used to cut out parts, etc. The teacher’s advice may relate to achieving greater imagery, expressiveness, finding a successful composition, as well as the order of work. For example, when making the applique “Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase,” it is important to tell the children that the cut-out vase must first be glued in half (only the lower part), then make up and glue the bouquet, and then smear the upper part of the vase with glue and cover the stems of the flowers with it.

Individual work in the preparatory group is of a slightly different nature than in previous groups. Using the cutting technique, children need less teacher supervision, so all the teacher’s attention is aimed at developing creativity, achieving expressiveness in work, and developing independence.

It is advisable to develop mutual assistance among children in the classroom. Sometimes it is necessary to seat children taking into account their skills, so that a child who has good cutting skills can help the person sitting next to him with advice and effective demonstration (in this case, it is necessary to give paper for training actions).

In individual work, instead of direct instructions, the teacher should more often use advice, express wishes, and ask indirect questions that stimulate the child’s independence.

When performing collective applications, it is necessary to more clearly organize the mutual assistance of children, find advice and wishes for each creative group of children, stimulate their independence, and encourage individuality.

View works

In the process of examining and analyzing the application, children need to be taught to notice what is figurative, characteristic, and expressive. It is necessary to teach them to independently find errors and explain their causes. It is necessary to develop in children the ability to appreciate aesthetically, paying attention to a successful color scheme, the beauty of the cut lines, and the overall quality of the work.

Children's work should not be removed immediately: they should be given the opportunity to see everything well, admire the applications, and exchange impressions.

The possibilities of using children's applications in the decoration of kindergartens, in the manufacture of various crafts for games and entertainment, and in preparing elements for activities with children are increasing.


Second junior group

Application. "Elephant Juggler"

Program content. Learn to make an applique on ready-made elements, placing the silhouette of an elephant in the middle, and multi-colored circles freely throughout the entire sheet of paper (Fig. 1). Practice carefully gluing images and using equipment correctly. Arouse positive emotions in children when viewing works.

Rice. 1. Application from ready-made elements - an elephant juggler.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind children about the circus, that different animals perform in it: dogs, monkeys, horses, elephants.

Show the children a toy elephant, tell them that he is also from the circus and can deftly throw colorful balls. Inform the topic of the lesson and show the children the silhouette of an elephant made of paper. Activating the children, show techniques for laying out an image (an elephant in the middle, and circles of different colors throughout the sheet). Call the child and invite him to show you how to stick an elephant on. Ask the children how to stick the mugs on. Offer to start working (first make a picture and then paste it). During the application, pay attention to the techniques of laying out and gluing forms, clarifying with individual children their knowledge of color, shape, and arrangement of figures. At the end of the lesson, admire the finished work with the children and find out what new they learned while doing the appliqué. Give an overall positive assessment of the activity, highlighting characteristic shortcomings or errors. Decorate a doll's corner, veranda, etc. with children's work.

Preparing for the lesson. The day before, talk to the children about the circus, look at illustrations depicting a circus, play with wind-up toys, imitating a circus. Cut out colored silhouettes of elephants, multi-colored circles (3-4 pieces for each child). Select a toy elephant and material for demonstrating work techniques. Prepare colored sheets for the background, equipment, glue.

Application. "Flags"

Program content. Learn to compose object images from two parts and carefully paste them (Fig. 2).

To consolidate children's knowledge about a rectangular farm, magnitude ratio and spatial arrangement.

Rice. 2. Creating an image from 2 parts – checkbox.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Have a short conversation with the children about the festive decoration of the city for May 1st. Show the red flag and examine its structure, color, and shape of its parts. Inform the purpose of the lesson and, activating the children, show the techniques of making flags on a sheet of paper (first lay out the rectangles - large on one side, small on the other, then attach strips to them). Talk about the stages and quality of gluing (or call one child for a partial demonstration of gluing techniques). Then invite all children to make flags and carefully glue them. In the process of individual work, clarify knowledge about the shape, magnitude relationships, and location of images. Follow the gluing technique. At the end of the lesson, display all the work, note that the group has become elegant, festive from the red flags. Ask children about the quality of composing images and the quality of gluing. From children's works, alternating backgrounds by color, create a festive frieze and decorate the veranda with it (after class).

Preparing for the lesson. While walking along the street, pay attention to the festive May Day decorations of the city (village). Look at the illustrations that depict red flags, flowers, and balls. Prepare rectangles of blue and yellow colors (for the background), cut out pieces of a flag for each child (two red rectangles - large and small, stripes - yellow or brown), equipment, glue, a children's flag made of fabric.

Middle group

Application. "Ambulance"

Program content. Strengthen children's ability to make straight and oblique cuts, continue learning how to cut out round shapes. Learn to compose an object image and carefully glue it (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Image of the machine.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Based on observations, talk with children about the ambulance, examine the toy, paying attention to the structure, parts, shape, color, size relationships, details. Ask the children how to cut out the main parts (make an oblique cut on a white rectangle - you get a body, cut windows, cut out the front glass, cut a strip for a cross, cut out wheels). Call two children and invite them to simultaneously show how to cut out round wheels. (Children demonstrate, and the teacher comments on their actions.) Ask the children about the order of cutting, composing an image, and gluing. If necessary, show techniques for laying out parts, but it is better, based on the experience of children, to limit yourself to verbal instructions. While performing the work, pay attention to the cutting technique (especially circles), remind and, in some cases, show. When examining applications, note the quality of cutting, drawing and gluing. Find out what the difficulties were and how they can be eliminated. Preparing for the lesson. During absenteeism, pay attention to the ambulance and talk about its purpose. Emphasize its light color, a red cross. Prepare paper blanks for each child (a white rectangle for the body, a blue stripe for the glass, a red stripe for the cross, two identical squares for the wheels, a colored background). Prepare equipment, glue, toy.

Senior group

Application. "Umbrella"

Program content. Strengthen children's ability to cut out several identical shapes at once from paper folded like an accordion to decorate the finished silhouette figure. Independently select paper colors for patterns depending on the color of the umbrella (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Decorating an umbrella using appliqué.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Give the children a riddle

He reveals himself

He's covering for you.

Only the rain will pass -

It will do the opposite.

When the children guess the riddle, show the umbrella. Once again, repeating the riddle, open and close the umbrella. Children look at the colors and patterns on the object and say that umbrellas are different and beautiful. Show variable samples (different in color, pattern elements, arrangement of decorative forms), paying attention to the fact that the umbrellas are decorated in different ways. Clarify the order of work and the technique of cutting out elements for decorating an umbrella: choose colored paper to match the color of your umbrella, think about patterns, cut them out of strips of paper folded like an accordion, arrange the patterns beautifully, do the work neatly and beautifully. In the process of individual work, pay attention to the technique of cutting out identical shapes, the selection of color combinations, a successful composition, and the quality of gluing. At the end of the lesson, invite the children to admire the resulting applications, paying special attention to the manifestation of independence, the quality of cutting out paired shapes, successful color combinations, etc.

Preparing for the lesson. Talk with the children about the different colors and patterns of umbrellas. Involve children in cutting out colorful umbrellas using stencils. Prepare multi-colored strips of paper for cutting out elements for decoration, equipment. Make 2-3 variable samples, prepare a beautiful umbrella.

Application. "Cheerful Parsley"

Program content. Continue to teach symmetrical cutting from paper folded in half, without a drawn outline. Complete the image with details cut out piece by piece from paper folded like an accordion. Achieve expressiveness of work (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Making parsley from paper folded in half.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. The teacher tells the children that among their favorite toys there is one, very funny one, and invites them to guess who it is: “I am a funny toy, and my name is...” The children cheerfully add: “Parsley!” Everyone remembers together how different and funny parsleys can be, but they are always dressed in a bright suit, a funny cap, big shoes, etc. The teacher shows different costumes, paying attention not only to the colors, but also, most importantly, to the different positions of the legs and arms. Then he folds all the costumes in half and emphasizes the line of the silhouette (how the costume can be cut out in different ways, and the image of the parsley will depend on this - standing, dancing, jumping, etc.). You can ask children about techniques for cutting out a head, cap, collar, shoes, as well as cutting out decorations for a suit or cap. Then the children choose paper blanks and begin work. The teacher gives individual advice, reminds, and sometimes helps by showing. At the end of the lesson, a whole round dance of multi-colored parsley appears on the stand. Children look at the figures, talk about their expressiveness (cheerful, dancing, jumping, etc.), about the quality of the appliqués.

Preparing for the lesson. Look at the image of parsley in pictures and toys. Talk about the image, pay attention to colors and details. Prepare multi-colored rectangles (children's choice) for the parsley costume, various paper blanks (for the head, cap, for small shapes and details). Cut out several different parsley suits (with different positions of arms and legs). Prepare equipment.

Fruit applique: senior group

Making strawberries out of paper

Cut out tails from green paper.

Fold two pieces of red paper in half and cut out a heart.

Glue one part to the base of the sheet, and glue the second along the fold line.

Glue a green tail cut from a template on top and draw dots with a black felt-tip pen.

Volumetric cherries made of paper: applique

From red paper you need to cut 4 circles (diameter 5-6 cm).

Fold the circles in half and cut out the green strip.

Take a green sheet 12*6 cm and cut out the leaves by folding the paper in half

Glue a strip folded in half onto a sheet of cardboard. Glue leaves on top and a cherry on each branch.

Bunch of grapes made of colored paper

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